# code to deliver build status through twisted.words (instant messaging
# protocols: irc, etc)
import re, shlex
from string import join,capitalize,lower
from zope.interface import Interface,implements
from twisted.internet import protocol,reactor
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.python import log,failure
from twisted.application import internet
from buildbot import interfaces,util
from buildbot import version
from buildbot.interfaces import IStatusReceiver
from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
from buildbot.status import base
from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS,WARNINGS,FAILURE,EXCEPTION
from buildbot.scripts.runner import ForceOptions
# twisted.internet.ssl requires PyOpenSSL, so be resilient if it's missing
from twisted.internet import ssl
have_ssl = True
except ImportError:
have_ssl = False
class UsageError(ValueError):
def __init__(self, string = "Invalid usage", *more):
ValueError.__init__(self, string, *more)
class IrcBuildRequest:
hasStarted = False
timer = None
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.timer = reactor.callLater(5, self.soon)
def soon(self):
del self.timer
if not self.hasStarted:
self.parent.send("The build has been queued, I'll give a shout"
" when it starts")
def started(self, s):
self.hasStarted = True
if self.timer:
del self.timer
eta = s.getETA()
response = "build #%d forced" % s.getNumber()
if eta is not None:
response = "build forced [ETA %s]" % self.parent.convertTime(eta)
self.parent.send("I'll give a shout when the build finishes")
d = s.waitUntilFinished()
class Contact(base.StatusReceiver):
"""I hold the state for a single user's interaction with the buildbot.
This base class provides all the basic behavior (the queries and
responses). Subclasses for each channel type (IRC, different IM
protocols) are expected to provide the lower-level send/receive methods.
There will be one instance of me for each user who interacts personally
with the buildbot. There will be an additional instance for each
'broadcast contact' (chat rooms, IRC channels as a whole).
def __init__(self, channel):
#StatusReceiver.__init__(self) doesn't exist
self.channel = channel
self.notify_events = {}
self.subscribed = 0
silly = {
"What happen ?": "Somebody set up us the bomb.",
"It's You !!": ["How are you gentlemen !!",
"All your base are belong to us.",
"You are on the way to destruction."],
"What you say !!": ["You have no chance to survive make your time.",
"HA HA HA HA ...."],
def getCommandMethod(self, command):
meth = getattr(self, 'command_' + command.upper(), None)
return meth
def getBuilder(self, which):
b = self.channel.status.getBuilder(which)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, "no such builder '%s'" % which
return b
def getControl(self, which):
if not self.channel.control:
raise UsageError("builder control is not enabled")
bc = self.channel.control.getBuilder(which)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError("no such builder '%s'" % which)
return bc
def getAllBuilders(self):
@rtype: list of L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
names = self.channel.status.getBuilderNames(categories=self.channel.categories)
builders = [self.channel.status.getBuilder(n) for n in names]
return builders
def convertTime(self, seconds):
if seconds < 60:
return "%d seconds" % seconds
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
seconds = seconds - 60*minutes
if minutes < 60:
return "%dm%02ds" % (minutes, seconds)
hours = int(minutes / 60)
minutes = minutes - 60*hours
return "%dh%02dm%02ds" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
def doSilly(self, message):
response = self.silly[message]
if type(response) != type([]):
response = [response]
when = 0.5
for r in response:
reactor.callLater(when, self.send, r)
when += 2.5
def command_HELLO(self, args, who):
def command_VERSION(self, args, who):
self.send("buildbot-%s at your service" % version)
def command_LIST(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) == 0:
raise UsageError, "try 'list builders'"
if args[0] == 'builders':
builders = self.getAllBuilders()
str = "Configured builders: "
for b in builders:
str += b.name
state = b.getState()[0]
if state == 'offline':
str += "[offline]"
str += " "
command_LIST.usage = "list builders - List configured builders"
def command_STATUS(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) == 0:
which = "all"
elif len(args) == 1:
which = args[0]
raise UsageError, "try 'status <builder>'"
if which == "all":
builders = self.getAllBuilders()
for b in builders:
command_STATUS.usage = "status [<which>] - List status of a builder (or all builders)"
def validate_notification_event(self, event):
if not re.compile("^(started|finished|success|failure|exception|warnings|(success|warnings|exception|failure)To(Failure|Success|Warnings|Exception))$").match(event):
raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off <EVENT>'")
