# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Tom Cato Amundsen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Undocumented
# chordvoicing (test written)
# harmonicprogressiondictation (test written)
# identifybpm
# singinterval
# tuner
# twelvetone
# Documented. Not test
# harmonicinterval
# melodicinterval
# singinterval
# compareintervals
# rhythm
# rhythmtapping2
# idtone
# nameinterval
# idbyname
# singanswer
# rhythmtapping
# chord (obsolete)
# idproperty
# dictation
# singchord
# elembuilder
module_to_mtype = {
'idbyname': ('voice', 'rvoice', 'chord', 'music'),
'singanswer': ('voice', 'rvoice', 'chord', 'music'),
'rhythmtapping': ('voice', 'rvoice'),
'chord': ('chord',),
'idproperty': ('chord', 'rvoice',),
'dictation': ('music', 'voice', 'rvoice',),
'singchord': ('satb',),
'elembuilder': ('voice', 'rvoice', 'music'),
'harmonicprogressiondictation': ('music', 'rvoice'),
'chordvoicing': ('chord', 'satb'),
ok = {
'voice': "c d e",
'chord': "c e g",
'music': "\\staff{ c' d' e'}",
'satb': "c'' | e' | g | c",
errors = {
'voice': [
"< c",
"3c EX d",
r"\time 3\4 c d",
r"\time 3/x c d",
r"c \time 3\4 c d",
r"c4 \times 3/2{ c \times 4/6 { c e } }",
"c4. c.",
"c4 { jo ",
"c4 >d < e }",
"c4 <d < e }",
"\clef xxx c4 d e }",
'chord': [
"c > e g",
"c ERR g",
r"\c e g",
r"\clef noclefsaadlj c e ",
'music': [
"\\addvoice{ c \ne g}\n\\staff{ x\n y x}",
r"clkfja slkdfj",
r"\staff{ \clef ERROR c",
"\\staff{ \clef ERROR \n c",
"\\staff{ \clef \n ERROR \n c",
r"\staff{ c < }",
'satb': [
" c | > | |",
"c'' | g' | error | c",
"c'' | g' | \n ER | c",
" |dfd",
" | | |}",
errors['rvoice'] = errors['voice']
def set1():
for module in module_to_mtype:
of = open("exercises/standard/regression-lesson-files/xx-%s-exceptions" % module, "w")
if module == 'elembuilder':
print >> of, 'include("../lesson-files/include/progression-elements")'
print >> of, "header {"
print >> of, " module = %s" % module
print >> of, ' title = "%s mpd errors"' % module
print >> of, " lesson_id = \"%s-module-exceptions\"" % module
print >> of, " have_repeat_slowly_button = yes"
if module == 'idbyname':
print >> of, " filldir = horiz"
print >> of, " fillnum = 4"
elif module == 'elembuilder':
print >> of, " elements = auto"
elif module == 'idproperty':
print >> of, ' flavour = "chord"'
print >> of, "}"
for mtype in module_to_mtype[module]:
if mtype == module_to_mtype[module][0]:
vv = [ok[mtype]]
vv = []
if mtype in errors:
for music in vv + errors[mtype]:
print >> of, "question {"
print >> of, ' name = "%s: %s"' % (mtype, music)
print >> of, ' music = %s("%s")' % (mtype, music)
if module == 'singanswer':
print >> of, 'question_text = "question..."'
print >> of, 'answer = music %s("%s")' % (mtype, music)
elif module == 'elembuilder':
print >> of, 'elements = progI, progIV'
print >> of, "}"