# GNU Solfege - free ear training software
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Tom Cato Amundsen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import pickle
import sqlite3
import time
from solfege import filesystem
from solfege import lessonfile
from solfege import mpd
from solfege import utils
import solfege
def hash_lessonfile_text(s):
Return the hashvalue of the string s, after filtering out:
* lines starting with '#'
* empty lines
lines = s.split("\n")
lines = [x for x in lines if (not x.startswith("#") and bool(x))]
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
return sha1.hexdigest()
def hash_of_lessonfile(filename):
assert isinstance(filename, unicode)
return hash_lessonfile_text(open(lessonfile.uri_expand(filename), 'r').read())
class DB(object):
type_int_dict = {int: 0, unicode: 1, float: 2}
int_type_dict = {0: int, 1: unicode, 2: float}
class VariableTypeError(Exception): pass
class VariableUndefinedError(Exception): pass
class FileNotInDB(Exception): pass
def __init__(self, callback=None, filename=None):
callback is called to display progress when scanning lesson files.
if filename:
statistics_filename = filename
if testsuite_is_running:
statistics_filename = ":memory:"
except NameError:
statistics_filename = self.get_statistics_filename()
self.must_recreate = not os.path.exists(statistics_filename)
if testsuite_is_running:
self.must_recreate = False
except NameError:
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(statistics_filename)
if self.must_recreate:
def insert_file(self, filename):
assert lessonfile.is_uri(filename) or os.path.isabs(filename)
self.conn.execute("insert into lessonfiles "
"(filename, hash) "
"values (?, ?)",
(filename, hash_of_lessonfile(filename)))
return self.get_fileid(filename)
def get_statistics_filename():
return os.path.join(filesystem.app_data(), "statistics.sqlite")
def setup_tables(self):
Create needed tables. Drop and recreate the database if it was
created by solfege 3.15.0-3.15.2 since we are incompatible with it,
and do not want to spend time supporting upgrades from devel
columns = [x[1] for x in
self.conn.execute('pragma table_info(lessonfiles)').fetchall()]
# true if the database is created by solfege 3.15.0 - 3.15.2
if u'uuid' in columns:
logging.debug("statistics: dropping tables because the database is from solfege-3.15.0-3.15.2")
self.conn.execute("drop table if exists lessonfiles")
self.conn.execute("drop table if exists sessions")
self.conn.execute("drop table if exists tests")
self.conn.execute("drop table if exists variables")
self.must_recreate = False
"create table if not exists lessonfiles ( "
" fileid integer primary key autoincrement, "
" hash text not null, "
# The test result of the last time the exercise was tested.
" test_result float default None, "
# Did we pass?
# None is not test taken. True if passed, False if not
" test_passed int default None, "
" filename text unique not null "
self.conn.execute('''create table if not exists sessions
(fileid int, timestamp int, answerkey text, guessed text, count int, unique (fileid, timestamp, answerkey, guessed) )''')
self.conn.execute('''create table if not exists tests
(fileid int, timestamp int, answerkey text, guessed text, count int, unique (fileid, timestamp, answerkey, guessed) )''')
self.conn.execute('''create table if not exists variables
(variable_name text primary key not null,
type int not null,
value text not null)''')
def get_fileid(self, filename):
assert lessonfile.is_uri(filename) or os.path.isabs(filename), filename
row = self.conn.execute(
"select fileid from lessonfiles "
"where filename=?",
if row:
return row[0]
raise self.FileNotInDB(filename)
def get_uuid_to_filename_mapping(self, callback=None):
Parse all lesson files we can find and return a dict mapping
the lesson_id to file names.
Current lessonfile manager code cause us to parse the user contributed
files in ~/lessonfiles too.
count = 0
mapping = {}
for uuid, data in lessonfile.mgr.parse(False):
mapping[uuid] = lessonfile.mk_uri(data['filename'])
count += 1
callback(_("Files read: %i") % count)
logging.info("get_uuid_to_filename_mapping: scanned %i files." % count)
return count, mapping
def read_old_data(self, callback):
This function should be run once to import the old format statistics
from ~/.solfege/statistics and into the sqlite database.
We will import statistics for all uuids that exist in the lessonfiles table.