def list_notified_events(self):
self.send( "The following events are being notified: %r" % self.notify_events.keys() )
def notify_for(self, *events):
for event in events:
if self.notify_events.has_key(event):
return 1
return 0
def subscribe_to_build_events(self):
self.subscribed = 1
def unsubscribe_from_build_events(self):
self.subscribed = 0
def add_notification_events(self, events):
for event in events:
self.notify_events[event] = 1
if not self.subscribed:
def remove_notification_events(self, events):
for event in events:
del self.notify_events[event]
if len(self.notify_events) == 0 and self.subscribed:
def remove_all_notification_events(self):
self.notify_events = {}
if self.subscribed:
def command_NOTIFY(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if not args:
raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off|list <EVENT>'")
action = args.pop(0)
events = args
if action == "on":
if not events: events = ('started','finished')
elif action == "off":
if events:
elif action == "list":
raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off <EVENT>'")
command_NOTIFY.usage = "notify on|off|list [<EVENT>] ... - Notify me about build events. event should be one or more of: 'started', 'finished', 'failure', 'success', 'exception' or 'xToY' (where x and Y are one of success, warnings, failure, exception, but Y is capitalized)"
def command_WATCH(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) != 1:
raise UsageError("try 'watch <builder>'")
which = args[0]
b = self.getBuilder(which)
builds = b.getCurrentBuilds()
if not builds:
self.send("there are no builds currently running")
for build in builds:
assert not build.isFinished()
d = build.waitUntilFinished()
r = "watching build %s #%d until it finishes" \
% (which, build.getNumber())
eta = build.getETA()
if eta is not None:
r += " [%s]" % self.convertTime(eta)
r += ".."
command_WATCH.usage = "watch <which> - announce the completion of an active build"
def buildsetSubmitted(self, buildset):
log.msg('[Contact] Buildset %s added' % (buildset))
def builderAdded(self, builderName, builder):
log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s added' % (builder))
def builderChangedState(self, builderName, state):
log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s changed state to %s' % (builderName, state))
def requestSubmitted(self, brstatus):
log.msg('[Contact] BuildRequest for %s submitted to Builder %s' %
(brstatus.getSourceStamp(), brstatus.builderName))
def builderRemoved(self, builderName):
log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s removed' % (builderName))
def buildStarted(self, builderName, build):
builder = build.getBuilder()
log.msg('[Contact] Builder %r in category %s started' % (builder, builder.category))
# only notify about builders we are interested in
if (self.channel.categories != None and
builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
log.msg('Not notifying for a build in the wrong category')
if not self.notify_for('started'):
log.msg('Not notifying for a build when started-notification disabled')
r = "build #%d of %s started, including [%s]" % \
", ".join([str(c.revision) for c in build.getChanges()])
results_descriptions = {
SUCCESS: "Success",
WARNINGS: "Warnings",
FAILURE: "Failure",
EXCEPTION: "Exception",
def buildFinished(self, builderName, build, results):
builder = build.getBuilder()
# only notify about builders we are interested in
log.msg('[Contact] builder %r in category %s finished' % (builder, builder.category))
if (self.channel.categories != None and
builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
if not self.notify_for_finished(build):
r = "build #%d of %s is complete: %s" % \
self.results_descriptions.get(build.getResults(), "??"))
r += " [%s]" % " ".join(build.getText())
buildurl = self.channel.status.getURLForThing(build)
if buildurl:
r += " Build details are at %s" % buildurl
if self.channel.showBlameList and build.getResults() != SUCCESS and len(build.changes) != 0:
r += ' blamelist: ' + ', '.join([c.who for c in build.changes])
def notify_for_finished(self, build):
results = build.getResults()
if self.notify_for('finished'):
return True
if self.notify_for(lower(self.results_descriptions.get(results))):
return True
prevBuild = build.getPreviousBuild()
if prevBuild:
prevResult = prevBuild.getResults()
required_notification_control_string = join((lower(self.results_descriptions.get(prevResult)), \
'To', \
capitalize(self.results_descriptions.get(results))), \
if (self.notify_for(required_notification_control_string)):
return True
return False
def watchedBuildFinished(self, b):
# only notify about builders we are interested in
builder = b.getBuilder()
log.msg('builder %r in category %s finished' % (builder,
if (self.channel.categories != None and
builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
r = "Hey! build %s #%d is complete: %s" % \
self.results_descriptions.get(b.getResults(), "??"))
