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3.Aspect Oriented
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# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_twisted -*-

from twisted.python import log

from buildbot.status import builder
from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS,FAILURE,WARNINGS,SKIPPED
from buildbot.process.buildstep import LogLineObserver,OutputProgressObserver
from buildbot.process.buildstep import RemoteShellCommand
from import ShellCommand

    import cStringIO
    StringIO = cStringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO
import re

# BuildSteps that are specific to the Twisted source tree

class HLint(ShellCommand):
    """I run a 'lint' checker over a set of .xhtml files. Any deviations
    from recommended style is flagged and put in the output log.

    This step looks at .changes in the parent Build to extract a list of
    Lore XHTML files to check."""

    name = "hlint"
    description = ["running", "hlint"]
    descriptionDone = ["hlint"]
    warnOnWarnings = True
    warnOnFailure = True
    # TODO: track time, but not output
    warnings = 0

    def __init__(self, python=None, **kwargs):
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.python = python

    def start(self):
        # create the command
        htmlFiles = {}
        for f in
            if f.endswith(".xhtml") and not f.startswith("sandbox/"):
                htmlFiles[f] = 1
        # remove duplicates
        hlintTargets = htmlFiles.keys()
        if not hlintTargets:
            return SKIPPED
        self.hlintFiles = hlintTargets
        c = []
        if self.python:
        c += ["bin/lore", "-p", "--output", "lint"] + self.hlintFiles

        # add an extra log file to show the .html files we're checking
        self.addCompleteLog("files", "\n".join(self.hlintFiles)+"\n")


    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
        # TODO: remove the 'files' file (a list of .xhtml files that were
        # submitted to hlint) because it is available in the logfile and
        # mostly exists to give the user an idea of how long the step will
        # take anyway).
        lines = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText().split("\n")
        warningLines = filter(lambda line:':' in line, lines)
        if warningLines:
            self.addCompleteLog("warnings", "".join(warningLines))
        warnings = len(warningLines)
        self.warnings = warnings

    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
        # warnings are in stdout, rc is always 0, unless the tools break
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            return FAILURE
        if self.warnings:
            return WARNINGS
        return SUCCESS

    def getText2(self, cmd, results):
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            return ["hlint"]
        return ["%d hlin%s" % (self.warnings,
                               self.warnings == 1 and 't' or 'ts')]

def countFailedTests(output):
    # start scanning 10kb from the end, because there might be a few kb of
    # import exception tracebacks between the total/time line and the errors
    # line
    chunk = output[-10000:]
    lines = chunk.split("\n")
    lines.pop() # blank line at end
    # lines[-3] is "Ran NN tests in 0.242s"
    # lines[-2] is blank
    # lines[-1] is 'OK' or 'FAILED (failures=1, errors=12)'
    #  or 'FAILED (failures=1)'
    #  or "PASSED (skips=N, successes=N)"  (for Twisted-2.0)
    # there might be other lines dumped here. Scan all the lines.
    res = {'total': None,
           'failures': 0,
           'errors': 0,
           'skips': 0,
           'expectedFailures': 0,
           'unexpectedSuccesses': 0,
    for l in lines:
        out ='Ran (\d+) tests', l)
        if out:
            res['total'] = int(
        if (l.startswith("OK") or
            l.startswith("FAILED ") or
            # the extra space on FAILED_ is to distinguish the overall
            # status from an individual test which failed. The lack of a
            # space on the OK is because it may be printed without any
            # additional text (if there are no skips,etc)
            out ='failures=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['failures'] = int(
            out ='errors=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['errors'] = int(
            out ='skips=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['skips'] = int(
            out ='expectedFailures=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['expectedFailures'] = int(
            out ='unexpectedSuccesses=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['unexpectedSuccesses'] = int(
            # successes= is a Twisted-2.0 addition, and is not currently used
            out ='successes=(\d+)', l)
            if out: res['successes'] = int(

    return res

class TrialTestCaseCounter(LogLineObserver):
    _line_re = re.compile(r'^(?:Doctest: )?([\w\.]+) \.\.\. \[([^\]]+)\]$')
    numTests = 0
    finished = False

