from __future__ import generators
import time
import operator
import re
import urllib
from buildbot import util
from buildbot.status import builder
from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource
def getResultsClass(results, prevResults, inProgress):
"""Given the current and past results, return the class that will be used
by the css to display the right color for a box."""
if inProgress:
return "running"
if results is None:
return "notstarted"
if results == builder.SUCCESS:
return "success"
if results == builder.FAILURE:
if not prevResults:
# This is the bottom box. We don't know if the previous one failed
# or not. We assume it did not.
return "failure"
if prevResults != builder.FAILURE:
# This is a new failure.
return "failure"
# The previous build also failed.
return "warnings"
# Any other results? Like EXCEPTION?
return "exception"
class ANYBRANCH: pass # a flag value, used below
class DevRevision:
"""Helper class that contains all the information we need for a revision."""
def __init__(self, change):
self.revision = change.revision
self.comments = change.comments
self.who = change.who = change.getTime()
self.revlink = getattr(change, 'revlink', None)
self.when = change.when
self.repository = change.repository
self.project = change.project
class DevBuild:
"""Helper class that contains all the information we need for a build."""
def __init__(self, revision, build, details):
self.revision = revision
self.results = build.getResults(),
self.number = build.getNumber()
self.isFinished = build.isFinished()
self.text = build.getText()
self.eta = build.getETA()
self.details = details
self.when = build.getTimes()[0]
self.source = build.getSourceStamp()
class ConsoleStatusResource(HtmlResource):
"""Main console class. It displays a user-oriented status page.
Every change is a line in the page, and it shows the result of the first
build with this change for each slave."""
def __init__(self, orderByTime=False):
self.status = None
if orderByTime:
self.comparator = TimeRevisionComparator()
self.comparator = IntegerRevisionComparator()
def getTitle(self, request):
status = self.getStatus(request)
projectName = status.getProjectName()
if projectName:
return "BuildBot: %s" % projectName
return "BuildBot"
def getChangeManager(self, request):
## Data gathering functions
def getHeadBuild(self, builder):
"""Get the most recent build for the given builder.
build = builder.getBuild(-1)
# HACK: Work around #601, the head build may be None if it is
# locked.
if build is None:
build = builder.getBuild(-2)
return build
def fetchChangesFromHistory(self, status, max_depth, max_builds, debugInfo):
"""Look at the history of the builders and try to fetch as many changes
as possible. We need this when the main source does not contain enough
max_depth defines how many builds we will parse for a given builder.
max_builds defines how many builds total we want to parse. This is to
limit the amount of time we spend in this function.
This function is sub-optimal, but the information returned by this
function is cached, so this function won't be called more than once.
allChanges = list()
build_count = 0
for builderName in status.getBuilderNames()[:]:
if build_count > max_builds:
builder = status.getBuilder(builderName)
build = self.getHeadBuild(builder)
depth = 0
while build and depth < max_depth and build_count < max_builds:
depth += 1
build_count += 1
sourcestamp = build.getSourceStamp()
build = build.getPreviousBuild()
debugInfo["source_fetch_len"] = len(allChanges)
return allChanges
def getAllChanges(self, source, status, debugInfo):
"""Return all the changes we can find at this time. If |source| does not
not have enough (less than 25), we try to fetch more from the builders
g = source.eventGenerator()
allChanges = []
while len(allChanges) < 25:
c =
except StopIteration:
# Remove the dups
prevChange = None
newChanges = []
for change in allChanges:
rev = change.revision
if not prevChange or rev != prevChange.revision:
prevChange = change
allChanges = newChanges
return allChanges
def stripRevisions(self, allChanges, numRevs, branch, devName):
"""Returns a subset of changes from allChanges that matches the query.
allChanges is the list of all changes we know about.
numRevs is the number of changes we will inspect from allChanges. We
do not want to inspect all of them or it would be too slow.
branch is the branch we are interested in. Changes not in this branch
will be ignored.
devName is the developper name. Changes have not been submitted by this
person will be ignored.
