# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
import re
from email.Message import Message
from email.Utils import formatdate
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from StringIO import StringIO
import urllib
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer,reactor
from twisted.mail.smtp import sendmail,ESMTPSenderFactory
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import ssl
from OpenSSL.SSL import SSLv3_METHOD
except ImportError:
from buildbot import interfaces,util
from buildbot.status import base
from buildbot.status.builder import FAILURE,SUCCESS,Results
VALID_EMAIL = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\%\-\+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\%\-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}")
ENCODING = 'utf8'
class Domain(util.ComparableMixin):
compare_attrs = ["domain"]
def __init__(self, domain):
assert "@" not in domain
self.domain = domain
def getAddress(self, name):
"""If name is already an email address, pass it through."""
if '@' in name:
return name
return name + "@" + self.domain
def defaultMessage(mode, name, build, results, master_status):
"""Generate a buildbot mail message and return a tuple of message text
and type."""
result = Results[results]
ss = build.getSourceStamp()
text = ""
if mode == "all":
text += "The Buildbot has finished a build"
elif mode == "failing":
text += "The Buildbot has detected a failed build"
elif mode == "passing":
text += "The Buildbot has detected a passing build"
elif mode == "change" and result == 'success':
text += "The Buildbot has detected a restored build"
text += "The Buildbot has detected a new failure"
if ss and ss.project:
project = ss.project
project = master_status.getProjectName()
text += " on builder %s while building %s.\n" % (name, project)
if master_status.getURLForThing(build):
text += "Full details are available at:\n %s\n" % master_status.getURLForThing(build)
text += "\n"
if master_status.getBuildbotURL():
text += "Buildbot URL: %s\n\n" % urllib.quote(master_status.getBuildbotURL(), '/:')
text += "Buildslave for this Build: %s\n\n" % build.getSlavename()
text += "Build Reason: %s\n" % build.getReason()
source = ""
if ss and ss.branch:
source += "[branch %s] " % ss.branch
if ss and ss.revision:
source += str(ss.revision)
source += "HEAD"
if ss and ss.patch:
source += " (plus patch)"
text += "Build Source Stamp: %s\n" % source
text += "Blamelist: %s\n" % ",".join(build.getResponsibleUsers())
text += "\n"
t = build.getText()
if t:
t = ": " + " ".join(t)
t = ""
if result == 'success':
text += "Build succeeded!\n"
elif result == 'warnings':
text += "Build Had Warnings%s\n" % t
text += "BUILD FAILED%s\n" % t
text += "\n"
text += "sincerely,\n"
text += " -The Buildbot\n"
text += "\n"
return { 'body' : text, 'type' : 'plain' }
class MailNotifier(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
"""This is a status notifier which sends email to a list of recipients
upon the completion of each build. It can be configured to only send out
mail for certain builds, and only send messages when the build fails, or
when it transitions from success to failure. It can also be configured to
include various build logs in each message.
By default, the message will be sent to the Interested Users list, which
includes all developers who made changes in the build. You can add
additional recipients with the extraRecipients argument.
To get a simple one-message-per-build (say, for a mailing list), use
sendToInterestedUsers=False, extraRecipients=['listaddr@example.org']
Each MailNotifier sends mail to a single set of recipients. To send
different kinds of mail to different recipients, use multiple
compare_attrs = ["extraRecipients", "lookup", "fromaddr", "mode",
"categories", "builders", "addLogs", "relayhost",
"subject", "sendToInterestedUsers", "customMesg",
"messageFormatter", "extraHeaders"]
def __init__(self, fromaddr, mode="all", categories=None, builders=None,
addLogs=False, relayhost="localhost",
subject="buildbot %(result)s in %(projectName)s on %(builder)s",
lookup=None, extraRecipients=[],
sendToInterestedUsers=True, customMesg=None,
messageFormatter=defaultMessage, extraHeaders=None,
addPatch=True, useTls=False,
smtpUser=None, smtpPassword=None, smtpPort=25):
@type fromaddr: string
@param fromaddr: the email address to be used in the 'From' header.