    def outLineReceived(self, line):
        # different versions of Twisted emit different per-test lines with
        # the bwverbose reporter.
        #  2.0.0: testSlave (buildbot.test.test_runner.Create) ... [OK]
        #  2.1.0: buildbot.test.test_runner.Create.testSlave ... [OK]
        #  2.4.0: buildbot.test.test_runner.Create.testSlave ... [OK]
        # Let's just handle the most recent version, since it's the easiest.
        # Note that doctests create lines line this:
        #  Doctest: viff.field.GF ... [OK]

        if self.finished:
        if line.startswith("=" * 40):
            self.finished = True

        m =
        if m:
            testname, result = m.groups()
            self.numTests += 1
            self.step.setProgress('tests', self.numTests)

UNSPECIFIED=() # since None is a valid choice

class Trial(ShellCommand):
    """I run a unit test suite using 'trial', a unittest-like testing
    framework that comes with Twisted. Trial is used to implement Twisted's
    own unit tests, and is the unittest-framework of choice for many projects
    that use Twisted internally.

    Projects that use trial typically have all their test cases in a 'test'
    subdirectory of their top-level library directory. I.e. for my package
    'petmail', the tests are in 'petmail/test/test_*.py'. More complicated
    packages (like Twisted itself) may have multiple test directories, like
    'twisted/test/test_*.py' for the core functionality and
    'twisted/mail/test/test_*.py' for the email-specific tests.

    To run trial tests, you run the 'trial' executable and tell it where the
    test cases are located. The most common way of doing this is with a
    module name. For petmail, I would run 'trial petmail.test' and it would
    locate all the test_*.py files under petmail/test/, running every test
    case it could find in them. Unlike the that comes with
    Python, you do not run the as a script; you always let trial
    do the importing and running. The 'tests' parameter controls which tests
    trial will run: it can be a string or a list of strings.

    To find these test cases, you must set a PYTHONPATH that allows something
    like 'import petmail.test' to work. For packages that don't use a
    separate top-level 'lib' directory, PYTHONPATH=. will work, and will use
    the test cases (and the code they are testing) in-place.
    PYTHONPATH=build/lib or PYTHONPATH=build/lib.$ARCH are also useful when
    you do a' build' step first. The 'testpath' attribute of this
    class controls what PYTHONPATH= is set to.

    Trial has the ability (through the --testmodule flag) to run only the set
    of test cases named by special 'test-case-name' tags in source files. We
    can get the list of changed source files from our parent Build and
    provide them to trial, thus running the minimal set of test cases needed
    to cover the Changes. This is useful for quick builds, especially in
    trees with a lot of test cases. The 'testChanges' parameter controls this
    feature: if set, it will override 'tests'.

    The trial executable itself is typically just 'trial' (which is usually
    found on your $PATH as /usr/bin/trial), but it can be overridden with the
    'trial' parameter. This is useful for Twisted's own unittests, which want
    to use the copy of bin/trial that comes with the sources. (when bin/trial
    discovers that it is living in a subdirectory named 'Twisted', it assumes
    it is being run from the source tree and adds that parent directory to
    PYTHONPATH. Therefore the canonical way to run Twisted's own unittest
    suite is './bin/trial twisted.test' rather than 'PYTHONPATH=.
    /usr/bin/trial twisted.test', especially handy when /usr/bin/trial has
    not yet been installed).

    To influence the version of python being used for the tests, or to add
    flags to the command, set the 'python' parameter. This can be a string
    (like 'python2.2') or a list (like ['python2.3', '-Wall']).

    Trial creates and switches into a directory named _trial_temp/ before
    running the tests, and sends the twisted log (which includes all
    exceptions) to a file named test.log . This file will be pulled up to
    the master where it can be seen as part of the status output.

