Constant for error handling
from constants import EAContinue,EAAbort,EAIgnore,EARetry
# Insert different error messages in here. Format is [ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage, ErrorAction]
# EAContinue = Write message to the log and continue
# EAIgnore = Don't write anything to the log and continue
# EAAbort = Write to the log and quit
# EARetry = Retry the operation
errormsgs = [
[2, "no such file or directory", EAContinue],
[5, "input/output error", EAAbort],
[6, "device not configured", EAAbort],
[6, "no such device", EAAbort],
[7, "no address associated with hostname", EAAbort],
[13, "permission denied", EAIgnore],
[13, "keine berechtigung", EAIgnore],
[16, "device or resource busy", EAAbort],
[28, "no space left", EAAbort],
[30, "read-only file system", EAAbort],
[32, "broken pipe", EARetry],
[39, "directory not empty", EAIgnore],
[40, "too many levels of symbolic links", EAContinue],
[52, "network dropped connection on reset", EAAbort],
[54, "connection reset by peer", EARetry],
[57, "socket is not connected", EARetry],
[60, "operation timed out", EAAbort],
[61, "connection refused", EAAbort],
[62, "too many levels of symbolic links", EAContinue],
[65, "no route to host", EAAbort],
[101, "network is unreachable", EAAbort],
[104, "connection reset by peer", EARetry],
[110, "connection timed out", EARetry],
[111, "connection refused", EAAbort],
[113, "no route to host", EAAbort],
[116, "stale nfs file handle", EAAbort],
[131, "connection reset by peer", EARetry],
[150, "about to open data connection", EARetry],
[150, "opening binary mode data connection", EAIgnore],
[200, "data port set", EAIgnore],
[200, "port command okay", EAIgnore],
[200, "port command successful", EAIgnore],
[200, "type is now 8-bit binary", EAIgnore],
[200, "type set to a", EAIgnore],
[200, "type set to i", EAIgnore],
[200, "type okay", EAIgnore],
[221, "time limit reached. goodbye", EAAbort],
[226, "nothing left to download", EAIgnore],
[227, "entering passive mode", EAIgnore],
[250, "cwd command successful", EAIgnore],
[421, "anything productive", EARetry],
[421, "disconnecting you since you were inactive for", EARetry],
[421, "server shutdown.", EAAbort],
[421, "server shutting down", EAAbort],
[421, "terminating connection", EARetry],
[421, "timeout", EARetry],
[421, "you were kicked by the nice system operator", EAAbort],
[425, "address already in use", EAAbort],
[425, "can't assign requested address", EAAbort],
[425, "can't build data connection", EAAbort],
[425, "can't create data socket", EAAbort],
[425, "can't open passive connection", EAAbort],
[425, "connection refused", EAAbort],
[425, "connection timed out", EARetry],
[425, "download failed", EAAbort],
[425, "failed to establish connection", EAAbort],
[425, "interrupted system call", EAAbort],
[425, "input/output error", EAAbort],
[425, "network is unreachable", EAAbort],
[425, "no route to host", EAAbort],
[425, "no such device", EAAbort],
[425, "open data connection", EAAbort],
[425, "operation already in progress", EAAbort],
[425, "operation not permitted", EAAbort],
[425, "operation timed out", EARetry],
[425, "resource temporarily unavailable", EAAbort],
[425, "timeout on network transaction", EAAbort],
[425, "too many open files", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: bad file descriptor", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: bad file number", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: broken pipe", EARetry],
[426, "data connection: connection reset by peer", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: error 0", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: illegal seek", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: interrupted system call", EAAbort],
[426, "data connection: no such file or directory", EAContinue],
[426, "data connection: success", EAIgnore],
[426, "data connection: transport endpoint is not connected", EAAbort],
[426, "error writing to port", EAAbort],
[426, "failed to open file for read. connection closed", EAAbort],
[426, "failure writing network stream", EAAbort],
[431, "opening data connection failed", EAAbort],
[450, "socket write to client timed-out", EAAbort],
[500, "illegal port command", EAAbort],
[500, "illegal port rejected", EAAbort],
[500, "invalid port command", EAAbort],
[500, "oops: child died", EAAbort],
[500, "oops: vsf_sysutil_bind", EARetry],
[500, "port argument must be", EAAbort],
[500, "port command failure", EAAbort],
[500, "port must specify port more than", EAAbort],
[500, "will not send to 3rd-party host", EAAbort],
[501, "illegal port command", EAAbort],
[501, "rest not compatible with server configuration", EAAbort],
[502, "illegal port command", EAAbort],
[502, "port/eprt is disabled for security reasons", EAAbort],
[502, "rest command not implemented", EAAbort],
[502, "command not implemented", EAAbort],
[504, "passive ftp port failled", EAAbort],
[504, "reply marker must be 0", EAAbort],
[530, "permission denied", EAContinue],
[530, "no such file or directory", EAContinue],
[550, "access denied", EAContinue],
[550, "access is denied", EAContinue],
[550, "address already in use", EAAbort],
[550, "anonymous users when the load is that", EAAbort],
[550, "been approved", EAIgnore],
[550, "cannot connect to", EAAbort],
[550, "cannot retr. no permission", EAIgnore],
[550, "connect failed", EAAbort],
[550, "connection refused", EAAbort],
[550, "does not exist", EAIgnore],
[550, "drive not ready", EAAbort],
[550, "error writing to port", EAAbort],
[550, "failed to open file", EAIgnore],
[550, "failed to change directory", EAIgnore],
[550, "forbidden command argument", EAIgnore],
[550, "is marked unretrievable", EAIgnore],
[550, "input/output error", EAAbort],
[550, "no route to host", EAAbort],
[550, "no such directory", EAContinue],
[550, "no such file", EAContinue],
[550, "no such file or directory", EAContinue],
[550, "not a directory", EAContinue],
[550, "not a plain file", EAContinue],
[550, "not a regular file", EAContinue],
[550, "operation would block", EAAbort],
[550, "permission denied", EAContinue],
[550, "prohibited file name", EAAbort],
[550, "resource temporarily unavailable", EAAbort],
[550, "share.exe was not loaded, or a shared region was locked", EAAbort],
[550, "sorry, i don't see that file", EAIgnore],
[550, "stale nfs file handle", EAAbort],
[550, "the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect", EAIgnore],
[550, "the process cannot access the file", EAIgnore],
[550, "the system cannot find the file specified", EAIgnore],
[550, "the system cannot find the path specified", EAIgnore],
[550, "timed out", EARetry],
[550, "too many open files", EAAbort],
[550, "unknown directory", EAAbort],
[550, "was not loaded, or a shared region was locked", EAAbort],
[551, "connection timed out", EARetry],
[551, "error on input connection", EARetry],
[551, "error on input file: input/output error", EARetry],
[551, "error on input file: invalid argument", EAAbort],
[551, "error on input file: interrupted system call", EAAbort],
[551, "error on input file: no such file", EAIgnore],
[551, "error on input file: operation timed out", EAAbort],
[551, "error on input file: stale nfs file handle", EAAbort],
[553, "no such file or directory", EAAbort],
[553, "permission denied", EAAbort],
[901, "ftplib internal: connection lost", EAAbort],
[902, "EOFError", EARetry],
[951, "emirror operation timed-out", EAAbort],
[952, "emirror received termination signal", EAAbort],
[953, "emirror FTP connect failed", EAAbort],
[954, "emirror FTP reconnect failed", EAAbort],
[955, "modified during transfer", EAAbort]