#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Yinon Ehrlich, 2008
Should be serve as common tester for all waf testers.
import os, sys, unittest, shutil, types
import optparse
import Test
# allow importing wafadmin modules
parentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) ) )
sys.path.append(os.path.join( parentdir, Test.DIRS.WAFADMIN ) )
import pproc
import Environment
import Configure
import Options
from Constants import *
import Utils
import Logs
# global variable - used to control the output of tests.
verbose = 0
class StartupError(Utils.WafError):
class CommonTester(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, methodName):
self._waf_exe = os.path.join(self._waf_root_dir, "waf")
# validate current dir is waf directory
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
def validate_waf_path_exist(self, file_or_directory):
raise StartupError if specified file_or_directory not exists
if not os.path.exists(file_or_directory):
raise StartupError("cannot find '%s', please run tests from waf root directory." % file_or_directory)
def _write_file(self, filename, contents):
a_file = open( filename, 'w' )
if contents:
def _write_wscript(self, contents = '', use_dic=True):
if not contents:
contents = wscript_contents
if use_dic:
contents = contents % self._test_dic
self._write_file(self._wscript_file_path, contents)
def call(self, commands):
call: subprocess call method with (by default) silent stdout and stderr,
test its return value to make sure it succeeded"
@param commands [list] commands to run.
[tuple] (returncode, stdout, stderr):
kwargs = dict()
cmd = " ".join(commands)
# Don't show output, run `waf check -vv` when need to check-out what went wrong...
kwargs['stdout'] = kwargs['stderr'] = pproc.PIPE
proc = pproc.Popen(cmd, shell=1, **kwargs)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
if verbose:
return (proc.returncode, stdout, stderr)
def _copy(self, source, target):
"generic" way to copy files/directories. Target must not already exist.
if os.path.isfile(source):
shutil.copy2(source, target)
# When copying directory to another directory using shutil.copytree, the directory
# name of the source is NOT created in the target
src_dirname = os.path.split(source)[-1]
target_dirname = os.path.split(target)[-1]
if src_dirname != target_dirname:
target = os.path.join(target, src_dirname)
shutil.copytree(source, target)
def _test_configure(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('configure', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _test_build(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('build', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _test_clean(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('clean', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _test_distclean(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('distclean', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _test_dist(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('dist', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _test_distcheck(self, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
return self._run_command('distcheck', test_for_success, additionalArgs)
def _run_command(self, command_name, test_for_success=True, additionalArgs=[]):
_run_command - tests for various commands. the specific command to test
is given by @command_name.
@param command_name: one of @available_commands below.
@param test_for_success [boolean]: test for success/failure ?
for example: to make sure command has failed, pass False.
@param additionalArgs [list]: optional additional arguments to command.
@returns [tuple] (stdout, stderr)
if not isinstance(additionalArgs, list):
raise ValueError("additional args must be a list")
available_commands = 'build configure clean dist distcheck distclean'.split()
if not command_name in available_commands:
raise ValueError("The parameter 'command_name' must be on of %s (%s was given)." %
(", ".join(available_commands), command_name))
err_msg = command_name
if test_for_success:
test_func = self.assertEquals # ret val of 0 is False...
err_msg += " failed"
test_func = self.assertNotEquals # ret val of NON-Zero is True...
err_msg += " should fail"
args_list = [sys.executable, self._waf_exe, command_name]
if additionalArgs: args_list.extend(list(additionalArgs))
if verbose > 1: additionalArgs.append('-' + ('v'*(verbose-1)))
if additionalArgs: args_list.extend(list(additionalArgs))
(ret_val, stdout, stderr) = self.call(args_list)
test_func(0, ret_val, err_msg)
return (stdout, stderr)
def _test_run(self, commandline):
test running the generated executable succeed
@param commandline [string]: the commandline to run.
(ret_val, stdout, stderr) = self.call([commandline])
self.assertEquals(0, ret_val, "running '%s' failed" % commandline)
return (stdout, stderr)
def _same_env(self, expected_env, env_name='default'):
All parameters decided upon configure are written to cache, then read on build.
This function checks that the written environment has the same values for keys given by expected_env
@param expected_env [dictionary]: a dictionary that contains
one or more key-value pairs to compare to stored environment
@return: True if values the same,
False otherwise
if expected_env is None or not expected_env:
raise ValueError("env must contains at least one key-value pair")
# Environment uses arguments defined by Options
opt_obj = Options.Handler()
stored_env = Environment.Environment()
stored_env_path = os.path.join(self._blddir, CACHE_DIR, env_name+CACHE_SUFFIX)
stored_env.load( stored_env_path )
for key in expected_env:
# using sort() to ignore differences in order.
# Not using sets.Set in order to identify redundant flags.
stored_items = stored_env[key]
expected_items = expected_env[key]
self.assertEqual( stored_items, expected_items,
"values of '%s' differ: expected = '%s', stored = '%s'"
% (key,expected_items, stored_items))
def _setup_configure(self, blddir='', srcdir=''):
if not blddir:
blddir = self._blddir
if not blddir: raise ValueError('no blddir argument, no self._blddir !')
if not srcdir:
blddir = self._test_dir_root
if not blddir: raise ValueError('no srcdir argument, no self._test_dir_root !')
# Configure uses arguments defined by Options
opt_obj = Options.Handler()
Options.options.prefix = Options.default_prefix
return Configure.ConfigurationContext(srcdir=srcdir, blddir=blddir)
def get_args_options(usage=None):
Parse arguments passed for the waf tests modules.
Returns the options class.
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [Default: 0]', dest='verbose')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# adjust Waf verbosity to the tests verbosity
Logs.verbose = options.verbose
# on -vv show the output of the tests
global verbose
verbose= options.verbose
return options