    There are some class attributes which may be usefully overridden
    by subclasses. 'trialMode' and 'trialArgs' can influence the trial
    command line.

    name = "trial"
    progressMetrics = ('output', 'tests', 'test.log')
    # note: the slash only works on unix buildslaves, of course, but we have
    # no way to know what the buildslave uses as a separator. 
    # TODO: figure out something clever.
    logfiles = {"test.log": "_trial_temp/test.log"}
    # we use test.log to track Progress at the end of __init__()

    flunkOnFailure = True
    python = None
    trial = "trial"
    trialMode = ["--reporter=bwverbose"] # requires Twisted-2.1.0 or newer
    # for Twisted-2.0.0 or 1.3.0, use ["-o"] instead
    trialArgs = []
    testpath = UNSPECIFIED # required (but can be None)
    testChanges = False # TODO: needs better name
    recurse = False
    reactor = None
    randomly = False
    tests = None # required

    def __init__(self, reactor=UNSPECIFIED, python=None, trial=None,
                 tests=None, testChanges=None,
                 recurse=None, randomly=None,
                 trialMode=None, trialArgs=None,
        @type  testpath: string
        @param testpath: use in PYTHONPATH when running the tests. If
                         None, do not set PYTHONPATH. Setting this to '.' will
                         cause the source files to be used in-place.

        @type  python: string (without spaces) or list
        @param python: which python executable to use. Will form the start of
                       the argv array that will launch trial. If you use this,
                       you should set 'trial' to an explicit path (like
                       /usr/bin/trial or ./bin/trial). Defaults to None, which
                       leaves it out entirely (running 'trial args' instead of
                       'python ./bin/trial args'). Likely values are 'python',
                       ['python2.2'], ['python', '-Wall'], etc.

        @type  trial: string
        @param trial: which 'trial' executable to run.
                      Defaults to 'trial', which will cause $PATH to be
                      searched and probably find /usr/bin/trial . If you set
                      'python', this should be set to an explicit path (because
                      'python2.3 trial' will not work).

        @type trialMode: list of strings
        @param trialMode: a list of arguments to pass to trial, specifically
                          to set the reporting mode. This defaults to ['-to']
                          which means 'verbose colorless output' to the trial
                          that comes with Twisted-2.0.x and at least -2.1.0 .
                          Newer versions of Twisted may come with a trial
                          that prefers ['--reporter=bwverbose'].

        @type trialArgs: list of strings
        @param trialArgs: a list of arguments to pass to trial, available to
                          turn on any extra flags you like. Defaults to [].

        @type  tests: list of strings
        @param tests: a list of test modules to run, like
                      ['twisted.test.test_defer', 'twisted.test.test_process'].
                      If this is a string, it will be converted into a one-item

        @type  testChanges: boolean
        @param testChanges: if True, ignore the 'tests' parameter and instead
                            ask the Build for all the files that make up the
                            Changes going into this build. Pass these filenames
                            to trial and ask it to look for test-case-name
                            tags, running just the tests necessary to cover the

        @type  recurse: boolean
        @param recurse: If True, pass the --recurse option to trial, allowing
                        test cases to be found in deeper subdirectories of the
                        modules listed in 'tests'. This does not appear to be
                        necessary when using testChanges.

        @type  reactor: string
        @param reactor: which reactor to use, like 'gtk' or 'java'. If not
                        provided, the Twisted's usual platform-dependent
                        default is used.

        @type  randomly: boolean
        @param randomly: if True, add the --random=0 argument, which instructs
                         trial to run the unit tests in a random order each
                         time. This occasionally catches problems that might be
                         masked when one module always runs before another
                         (like failing to make registerAdapter calls before
                         lookups are done).

        @type  kwargs: dict
        @param kwargs: parameters. The following parameters are inherited from
                       L{ShellCommand} and may be useful to set: workdir,
                       haltOnFailure, flunkOnWarnings, flunkOnFailure,
                       warnOnWarnings, warnOnFailure, want_stdout, want_stderr,
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        if python:
            self.python = python
        if self.python is not None:
            if type(self.python) is str:
                self.python = [self.python]
            for s in self.python:
                if " " in s:
                    # this is not strictly an error, but I suspect more
                    # people will accidentally try to use python="python2.3
                    # -Wall" than will use embedded spaces in a python flag
                    log.msg("python= component '%s' has spaces")
                    log.msg("To add -Wall, use python=['python', '-Wall']")
                    why = "python= value has spaces, probably an error"
                    raise ValueError(why)

