# GNU Solfege - free ear training software
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 Tom Cato Amundsen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import operator
import gtk
import pango
from solfege.mpd import const
from solfege.mpd import mpdutils
fetadir = "feta"
class dim20:
linespacing = 8
stemlen = linespacing * 3.5
xshift = 10
col_width = 20
first_staff_ypos = 80
staff_spacing = 100
ledger_left = -4
ledger_right = 14
accidental_widths = { -2: 12, -1: 7, 0: 5, 1: 8, 2: 8}
clef_yoffset = {
'G': -38 + 3 * linespacing,
'F': -8 + 3 * linespacing,
'C': -15 + 3 * linespacing,
dimentions = {20: dim20}
accidental_y_offset = {const.ACCIDENTAL__2: -7,
const.ACCIDENTAL__1: -7,
const.ACCIDENTAL_0: -5,
const.ACCIDENTAL_1: -6,
const.ACCIDENTAL_2: -2}
class Engraver:
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize):
self.m_fontsize = 20
self.m_timepos = timepos
def get_width(self):
Get the width of all engravers that does not implement their
own get_width function.
return 20
def __str__(self):
return '(Engraver)'
class ClefEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, clef):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_clef = clef
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_clef
def get_width(self):
return 25
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fetadir+'/feta%i-clefs-%s.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, self.m_clef.get_symbol())),
0, 0, self.m_xpos,
dimentions[self.m_fontsize].clef_yoffset[self.m_clef.get_symbol()] - self.m_clef.get_stafflinepos() * dimentions[self.m_fontsize].linespacing\
+ staff_yoffset)
class TimeSignatureEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, timesig):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_timesig = timesig
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_timesignature
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
x = 0
for idx in range(len(str(self.m_timesig.m_num))):
n = str(self.m_timesig.m_num)[idx]
gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fetadir+'/feta%i-number-%s.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, n)),
0, 0,
self.m_xpos+x, staff_yoffset-12)
x += 10
x = 0
for idx in range(len(str(self.m_timesig.m_den))):
n = str(self.m_timesig.m_den)[idx]
gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fetadir+'/feta%i-number-%s.xpm' %\
(self.m_fontsize, n)),
0, 0,
self.m_xpos+x, staff_yoffset+3)
x += 10
def __str__(self):
return '(TimeSignatureEngraver:%i/%i, xpos:%s)' % (self.m_timesig.m_den,
self.m_timesig.m_num, self.m_xpos)
class TieEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, fontsize, pos1, pos2, shift1, shift2, ylinepos):
Engraver.__init__(self, None, fontsize)
self.m_pos1 = pos1
self.m_pos2 = pos2
self.m_shift1 = shift1
self.m_shift2 = shift2
self.m_ylinepos = ylinepos
def set_xpos(self, dict):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_pos1].m_music
self.m_xpos2 = dict[self.m_pos2].m_music
self.m_xpos += 3 + (self.m_shift1 + 1) * dim.xshift
self.m_xpos2 += - 3 + self.m_shift2 * dim.xshift
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
w = self.m_xpos2 - self.m_xpos
h = 8
widget.window.draw_arc(gc, False,
self.m_xpos, staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing*(self.m_ylinepos-1)/2 + 3,
w, h, 64 * 180, 64*180)
class AccidentalsEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, accs):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_accs = accs
def f(v, w=dimentions[fontsize].accidental_widths):
x = 0
for a in v:
x += w[a]
return x
self.m_usize = reduce(operator.__add__, map(f, accs.values())) + len(accs)
def set_xpos(self, dict, tpd):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_accidentals + tpd[self.m_timepos].m_accidentals - self.get_width()
def get_width(self):
return self.m_usize
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
x = 0
for y in self.m_accs:
for acc in self.m_accs[y]:
fetadir+'/feta%i-accidentals-%i.xpm' % \
(self.m_fontsize, acc)),
0, 0,
self.m_xpos + x,
int(accidental_y_offset[acc] + staff_yoffset
+ dimentions[self.m_fontsize].linespacing*y/2
+ accidental_y_offset[acc]))
x += dimentions[self.m_fontsize].accidental_widths[acc] + 1
class KeySignatureEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, old_key, key, clef):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_old_key = old_key
self.m_key = key
self.m_clef = clef
self.m_old_accidentals = mpdutils.key_to_accidentals(old_key)
self.m_accidentals = mpdutils.key_to_accidentals(key)
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_keysignature
def get_width(self):
#FIXME this value depends on the fontsize, and on what kind of
#accidental we are drawing. A sharp is wider that a flat.
return len(self.m_accidentals) * 10 + len(self.m_old_accidentals) * 6 + 8
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
x = 0
dolist = []
# natural signs
for acc in self.m_old_accidentals:
if acc in self.m_accidentals:
ypos = self.m_clef.an_to_ylinepos(acc)
dolist.append((0, x, ypos))
#FIXME see FIXME msg in .get_width
x += 6
# accidentals
for acc in self.m_accidentals:
if acc.endswith('eses'):
ktype = -2
elif acc.endswith('es'):
ktype = -1
elif acc.endswith('isis'):
ktype = 2
ktype = 1
ypos = self.m_clef.an_to_ylinepos(acc)
dolist.append((ktype, x, ypos))
#FIXME see FIXME msg in .get_width
x += 10
for ktype, x, ypos in dolist:
fetadir+'/feta%i-accidentals-%i.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, ktype)),
0, 0,
self.m_xpos + x,
int(accidental_y_offset[ktype] + staff_yoffset
+ dimentions[self.m_fontsize].linespacing*ypos/2
+ accidental_y_offset[ktype]))
class NoteheadEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, shift, ypos, head, numdots, midi_int, mgroup):
m_ypos == 0 is the middle line on the staff.
Negative value is up, positive is down.
The value counts notesteps, not pixels!
FIXME, right now it also draws dots, but they should be an own class
because the dots has to be handled special with noteheads are xshifted.
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_head = head
self.m_shift = shift
self.m_numdots = numdots
self.m_ypos = ypos
self.m_midi_int = midi_int
self.m_mgroup = mgroup
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_music
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
# Have to adjust holenotes a little to the left to be on the middle
# of the ledger line.
if self.m_head == 0:
xx = -2
xx = 0
gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fetadir+'/feta%i-noteheads-%i.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, self.m_head)),
0, 0,
self.m_xpos + self.m_shift * dim.xshift + xx,
int(staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing*self.m_ypos/2 - 4))
for n in range(self.m_numdots):
0, 0,
-3 + staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing*self.m_ypos/2)
def __str__(self):
return "(NoteheadEngraver: xpos:%i, ypos:%i, head:%i)" % (self.m_xpos,
class BarlineEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, barline_type):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_type = barline_type
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_barline
def get_width(self):
return 8
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos, staff_yoffset - dim.linespacing*2,
self.m_xpos, staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing*2)
class TupletEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, fontsize, n):
Engraver.__init__(self, None, fontsize)
self.m_stems = []
self.m_den, self.m_direction = n
def set_xpos(self, dict):
def add_stem(self, stem):
def do_layout(self):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
top = []
bottom = []
for s in self.m_stems:
if s.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.UP:
self.m_t = min(top) - 2
self.m_b = max(bottom) + 2
self.m_xpos1 = self.m_stems[0].m_xpos
self.m_xpos2 = self.m_stems[-1].m_xpos + dim.xshift
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
m = self.m_xpos1 + (self.m_xpos2 - self.m_xpos1)/2
x1 = m - 6
x2 = m + 6
if self.m_direction == const.UP or self.m_direction == const.BOTH:
y = min(staff_yoffset - dim.linespacing * 3,
staff_yoffset + self.m_t * dim.linespacing / 2)
d = 1
else: # == const.DOWN
y = max(staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing * 5,
staff_yoffset + self.m_b * dim.linespacing /2)
d = -1
widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos1, y, x1, y)
widget.window.draw_line(gc, x2, y, self.m_xpos2, y)
widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos1, y, self.m_xpos1, y+5*d)
widget.window.draw_line(gc, self.m_xpos2, y, self.m_xpos2, y+5*d)
cc = widget.create_pango_context()
ll = pango.Layout(cc)
ll.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription("Sans 10"))
sx, sy = [i / pango.SCALE for i in ll.get_size()]
widget.window.draw_layout(gc, m - sx / 2, y - sy / 2, ll)
class BeamEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, fontsize):
Engraver.__init__(self, None, fontsize)
self.m_stems = []
def add_stem(self, stem_engraver):
def set_xpos(self, dict):
def do_layout(self):
def set_stemlens(self, lh):
l, h = lh
for e in self.m_stems:
if self.m_stemdir == const.UP:
e.m_beamed_stem_top = l - 6
assert self.m_stemdir == const.DOWN
e.m_beamed_stem_top = h + 6
def find_lowhigh_ypos(self):
Find the lowest and highest notehead in the beam.
mn = 1000
mx = -1000
for se in self.m_stems:
for ylinepos in se.m_yposes:
if mn > ylinepos:
mn = ylinepos
if mx < ylinepos:
mx = ylinepos
return mn, mx
def decide_beam_stemdir(self):
Decide the direction for the stems in this beam, and set
the stemdir for all stems.
v = {const.UP: 0, const.DOWN: 0}
for e in self.m_stems:
v[e.m_mgroup.m_stemdir] = v[e.m_mgroup.m_stemdir] + 1
e.m_stemlen = 50
if v[const.UP] > v[const.DOWN]:
stemdir = const.UP
stemdir = const.DOWN
for e in self.m_stems:
e.m_mgroup.m_stemdir = stemdir
self.m_stemdir = stemdir
for e in self.m_stems:
e.m_mgroup.m_stemdir = stemdir
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
d = 0
if self.m_stemdir == const.UP:
d = 1
d = -1
x1 = self.m_stems[0].m_xpos
x2 = self.m_stems[-1].m_xpos
if self.m_stems[0].m_beamed_stem_top % 2 == 1:
for x in range(len(self.m_stems)):
self.m_stems[x].m_beamed_stem_top =\
self.m_stems[x].m_beamed_stem_top - d
y1 = self.m_stems[0].m_beamed_stem_top * dim.linespacing/2 + staff_yoffset
beamw = 3
beaml = 10
for y in range(beamw):
widget.window.draw_line(gc, x1, y1 + y*d, x2, y1 + y*d)
for stem in self.m_stems:
stem._beam_done = 8
def short_beam(stem, xdir, beamnum, d=d, widget=widget, beamw=beamw, gc=gc, beaml=beaml, y1=y1):
for y in range(beamw):
widget.window.draw_line(gc, stem.m_xpos, y1 + y + beamnum*d*beamw*2,
stem.m_xpos + xdir*beaml, y1 + y + beamnum*d*beamw*2)
for nl, yc in ((16, 0), (32, 1), (64, 2)):
for i in range(len(self.m_stems)-1):
if self.m_stems[i].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh >= nl \
and self.m_stems[i+1].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh >= nl:
for y in range(beamw):
self.m_stems[i].m_xpos, d*beamw*yc*2 + y1 + y + d*beamw*2,
self.m_stems[i+1].m_xpos, d*beamw*yc*2 + y1 + y + d*beamw*2)
self.m_stems[i]._beam_done = nl
self.m_stems[i+1]._beam_done = nl
if self.m_stems[i].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh >= nl \
and self.m_stems[i+1].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh <= nl/2 \
and self.m_stems[i]._beam_done < nl:
if i == 0:
stemdir = 1
if self.m_stems[i-1].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh < \
stemdir = 1
stemdir = -1
short_beam(self.m_stems[i], stemdir, yc+1, d)
self.m_stems[i]._beam_done = nl
if self.m_stems[-1].m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh >= nl \
and self.m_stems[-1]._beam_done <= nl/2:
short_beam(self.m_stems[-1], -1, yc+1, d)
class StemEngraver(Engraver):
Every notehead belong to a stem, even if the stem is invisible.
