import re
import sys
import os
import textwrap
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] == '-h':
print "\nUsage:"
print "\t./tools/classhier.py file1.py file2.py ...\n"
print "\n\t".join(textwrap.wrap("\tGenerate a nice graph of the class hierarchy in the files supplied as arguments."))
class ClassInfo(object):
def __init__(self, module, name):
self.module = module
self.name = name
class ClassDb(object):
def __init__(self):
self.db = {}
def add_classdef(self, mod, name):
mod - the module the class is defined in
name - the name of the class
if mod not in self.db:
self.db[mod] = {}
self.db[mod][name] = []
def add_class_parent(self, mod, name, parent):
mod - the module the class is defined in
name - the name of the class
parent - a (mod, name) tuple of one parent
def has_class(self, mod, name):
return mod in self.db and name in self.db[mod]
def write(self, filename, filetype):
def fmt(mod, cls):
return cls
return r'"%s %s"' % (mod.replace(".", "_"), cls)
f = open(filename, 'w')
if filetype == 'fdp':
joinstr = " -- "
print >> f, "graph G {"
print >> f, "overlap=false;"
print >> f, "splines=true;"
elif filetype == 'dot':
print >> f, "digraph G {"
#print >> f, 'size = "8,10";'
print >> f, 'ratio = fill;'
print >> f, 'margin = 1;'
print >> f, 'center = 1;'
print >> f, 'bgcolor=white;'
print >> f, 'edge [color=blue,arrowhead=normal,arrowsize=1.5];'
print >> f, "rankdir=LR;"
joinstr = " -> "
for mod in self.db:
for cl in self.db[mod]:
this_mod = mod.replace(".", "_")
#print >> f, fmt(mod, cl)
for parent in self.db[mod][cl]:
p = r'"%s\n%s"' % (this_mod, parent)
print >> f, r'%s%s%s;' % (fmt(mod, cl), joinstr, fmt(*parent))
print >> f, "}"
class_re = re.compile("""
(.*?) # The first parent
(,(.*?))* # unknown number of more parents
)\))?:)""", re.VERBOSE)#(\(*?\))")
db = ClassDb()
def mod_split(modulename):
Split the complete modulename into (package, modulename) tuple
v = modulename.split(".")
return ".".join(modulename.split(".")[:-1]), v[-1]
def mod_to_filename(mod):
" solfege.abstract => solfege/abstract.py"
return mod.replace(".", "/") + ".py"
def do_file(fn):
modulename = fn[:-3].replace("/", ".")
package = mod_split(modulename)[0]
s = open(fn).read()
for m in class_re.finditer(s):
if m:
parents = m.group('parentlist')
if parents:
parents = [p.strip() for p in parents.split(",")]
parents = []
db.add_classdef(modulename, m.group('classname'))
for p in parents:
# Continue if this is not a module in this project.
if p in ('unicode', 'list', 'dict', 'object'):
if p.startswith("gtk."):
mname = os.path.join(mod_split(modulename)[0], mod_split(p)[0])+".py"
if mod_split(p)[0] and not os.path.exists(mname):
print "DROPPING", p
if "." in p:
mm = ".".join((package, mod_split(p)[0]))
nn = mod_split(p)[1]
db.add_class_parent(modulename, m.group('classname'),
(mm, nn))
db.add_class_parent(modulename, m.group('classname'),
(modulename, p))
for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
for mod, d in db.db.items():
for deps in d.values():
for dep in deps:
if dep[0] not in db.db.keys():
db.write("classhier.dot", 'dot')
os.system("dot -T png -o classhier.png classhier.dot")
print "created classhier.png"
#os.system("fdp -T png -o classhier.png classhier.dot")