        if trial:
            self.trial = trial
        if " " in self.trial:
            raise ValueError("trial= value has spaces")
        if trialMode is not None:
            self.trialMode = trialMode
        if trialArgs is not None:
            self.trialArgs = trialArgs

        if testpath is not UNSPECIFIED:
            self.testpath = testpath
        if self.testpath is UNSPECIFIED:
            raise ValueError("You must specify testpath= (it can be None)")
        assert isinstance(self.testpath, str) or self.testpath is None

        if reactor is not UNSPECIFIED:
            self.reactor = reactor

        if tests is not None:
            self.tests = tests
        if type(self.tests) is str:
            self.tests = [self.tests]
        if testChanges is not None:
            self.testChanges = testChanges
            #self.recurse = True  # not sure this is necessary

        if not self.testChanges and self.tests is None:
            raise ValueError("Must either set testChanges= or provide tests=")

        if recurse is not None:
            self.recurse = recurse
        if randomly is not None:
            self.randomly = randomly

        # build up most of the command, then stash it until start()
        command = []
        if self.python:
        if self.recurse:
        if self.reactor:
            command.append("--reactor=%s" % reactor)
        if self.randomly:
        self.command = command

        if self.reactor:
            self.description = ["testing", "(%s)" % self.reactor]
            self.descriptionDone = ["tests"]
            # commandComplete adds (reactorname) to self.text
            self.description = ["testing"]
            self.descriptionDone = ["tests"]

        # this counter will feed Progress along the 'test cases' metric
        self.addLogObserver('stdio', TrialTestCaseCounter())
        # this one just measures bytes of output in _trial_temp/test.log
        self.addLogObserver('test.log', OutputProgressObserver('test.log'))

    def setupEnvironment(self, cmd):
        ShellCommand.setupEnvironment(self, cmd)
        if self.testpath != None:
            e = cmd.args['env']
            if e is None:
                cmd.args['env'] = {'PYTHONPATH': self.testpath}
                # TODO: somehow, each build causes another copy of
                # self.testpath to get prepended
                if e.get('PYTHONPATH', "") == "":
                    e['PYTHONPATH'] = self.testpath
                    e['PYTHONPATH'] = self.testpath + ":" + e['PYTHONPATH']
            p = cmd.args['env']['PYTHONPATH']
            if type(p) is not str:
                log.msg("hey, not a string:", p)
                assert False
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            # KeyError if args doesn't have ['env']
            # KeyError if args['env'] doesn't have ['PYTHONPATH']
            # TypeError if args is None

    def start(self):
        # now that is nailed down, finish building the
        # command
        if self.testChanges:
            for f in
                if f.endswith(".py"):
                    self.command.append("--testmodule=%s" % f)
        log.msg("Trial.start: command is", self.command)

        # if our slave is too old to understand logfiles=, fetch them
        # manually. This is a fallback for the Twisted buildbot and some old
        # buildslaves.
        self._needToPullTestDotLog = False
        if self.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("shell", "2.1"):
            log.msg("Trial: buildslave %s is too old to accept logfiles=" %
            log.msg(" falling back to 'cat _trial_temp/test.log' instead")
            self.logfiles = {}
            self._needToPullTestDotLog = True


    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
        if not self._needToPullTestDotLog:
            return self._gotTestDotLog(cmd)

        # if the buildslave was too old, pull test.log now
        catcmd = ["cat", "_trial_temp/test.log"]
        c2 = RemoteShellCommand(command=catcmd, workdir=self.workdir)
        loog = self.addLog("test.log")
        c2.useLog(loog, True, logfileName="stdio")
        self.cmd = c2 # to allow interrupts
        d =, self.remote)
        d.addCallback(lambda res: self._gotTestDotLog(cmd))
        return d

    def rtext(self, fmt='%s'):
        if self.reactor:
            rtext = fmt % self.reactor
            return rtext.replace("reactor", "")
        return ""

    def _gotTestDotLog(self, cmd):
        # figure out all status, then let the various hook functions return
        # different pieces of it

