#!/usr/bin/env python
# Module for retrieving CDDB v1 data from CDDB servers via HTTP
# Written 17 Nov 1999 by Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org>
# This work is released under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
# Release version 1.4
# CVS ID: $Id: CDDB.py,v 1.8 2003/08/31 23:18:43 che_fox Exp $
import urllib, string, socket, os, struct, re
name = 'CDDB.py'
version = 1.4
if os.environ.has_key('EMAIL'):
(default_user, hostname) = string.split(os.environ['EMAIL'], '@')
default_user = os.geteuid() or os.environ['USER'] or 'user'
hostname = socket.gethostname() or 'host'
# Use protocol version 5 to get DYEAR and DGENRE fields.
proto = 5
default_server = 'http://freedb.freedb.org/~cddb/cddb.cgi'
def query(track_info, server_url=default_server,
user=default_user, host=hostname, client_name=name,
disc_id = track_info[0]
num_tracks = track_info[1]
query_str = (('%08lx %d ') % (disc_id, num_tracks))
for i in track_info[2:]:
query_str = query_str + ('%d ' % i)
query_str = urllib.quote_plus(string.rstrip(query_str))
url = "%s?cmd=cddb+query+%s&hello=%s+%s+%s+%s&proto=%i" % \
(server_url, query_str, user, host, client_name,
client_version, proto)
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
# Four elements in header: status, category, disc-id, title
header = string.split(string.rstrip(response.readline()), ' ', 3)
header[0] = string.atoi(header[0])
if header[0] == 200: # OK
result = { 'category': header[1], 'disc_id': header[2], 'title':
header[3] }
return [ header[0], result ]
elif header[0] == 211 or header[0] == 210: # multiple matches
result = []
for line in response.readlines():
line = string.rstrip(line)
if line == '.': # end of matches
# otherwise:
# split into 3 pieces, not 4
# (thanks to bgp for the fix!)
match = string.split(line, ' ', 2)
result.append({ 'category': match[0], 'disc_id': match[1], 'title':
match[2] })
return [ header[0], result ]
return [ header[0], None ]
def read(category, disc_id, server_url=default_server,
user=default_user, host=hostname, client_name=name,
url = "%s?cmd=cddb+read+%s+%s&hello=%s+%s+%s+%s&proto=%i" % \
(server_url, category, disc_id, user, host, client_name,
client_version, proto)
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
header = string.split(string.rstrip(response.readline()), ' ', 3)
header[0] = string.atoi(header[0])
if header[0] == 210 or header[0] == 417: # success or access denied
reply = []
for line in response.readlines():
line = string.rstrip(line)
if line == '.':
line = string.replace(line, r'\t', "\t")
line = string.replace(line, r'\n', "\n")
line = string.replace(line, r'\\', "\\")
if header[0] == 210: # success, parse the reply
return [ header[0], parse_read_reply(reply) ]
else: # access denied. :(
return [ header[0], reply ]
return [ header[0], None ]
def parse_read_reply(comments):
len_re = re.compile(r'#\s*Disc length:\s*(\d+)\s*seconds')
revis_re = re.compile(r'#\s*Revision:\s*(\d+)')
submit_re = re.compile(r'#\s*Submitted via:\s*(.+)')
keyword_re = re.compile(r'([^=]+)=(.*)')
result = {}
for line in comments:
keyword_match = keyword_re.match(line)
if keyword_match:
(keyword, data) = keyword_match.groups()
if result.has_key(keyword):
result[keyword] = result[keyword] + data
result[keyword] = data
len_match = len_re.match(line)
if len_match:
result['disc_len'] = int(len_match.group(1))
revis_match = revis_re.match(line)
if revis_match:
result['revision'] = int(revis_match.group(1))
submit_match = submit_re.match(line)
if submit_match:
result['submitted_via'] = submit_match.group(1)
return result