revisions = []
if not allChanges:
return revisions
totalRevs = len(allChanges)
for i in range(totalRevs - 1, totalRevs - numRevs, -1):
if i < 0:
change = allChanges[i]
if branch == ANYBRANCH or branch == change.branch:
if not devName or change.who in devName:
rev = DevRevision(change)
return revisions
def getBuildDetails(self, request, builderName, build):
"""Returns an HTML list of failures for a given build."""
details = {}
if not build.getLogs():
return details
for step in build.getSteps():
(result, reason) = step.getResults()
if result == builder.FAILURE:
name = step.getName()
# Remove html tags from the error text.
stripHtml = re.compile(r'<.*?>')
strippedDetails = stripHtml.sub('', ' '.join(step.getText()))
details['buildername'] = builderName
details['status'] = strippedDetails
details['reason'] = reason
logs = details['logs'] = []
if step.getLogs():
for log in step.getLogs():
logname = log.getName()
logurl = request.childLink(
"../builders/%s/builds/%s/steps/%s/logs/%s" %
logs.append(dict(url=logurl, name=logname))
return details
def getBuildsForRevision(self, request, builder, builderName, lastRevision,
numBuilds, debugInfo):
"""Return the list of all the builds for a given builder that we will
need to be able to display the console page. We start by the most recent
build, and we go down until we find a build that was built prior to the
last change we are interested in."""
revision = lastRevision
builds = []
build = self.getHeadBuild(builder)
number = 0
while build and number < numBuilds:
debugInfo["builds_scanned"] += 1
number += 1
# Get the last revision in this build.
# We first try "got_revision", but if it does not work, then
# we try "revision".
got_rev = -1
got_rev = build.getProperty("got_revision")
if not self.comparator.isValidRevision(got_rev):
got_rev = -1
except KeyError:
if got_rev == -1:
got_rev = build.getProperty("revision")
if not self.comparator.isValidRevision(got_rev):
got_rev = -1
# We ignore all builds that don't have last revisions.
# TODO(nsylvain): If the build is over, maybe it was a problem
# with the update source step. We need to find a way to tell the
# user that his change might have broken the source update.
if got_rev and got_rev != -1:
details = self.getBuildDetails(request, builderName, build)
devBuild = DevBuild(got_rev, build, details)
# Now break if we have enough builds.
current_revision = self.getChangeForBuild(
build, revision)
if self.comparator.isRevisionEarlier(
devBuild, current_revision):
build = build.getPreviousBuild()
return builds
def getChangeForBuild(self, build, revision):
if not build or not build.getChanges(): # Forced build
return DevBuild(revision, build, None)
for change in build.getChanges():
if change.revision == revision:
return change
# No matching change, return the last change in build.
changes = list(build.getChanges())
return changes[-1]
def getAllBuildsForRevision(self, status, request, lastRevision, numBuilds,
categories, builders, debugInfo):
"""Returns a dictionnary of builds we need to inspect to be able to
display the console page. The key is the builder name, and the value is
an array of build we care about. We also returns a dictionnary of
builders we care about. The key is it's category.
lastRevision is the last revision we want to display in the page.
categories is a list of categories to display. It is coming from the
HTTP GET parameters.
builders is a list of builders to display. It is coming from the HTTP
GET parameters.
allBuilds = dict()
# List of all builders in the dictionnary.
builderList = dict()
debugInfo["builds_scanned"] = 0
# Get all the builders.
builderNames = status.getBuilderNames()[:]
for builderName in builderNames:
builder = status.getBuilder(builderName)
# Make sure we are interested in this builder.
if categories and builder.category not in categories:
if builders and builderName not in builders:
# We want to display this builder.
category = builder.category or "default"
# Strip the category to keep only the text before the first |.
# This is a hack to support the chromium usecase where they have
# multiple categories for each slave. We use only the first one.
# TODO(nsylvain): Create another way to specify "display category"
# in master.cfg.
category = category.split('|')[0]
if not builderList.get(category):
builderList[category] = []
# Append this builder to the dictionnary of builders.
# Set the list of builds for this builder.
allBuilds[builderName] = self.getBuildsForRevision(request,
return (builderList, allBuilds)
## Display functions
def displayCategories(self, builderList, debugInfo):
"""Display the top category line."""
