import time
from xml.dom import minidom
from twisted.python import log,failure
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.web.client import getPage
from buildbot.changes import base,changes
class InvalidResultError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value="InvalidResultError"):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class EmptyResult(Exception):
class NoMoreCiNodes(Exception):
class NoMoreFileNodes(Exception):
class BonsaiResult:
"""I hold a list of CiNodes"""
def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
self.nodes = nodes
def __cmp__(self, other):
if len(self.nodes) != len(other.nodes):
return False
for i in range(len(self.nodes)):
if self.nodes[i].log != other.nodes[i].log \
or self.nodes[i].who != other.nodes[i].who \
or self.nodes[i].date != other.nodes[i].date \
or len(self.nodes[i].files) != len(other.nodes[i].files):
return -1
for j in range(len(self.nodes[i].files)):
if self.nodes[i].files[j].revision \
!= other.nodes[i].files[j].revision \
or self.nodes[i].files[j].filename \
!= other.nodes[i].files[j].filename:
return -1
return 0
class CiNode:
"""I hold information baout one <ci> node, including a list of files"""
def __init__(self, log="", who="", date=0, files=[]):
self.log = log
self.who = who = date
self.files = files
class FileNode:
"""I hold information about one <f> node"""
def __init__(self, revision="", filename=""):
self.revision = revision
self.filename = filename
class BonsaiParser:
"""I parse the XML result from a bonsai cvsquery."""
def __init__(self, data):
# this is a fix for non-ascii characters
# because bonsai does not give us an encoding to work with
# it impossible to be 100% sure what to decode it as but latin1 covers
# the broadest base
data = data.decode("latin1")
data = data.encode("ascii", "replace")
self.dom = minidom.parseString(data)
raise InvalidResultError("Malformed XML in result")
self.ciNodes = self.dom.getElementsByTagName("ci")
self.currentCiNode = None # filled in by _nextCiNode()
self.fileNodes = None # filled in by _nextCiNode()
self.currentFileNode = None # filled in by _nextFileNode()
self.bonsaiResult = self._parseData()
def getData(self):
return self.bonsaiResult
def _parseData(self):
"""Returns data from a Bonsai cvsquery in a BonsaiResult object"""
nodes = []
while self._nextCiNode():
files = []
while self._nextFileNode():
except NoMoreFileNodes:
except InvalidResultError:
cinode = CiNode(self._getLog(), self._getWho(),
self._getDate(), files)
# hack around bonsai xml output bug for empty check-in comments
if not cinode.log and nodes and \
not nodes[-1].log and \
cinode.who == nodes[-1].who and \ == nodes[-1].date:
nodes[-1].files += cinode.files
except NoMoreCiNodes:
except (InvalidResultError, EmptyResult):
return BonsaiResult(nodes)
def _nextCiNode(self):
"""Iterates to the next <ci> node and fills self.fileNodes with
child <f> nodes"""
self.currentCiNode = self.ciNodes.pop(0)
if len(self.currentCiNode.getElementsByTagName("files")) > 1:
raise InvalidResultError("Multiple <files> for one <ci>")
self.fileNodes = self.currentCiNode.getElementsByTagName("f")
except IndexError:
# if there was zero <ci> nodes in the result
if not self.currentCiNode:
raise EmptyResult
raise NoMoreCiNodes
return True
def _nextFileNode(self):
"""Iterates to the next <f> node"""
self.currentFileNode = self.fileNodes.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise NoMoreFileNodes
return True
def _getLog(self):
"""Returns the log of the current <ci> node"""
logs = self.currentCiNode.getElementsByTagName("log")
if len(logs) < 1:
raise InvalidResultError("No log present")
elif len(logs) > 1:
raise InvalidResultError("Multiple logs present")
# catch empty check-in comments
if logs[0].firstChild:
return logs[0]
return ''
def _getWho(self):
"""Returns the e-mail address of the commiter"""
# convert unicode string to regular string
return str(self.currentCiNode.getAttribute("who"))
def _getDate(self):
"""Returns the date (unix time) of the commit"""
# convert unicode number to regular one
commitDate = int(self.currentCiNode.getAttribute("date"))
except ValueError:
raise InvalidResultError
return commitDate
def _getFilename(self):
"""Returns the filename of the current <f> node"""
filename =
except AttributeError:
raise InvalidResultError("Missing filename")
return filename
def _getRevision(self):
return self.currentFileNode.getAttribute("rev")
class BonsaiPoller(base.ChangeSource):
"""This source will poll a bonsai server for changes and submit
them to the change master."""
