Constants necessary for EMirror, seperated into classes
from re import compile
# Program Information (PI*)
PIVersion = "2.2.0"
PIHeader = "\nECLiPt-Mirror Version " + PIVersion + " (c) 1998-2003 Martin Preishuber\n"
PIUsage = "Usage: emirror [options] URL\n\n" + \
"Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n"
PIOptions = "Startup:\n" + \
" -V, --version display the version of ECLiPt Mirror and exit.\n" + \
" -h, --help print this help.\n" + \
" -v, --verbose be verbose.\n" + \
" --quiet no output.\n\n" + \
"Logging, input and output files:\n" + \
" -o, --output-file=FILE log messages to FILE.\n" + \
" -O, --output-directory=DIRECTORY put logfiles into DIRECTORY.\n" + \
" -f, --output-format=FORMAT set logfile format to FORMAT.\n" + \
" -c, --config-file=FILE load configuration information from FILE.\n" + \
" -d, --config-directory=DIRECTORY load configuration files from DIRECTORY.\n" + \
" -n, --index-directory=DIRECTORY set index-file/log-file directory to DIR.\n" + \
" --category=TEXT set category of the mirror to TEXT.\n" + \
" --description=TEXT set description of the mirror to TEXT.\n" + \
" --title=TEXT set title for the mirror-log to TEXT.\n" + \
" --email=EMAIL set admin-email to EMAIL.\n" + \
" --log-template=FILE template file for logfiles.\n" + \
" --index-template=FILE template file for the index file.\n" + \
" --summary-template=FILE template file for summary indizes.\n" + \
" --history-template=FILE template file for history log file.\n" + \
" --history-days=NUMBER days of log history to retain and show.\n" + \
" --history-row-days=NUMBER days in each row of the log history output.\n" + \
" --no-history-purge prevent old logs from being deleted.\n" + \
" --mail-user-cmd=COMMAND command to send mail about changes.\n" + \
" --mail-users=FILE mail info about changes to users in FILE.\n" + \
" --info-mailcmd=COMMAND send mail to users when mirror changed.\n\n" + \
"Download and FTP options:\n" + \
" -P, --parent=DIRECTORY set parent directory for downloads to DIR.\n" + \
" -s, --parent-format=FORMAT set parent directory format to FORMAT.\n" + \
" -D, --download-url=URL set local download url to URL.\n" + \
" -t, --tries=NUMBER set number of retries to NUMBER (0 unlimits).\n" + \
" -w, --wait=SECONDS wait SECONDS between retries.\n" + \
" -r, --recursive recursive download.\n" + \
" -F, --follow-symlinks follow symbolic links.\n" + \
" -e, --exclude=REGEXP set exclude pattern to REGEXP.\n" + \
" -i, --include=REGEXP set include pattern to REGEXP.\n" + \
" -l, --only-latest download only the latest file (matching -i).\n" + \
" -u, --username=TEXT set username TEXT for downloads.\n" + \
" -p, --password=TEXT set password TEXT for downloads.\n" + \
" -m, --max-parallel=NUMBER set max. number of parallel downloads to NUM.\n" + \
" -R, --real-hostname=HOSTNAME set real hostname to HOSTNAME (override URL).\n" + \
" -M, --max-days=NUMBER set max. age of files to download to NUM. days.\n" + \
" -A, --max-age=NUMBER set max. age of local files to NUMBER days.\n" + \
" -E, --max-delete=VALUE delete max. VALUE files (KB, MB or percent).\n" + \
" -U, --umask=MASK set the umask to MASK.\n" + \
" --lock-dir=DIRECTORY mirror lock file directory.\n" + \
" --lock-timeout=NUMBER seconds before mirror lock becomes stale.\n" + \
