# Part of the A-A-P recipe executive: unit-Testing
# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stichting NLnet Labs
# Permission to copy and use this file is specified in the file COPYING.
# If this file is missing you can find it here: http://www.a-a-p.org/COPYING
import sys
import string
# Although the docs say Python looks in the current dir for modules, it needs
# to be told explicitly.
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
import Process
from Process import assert_var_name
from Error import *
from Util import *
# Setup Internationalisation (defines _())
import unittest
except ImportError:
print "--------------------------"
print "Could not import the unittest module.\n"
while 1:
r = raw_input('Do you want to download the unittest module now?\n'
"y: Yes (requires an internet connection)\n"
"c: Continue (install it yourself first)\n"
"n: No (abort testing)\n"
"Choice: ")
if r:
if r[0] == "y" or r[0] == 'Y':
from CopyMove import remote_copy_move
# Obtain unittest.py from the A-A-P web server.
failed = remote_copy_move([], {}, 1,
[{"name" : "http://www.a-a-p.org/packages/unittest.py"}],
{"name" : "unittest.py"},
{}, 0, errmsg = 1)
if failed:
print "Sorry, downloading unittest.py didn't work"
if r[0] == "c" or r[0] == 'C':
if r[0] == "n" or r[0] == 'N':
import unittest
# Test assert_var_name()
class Grabwrite:
def __init__(self):
self.file = sys.stdout
self.written = ''
def write(self, arg):
self.written = self.written + arg
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.file, attr)
class varnameTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testLegalVarnames(self):
for name in ["foo", "_f19_AZ_", "1234", "a",
assert_var_name([], name)
def testIllegalVarnames(self):
for name in ["foo#", "-f19", ",ddd" ]:
# assert that calling "assert_var_name" with params ([], name)
# will cause an UserError:
self.assertRaises(UserError, assert_var_name, [], name)
class utilTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testIsWhite(self):
for str in [" ", "\t"]:
msg = "str '%s' should be detected as whitespace" % str)
for str in ["f", "\n", "_", "", ]:
msg = "str '%s' should not be detected as whitespace" % str)
def testSkipWhite(self):
for str, start, ret in [ (" x", 0, 2), (" xx", 1, 1), (" x", 2, 2),
("89 \t4", 2, 4), (" _ ", 2, 2), ("", 0, 0)]:
n = skip_white(str, start)
self.failUnlessEqual(n, ret,
msg = "skip_white(%s, %d) returned %d instead of %d" % (str, start, n, ret))
def testSkipToWhite(self):
for str, start, ret in [ ("xx ", 0, 2), ("x x", 1, 1), (" x", 2, 2),
("89\t 4", 0, 2), (" a__ ", 1, 4), ("", 0, 0)]:
n = skip_to_white(str, start)
self.failUnlessEqual(n, ret,
msg = "skip_to_white(%s, %d) returned %d instead of %d"
% (str, start, n, ret))
def testGetToken(self):
for str, start, rets, reti in [
("xx ", 0, "xx", 2),
("x x", 1, " ", 2),
(" \t x", 0, " \t ", 3),
(" 'as df' ", 1, "'as df'", 8),
("'a s'\"d f\" ' ", 0, "'a s'\"d f\"", 10),
("x \"a\ts\"\t'd'", 2, "\"a\ts\"", 7),
s, i = get_token(str, start)
self.failIf(s != rets or i != reti,
msg = "get_token('%s', %d) returned '%s', %d instead of '%s', %d"
% (str, start, s, i, rets, reti))
def testCheckExists(self):
self.assertRaises(UserError, check_exists, [], "test.aap")
check_exists([], "notatest.aax")
def testVarchar(self):
for c, res in [('a', 1), ('z', 1), ('0', 1), ('9', 1), ('_', 1), ('A', 1),
('Z', 1), ('-', 0), ('+', 0), ('@', 0), ('\t', 0), (' ', 0),
('&', 0), ('$', 0), ('\033', 0), ('\n', 0)]:
self.failUnlessEqual(varchar(c), res,
msg = "varchar(%s) returned %d instead of %d" % (c, varchar(c), res))
def testUnquote(self):
for inp, res, m in [('a b c', 'a b c', ''),
('a "b" c', 'a b c', ''),
("a 'b' c", 'a b c', ''),
("a '\"b' c", 'a "b c', ''),
('"a \'b\' c"', "a 'b' c", ''),
('"a \'b"\' c"', "a 'b c\"", 'Missing quote'),
grab = Grabwrite()
sys.stdout = grab
got = unquote(globals(), inp)
sys.stdout = grab.file
self.failUnlessEqual(got, res,
msg = "unquote(%s) returned =%s= instead of =%s=" % (inp, got, res))
