# Solfege - ear training for GNOME
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Tom Cato Amundsen
# License is GPL, see file COPYING
from __future__ import division
import codecs
import sys
import os
# Need this to run under debuild, but not from the shell. Strange...
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
import solfege.i18n
import solfege.frontpage as fp
from solfege.mpd.musicalpitch import MusicalPitch
from solfege.mpd.interval import Interval
header = """
header {
lesson_id = "generated-hear-tones-%s"
title = %s
module = singanswer
version = "3.9.2"
ratio_dict = {
'm2': (16/12, "16:12"),
'M2': (9/8, "9:8"),
'm3': (6/5, "6:5"),
'M3': (5/4, "5:4"),
'p4': (4/3, "4:3"),
'p5': (3/2, "3:2"),
'm6': (8/5, "8:5"),
'M6': (5/3, "5:3"),
'm7': (16/9, "16:9"),
'M7': (15/8, "15:8"),
'p8': (2, "2:1"),
'm9': (1 + 16/12, "1+16:12"),
'M9': (1 + 9/8, "1+9:8"),
'm10': (1 + 6/5, "1+6:5"),
'M10': (1 + 5/4, "1+5:4"),
def icmp(a, b):
if a[1:] == b[1:]:
k = {'m': 0, 'M': 1, 'p': 0}
return cmp(k[a[0]], k[b[0]])
return cmp(int(a[1:]), int(b[1:]))
interval_names = ratio_dict.keys()
# different number of cents the intonation questions should be wrong.
cents = (40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 5)
def write_file_copyright(f):
print >> f, "# Solfege - ear training for GNOME"
print >> f, "# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Tom Cato Amundsen"
print >> f, "# License is GPL, see file COPYING"
print >> f, "# Generated by tools/generate_lessonfiles.py"
def question(f, b, c):
low = 60
tone_a = MusicalPitch.new_from_int(low)
tone_b = MusicalPitch.new_from_int(low + b)
tone_c = MusicalPitch.new_from_int(low + c)
print >> f, 'question {'
print >> f, ' question_text = _("Sing the three tones")'
print >> f, ' music = voice("< %s2 %s %s >")' % (
print >> f, ' answer = voice("%s8 %s %s")' % (
print >> f, '}'
def three_tones_less_than_octave(filename):
"""3 toner innenfor en oktav
0 1 2-12
0 2 3-12
0 3 4-12
0 10 11-12
0 11 12
a b c
f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write("""header {
lesson_id = "80cc940b-c47b-4264-a7b5-6cbd7a997bb0"
title = _("Triads")
module = singanswer
version = "3.9.2"
for b in range(1, 12):
for c in range(b + 1, 13):
question(f, b, c)
def three_tones_larger_than_octave(filename):
"""3 toner innenfor en oktav
0 1 13-24 13==cis 24=c
0 2 13-24
0 11 13-24
0 12 13-24 c c cis-c
#0 12 13-24
0 13 14-24
0 14 15-24
0 22 23-24
0 23 24
a b c
f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
f.write("""header {
lesson_id = "3f1c7305-9978-4fe3-9bb3-8c01ff776a08"
title = _("Triads, difficult")
module = singanswer
version = "3.9.2"
for b in range(1, 13):
for c in range(13, 25):
question(f, b, c)
for b in range(13, 24):
for c in range(b+1, 25):
question(f, b, c)
def csound_intonation(filename_fmt, mod, lesson_id):
filename = filename_fmt % mod
f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
print >> f, "# Solfege - ear training for GNOME"
print >> f, "# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Tom Cato Amundsen"
print >> f, "# License is GPL, see file COPYING"
print >> f
print >> f, "header {"
print >> f, ' lesson_id = "%s"' % lesson_id
print >> f, ' module = idbyname'
print >> f, ' help = "idbyname-intonation"'
print >> f, ' title = _("Is the fifth flat, in tune or sharp? %%s") %% "(%s)"' % mod
print >> f, ' filldir = vertic'
print >> f, ' fillnum = 4'
print >> f, '}'
for s, d in enumerate((1, 9/8, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, 2)):
for label, mult in (("intonation|flat", float(mod)), ("intonation|in tune", 1), ("intonation|sharp", 1/float(mod))):
print >> f
print >> f, 'question {'