count = 0
for category in builderList:
count += len(builderList[category])
categories = builderList.keys()
cs = []
for category in categories:
c = {}
# TODO(nsylvain): Another hack to display the category in a pretty
# way. If the master owner wants to display the categories in a
# given order, he/she can prepend a number to it. This number won't
# be shown.
c["name"] = category.lstrip('0123456789')
# To be able to align the table correctly, we need to know
# what percentage of space this category will be taking. This is
# (#Builders in Category) / (#Builders Total) * 100.
c["size"] = (len(builderList[category]) * 100) / count
return cs
def displaySlaveLine(self, status, builderList, debugInfo):
"""Display a line the shows the current status for all the builders we
care about."""
nbSlaves = 0
# Get the number of builders.
for category in builderList:
nbSlaves += len(builderList[category])
# Get the categories, and order them alphabetically.
categories = builderList.keys()
slaves = {}
# For each category, we display each builder.
for category in categories:
slaves[category] = []
# For each builder in this category, we set the build info and we
# display the box.
for builder in builderList[category]:
s = {}
s["color"] = "notstarted"
s["title"] = builder
s["url"] = "./builders/%s" % urllib.quote(builder)
state, builds = status.getBuilder(builder).getState()
# Check if it's offline, if so, the box is purple.
if state == "offline":
s["color"] = "offline"
# If not offline, then display the result of the last
# finished build.
build = self.getHeadBuild(status.getBuilder(builder))
while build and not build.isFinished():
build = build.getPreviousBuild()
if build:
s["color"] = getResultsClass(build.getResults(), None,
return slaves
def displayStatusLine(self, builderList, allBuilds, revision, debugInfo):
"""Display the boxes that represent the status of each builder in the
first build "revision" was in. Returns an HTML list of errors that
happened during these builds."""
details = []
nbSlaves = 0
for category in builderList:
nbSlaves += len(builderList[category])
# Sort the categories.
categories = builderList.keys()
builds = {}
# Display the boxes by category group.
for category in categories:
builds[category] = []
# Display the boxes for each builder in this category.
for builder in builderList[category]:
introducedIn = None
firstNotIn = None
# Find the first build that does not include the revision.
for build in allBuilds[builder]:
if self.comparator.isRevisionEarlier(build, revision):
firstNotIn = build
introducedIn = build
# Get the results of the first build with the revision, and the
# first build that does not include the revision.
results = None
previousResults = None
if introducedIn:
results = introducedIn.results
if firstNotIn:
previousResults = firstNotIn.results
isRunning = False
if introducedIn and not introducedIn.isFinished:
isRunning = True
url = "./waterfall"
title = builder
tag = ""
current_details = {}
if introducedIn:
current_details = introducedIn.details or ""
url = "./buildstatus?builder=%s&number=%s" % (urllib.quote(builder),
title += " "
title += urllib.quote(' '.join(introducedIn.text), ' \n\\/:')
builderStrip = builder.replace(' ', '')
builderStrip = builderStrip.replace('(', '')
builderStrip = builderStrip.replace(')', '')
builderStrip = builderStrip.replace('.', '')
tag = "Tag%s%s" % (builderStrip, introducedIn.number)
if isRunning:
title += ' ETA: %ds' % (introducedIn.eta or 0)
resultsClass = getResultsClass(results, previousResults, isRunning)
b = {}
b["url"] = url
b["title"] = title
b["color"] = resultsClass
b["tag"] = tag
# If the box is red, we add the explaination in the details
# section.
if current_details and resultsClass == "failure":
return (builds, details)
def displayPage(self, request, status, builderList, allBuilds, revisions,
categories, branch, debugInfo):
"""Display the console page."""