# Snippet from http://wiki.python.org/moin/UsingPickle/RenamingModules
# that let us rename even though we have a renamed class
renametable = {
'src.dataparser': 'solfege.dataparser',
def mapname(name):
if name in renametable:
return renametable[name]
return name
def mapped_load_global(self):
module = mapname(self.readline()[:-1])
name = mapname(self.readline()[:-1])
klass = self.find_class(module, name)
def load(file):
unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(file)
unpickler.dispatch[pickle.GLOBAL] = mapped_load_global
return unpickler.load()
imp, uuid_to_filename = self.get_uuid_to_filename_mapping(callback)
def read_session_data(datadir, tablename, counter):
if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
logging.debug("read_session_data: '%s' does not exist. Returning" % datadir)
for uuid in os.listdir(datadir):
if not (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(datadir, uuid))
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datadir, '%s_hash' % uuid))):
# We do not add statistics for lesson files we don't have
# access to.
if not uuid in uuid_to_filename:
lessonfilename = uuid_to_filename[uuid]
fileid = self.get_fileid(lessonfilename)
except self.FileNotInDB:
fileid = self.insert_file(lessonfilename)
# saved_hashvalue will get the hash value as solfege 3.14 (or
# older) calculated when the statistics was saved.
s = open(os.path.join(datadir, u"%s_hash" % uuid), "r").read()
saved_hashvalue = int(s)
except ValueError:
saved_hashvalue = None
except IOError:
saved_hashvalue = None
real_lessonfilename = lessonfile.uri_expand(lessonfilename)
s = open(real_lessonfilename, "r").read()
# Check if the lesson file in this version of solfege is equal to the
# one used when saving the statistics.
if hash(s) != saved_hashvalue:
# header.replaces is not used when importing statistics.
# This because the old statistics saved the hash value
# using python standard hash function, and the function
# does not return the same value on all systems.
def bugfix_copy_fn(filename, subdir):
Return the filename of the copy of the file if it
exists. Return filename if not.
d, f = os.path.split(filename)
fn = os.path.join(subdir, f)
if (d == 'exercises%sstandard%slesson-files' % (os.sep, os.sep)
and os.path.isfile(fn)):
return fn
return filename
def bugfix_hash_file(filename, subdir):
copy_fn = bugfix_copy_fn(filename, subdir)
if os.path.isfile(copy_fn):
return hash(open(copy_fn, 'r').read())
return None
if not (saved_hashvalue == bugfix_hash_file(real_lessonfilename, "hash-bug-workaround")
or saved_hashvalue == bugfix_hash_file(real_lessonfilename, "hash-bug-workaround2")):
logging.debug("Ignoring statistics for '%s' since the saved hash value does not match." % lessonfilename)
for timestamp in os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, uuid)):
if timestamp == u"passed":
f = open(os.path.join(datadir, uuid, timestamp), 'r')
session = load(f)
for correct in session.keys():
for guess in session[correct]:
self.conn.execute("insert into %s "
"(fileid, timestamp, answerkey, guessed, count) "
"values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" % tablename,
(fileid, timestamp, unicode(correct), unicode(guess), session[correct][guess]))
counter += 1
callback(_("Files read: %i") % counter)
if tablename == 'tests':
row = self.conn.execute("select timestamp from tests "
"where fileid=? order by -timestamp",
if row:
if lessonfile.infocache.get(lessonfilename, "module") in ('melodicinterval', 'harmonicinterval', 'singinterval'):
parserclass = lessonfile.IntervalsLessonfile
parserclass = lessonfile.IdByNameLessonfile
p = parserclass()
return imp
imp = read_session_data(
os.path.join(filesystem.app_data(), 'statistics'),
"sessions", imp)
imp = read_session_data(
os.path.join(filesystem.app_data(), 'testresults'),
"tests", imp)
logging.info("imported statistics for %s lessonfiles" % imp)
def cache_new_test_result(self, filename, timestamp,
required, num_questions):
Search the "tests" table and find the latests test results for
the file. Save the test result in the "lessonfiles" table for
faster access later.
logging.debug("cache_new_test_result(%s, %s, %s, %s)"
% (filename, timestamp, required, num_questions))
fileid = self.get_fileid(filename)
test_result = self.get_correct_count(fileid, timestamp) * 1.0 / num_questions
self.conn.execute("update lessonfiles "
"set test_result=?, test_passed=? where fileid=?",
test_result >= required,
def get_correct_count(self, fileid, timestamp):
Return the number of correct answers the test of fileid with the
specified timestamp.
correct_count = self.conn.execute("select sum(count) from tests where fileid=? and timestamp=? and answerkey=guessed", (fileid, timestamp)).fetchone()[0]
if not correct_count:
correct_count = 0
return correct_count
def get_test_status(self, filename):
Return a tuple saying if the test was passed or not, and the result:
(bool, float)
If no test have been made, we return (None, None)
logging.debug("get_test_status(%s)" % filename)
fileid = self.get_fileid(filename)
row = self.conn.execute("select test_passed, test_result "
"from lessonfiles "
"where fileid=?", (fileid,)).fetchone()
return row
except self.FileNotInDB:
return None, None
def validate_stored_statistics(self, filename):
Insert the filename and hash of the file into the lessonfiles
table if it is not registered there already.