        # 'cmd' is the original trial command, so cmd.logs['stdio'] is the
        # trial output. We don't have access to test.log from here.
        output = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText()
        counts = countFailedTests(output)

        total = counts['total']
        failures, errors = counts['failures'], counts['errors']
        parsed = (total != None)
        text = []
        text2 = ""

        if cmd.rc == 0:
            if parsed:
                results = SUCCESS
                if total:
                    text += ["%d %s" % \
                              total == 1 and "test" or "tests"),
                    text += ["no tests", "run"]
                results = FAILURE
                text += ["testlog", "unparseable"]
                text2 = "tests"
            # something failed
            results = FAILURE
            if parsed:
                if failures:
                    text.append("%d %s" % \
                                 failures == 1 and "failure" or "failures"))
                if errors:
                    text.append("%d %s" % \
                                 errors == 1 and "error" or "errors"))
                count = failures + errors
                text2 = "%d tes%s" % (count, (count == 1 and 't' or 'ts'))
                text += ["tests", "failed"]
                text2 = "tests"

        if counts['skips']:
            text.append("%d %s" %  \
                         counts['skips'] == 1 and "skip" or "skips"))
        if counts['expectedFailures']:
            text.append("%d %s" %  \
                         counts['expectedFailures'] == 1 and "todo"
                         or "todos"))
            if 0: # TODO
                results = WARNINGS
                if not text2:
                    text2 = "todo"

        if 0:
            # ignore unexpectedSuccesses for now, but it should really mark
            # the build WARNING
            if counts['unexpectedSuccesses']:
                text.append("%d surprises" % counts['unexpectedSuccesses'])
                results = WARNINGS
                if not text2:
                    text2 = "tests"

        if self.reactor:
            if text2:
                text2 = "%s %s" % (text2, self.rtext('(%s)'))

        self.results = results
        self.text = text
        self.text2 = [text2]

    def addTestResult(self, testname, results, text, tlog):
        if self.reactor is not None:
            testname = (self.reactor,) + testname
        tr = builder.TestResult(testname, results, text, logs={'log': tlog})

    def createSummary(self, loog):
        output = loog.getText()
        problems = ""
        sio = StringIO.StringIO(output)
        warnings = {}
        while 1:
            line = sio.readline()
            if line == "":
            if line.find(" exceptions.DeprecationWarning: ") != -1:
                # no source
                warning = line # TODO: consider stripping basedir prefix here
                warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1
            elif (line.find(" DeprecationWarning: ") != -1 or
                line.find(" UserWarning: ") != -1):
                # next line is the source
                warning = line + sio.readline()
                warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1
            elif line.find("Warning: ") != -1:
                warning = line
                warnings[warning] = warnings.get(warning, 0) + 1

            if line.find("=" * 60) == 0 or line.find("-" * 60) == 0:
                problems += line
                problems +=

        if problems:
            self.addCompleteLog("problems", problems)
            # now parse the problems for per-test results
            pio = StringIO.StringIO(problems)
            pio.readline() # eat the first separator line
            testname = None
            done = False
            while not done:
                while 1:
                    line = pio.readline()
                    if line == "":
                        done = True
                    if line.find("=" * 60) == 0:
                    if line.find("-" * 60) == 0:
                        # the last case has --- as a separator before the
                        # summary counts are printed
                        done = True
                    if testname is None:
                        # the first line after the === is like:
# EXPECTED FAILURE: testLackOfTB (twisted.test.test_failure.FailureTestCase)
# SKIPPED: testRETR (twisted.test.test_ftp.TestFTPServer)
# FAILURE: testBatchFile (twisted.conch.test.test_sftp.TestOurServerBatchFile)
                        r ='^([^:]+): (\w+) \(([\w\.]+)\)', line)
                        if not r:
                            # TODO: cleanup, if there are no problems,
                            # we hit here
                        result, name, case = r.groups()
                        testname = tuple(case.split(".") + [name])
                        results = {'SKIPPED': SKIPPED,
                                   'EXPECTED FAILURE': SUCCESS,
                                   'UNEXPECTED SUCCESS': WARNINGS,
                                   'FAILURE': FAILURE,
                                   'ERROR': FAILURE,
                                   'SUCCESS': SUCCESS, # not reported
                                   }.get(result, WARNINGS)
                        text = result.lower().split()
                        loog = line
                        # the next line is all dashes
                        loog += pio.readline()
                        # the rest goes into the log
                        loog += line
                if testname:
                    self.addTestResult(testname, results, text, loog)
                    testname = None

        if warnings:
            lines = warnings.keys()
            self.addCompleteLog("warnings", "".join(lines))