" --operation-timeout=NUMBER seconds before remote operation times-out.\n" + \
" --completed-file=FILE remove & replace file in parent dir iff mirror changes.\n" + \
" --ignore-mdtm ignore mdtm when downloading files.\n" + \
" --no-mod-check no abort if remote file is modified during transfer.\n" + \
" --owner=UID:GID set the file owener to UID:GID.\n" + \
" --delete-local always delete local files.\n" + \
" --delete-first delete file before overwriting.\n" + \
" --passive set passive mode.\n" + \
" --continue restart getting an existing file.\n" + \
" --proxy=HOST:PORT set proxy host and port.\n" + \
" --test set test mode (no real actions).\n\n" + \
"Error handling options:\n" + \
" --error-mailcmd=COMMMAND set error mailing command to COMMAND.\n\n" + \
"Special debug options:\n" + \
" --debug debug mode (be very verbose).\n" + \
" --noexception do not use exception handling.\n\n" + \
"Please report any bugs/comments to Martin.Preishuber@eclipt.at\n"
PIRevLog = "Revision Log:\n\n" + \
" 1.1b1 to b3 released as SimpleMirror in early 1998 \n" + \
" 2.0b1 to b6 May - November 1998\n" + \
" 2.0 February 9th, 1999\n" + \
" 2.1pre2 to pre15 February 1999 - April 2000\n" + \
" 2.1.16 August 21st, 2000\n" + \
" 2.1.17 October 26th, 2000\n" + \
" 2.1.18 April 18th, 2001\n" + \
" 2.1.19 August 2nd, 2001\n" + \
" 2.1.20 October 20th, 2001\n" + \
" 2.1.21 April 5th, 2002\n\n" + \
"Have a look at the ChangeLog-file to get some more details.\n" + \
"The most recent version can be found at:\n\n" + \
" http://www.eclipt.at (Projects -> ECLiPt Mirroring Tool)\n" + \
" ftp://eclipt.uni-klu.ac.at/pub/projects/emirror\n\n" + \
"Please report bugs, comments and feedback to Martin.Preishuber@eclipt.at\n"
# File Types (FT*)
FTDirectory = "Directory"
FTLink = "Link"
FTRegularFile = "Regular File"
FTLinkTarget = "LinkTarget"
# Log Messages (LM*)
LMError = "Error"
LMWarning = "Warning"
LMRetrieve = "Retrieve"
LMDelete = "Delete"
LMLink = "Link"
# Logfile Formats (LF*)
LFHTML = "html"
LFPlain = "plain"
LFPHP = "php"
# Logfile Extensions (LE*)
LEHTML = ".html"
LEPlain = ".txt"
LEPHP = ".php"
# Connection Types (CT*)
CTFTP = "ftp"
CTHTTP = "http"
CTRSYNC = "rsync"
# Connection Status
CSConnected = 1
CSDisconnected = 0
# Mirror status (MS*)
MSunchanged = "unchanged"
MSneverloggedin = "neverloggedin"
MSunknown = "unknown"
MSactive = "active"
# Default Values (DV*)
DVUsername = "ftp"
DVPassword = "emirror@"
DVRetries = 5
DVDelay = 30
# Parent Format (PF*)
PFFull = "full"
PFPath = "path"
PFNone = "none"
# Error Action (EA*)
EAContinue = "continue"
EAAbort = "abort"
EAIgnore = "ignore"
EARetry = "retry"
# Error Sources (ES*)
ESDownloadFile = "downloadfile"
ESGetRemoteFileListCwd = "getremotefilelist (cwd)"
ESGetRemoteFileListLS = "getremotefilelist (ls)"
ESDeleteFile = "DeleteFile"
ESGetLocalFileList = "GetLocalFileList"
ESConnect = "Connect"
ESDisconnect = "Disconnect"
# Installer constants (INS*)
INSBuildDir = "/var/tmp/"
INSRPMOpts = "-Uvh"
INSRPMBuildOpts = "--rebuild"
INSRPMDir = "/usr/src/redhat/RPMS"
# Miscellaneous constants
LastlogFilename = "lastlog.emirror"
EMirrorEnvironment = "EMIRRORCFGPATH"
EMirrorEnvOptions = "EMIRROROPTIONS"
MSDate = compile("\d\d-\d\d-\d\d")
MSMonthStrings = [ "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" ]