#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2006-2008 (ita)
from hashlib import md5
import Utils, Configure, Action, Task, Params
class sconpat_error(Exception):
class Builder_class(object):
def __init__(self):
self.action = None
self.generator = None
def init(self, **kw):
if kw.has_key('generator') and kw.has_key('action'):
raise sconpat_error, 'do not mix action and generator in a builder'
if kw.has_key('action'):
a = kw['action'].replace('$SOURCES', '${SRC}')
a = a.replace('$TARGETS', '${TGT}')
a = a.replace('$TARGET', '${TGT[0].abspath(env)}')
a = a.replace('$SOURCE', '${SRC[0].abspath(env)}')
m = md5()
key = m.hexdigest()
Action.simple_action(key, a, kw.get('color', 'GREEN'))
def apply(self, target, source, **kw):
#print "Builder_class apply called"
#print kw['env']
#print target
#print source
curdir = Params.g_build.m_curdirnode
t = Task.Task(self.action, kw['env'], 10)
t.set_inputs(curdir.find_source(source, create=1))
t.set_outputs(curdir.find_build(target, create=1))
def Builder(**kw):
ret = Builder_class()
return ret
def Environment(**kw):
import Environment
ret = Environment.Environment()
if kw.has_key('BUILDERS'):
bd = kw['BUILDERS']
for k in bd:
# store the builder name on the builder
bd[k].name = k
def miapply(self, *lst, **kw):
if not 'env' in kw: kw['env']=ret
bd[k].apply(*lst, **kw)
return ret