# BitKeeper hook script.
# svn_buildbot.py was used as a base for this file, if you find any bugs or
# errors please email me.
# Amar Takhar <amar@ntp.org>
/path/to/bk_buildbot.py --repository "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" --branch \
"<branch>" --bbserver localhost --bbport 9989
import commands
import sys
import os
import re
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
import sets
# We have hackish "-d" handling here rather than in the Options
# subclass below because a common error will be to not have twisted in
# PYTHONPATH; we want to be able to print that error to the log if
# debug mode is on, so we set it up before the imports.
DEBUG = None
if '-d' in sys.argv:
i = sys.argv.index('-d')
DEBUG = sys.argv[i+1]
del sys.argv[i]
del sys.argv[i]
f = open(DEBUG, 'a')
sys.stderr = f
sys.stdout = f
from twisted.internet import defer,reactor
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.cred import credentials
class Options(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
['repository', 'r', None,
"The repository that was changed."],
['revision', 'v', None,
"The revision that we want to examine (default: latest)"],
['branch', 'b', None,
"Name of the branch to insert into the branch field. (REQUIRED)"],
['category', 'c', None,
"Schedular category."],
['bbserver', 's', 'localhost',
"The hostname of the server that buildbot is running on"],
['bbport', 'p', 8007,
"The port that buildbot is listening on"]
optFlags = [
['dryrun', 'n', "Do not actually send changes"],
def __init__(self):
def postOptions(self):
if self['repository'] is None:
raise usage.error("You must pass --repository")
class ChangeSender:
def getChanges(self, opts):
"""Generate and stash a list of Change dictionaries, ready to be sent
to the buildmaster's PBChangeSource."""
# first we extract information about the files that were changed
repo = opts['repository']
print "Repo:", repo
rev_arg = ''
if opts['revision']:
rev_arg = '-r"%s"' % (opts['revision'], )
changed = commands.getoutput("bk changes -v %s -d':GFILE:\\n' '%s'" % (
rev_arg, repo)).split('\n')
# Remove the first line, it's an info message you can't remove (annoying)
del changed[0]
change_info = commands.getoutput("bk changes %s -d':USER:\\n$each(:C:){(:C:)\\n}' '%s'" % (
rev_arg, repo)).split('\n')
# Remove the first line, it's an info message you can't remove (annoying)
del change_info[0]
who = change_info.pop(0)
branch = opts['branch']
message = '\n'.join(change_info)
revision = opts.get('revision')
changes = {'who': who,
'branch': branch,
'files': changed,
'comments': message,
'revision': revision}
if opts.get('category'):
changes['category'] = opts.get('category')
return changes
def sendChanges(self, opts, changes):
pbcf = pb.PBClientFactory()
reactor.connectTCP(opts['bbserver'], int(opts['bbport']), pbcf)
d = pbcf.login(credentials.UsernamePassword('change', 'changepw'))
d.addCallback(self.sendAllChanges, changes)
return d
def sendAllChanges(self, remote, changes):
dl = remote.callRemote('addChange', changes)
return dl
def run(self):
opts = Options()
if not opts['branch']:
print "You must supply a branch with -b or --branch."
except usage.error, ue:
print opts
print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue)
changes = self.getChanges(opts)
if opts['dryrun']:
for k in changes.keys():
print "[%10s]: %s" % (k, changes[k])
print "*NOT* sending any changes"
d = self.sendChanges(opts, changes)
def quit(*why):
print "quitting! because", why
def failed(f):
print "FAILURE: %s" % f
d.addCallback(quit, "SUCCESS")
reactor.callLater(60, quit, "TIMEOUT")
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = ChangeSender()