# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.python import log
from buildbot import util
class StepProgress:
"""I keep track of how much progress a single BuildStep has made.
Progress is measured along various axes. Time consumed is one that is
available for all steps. Amount of command output is another, and may be
better quantified by scanning the output for markers to derive number of
files compiled, directories walked, tests run, etc.
I am created when the build begins, and given to a BuildProgress object
so it can track the overall progress of the whole build.
startTime = None
stopTime = None
expectedTime = None
buildProgress = None
debug = False
def __init__(self, name, metricNames):
self.name = name
self.progress = {}
self.expectations = {}
for m in metricNames:
self.progress[m] = None
self.expectations[m] = None
def setBuildProgress(self, bp):
self.buildProgress = bp
def setExpectations(self, metrics):
"""The step can call this to explicitly set a target value for one
of its metrics. E.g., ShellCommands knows how many commands it will
execute, so it could set the 'commands' expectation."""
for metric, value in metrics.items():
self.expectations[metric] = value
def setExpectedTime(self, seconds):
self.expectedTime = seconds
def start(self):
if self.debug: print "StepProgress.start[%s]" % self.name
self.startTime = util.now()
def setProgress(self, metric, value):
"""The step calls this as progress is made along various axes."""
if self.debug:
print "setProgress[%s][%s] = %s" % (self.name, metric, value)
self.progress[metric] = value
if self.debug:
r = self.remaining()
print " step remaining:", r
def finish(self):
"""This stops the 'time' metric and marks the step as finished
overall. It should be called after the last .setProgress has been
done for each axis."""
if self.debug: print "StepProgress.finish[%s]" % self.name
self.stopTime = util.now()
def totalTime(self):
if self.startTime != None and self.stopTime != None:
return self.stopTime - self.startTime
def remaining(self):
if self.startTime == None:
return self.expectedTime
if self.stopTime != None:
return 0 # already finished
# TODO: replace this with cleverness that graphs each metric vs.
# time, then finds the inverse function. Will probably need to save
# a timestamp with each setProgress update, when finished, go back
# and find the 2% transition points, then save those 50 values in a
# list. On the next build, do linear interpolation between the two
# closest samples to come up with a percentage represented by that
# metric.
# TODO: If no other metrics are available, just go with elapsed
# time. Given the non-time-uniformity of text output from most
# steps, this would probably be better than the text-percentage
# scheme currently implemented.
percentages = []
for metric, value in self.progress.items():
expectation = self.expectations[metric]
if value != None and expectation != None:
p = 1.0 * value / expectation
if percentages:
avg = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, percentages) / len(percentages)
if avg > 1.0:
# overdue
avg = 1.0
if avg < 0.0:
avg = 0.0
if percentages and self.expectedTime != None:
return self.expectedTime - (avg * self.expectedTime)
if self.expectedTime is not None:
# fall back to pure time
return self.expectedTime - (util.now() - self.startTime)
return None # no idea
class WatcherState:
def __init__(self, interval):
self.interval = interval
self.timer = None
self.needUpdate = 0
class BuildProgress(pb.Referenceable):
"""I keep track of overall build progress. I hold a list of StepProgress
def __init__(self, stepProgresses):
self.steps = {}
for s in stepProgresses:
self.steps[s.name] = s
self.finishedSteps = []
self.watchers = {}
self.debug = 0
def setExpectationsFrom(self, exp):
"""Set our expectations from the builder's Expectations object."""
for name, metrics in exp.steps.items():
s = self.steps[name]
def newExpectations(self):
"""Call this when one of the steps has changed its expectations.
This should trigger us to update our ETA value and notify any
pass # subscribers are not implemented: they just poll
def stepFinished(self, stepname):
assert(stepname not in self.finishedSteps)
if len(self.finishedSteps) == len(self.steps.keys()):
def newProgress(self):
r = self.remaining()
if self.debug:
print " remaining:", r
if r != None:
def remaining(self):
# sum eta of all steps
sum = 0
for name, step in self.steps.items():
rem = step.remaining()
if rem == None:
return None # not sure
sum += rem
return sum
def eta(self):
left = self.remaining()
if left == None:
return None # not sure
done = util.now() + left
return done
def remote_subscribe(self, remote, interval=5):
# [interval, timer, needUpdate]
# don't send an update more than once per interval
self.watchers[remote] = WatcherState(interval)
log.msg("BuildProgress.remote_subscribe(%s)" % remote)
def remote_unsubscribe(self, remote):
# TODO: this doesn't work. I think 'remote' will always be different
# than the object that appeared in _subscribe.
log.msg("BuildProgress.remote_unsubscribe(%s)" % remote)
def removeWatcher(self, remote):
#log.msg("removeWatcher(%s)" % remote)
timer = self.watchers[remote].timer
if timer:
del self.watchers[remote]
except KeyError:
log.msg("Weird, removeWatcher on non-existent subscriber:",
def sendAllUpdates(self):
for r in self.watchers.keys():
def updateWatcher(self, remote):
# an update wants to go to this watcher. Send it if we can, otherwise
# queue it for later
w = self.watchers[remote]
if not w.timer:
# no timer, so send update now and start the timer
# timer is running, just mark as needing an update
w.needUpdate = 1
def startTimer(self, remote):
w = self.watchers[remote]
timer = reactor.callLater(w.interval, self.watcherTimeout, remote)
w.timer = timer
def sendUpdate(self, remote, last=0):
self.watchers[remote].needUpdate = 0
#text = self.asText() # TODO: not text, duh
remote.callRemote("progress", self.remaining())
if last:
remote.callRemote("finished", self)
def watcherTimeout(self, remote):
w = self.watchers.get(remote, None)
if not w:
return # went away
w.timer = None
if w.needUpdate:
def sendLastUpdates(self):
for remote in self.watchers.keys():
self.sendUpdate(remote, 1)
class Expectations:
debug = False
# decay=1.0 ignores all but the last build
# 0.9 is short time constant. 0.1 is very long time constant
# TODO: let decay be specified per-metric
decay = 0.5
def __init__(self, buildprogress):
"""Create us from a successful build. We will expect each step to
take as long as it did in that build."""
# .steps maps stepname to dict2
# dict2 maps metricname to final end-of-step value
self.steps = {}
# .times maps stepname to per-step elapsed time
self.times = {}
for name, step in buildprogress.steps.items():
self.steps[name] = {}
for metric, value in step.progress.items():
self.steps[name][metric] = value
self.times[name] = None
if step.startTime is not None and step.stopTime is not None:
self.times[name] = step.stopTime - step.startTime
def wavg(self, old, current):
if old is None:
return current
if current is None:
return old
return (current * self.decay) + (old * (1 - self.decay))
def update(self, buildprogress):
for name, stepprogress in buildprogress.steps.items():
old = self.times[name]
current = stepprogress.totalTime()
if current == None:
log.msg("Expectations.update: current[%s] was None!" % name)
new = self.wavg(old, current)
self.times[name] = new
if self.debug:
print "new expected time[%s] = %s, old %s, cur %s" % \
(name, new, old, current)
for metric, current in stepprogress.progress.items():
old = self.steps[name][metric]
new = self.wavg(old, current)
if self.debug:
print "new expectation[%s][%s] = %s, old %s, cur %s" % \
(name, metric, new, old, current)
self.steps[name][metric] = new
def expectedBuildTime(self):
if None in self.times.values():
return None
#return sum(self.times.values())
# python-2.2 doesn't have 'sum'. TODO: drop python-2.2 support
s = 0
for v in self.times.values():
s += v
return s