    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
        return self.results

    def getText(self, cmd, results):
        return self.text
    def getText2(self, cmd, results):
        return self.text2

class ProcessDocs(ShellCommand):
    """I build all docs. This requires some LaTeX packages to be installed.
    It will result in the full documentation book (dvi, pdf, etc).

    name = "process-docs"
    warnOnWarnings = 1
    command = ["admin/process-docs"]
    description = ["processing", "docs"]
    descriptionDone = ["docs"]
    # TODO: track output and time

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        @type    workdir: string
        @keyword workdir: the workdir to start from: must be the base of the
                          Twisted tree
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def createSummary(self, log):
        output = log.getText()
        # hlint warnings are of the format: 'WARNING: file:line:col: stuff
        # latex warnings start with "WARNING: LaTeX Warning: stuff", but
        # sometimes wrap around to a second line.
        lines = output.split("\n")
        warningLines = []
        wantNext = False
        for line in lines:
            wantThis = wantNext
            wantNext = False
            if line.startswith("WARNING: "):
                wantThis = True
                wantNext = True
            if wantThis:

        if warningLines:
            self.addCompleteLog("warnings", "\n".join(warningLines) + "\n")
        self.warnings = len(warningLines)

    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            return FAILURE
        if self.warnings:
            return WARNINGS
        return SUCCESS

    def getText(self, cmd, results):
        if results == SUCCESS:
            return ["docs", "successful"]
        if results == WARNINGS:
            return ["docs",
                    "%d warnin%s" % (self.warnings,
                                     self.warnings == 1 and 'g' or 'gs')]
        if results == FAILURE:
            return ["docs", "failed"]

    def getText2(self, cmd, results):
        if results == WARNINGS:
            return ["%d do%s" % (self.warnings,
                                 self.warnings == 1 and 'c' or 'cs')]
        return ["docs"]

class BuildDebs(ShellCommand):
    """I build the .deb packages."""
    name = "debuild"
    flunkOnFailure = 1
    command = ["debuild", "-uc", "-us"]
    description = ["building", "debs"]
    descriptionDone = ["debs"]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        @type    workdir: string
        @keyword workdir: the workdir to start from (must be the base of the
                          Twisted tree)
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
        errors, warnings = 0, 0
        output = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText()
        summary = ""
        sio = StringIO.StringIO(output)
        for line in sio.readlines():
            if line.find("E: ") == 0:
                summary += line
                errors += 1
            if line.find("W: ") == 0:
                summary += line
                warnings += 1
        if summary:
            self.addCompleteLog("problems", summary)
        self.errors = errors
        self.warnings = warnings

    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            return FAILURE
        if self.errors:
            return FAILURE
        if self.warnings:
            return WARNINGS
        return SUCCESS

    def getText(self, cmd, results):
        text = ["debuild"]
        if cmd.rc != 0:
        errors, warnings = self.errors, self.warnings
        if warnings or errors:
            if warnings:
                text.append("%d warnin%s" % (warnings,
                                             warnings == 1 and 'g' or 'gs'))
            if errors:
                text.append("%d erro%s" % (errors,
                                           errors == 1 and 'r' or 'rs'))
        return text

    def getText2(self, cmd, results):
        if cmd.rc != 0:
            return ["debuild"]
        if self.errors or self.warnings:
            return ["%d lintian" % (self.errors + self.warnings)]
        return []

class RemovePYCs(ShellCommand):
    name = "remove-.pyc"
    command = 'find . -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm'
    description = ["removing", ".pyc", "files"]
    descriptionDone = ["remove", ".pycs"] | Contact Us
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