@type sendToInterestedUsers: boolean
@param sendToInterestedUsers: if True (the default), send mail to all
of the Interested Users. If False, only
send mail to the extraRecipients list.
@type extraRecipients: tuple of string
@param extraRecipients: a list of email addresses to which messages
should be sent (in addition to the
InterestedUsers list, which includes any
developers who made Changes that went into this
build). It is a good idea to create a small
mailing list and deliver to that, then let
subscribers come and go as they please.
@type subject: string
@param subject: a string to be used as the subject line of the message.
%(builder)s will be replaced with the name of the
builder which provoked the message.
@type mode: string (defaults to all)
@param mode: one of:
- 'all': send mail about all builds, passing and failing
- 'failing': only send mail about builds which fail
- 'passing': only send mail about builds which succeed
- 'problem': only send mail about a build which failed
when the previous build passed
- 'change': only send mail about builds who change status
@type builders: list of strings
@param builders: a list of builder names for which mail should be
sent. Defaults to None (send mail for all builds).
Use either builders or categories, but not both.
@type categories: list of strings
@param categories: a list of category names to serve status
information for. Defaults to None (all
categories). Use either builders or categories,
but not both.
@type addLogs: boolean
@param addLogs: if True, include all build logs as attachments to the
messages. These can be quite large. This can also be
set to a list of log names, to send a subset of the
logs. Defaults to False.
@type addPatch: boolean
@param addPatch: if True, include the patch when the source stamp
includes one.
@type relayhost: string
@param relayhost: the host to which the outbound SMTP connection
should be made. Defaults to 'localhost'
@type lookup: implementor of {IEmailLookup}
@param lookup: object which provides IEmailLookup, which is
responsible for mapping User names (which come from
the VC system) into valid email addresses. If not
provided, the notifier will only be able to send mail
to the addresses in the extraRecipients list. Most of
the time you can use a simple Domain instance. As a
shortcut, you can pass as string: this will be
treated as if you had provided Domain(str). For
example, lookup='twistedmatrix.com' will allow mail
to be sent to all developers whose SVN usernames
match their twistedmatrix.com account names.
@type customMesg: func
@param customMesg: (this function is deprecated)
@type messageFormatter: func
@param messageFormatter: function taking (mode, name, build, result,
master_status ) and returning a dictionary
containing two required keys "body" and "type",
with a third optional key, "subject". The
"body" key gives a string that contains the
complete text of the message. The "type" key
is the message type ('plain' or 'html'). The
'html' type should be used when generating an
HTML message. The optional "subject" key
gives the subject for the email.
@type extraHeaders: dict
@param extraHeaders: A dict of extra headers to add to the mail. It's
best to avoid putting 'To', 'From', 'Date',
'Subject', or 'CC' in here. Both the names and
values may be WithProperties instances.
@type useTls: boolean
@param useTls: Send emails using TLS and authenticate with the
smtp host. Defaults to False.
@type smtpUser: string
@param smtpUser: The user that will attempt to authenticate with the
relayhost when useTls is True.
@type smtpPassword: string
@param smtpPassword: The password that smtpUser will use when
authenticating with relayhost.
@type smtpPort: int
@param smtpPort: The port that will be used when connecting to the
relayhost. Defaults to 25.
