# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_util -*-
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.python import threadable
import time, re, string
def naturalSort(l):
"""Returns a sorted copy of l, so that numbers in strings are sorted in the
proper order.
e.g. ['foo10', 'foo1', 'foo2'] will be sorted as ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo10']
instead of the default ['foo1', 'foo10', 'foo2']"""
l = l[:]
def try_int(s):
return int(s)
return s
def key_func(item):
return [try_int(s) for s in re.split('(\d+)', item)]
# prepend integer keys to each element, sort them, then strip the keys
keyed_l = [ (key_func(i), i) for i in l ]
l = [ i[1] for i in keyed_l ]
return l
def now(_reactor=None):
if _reactor and hasattr(_reactor, "seconds"):
return _reactor.seconds()
return time.time()
def formatInterval(eta):
eta_parts = []
if eta > 3600:
eta_parts.append("%d hrs" % (eta / 3600))
eta %= 3600
if eta > 60:
eta_parts.append("%d mins" % (eta / 60))
eta %= 60
eta_parts.append("%d secs" % eta)
return ", ".join(eta_parts)
class ComparableMixin:
"""Specify a list of attributes that are 'important'. These will be used
for all comparison operations."""
compare_attrs = []
class _None: pass
def __hash__(self):
alist = [self.__class__] + \
[getattr(self, name, self._None) for name in self.compare_attrs]
return hash(tuple(map(str,alist)))
def __cmp__(self, them):
result = cmp(type(self), type(them))
if result:
return result
result = cmp(self.__class__.__name__, them.__class__.__name__)
if result:
return result
assert self.compare_attrs == them.compare_attrs
self_list= [getattr(self, name, self._None) for name in self.compare_attrs]
them_list= [getattr(them, name, self._None) for name in self.compare_attrs]
return cmp(self_list, them_list)
# Remove potentially harmful characters from builder name if it is to be
# used as the build dir.
badchars_map = string.maketrans("\t !#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^{|}~",
def safeTranslate(str):
if isinstance(str, unicode):
str = str.encode('utf8')
return str.translate(badchars_map)
def remove_userpassword(url):
if '@' not in url:
return url
if '://' not in url:
return url
# urlparse would've been nice, but doesn't support ssh... sigh
protocol_url = url.split('://')
protocol = protocol_url[0]
repo_url = protocol_url[1].split('@')[-1]
return protocol + '://' + repo_url
class LRUCache:
A simple least-recently-used cache, with a fixed maximum size. Note that
an item's memory will not necessarily be free if other code maintains a reference
to it, but this class will "lose track" of it all the same. Without caution, this
can lead to duplicate items in memory simultaneously.
synchronized = ["get", "add"]
def __init__(self, max_size=50):
self._max_size = max_size
self._cache = {} # basic LRU cache
self._cached_ids = [] # = [LRU .. MRU]
def get(self, id):
thing = self._cache.get(id, None)
if thing is not None:
return thing
__getitem__ = get
def add(self, id, thing):
if id in self._cache:
while len(self._cached_ids) >= self._max_size:
del self._cache[self._cached_ids.pop(0)]
self._cache[id] = thing
__setitem__ = add
def none_or_str(x):
"""Cast X to a str if it is not None"""
if x is not None and not isinstance(x, str):
return str(x)
return x
# place a working json module at 'buildbot.util.json'. Code is from
# Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>:
# http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2010/02/msg00016.html
import json # python 2.6
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json # python 2.4 to 2.5
_tmp = json.loads
except AttributeError:
import warnings
import sys
warnings.warn("Use simplejson, not the old json module.")
sys.modules.pop('json') # get rid of the bad json module
import simplejson as json
# changes and schedulers consider None to be a legitimate name for a branch,
# which makes default function keyword arguments hard to handle. This value
# is always false.
class NotABranch:
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
NotABranch = NotABranch()