If already there, compare the hash value of the file with what
we have in the database. Remove all saved statistics and insert
the new hash value if they do not match.
Return doing nothing if the file does not exist.
logging.debug("validate_stored_statistics(%s)" % filename)
if not os.path.isfile(lessonfile.uri_expand(filename)):
logging.debug("validate_stored_statistics: file does not exist.")
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
row = cursor.execute("select hash, fileid from lessonfiles "
"where filename=?", (filename,)).fetchone()
cur_lessonfile_hash_value = hash_of_lessonfile(filename)
if not row:
# Ususally the filename exists in the database, but when running
# the test suite, it does not, so we have the code here to add it.
hashvalue, fileid = row
if hashvalue != cur_lessonfile_hash_value:
replaces = solfege.lessonfile.infocache.get(filename, 'replaces')
if not isinstance(replaces, list):
replaces = [replaces]
if not hashvalue in replaces:
cursor.execute("delete from sessions where fileid=?", (fileid,))
cursor.execute("delete from tests where fileid=?", (fileid,))
cursor.execute("update lessonfiles "
"set hash=?, test_passed=?, test_result=0.0 where fileid=?",
(cur_lessonfile_hash_value, None, fileid))
def _recent(self, count, tablename):
assert tablename in ('sessions', 'tests')
filenames = []
for fileid, timestamp in self.conn.execute(
'select fileid, timestamp from %s '
'order by -timestamp' % tablename):
filename = self.conn.execute('select filename from lessonfiles where fileid=?', (fileid,)).fetchone()[0]
if filename not in filenames:
if len(filenames) == count:
return filenames
def recent(self, count):
return self._recent(count, 'sessions')
def recent_tests(self, count):
return self._recent(count, 'tests')
def set_variable(self, name, value):
raise DB.VariableTypeError if the type we set is different from
the one already stored.
row = self.conn.execute('select type, value from variables where variable_name=?', (name,)).fetchone()
if row:
saved_type = self.int_type_dict[row[0]]
saved_type = type(value)
if saved_type != type(value):
raise DB.VariableTypeError()
if type(value) not in self.type_int_dict:
raise DB.VariableTypeError()
if not row:
self.conn.execute("insert into variables "
"(variable_name, type, value) "
"values (?, ?, ?)",
(name, self.type_int_dict[type(value)], unicode(value)))
self.conn.execute("update variables "
"set value=? where variable_name=?",
(unicode(value), name))
def get_variable(self, name):
cursor = self.conn.execute('select type, value from variables where variable_name=?', (name,))
type, value = cursor.fetchone()
except TypeError:
raise self.VariableUndefinedError()
return self.int_type_dict[type](value)
def del_variable(self, name):
Delete the variable, raise DB.VariableUndefinedError if the variable
is not found.
cursor = self.conn.execute('delete from variables where variable_name=?', (name,))
if not cursor.rowcount:
# rowcount is 0 if no variables where deleted. We raise an
# error, since I'd like to know if we tries to do this.
raise self.VariableUndefinedError()
class AbstractStatistics(object):
def __init__(self, teacher):
self.m_t = teacher
self.m_timestamp = None
self.m_test_mode = False
def int_if_int(self, s):
Return an int if the can be converted to an int.
Return unchanged if not.
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
def get_keys(self, all_keys=False):
Return the keys for all questions that have been answered correctly.
If all_keys are false, it should also return the correct key for all
questions that only have been answered wrongly.
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
except DB.FileNotInDB:
return []
if all_keys:
c = solfege.db.conn.execute("select distinct(answerkey) from sessions where fileid=?", (fileid,))
c = solfege.db.conn.execute("select distinct(answerkey) from sessions where fileid=? and answerkey=guessed", (fileid,))
v = [self.int_if_int(x[0]) for x in c]
return [unicode(x) for x in v]
def get_statistics(self, seconds):
return a dict with statistics more recent than 'seconds' seconds.
The keys of dict are the correct answers for the lesson file.
And the values of dict are new dicts where the keys are all the
answers the user have given and the values are the number of times
that particular answer has been given.