assert isinstance(extraRecipients, (list, tuple))
for r in extraRecipients:
assert isinstance(r, str)
assert VALID_EMAIL.search(r) # require full email addresses, not User names
self.extraRecipients = extraRecipients
self.sendToInterestedUsers = sendToInterestedUsers
self.fromaddr = fromaddr
assert mode in ('all', 'failing', 'problem', 'change', 'passing')
self.mode = mode
self.categories = categories
self.builders = builders
self.addLogs = addLogs
self.relayhost = relayhost
self.subject = subject
if lookup is not None:
if type(lookup) is str:
lookup = Domain(lookup)
assert interfaces.IEmailLookup.providedBy(lookup)
self.lookup = lookup
self.customMesg = customMesg
self.messageFormatter = messageFormatter
if extraHeaders:
assert isinstance(extraHeaders, dict)
self.extraHeaders = extraHeaders
self.addPatch = addPatch
self.useTls = useTls
self.smtpUser = smtpUser
self.smtpPassword = smtpPassword
self.smtpPort = smtpPort
self.watched = []
self.master_status = None
# you should either limit on builders or categories, not both
if self.builders != None and self.categories != None:
twlog.err("Please specify only builders to ignore or categories to include")
raise # FIXME: the asserts above do not raise some Exception either
if customMesg:
twlog.msg("customMesg is deprecated; please use messageFormatter instead")
def setServiceParent(self, parent):
@type parent: L{buildbot.master.BuildMaster}
base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
def setup(self):
self.master_status = self.parent.getStatus()
def disownServiceParent(self):
for w in self.watched:
return base.StatusReceiverMultiService.disownServiceParent(self)
def builderAdded(self, name, builder):
# only subscribe to builders we are interested in
if self.categories != None and builder.category not in self.categories:
return None
return self # subscribe to this builder
def builderRemoved(self, name):
def builderChangedState(self, name, state):
def buildStarted(self, name, build):
def buildFinished(self, name, build, results):
# here is where we actually do something.
builder = build.getBuilder()
if self.builders is not None and name not in self.builders:
return # ignore this build
if self.categories is not None and \
builder.category not in self.categories:
return # ignore this build
if self.mode == "failing" and results != FAILURE:
if self.mode == "passing" and results != SUCCESS:
if self.mode == "problem":
if results != FAILURE:
prev = build.getPreviousBuild()
if prev and prev.getResults() == FAILURE:
if self.mode == "change":
prev = build.getPreviousBuild()
if not prev or prev.getResults() == results:
# for testing purposes, buildMessage returns a Deferred that fires
# when the mail has been sent. To help unit tests, we return that
# Deferred here even though the normal IStatusReceiver.buildFinished
# signature doesn't do anything with it. If that changes (if
# .buildFinished's return value becomes significant), we need to
# rearrange this.
return self.buildMessage(name, build, results)
def getCustomMesgData(self, mode, name, build, results, master_status):
# logs is a list of tuples that contain the log
# name, log url, and the log contents as a list of strings.
logs = list()
for logf in build.getLogs():
logStep = logf.getStep()
stepName = logStep.getName()
logStatus, dummy = logStep.getResults()
logName = logf.getName()
logs.append(('%s.%s' % (stepName, logName),
'%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (master_status.getURLForThing(build), stepName, logName),
properties = build.getProperties()
attrs = {'builderName': name,
'projectName': master_status.getProjectName(),
'mode': mode,
'result': Results[results],
'buildURL': master_status.getURLForThing(build),
'buildbotURL': master_status.getBuildbotURL(),
'buildText': build.getText(),
'buildProperties': properties,
'slavename': build.getSlavename(),
'reason': build.getReason(),
'responsibleUsers': build.getResponsibleUsers(),
'branch': "",
'revision': "",
'patch': "",
'changes': [],
'logs': logs}
ss = build.getSourceStamp()
if ss:
attrs['branch'] = ss.branch
attrs['revision'] = ss.revision
attrs['patch'] = ss.patch
attrs['changes'] = ss.changes[:]
return attrs
def createEmail(self, msgdict, builderName, projectName, results,
patch=None, logs=None):
text = msgdict['body'].encode(ENCODING)
type = msgdict['type']
if 'subject' in msgdict:
subject = msgdict['subject'].encode(ENCODING)
subject = self.subject % { 'result': Results[results],
'projectName': projectName,
'builder': builderName,
assert type in ('plain', 'html'), "'%s' message type must be 'plain' or 'html'." % type
if patch or logs:
m = MIMEMultipart()
m.attach(MIMEText(text, type, ENCODING))
m = Message()
m.set_payload(text, ENCODING)
m.set_type("text/%s" % type)
m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
m['Subject'] = subject
m['From'] = self.fromaddr
# m['To'] is added later
if patch:
a = MIMEText(patch[1].encode(ENCODING), _charset=ENCODING)
a.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment",
filename="source patch")
if logs:
for log in logs:
name = "%s.%s" % (log.getStep().getName(),
if self._shouldAttachLog(log.getName()) or self._shouldAttachLog(name):
a = MIMEText(log.getText().encode(ENCODING),
a.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment",
# Add any extra headers that were requested, doing WithProperties
# interpolation if necessary
if self.extraHeaders:
for k,v in self.extraHeaders.items():
k = properties.render(k)
if k in m:
twlog("Warning: Got header " + k + " in self.extraHeaders "
"but it already exists in the Message - "
"not adding it.")