# Build the main template directory with all the informations we have.
subs = dict()
subs["branch"] = branch or 'trunk'
if categories:
subs["categories"] = ' '.join(categories)
subs["time"] = time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
subs["debugInfo"] = debugInfo
if builderList:
subs["categories"] = self.displayCategories(builderList, debugInfo)
subs['slaves'] = self.displaySlaveLine(status, builderList, debugInfo)
subs["categories"] = []
subs['revisions'] = []
# For each revision we show one line
for revision in revisions:
r = {}
# Fill the dictionnary with these new information
r['id'] = revision.revision
r['link'] = revision.revlink
r['who'] = revision.who
r['date'] =
r['comments'] = revision.comments
r['repository'] = revision.repository
r['project'] = revision.project
# Display the status for all builders.
(builds, details) = self.displayStatusLine(builderList,
r['builds'] = builds
r['details'] = details
# Calculate the td span for the comment and the details.
r["span"] = len(builderList) + 2
# Display the footer of the page.
debugInfo["load_time"] = time.time() - debugInfo["load_time"]
return subs
def content(self, request, cxt):
"This method builds the main console view display."
reload_time = None
# Check if there was an arg. Don't let people reload faster than
# every 15 seconds. 0 means no reload.
if "reload" in request.args:
reload_time = int(request.args["reload"][0])
if reload_time != 0:
reload_time = max(reload_time, 15)
except ValueError:
# Sets the default reload time to 60 seconds.
if not reload_time:
reload_time = 60
# Append the tag to refresh the page.
if reload_time is not None and reload_time != 0:
cxt['refresh'] = reload_time
# Debug information to display at the end of the page.
debugInfo = cxt['debuginfo'] = dict()
debugInfo["load_time"] = time.time()
# get url parameters
# Categories to show information for.
categories = request.args.get("category", [])
# List of all builders to show on the page.
builders = request.args.get("builder", [])
# Branch used to filter the changes shown.
branch = request.args.get("branch", [ANYBRANCH])[0]
# List of all the committers name to display on the page.
devName = request.args.get("name", [])
# and the data we want to render
status = self.getStatus(request)
# Get all revisions we can find.
source = self.getChangeManager(request)
allChanges = self.getAllChanges(source, status, debugInfo)
debugInfo["source_all"] = len(allChanges)
# Keep only the revisions we care about.
# By default we process the last 40 revisions.
# If a dev name is passed, we look for the changes by this person in the
# last 80 revisions.
numRevs = 40
if devName:
numRevs *= 2
numBuilds = numRevs
revisions = self.stripRevisions(allChanges, numRevs, branch, devName)
debugInfo["revision_final"] = len(revisions)
# Fetch all the builds for all builders until we get the next build
# after lastRevision.
builderList = None
allBuilds = None
if revisions:
lastRevision = revisions[len(revisions) - 1].revision
debugInfo["last_revision"] = lastRevision
(builderList, allBuilds) = self.getAllBuildsForRevision(status,
debugInfo["added_blocks"] = 0
cxt.update(self.displayPage(request, status, builderList, allBuilds,
revisions, categories, branch, debugInfo))
template ="console.html")
data = template.render(cxt)
return data
class RevisionComparator(object):
"""Used for comparing between revisions, as some
VCS use a plain counter for revisions (like SVN)
while others use different concepts (see Git).
# TODO (avivby): Should this be a zope interface?
def isRevisionEarlier(self, first_change, second_change):
"""Used for comparing 2 changes"""
raise NotImplementedError
def isValidRevision(self, revision):
"""Checks whether the revision seems like a VCS revision"""
raise NotImplementedError
def getSortingKey(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class TimeRevisionComparator(RevisionComparator):
def isRevisionEarlier(self, first, second):
return first.when < second.when
def isValidRevision(self, revision):
return True # No general way of determining
def getSortingKey(self):
return operator.attrgetter('when')
class IntegerRevisionComparator(RevisionComparator):
def isRevisionEarlier(self, first, second):
return int(first.revision) < int(second.revision)
def isValidRevision(self, revision):
return True
return False
def getSortingKey(self):
return operator.attrgetter('revision')