print >> f, ' name = _i("%s")' % label
print >> f, ' set=%i' % s
print >> f, ' csound(load("share/sinus.orc"), """'
print >> f, ' f1 0 4096 10 1 1.25 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 '
print >> f, ' i1 0 1 %f' % (220.0 * d)
print >> f, ' i1 + 1 %f' % (220.0 * d * 3/2 * mult)
print >> f, ' """)'
print >> f, "}"
def iname_to_fn(s):
return s.replace("m", "min").replace("M", "maj")
def csound_intonation2(harmonic, interval_name, cent):
i = Interval(interval_name)
if harmonic:
hs = "harmonic-"
hs = ""
filename = os.path.join("exercises", "standard", "lesson-files", "csound-intonation-%s%s-%icent" % (hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent))
f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
print >> f, "# Solfege - ear training for GNOME"
print >> f, "# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Tom Cato Amundsen"
print >> f, "# License is GPL, see file COPYING"
print >> f
print >> f, "header {"
print >> f, ' lesson_id = "csound-intonation-%s%s-%icent"' % (hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent)
print >> f, ' module = idbyname'
print >> f, ' help = "idbyname-intonation"'
print >> f, ' title = _("Is the interval flat, in tune or sharp? %%s cent wrong") %% %i' % cent
print >> f, ' lesson_heading = _("Just interval: %%s") %% _("%s") + " (%s)"' % (i.get_cname(), ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][1])
print >> f, ' filldir = vertic'
print >> f, '}'
for c in range(12):
hz = 220 * 2 ** (c/12)
hz2 = hz * ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][0]
for label, mult in (("intonation|flat", -cent),
("intonation|in tune", 0),
("intonation|sharp", cent)):
print >> f
print >> f, 'question {'
print >> f, ' name = _i("%s")' % label
print >> f, ' set=%i' % c
print >> f, ' csound(load("share/sinus.orc"), """'
print >> f, ' f1 0 4096 10 1 1.25 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 '
if harmonic:
print >> f, ' i1 0 1 %f' % hz
print >> f, ' i1 0 1 %f' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200))
print >> f, ' i1 0 1 %f' % hz
print >> f, ' i1 + 1 %f' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200))
print >> f, ' """)'
print >> f, "}"
def generate_csound_intonation():
# We don't specify a lessonfile manager since we don't need
# any of the methods that depend on it.
page = fp.Page(u"Experimental CSound exercises", fp.Column())
fileheader = fp.FileHeader(1, page)
section = fp.LinkList(u"Melodic intervals")
for idx, cname in enumerate(interval_names):
subpage = fp.Page(Interval(cname).get_cname().title(), fp.Column())
sect = fp.LinkList(Interval(cname).get_cname().title())
for cent in cents:
csound_intonation2(False, cname, cent)
sect.append("solfege:lesson-files/csound-intonation-%s-%icent" % (
iname_to_fn(cname), cent))
section = fp.LinkList(u"Harmonic intervals")
col = fp.Column()
for idx, cname in enumerate(interval_names):
subpage = fp.Page(Interval(cname).get_cname().title(), fp.Column())
sect = fp.LinkList(Interval(cname).get_cname().title())
for cent in cents:
csound_intonation2(True, cname, cent)
sect.append("solfege:lesson-files/csound-intonation-harmonic-%s-%icent" % (
iname_to_fn(cname), cent))
f = codecs.open("exercises/standard/csound-tree.txt", "w", "utf-8")
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.97",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.98",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.99",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.995",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.996",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.997",
csound_intonation("exercises/standard/lesson-files/csound-fifth-%s", "0.998",