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
except DB.FileNotInDB:
return {}
if seconds == -1:
q = solfege.db.conn.execute("select answerkey, guessed, sum(count) from sessions where fileid=? group by answerkey, guessed", (fileid,))
elif seconds == 0:
q = solfege.db.conn.execute("select answerkey, guessed, sum(count) from sessions where fileid=? and timestamp=? group by answerkey, guessed", (fileid, self.m_timestamp))
q = solfege.db.conn.execute("select answerkey, guessed, sum(count) from sessions where fileid=? and timestamp>? group by answerkey, guessed", (fileid, self.m_timestamp - seconds))
ret = {}
for answer, guess, count in q.fetchall():
ret.setdefault(self.int_if_int(answer), {})
ret[self.int_if_int(answer)][self.int_if_int(guess)] = count
return ret
def reset_session(self):
Start a new practise session.
self.m_timestamp = int(time.time())
def enter_test_mode(self):
self.m_test_mode = True
def exit_test_mode(self):
If the user cancels a test, the answers give will be recorded.
So clicking cancel right after starting a test will set the the
latest score to 0.0%
self.m_test_mode = False
def _add(self, question, answer):
Register that for the question 'question' the user answered 'answer'.
assert self.m_timestamp
# tuples must be converted to str to store them in sqlite.
if isinstance(question, tuple):
question = str(question)
if isinstance(answer, tuple):
answer = str(answer)
table = {True: 'tests', False: 'sessions'}[self.m_test_mode]
cursor = solfege.db.conn.cursor()
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
row = cursor.execute(
"select count from %s where fileid=? and timestamp=? "
"and answerkey=? and guessed=?" % table,
(fileid, self.m_timestamp, unicode(question), unicode(answer))).fetchone()
if not row:
"insert into %s "
"(fileid, timestamp, answerkey, guessed, count) "
"values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" % table,
(fileid, self.m_timestamp,
unicode(question), unicode(answer), 1))
assert cursor.fetchone() is None
"update %s set count=? where "
"fileid=? and timestamp=? and answerkey=? and guessed=?" % table,
(row[0] + 1, fileid,
self.m_timestamp, unicode(question), unicode(answer)))
def add_wrong(self, question, answer):
self._add(question, answer)
def add_correct(self, answer):
self._add(answer, answer)
def get_last_test_result(self):
Return the test result of the last test ran for this lesson file.
return solfege.db.last_test_result(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
def get_percentage_correct(self):
"""Will return a 0 <= value <= 100.0 that say how many percent is
correct in this session
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
num_correct = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=guessed and timestamp=? and fileid=?", (self.m_timestamp, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
num_asked = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where timestamp=? and fileid=?", (self.m_timestamp, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
if not num_correct:
num_correct = 0
if not num_asked:
num_asked = 0
return 0
return 100.0 * num_correct / num_asked
def get_percentage_correct_for_key(self, seconds, key):
Return the percentage correct answer the last 'seconds' seconds.
# All statistics
num_guess = self.get_num_guess_for_key(seconds, key)
if num_guess:
return 100.0 * self.get_num_correct_for_key(seconds, key) / num_guess
return 0
def get_num_correct_for_key(self, seconds, key):
Return the number of correct answers for the given key 'key' the
last 'seconds' seconds.
Special meanings of 'seconds':
-1 all statistics
0 statistics from this session
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
if seconds == -1:
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and guessed=? and fileid=?", (key, key, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
elif seconds == 0:
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and guessed=? and timestamp=? and fileid=?", (key, key, self.m_timestamp, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and guessed=? and timestamp>? and fileid=?", (key, key, self.m_timestamp - seconds, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
if ret:
return ret
return 0
def get_num_guess_for_key(self, seconds, key):
See get_num_correct_for_key docstring.
fileid = solfege.db.get_fileid(self.m_t.m_P.m_filename)
if seconds == -1:
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and fileid=?", (key, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
elif seconds == 0:
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and timestamp=? and fileid=?", (key, self.m_timestamp, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
ret = solfege.db.conn.execute("select sum(count) from sessions where answerkey=? and timestamp>? and fileid=?", (key, self.m_timestamp - seconds, fileid)).fetchone()[0]
if ret:
return ret
return 0
class LessonStatistics(AbstractStatistics):
def key_to_pretty_name(self, key):
def ff(x):
t = eval(x)
if type(t) == tuple:
return lessonfile.LabelObject(t[0], t[1])
except Exception:
return x
return x
for question in self.m_t.m_P.m_questions:
if question.name.cval == key:
return ff(question.name)
return ff(key)
class IntervalStatistics(AbstractStatistics):
def get_keys(self, all_keys=False):
v = AbstractStatistics.get_keys(self, all_keys)
return [int(x) for x in v]
def key_to_pretty_name(self, key):
return utils.int_to_intervalname(int(key), 1, 1)
class HarmonicIntervalStatistics(IntervalStatistics):
def key_to_pretty_name(self, key):
return utils.int_to_intervalname(int(key), 1, 0)
class IdToneStatistics(LessonStatistics):
def key_to_pretty_name(self, key):
return mpd.MusicalPitch.new_from_notename(key).get_user_notename()