r += " [%s]" % " ".join(b.getText())
buildurl = self.channel.status.getURLForThing(b)
if buildurl:
self.send("Build details are at %s" % buildurl)
def command_FORCE(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if not args:
raise UsageError("try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
what = args.pop(0)
if what != "build":
raise UsageError("try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
opts = ForceOptions()
which = opts['builder']
branch = opts['branch']
revision = opts['revision']
reason = opts['reason']
if which is None:
raise UsageError("you must provide a Builder, "
"try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
# keep weird stuff out of the branch and revision strings.
# TODO: centralize this somewhere.
if branch and not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', branch):
log.msg("bad branch '%s'" % branch)
self.send("sorry, bad branch '%s'" % branch)
if revision and not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', revision):
log.msg("bad revision '%s'" % revision)
self.send("sorry, bad revision '%s'" % revision)
bc = self.getControl(which)
# TODO: maybe give certain users the ability to request builds of
# certain branches
reason = "forced: by %s: %s" % (self.describeUser(who), reason)
ss = SourceStamp(branch=branch, revision=revision)
brs = bc.submitBuildRequest(ss, reason, now=True)
except interfaces.NoSlaveError:
self.send("sorry, I can't force a build: all slaves are offline")
ireq = IrcBuildRequest(self)
command_FORCE.usage = "force build <which> <reason> - Force a build"
def command_STOP(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) < 3 or args[0] != 'build':
raise UsageError, "try 'stop build WHICH <REASON>'"
which = args[1]
reason = args[2]
buildercontrol = self.getControl(which)
r = "stopped: by %s: %s" % (self.describeUser(who), reason)
# find an in-progress build
builderstatus = self.getBuilder(which)
builds = builderstatus.getCurrentBuilds()
if not builds:
self.send("sorry, no build is currently running")
for build in builds:
num = build.getNumber()
# obtain the BuildControl object
buildcontrol = buildercontrol.getBuild(num)
# make it stop
self.send("build %d interrupted" % num)
command_STOP.usage = "stop build <which> <reason> - Stop a running build"
def emit_status(self, which):
b = self.getBuilder(which)
str = "%s: " % which
state, builds = b.getState()
str += state
if state == "idle":
last = b.getLastFinishedBuild()
if last:
start,finished = last.getTimes()
str += ", last build %s ago: %s" % \
(self.convertTime(int(util.now() - finished)), " ".join(last.getText()))
if state == "building":
t = []
for build in builds:
step = build.getCurrentStep()
if step:
s = "(%s)" % " ".join(step.getText())
s = "(no current step)"
ETA = build.getETA()
if ETA is not None:
s += " [ETA %s]" % self.convertTime(ETA)
str += ", ".join(t)
def emit_last(self, which):
last = self.getBuilder(which).getLastFinishedBuild()
if not last:
str = "(no builds run since last restart)"
start,finish = last.getTimes()
str = "%s ago: " % (self.convertTime(int(util.now() - finish)))
str += " ".join(last.getText())
self.send("last build [%s]: %s" % (which, str))
def command_LAST(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) == 0:
which = "all"
elif len(args) == 1:
which = args[0]
raise UsageError, "try 'last <builder>'"
if which == "all":
builders = self.getAllBuilders()
for b in builders:
command_LAST.usage = "last <which> - list last build status for builder <which>"
def build_commands(self):
commands = []
for k in dir(self):
if k.startswith('command_'):
return commands
def command_HELP(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
if len(args) == 0:
self.send("Get help on what? (try 'help <foo>', or 'commands' for a command list)")
command = args[0]
meth = self.getCommandMethod(command)
if not meth:
raise UsageError, "no such command '%s'" % command
usage = getattr(meth, 'usage', None)
if usage:
self.send("Usage: %s" % usage)
self.send("No usage info for '%s'" % command)
command_HELP.usage = "help <command> - Give help for <command>"
def command_SOURCE(self, args, who):
banner = "My source can be found at http://buildbot.net/"
def command_COMMANDS(self, args, who):
commands = self.build_commands()
str = "buildbot commands: " + ", ".join(commands)
command_COMMANDS.usage = "commands - List available commands"
def command_DESTROY(self, args, who):
self.act("readies phasers")
def command_DANCE(self, args, who):
reactor.callLater(1.0, self.send, "0-<")
reactor.callLater(3.0, self.send, "0-/")
reactor.callLater(3.5, self.send, "0-\\")
def command_EXCITED(self, args, who):
# like 'buildbot: destroy the sun!'
self.send("What you say!")