# Only compare empty vs non-empty, translations get in the way.
self.failIf((grab.written != '') != (m!= ''),
msg = 'unquote(%s) gave message "%s" instead of "%s"'
% (inp, grab.written, m))
def testShortenName(self):
cwd = os.getcwd()
os_sep_save = os.sep
os.sep = "/"
for name, dir, res in [
("/foo/bar", "/foo", "bar"),
("/foo/bar", "/foo/bar", "../bar"),
("/foo/burp/bar", "/foo/bar", "../burp/bar"),
(cwd, cwd, ""),
(cwd, cwd + "/foo", ".."),
("/foo/bar", "/foo/bar/burp", "../../bar"),
got = shorten_name(name, dir)
self.failUnlessEqual(got, res,
msg = "shorten_name(%s, %s) returned =%s= instead of =%s=" % (name, dir, got, res))
os.sep = os_sep_save
class RecPythonTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testSufreplace(self):
from RecPython import sufreplace
# these calls should work
for suffrom, sufto, var, expected in [
(".x", ".y", "huhu.x", "huhu.y"),
(".cpp", ".o", "huhu.cpp", "huhu.o"),
("", ".foo", "huhu huhu.cpp", "huhu huhu.foo"),
(None, ".foo", "huhu huhu.cpp huhu.x/huhu huhu.x/huhu.x", "huhu.foo huhu.foo huhu.x/huhu.foo huhu.x/huhu.foo"),
(".c", ".o", "huhu.c/spp.k", "huhu.c/spp.k"),
(".c", ".o", "huhu.c ba.x foo.c bar.k", "huhu.o ba.x foo.o bar.k"),
(".c", ".o", "huhu.c", "huhu.o"),
(".123456789", ".Z", "huhu.123456789", "huhu.Z"),
result = sufreplace(suffrom, sufto, var)
self.failUnlessEqual(result, expected,
msg = ("sufreplace('%s', '%s', '%s') = '%s' != '%s'"
% (suffrom, sufto, var, result, expected)))
# these calls should raise
for suffrom, sufto, var in [
("x", "y", "huhu"), # first arg doesn't start with dot
(".(?)", ".y", "huhu.x") # invalid regexp
# print 'Calling sufreplace("%s", "%s", "%s")' % (suffrom, sufto, var)
self.assertRaises(UserError, sufreplace, suffrom, sufto, var)
def testSufadd(self):
from RecPython import sufadd
# these calls should work
for suf, var, all, expected in [
(".y", "huhu.x", None, "huhu.x"),
(".y", "huhu.x", 0, "huhu.x"),
(".y", "huhu.x", 1, "huhu.x.y"),
(".foo", "huhu huhu.x/asdf asdf.xx", None,
"huhu.foo huhu.x/asdf.foo asdf.xx"),
(".foo", "huhu huhu.x/asdf asdf.xx", 0,
"huhu.foo huhu.x/asdf.foo asdf.xx"),
(".foo", "huhu huhu.x/asdf asdf.xx", 9,
"huhu.foo huhu.x/asdf.foo asdf.xx.foo"),
if all == None:
result = sufadd(suf, var)
allstr = ''
result = sufadd(suf, var, all)
allstr = ", '%s'" % all
self.failUnlessEqual(result, expected,
msg = ("sufall('%s', '%s'%s) = '%s' != '%s'"
% (suf, var, allstr, result, expected)))
# these calls should raise
for suf, var, all in [
("x", "huhu", 1), # first arg doesn't start with dot
("", "huhu", 0), # first arg is empty
# print 'Calling sufadd("%s", "%s", "%s")' % (suffrom, sufto, var)
self.assertRaises(UserError, sufadd, suf, var, all)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: set sw=4 et sts=4 tw=79 fo+=l: