# GNU Solfege - free ear training software
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Tom Cato Amundsen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
The Interval class is a class that is used to do math with
intervals and musical pitches. You use this class if you
need to know the difference between a augmented second and
a minor third. If you don't require this you can probably
ise the simpler function mpdutils.int_to_intervalname
import re
from solfege.mpd import _exceptions
# We have to list all possible interval names here so that xgettext
# can find them and add them to the .pot file for translation. We
# cannot translate the interval quality and interval number separately
# because we don't know how to concat them on other languages.
if 0:
_("Perfect Unison")
_("Diminished Unison")
_("Augmented Unison")
_("Diminished Second")
_("Minor Second")
_("Major Second")
_("Augmented Second")
_("Diminished Third")
_("Minor Third")
_("Major Third")
_("Augmented Third")
_("Diminished Fourth")
_("Perfect Fourth")
_("Augmented Fourth")
_("Diminished Fifth")
_("Perfect Fifth")
_("Augmented Fifth")
_("Diminished Sixth")
_("Minor Sixth")
_("Major Sixth")
_("Augmented Sixth")
_("Diminished Seventh")
_("Minor Seventh")
_("Major Seventh")
_("Augmented Seventh")
_("Diminished Octave")
_("Perfect Octave")
_("Augmented Octave")
# translators: Only translate the word after interval| , and don't include
# interval| in the translated string. So for Norwegians, translate
# "interval|Diminished" to "Forminsket". Do similar for all strings
# that are preceded with "interval|"
_("Minor Ninth")
_("Major Ninth")
_("Minor Tenth")
_("Major Tenth")
short_name = (_i("interval|u"),
_i("interval|m2"), _i("interval|M2"),
_i("interval|m3"), _i("interval|M3"),
_i("interval|4"), _i("interval|tt"),
_i("interval|m6"), _i("interval|M6"),
_i("interval|m7"), _i("interval|M7"),
_i("interval|m9"), _i("interval|M9"),
_i("interval|m10"), _i("interval|M10"))
def number_name(steps):
return {
1: "Unison",
2: "Second",
3: "Third",
4: "Fourth",
5: "Fifth",
6: "Sixth",
7: "Seventh",
8: "Octave",
9: "Ninth",
10: "Tenth"}[steps]
except KeyError:
return "%ith" % steps
class InvalidIntervalnameException(_exceptions.MpdException):
def __init__(self, notename):
self.m_intervalname = notename
def __str__(self):
return _("Invalid interval name: %s") % self.m_intervalname
class Interval:
The interval is internally a interval less than octave
pluss n octaves. The data variables:
should NOT be touched by anyone, except MusicalPitch.__add__
_nn_to_interval_quality = {
'p': 'Perfect',
'dd': 'Doubly-diminished',
'd': 'Diminished',
'm': 'Minor',
'M': 'Major',
'a': 'Augmented',
'aa': 'Doubly-augmented',
def __init__(self, iname=None):
self.m_dir = 1 # value as to be 1 or -1 for initialised obj
self.m_octave = 0 # 0, 1, 2, 3 etc
self.m_interval = 0 # 0:unison, 1:seond, ... 6: septim
# unison: dim perfect aug
# second: -2:dim -1:minor 0:major 1:aug
# third: dim minor major aug
# fourth: dim perfect aug
# fifth: dim perfect aug
# sixth: dim minor major aug
# seventh: dim minor major aug
self.m_mod = 0
if iname:
def nn_to_translated_quality(interval_quality):
Return translated interval quality from internal short string.
interval_quality can be: dd, d, m, M, a, a, p
The C locale will return english names, as 'Perfect' and 'Diminished'
# Hack, just to xgettext should not grab the string for translation
xgettext_wont_find_us = _i
return xgettext_wont_find_us("interval|%s" % Interval._nn_to_interval_quality[interval_quality].title())
nn_to_translated_quality = staticmethod(nn_to_translated_quality)
def errorcheck(self):
assert 0 <= self.m_interval <= 6
assert -2 <= self.m_mod <= 1 # should be increased to -3 <= x <= 2
assert self.m_octave >= 0
assert self.m_dir in (-1, 1)
def _set(self, direction, interval, mod, octave):
self.m_dir = direction
self.m_interval = interval
self.m_mod = mod
self.m_octave = octave
if __debug__:
return self
def new_from_int(i):
assert isinstance(i, int)
new_int = Interval()
return new_int
new_from_int = staticmethod(new_from_int)
def set_from_int(self, i):
"""It returns self to allow chaining: set_from_int(4).pretty_name()
if i < 0:
self.m_dir = -1
self.m_dir = 1
self.m_octave = abs(i) / 12
self.m_mod, self.m_interval = (
(0, 0), # unison
(-1, 1), (0, 1), # second
(-1, 2), (0, 2), # third
(0, 3), # fourth
(-1, 4), # dim 5, tritone
(0, 4), # fifth
(-1, 5), (0, 5), # sixth
(-1, 6), (0, 6))[abs(i) % 12] # seventh
return self
def set_from_string(self, s):
unison p1
second m2 M2
third m3 M3
fourth p4
fifth d5 5
sixth m6 M6
seventh m7 M7
octave p8
ninth m9 M9
tenth m10 M10
# up or down
s_orig = s[:]
s = s.strip()
if s[0] == "-":
self.m_dir = -1
s = s[1:]
self.m_dir = 1
m = re.match("(m|M|d|a|p)(\d+)", s)
if not m:
raise InvalidIntervalnameException(s_orig)
modifier, i = m.groups()
i = int(i)
if i <= 7:
self.m_octave = 0
self.m_octave = (i - 1) // 7
self.m_interval = i - 1 - self.m_octave * 7
if self.m_interval in (1, 2, 5, 6):
self.m_mod = {'d': -2, 'm': -1, 'M': 0, 'a': 1}[modifier]
raise InvalidIntervalnameException(s_orig)
elif self.m_interval in (0, 3, 4):
self.m_mod = {'d': -1, 'p': 0, '': 0, 'a': 1}[modifier]
raise InvalidIntervalnameException(s_orig)
def get_intvalue(self):
if __debug__:
return ([0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11][self.m_interval] + self.m_octave * 12 + self.m_mod) * self.m_dir
def __str__(self):
if __debug__:
ret = "(Interval %i %imod %io" % (self.m_interval, self.m_mod, self.m_octave)
if self.m_dir == -1:
ret = ret + " down)"
ret = ret + " up)"
return ret
def __repr__(self):
if self.m_interval in (0, 3, 4):
return "%s%s" % ({-2: 'dd', -1: 'd', 0: 'p', 1: 'a', 2: 'aa'}[self.m_mod], self.m_interval + 1 + self.m_octave * 7)
return "%s%s" % ({-2: 'd', -1: 'm', 0: 'M', 1: 'a'}[self.m_mod], (self.m_interval + 1 + self.m_octave * 7))
def __eq__(self, interval):
return self.m_dir == interval.m_dir \
and self.m_octave == interval.m_octave \
and self.m_mod == interval.m_mod \
and self.m_interval == interval.m_interval
def get_number_name(self):
Return the translated general name of the interval, like second, third
etc. (major, minor etc.)
return _(number_name(self.steps()))
def get_quality_short(self):
Return a short string telling the quality.
This is a non-translated short string mostly used
internally in the program.
if self.m_interval in (0, 3, 4):
return {-2: "dd",
-1: "d",
0: "p",
1: "a",
2: "aa"}[self.m_mod]
assert self.m_interval in (1, 2, 5, 6)
return {-2: "d",
-1: "m",
0: "M",
1: "a"}[self.m_mod]
def get_cname_short(self):
Return the short untranslated interval name, like p5 or M2
return "%s%i" % (self.get_quality_short(), self.steps())
def get_cname(self):
Return the full untranslated interval name, both the number and quality.
if self.m_interval == 4 and self.m_mod == -1:
return u"Tritone"
return u"%s %s" % (
def get_name(self):
Return the full translated intervalname, both the number and quality.
return _(self.get_cname())
def steps(self):
return self.m_octave * 7 + self.m_interval + 1