def handleAction(self, data, user):
# this is sent when somebody performs an action that mentions the
# buildbot (like '/me kicks buildbot'). 'user' is the name/nick/id of
# the person who performed the action, so if their action provokes a
# response, they can be named.
if not data.endswith("s buildbot"):
words = data.split()
verb = words[-2]
timeout = 4
if verb == "kicks":
response = "%s back" % verb
timeout = 1
response = "%s %s too" % (verb, user)
reactor.callLater(timeout, self.act, response)
class IRCContact(Contact):
# this is the IRC-specific subclass of Contact
def __init__(self, channel, dest):
Contact.__init__(self, channel)
# when people send us public messages ("buildbot: command"),
# self.dest is the name of the channel ("#twisted"). When they send
# us private messages (/msg buildbot command), self.dest is their
# username.
self.dest = dest
def describeUser(self, user):
if self.dest[0] == '#':
return "IRC user <%s> on channel %s" % (user, self.dest)
return "IRC user <%s> (privmsg)" % user
# userJoined(self, user, channel)
def send(self, message):
self.channel.msgOrNotice(self.dest, message.encode("ascii", "replace"))
def act(self, action):
self.channel.me(self.dest, action.encode("ascii", "replace"))
def command_JOIN(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
to_join = args[0]
self.send("Joined %s" % to_join)
command_JOIN.usage = "join channel - Join another channel"
def command_LEAVE(self, args, who):
args = shlex.split(args)
to_leave = args[0]
self.send("Buildbot has been told to leave %s" % to_leave)
command_LEAVE.usage = "leave channel - Leave a channel"
def handleMessage(self, message, who):
# a message has arrived from 'who'. For broadcast contacts (i.e. when
# people do an irc 'buildbot: command'), this will be a string
# describing the sender of the message in some useful-to-log way, and
# a single Contact may see messages from a variety of users. For
# unicast contacts (i.e. when people do an irc '/msg buildbot
# command'), a single Contact will only ever see messages from a
# single user.
message = message.lstrip()
if self.silly.has_key(message):
return self.doSilly(message)
parts = message.split(' ', 1)
if len(parts) == 1:
parts = parts + ['']
cmd, args = parts
log.msg("irc command", cmd)
meth = self.getCommandMethod(cmd)
if not meth and message[-1] == '!':
meth = self.command_EXCITED
error = None
if meth:
meth(args.strip(), who)
except UsageError, e:
f = failure.Failure()
error = "Something bad happened (see logs): %s" % f.type
if error:
#self.say(channel, "count %d" % self.counter)
self.channel.counter += 1
class IChannel(Interface):
"""I represent the buildbot's presence in a particular IM scheme.
This provides the connection to the IRC server, or represents the
buildbot's account with an IM service. Each Channel will have zero or
more Contacts associated with it.
class IrcStatusBot(irc.IRCClient):
"""I represent the buildbot to an IRC server.
contactClass = IRCContact
def __init__(self, nickname, password, channels, status, categories, notify_events, noticeOnChannel = False, showBlameList = False):
@type nickname: string
@param nickname: the nickname by which this bot should be known
@type password: string
@param password: the password to use for identifying with Nickserv
@type channels: list of strings
@param channels: the bot will maintain a presence in these channels
@type status: L{buildbot.status.builder.Status}
@param status: the build master's Status object, through which the
bot retrieves all status information
self.nickname = nickname
self.channels = channels
self.password = password
self.status = status
self.categories = categories
self.notify_events = notify_events
self.counter = 0
self.hasQuit = 0
self.contacts = {}
self.noticeOnChannel = noticeOnChannel
self.showBlameList = showBlameList
def msgOrNotice(self, dest, message):
if self.noticeOnChannel and dest[0] == '#':
self.notice(dest, message)
self.msg(dest, message)
def addContact(self, name, contact):
self.contacts[name] = contact
def getContact(self, name):
if name in self.contacts:
return self.contacts[name]
new_contact = self.contactClass(self, name)
self.contacts[name] = new_contact
return new_contact
def deleteContact(self, contact):
name = contact.getName()
if name in self.contacts:
assert self.contacts[name] == contact
del self.contacts[name]
def log(self, msg):
log.msg("%s: %s" % (self, msg))
# the following irc.IRCClient methods are called when we have input
def privmsg(self, user, channel, message):
user = user.split('!', 1)[0] # rest is ~user@hostname
# channel is '#twisted' or 'buildbot' (for private messages)
channel = channel.lower()
#print "privmsg:", user, channel, message
if channel == self.nickname:
# private message
contact = self.getContact(user)
contact.handleMessage(message, user)
