"""%prog [options] [changes.pck] old_encoding
Re-encodes changes in a pickle file to UTF-8 from the given encoding
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, os
from cPickle import load,dump
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(__doc__)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 2:
changes_file = args[0]
old_encoding = args[1]
elif len(args) == 1:
changes_file = "changes.pck"
old_encoding = args[0]
parser.error("Need at least one argument")
print "opening %s" % (changes_file,)
fp = open(changes_file)
except IOError, e:
parser.error("Couldn't open %s: %s" % (changes_file, str(e)))
changemgr = load(fp)
print "decoding bytestrings in %s using %s" % (changes_file, old_encoding)
changes_backup = changes_file + ".old"
i = 0
while os.path.exists(changes_backup):
i += 1
changes_backup = changes_file + ".old.%i" % i
print "backing up %s to %s" % (changes_file, changes_backup)
os.rename(changes_file, changes_backup)
dump(changemgr, open(changes_file, "w"))