m[k] = properties.render(v)
return m
def buildMessage(self, name, build, results):
if self.customMesg:
# the customMesg stuff can be *huge*, so we prefer not to load it
attrs = self.getCustomMesgData(self.mode, name, build, results, self.master_status)
text, type = self.customMesg(attrs)
msgdict = { 'body' : text, 'type' : type }
msgdict = self.messageFormatter(self.mode, name, build, results, self.master_status)
patch = None
ss = build.getSourceStamp()
if ss and ss.patch and self.addPatch:
patch == ss.patch
logs = None
if self.addLogs:
logs = build.getLogs()
twlog.err("LOG: %s" % str(logs))
m = self.createEmail(msgdict, name, self.master_status.getProjectName(),
results, patch, logs)
# now, who is this message going to?
dl = []
recipients = []
if self.sendToInterestedUsers and self.lookup:
for u in build.getInterestedUsers():
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.lookup.getAddress, u)
d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
d.addCallback(self._gotRecipients, recipients, m)
return d
def _shouldAttachLog(self, logname):
if type(self.addLogs) is bool:
return self.addLogs
return logname in self.addLogs
def _gotRecipients(self, res, rlist, m):
recipients = set()
for r in rlist:
if r is None: # getAddress didn't like this address
# Git can give emails like 'User' <user@foo.com>@foo.com so check
# for two @ and chop the last
if r.count('@') > 1:
r = r[:r.rindex('@')]
if VALID_EMAIL.search(r):
twlog.msg("INVALID EMAIL: %r" + r)
# if we're sending to interested users move the extra's to the CC
# list so they can tell if they are also interested in the change
# unless there are no interested users
if self.sendToInterestedUsers and len(recipients):
extra_recips = self.extraRecipients[:]
m['CC'] = ", ".join(extra_recips)
[recipients.add(r) for r in self.extraRecipients[:]]
rlist = list(recipients)
m['To'] = ", ".join(rlist)
# The extras weren't part of the TO list so add them now
if self.sendToInterestedUsers:
for r in self.extraRecipients:
return self.sendMessage(m, list(recipients))
def tls_sendmail(self, s, recipients):
client_factory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
client_factory.method = SSLv3_METHOD
result = defer.Deferred()
sender_factory = ESMTPSenderFactory(
self.smtpUser, self.smtpPassword,
self.fromaddr, recipients, StringIO(s),
result, contextFactory=client_factory)
reactor.connectTCP(self.relayhost, self.smtpPort, sender_factory)
return result
def sendMessage(self, m, recipients):
s = m.as_string()
twlog.msg("sending mail (%d bytes) to" % len(s), recipients)
if self.useTls:
return self.tls_sendmail(s, recipients)
return sendmail(self.relayhost, self.fromaddr, recipients, s,