# else it's a broadcast message, maybe for us, maybe not. 'channel'
# is '#twisted' or the like.
contact = self.getContact(channel)
if message.startswith("%s:" % self.nickname) or message.startswith("%s," % self.nickname):
message = message[len("%s:" % self.nickname):]
contact.handleMessage(message, user)
# to track users comings and goings, add code here
def action(self, user, channel, data):
#log.msg("action: %s,%s,%s" % (user, channel, data))
user = user.split('!', 1)[0] # rest is ~user@hostname
# somebody did an action (/me actions) in the broadcast channel
contact = self.getContact(channel)
if "buildbot" in data:
contact.handleAction(data, user)
def signedOn(self):
if self.password:
self.msg("Nickserv", "IDENTIFY " + self.password)
for c in self.channels:
def joined(self, channel):
self.log("I have joined %s" % (channel,))
# trigger contact contructor, which in turn subscribes to notify events
def left(self, channel):
self.log("I have left %s" % (channel,))
def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
self.log("I have been kicked from %s by %s: %s" % (channel,
# we can using the following irc.IRCClient methods to send output. Most
# of these are used by the IRCContact class.
# self.say(channel, message) # broadcast
# self.msg(user, message) # unicast
# self.me(channel, action) # send action
# self.away(message='')
# self.quit(message='')
class ThrottledClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
lostDelay = 2
failedDelay = 60
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
reactor.callLater(self.lostDelay, connector.connect)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
reactor.callLater(self.failedDelay, connector.connect)
class IrcStatusFactory(ThrottledClientFactory):
protocol = IrcStatusBot
status = None
control = None
shuttingDown = False
p = None
def __init__(self, nickname, password, channels, categories, notify_events, noticeOnChannel = False, showBlameList = False):
#ThrottledClientFactory.__init__(self) # doesn't exist
self.status = None
self.nickname = nickname
self.password = password
self.channels = channels
self.categories = categories
self.notify_events = notify_events
self.noticeOnChannel = noticeOnChannel
self.showBlameList = showBlameList
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['p']
return d
def shutdown(self):
self.shuttingDown = True
if self.p:
self.p.quit("buildmaster reconfigured: bot disconnecting")
def buildProtocol(self, address):
p = self.protocol(self.nickname, self.password,
self.channels, self.status,
self.categories, self.notify_events,
noticeOnChannel = self.noticeOnChannel,
showBlameList = self.showBlameList)
p.factory = self
p.status = self.status
p.control = self.control
self.p = p
return p
# TODO: I think a shutdown that occurs while the connection is being
# established will make this explode
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
if self.shuttingDown:
log.msg("not scheduling reconnection attempt")
ThrottledClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
if self.shuttingDown:
log.msg("not scheduling reconnection attempt")
ThrottledClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
class IRC(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
"""I am an IRC bot which can be queried for status information. I
connect to a single IRC server and am known by a single nickname on that
server, however I can join multiple channels."""
in_test_harness = False
compare_attrs = ["host", "port", "nick", "password",
"channels", "allowForce", "useSSL",
def __init__(self, host, nick, channels, port=6667, allowForce=True,
categories=None, password=None, notify_events={},
noticeOnChannel = False, showBlameList = True,
assert allowForce in (True, False) # TODO: implement others
# need to stash these so we can detect changes later
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.nick = nick
self.channels = channels
self.password = password
self.allowForce = allowForce
self.categories = categories
self.notify_events = notify_events
log.msg('Notify events %s' % notify_events)
self.f = IrcStatusFactory(self.nick, self.password,
self.channels, self.categories, self.notify_events,
noticeOnChannel = noticeOnChannel,
showBlameList = showBlameList)
# don't set up an actual ClientContextFactory if we're running tests.
if self.in_test_harness:
if useSSL:
# SSL client needs a ClientContextFactory for some SSL mumbo-jumbo
if not have_ssl:
raise RuntimeError("useSSL requires PyOpenSSL")
cf = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
c = internet.SSLClient(self.host, self.port, self.f, cf)
c = internet.TCPClient(self.host, self.port, self.f)
def setServiceParent(self, parent):
base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
self.f.status = parent.getStatus()
if self.allowForce:
self.f.control = interfaces.IControl(parent)
def stopService(self):
# make sure the factory will stop reconnecting
return base.StatusReceiverMultiService.stopService(self)
## buildbot: list builders
# buildbot: watch quick
# print notification when current build in 'quick' finishes
## buildbot: status
## buildbot: status full-2.3
## building, not, % complete, ETA
## buildbot: force build full-2.3 "reason"