#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2005 (ita)
# Yinon Ehrlich, 2008, 2009
"Some waf tests"
import os
import sys
import imp
import time
class DIRS:
WAFADMIN = "wafadmin"
WAF = "waf"
DEMOS = "demos"
TOOLS = "Tools"
# allow importing from wafadmin dir.
wafadmin = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.pardir), DIRS.WAFADMIN)
waftools = os.path.join(wafadmin, DIRS.TOOLS)
sys.path = [wafadmin, waftools] + sys.path
import Options
import Utils
# shortcut
writelines = sys.stderr.write
def info(msg):
Utils.pprint('CYAN', msg)
def testname(file, tests_dir='test'):
test_file=os.path.join(tests_dir, file)
return open(test_file, 'r')
def run_tests():
if Options.options:
verbose = Options.options.verbose
verbose = 1
tests_modules = '''configure_test build_dir cxx_test gcc_test ar_test
wscript_errors_test scripting build options task_gen'''.split()
all_results = []
not_passed = []
total = 0
t1 = time.time()
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
for test in tests_modules:
mod = imp.load_source(test, os.path.join(curdir, test + '.py'))
writelines("******** %s ********\n" % mod.__name__)
# run_tests return a TestResult instance
result = mod.run_tests(verbose)
total += result.testsRun
# accumulate results for future stat etc.
if not result.wasSuccessful():
not_passed += (result.failures + result.errors)
# TODO: all_results is not used now, may be used for further investigation...
writelines('\n' + '='*80 + '\n')
if not_passed:
# for t in not_passed:
# writelines( "%s: %s\n" % (t[0]._testMethodName, t[1]) )
writelines( "\n%d (out of %d) tests didn't passed !" % (len(not_passed), total) )
writelines( "\nall tests (%d) passed successfully !\n" % total )
t2 = time.time()
elapsed = t2-t1
writelines('\nall tests took %.2f seconds.\n' % elapsed)
writelines('='*80 + '\n')
return len(not_passed)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# XXX: not works !