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, yposes, mgroup, is_beamed):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_mgroup = mgroup
self.m_yposes = yposes
self.m_is_beamed = is_beamed
if len(self.m_yposes) == 1:
x = self.m_yposes[0]
x = self.m_yposes[0] + self.m_yposes[-1]
if self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.UP \
or (self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.BOTH and x >= 0):
self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir = const.UP
self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir = const.DOWN
self.m_stemlen = dimentions[self.m_fontsize].stemlen
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_music
def calc_xpos(self):
if self.m_mgroup.m_stempos == 1 or self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.UP:
self.m_xpos = self.m_xpos + dimentions[self.m_fontsize].xshift
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
# draw flags
if not self.m_is_beamed and self.m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh > 4:
if self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.UP:
fetadir+'/feta%i-flags-%s.xpm' % \
(self.m_fontsize, self.get_flag(const.UP))),
0, 0,
int(staff_yoffset - self.m_stemlen + self.m_yposes[0] * dim.linespacing/2))
fetadir+'/feta%i-flags-%s.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, self.get_flag(const.DOWN))),
0, 0,
int(staff_yoffset + 4 + self.m_yposes[-1] * dim.linespacing/2))
# draw stem
if self.m_mgroup.m_stemdir == const.DOWN:
if self.m_is_beamed:
yroot = self.m_beamed_stem_top
yroot = self.m_yposes[-1] + 6
ytop = self.m_yposes[0]
if self.m_is_beamed:
yroot = self.m_beamed_stem_top
yroot = self.m_yposes[0] - 6
ytop = self.m_yposes[-1]
ytop * dim.linespacing/2 + staff_yoffset,
yroot * dim.linespacing/2 + staff_yoffset)
def get_flag(self, stemdir):
assert self.m_mgroup.m_duration.m_nh > 4
return {8:{const.UP: const.FLAG_8UP,
const.DOWN: const.FLAG_8DOWN},
16: {const.UP: const.FLAG_16UP,
const.DOWN: const.FLAG_16DOWN},
32: {const.UP: const.FLAG_32UP,
const.DOWN: const.FLAG_32DOWN},
64: {const.UP: const.FLAG_64UP,
const.DOWN: const.FLAG_64DOWN}} \
def __str__(self):
return "(StemEngraver)"
class LedgerLineEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, up, down):
up: number of ledger lines above staff
down: number of ledger lines below staff
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_up = up
self.m_down = down
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_music
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
if self.m_up:
for y in range(self.m_up):
self.m_xpos+dim.ledger_left, (-y-3) * dim.linespacing + staff_yoffset,
self.m_xpos+dim.ledger_right, (-y-3) * dim.linespacing + staff_yoffset)
if self.m_down:
for y in range(self.m_down):
self.m_xpos+dim.ledger_left, (y+3) * dim.linespacing + staff_yoffset,
self.m_xpos+dim.ledger_right, (y+3) * dim.linespacing + staff_yoffset)
def __str__(self):
return "(LedgerLineEngraver xpos:%i, updown%i%i" % (
self.m_xpos, self.m_up, self.m_down)
class RestEngraver(Engraver):
def __init__(self, timepos, fontsize, ypos, dur):
Engraver.__init__(self, timepos, fontsize)
self.m_ypos = ypos
self.m_dots = dur.m_dots
self.m_type = {1: 0, 2: 1, 4: 2, 8: 3, 16: 4, 32: 5, 64: 6}[dur.m_nh]
def set_xpos(self, dict):
self.m_xpos = dict[self.m_timepos].m_music
def get_width(self):
#FIXME write me!
return 20
def engrave(self, widget, gc, staff_yoffset):
dim = dimentions[self.m_fontsize]
if self.m_type == 0:
my = dim.linespacing/2
my = 0
gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fetadir+'/feta%i-rests-%i.xpm' \
% (self.m_fontsize, self.m_type)),
0, 0,
int(staff_yoffset - my + dim.linespacing*self.m_ypos/2 - 4))
for n in range(self.m_dots):
0, 0,
-3 + staff_yoffset + dim.linespacing*self.m_ypos/2)
def __str__(self):
return "(RestEngraver)"