compare_attrs = ["bonsaiURL", "pollInterval", "tree",
"module", "branch", "cvsroot"]
parent = None # filled in when we're added
loop = None
volatile = ['loop']
working = False
def __init__(self, bonsaiURL, module, branch, tree="default",
cvsroot="/cvsroot", pollInterval=30, project=''):
@type bonsaiURL: string
@param bonsaiURL: The base URL of the Bonsai server
@type module: string
@param module: The module to look for changes in. Commonly
this is 'all'
@type branch: string
@param branch: The branch to look for changes in. This must
match the
'branch' option for the Scheduler.
@type tree: string
@param tree: The tree to look for changes in. Commonly this
is 'all'
@type cvsroot: string
@param cvsroot: The cvsroot of the repository. Usually this is
@type pollInterval: int
@param pollInterval: The time (in seconds) between queries for
@type project: string
@param project: project to attach to all Changes from this changesource
self.bonsaiURL = bonsaiURL
self.module = module
self.branch = branch
self.tree = tree
self.cvsroot = cvsroot
self.repository = module != 'all' and module or ''
self.pollInterval = pollInterval
self.lastChange = time.time()
self.lastPoll = time.time()
def startService(self):
self.loop = LoopingCall(self.poll)
reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollInterval)
def stopService(self):
return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
def describe(self):
str = ""
str += "Getting changes from the Bonsai service running at %s " \
% self.bonsaiURL
str += "<br>Using tree: %s, branch: %s, and module: %s" % (self.tree, \
self.branch, self.module)
return str
def poll(self):
if self.working:
log.msg("Not polling Bonsai because last poll is still working")
self.working = True
d = self._get_changes()
d.addCallbacks(self._finished_ok, self._finished_failure)
def _finished_ok(self, res):
assert self.working
self.working = False
# check for failure -- this is probably never hit but the twisted docs
# are not clear enough to be sure. it is being kept "just in case"
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
log.msg("Bonsai poll failed: %s" % res)
return res
def _finished_failure(self, res):
log.msg("Bonsai poll failed: %s" % res)
assert self.working
self.working = False
return None # eat the failure
def _make_url(self):
args = ["treeid=%s" % self.tree, "module=%s" % self.module,
"branch=%s" % self.branch, "branchtype=match",
"sortby=Date", "date=explicit",
"mindate=%d" % self.lastChange,
"maxdate=%d" % int(time.time()),
"cvsroot=%s" % self.cvsroot, "xml=1"]
# build the bonsai URL
url = self.bonsaiURL
url += "/cvsquery.cgi?"
url += "&".join(args)
return url
def _get_changes(self):
url = self._make_url()
log.msg("Polling Bonsai tree at %s" % url)
self.lastPoll = time.time()
# get the page, in XML format
return getPage(url, timeout=self.pollInterval)
def _process_changes(self, query):
bp = BonsaiParser(query)
result = bp.getData()
except InvalidResultError, e:
log.msg("Could not process Bonsai query: " + e.value)
except EmptyResult:
for cinode in result.nodes:
files = [file.filename + ' (revision '+file.revision+')'
for file in cinode.files]
c = changes.Change(who = cinode.who,
files = files,
comments = cinode.log,
when =,
branch = self.branch)
self.lastChange = self.lastPoll