#! /usr/bin/env python
'''Simple Service Container
-- use with wsdl2py generated modules.
import urlparse, types, os, sys, cStringIO as StringIO, thread,re
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer
from ZSI import ParseException,FaultFromException,FaultFromZSIException,Fault
from ZSI import _copyright,_seqtypes,_get_element_nsuri_name,resolvers
from ZSI import _get_idstr
from ZSI.address import Address
from ZSI.parse import ParsedSoap
from ZSI.writer import SoapWriter
from ZSI.dispatch import _ModPythonSendXML,_ModPythonSendFault,_CGISendXML,_CGISendFault
from ZSI.dispatch import SOAPRequestHandler
class NoSuchService(Exception): pass
class UnknownRequestException(Exception): pass
class PostNotSpecified(Exception): pass
class SOAPActionNotSpecified(Exception): pass
class WSActionException(Exception): pass
class WSActionNotSpecified(WSActionException): pass
class NotAuthorized(Exception): pass
class ServiceAlreadyPresent(Exception): pass
class SOAPContext:
def __init__(self, container, xmldata, ps, connection, httpheaders,
self.container = container
self.xmldata = xmldata
self.parsedsoap = ps
self.connection = connection
self.httpheaders= httpheaders
self.soapaction = soapaction
_contexts = dict()
def GetSOAPContext():
global _contexts
return _contexts[thread.get_ident()]
def _Dispatch(ps, server, SendResponse, SendFault, post, action, nsdict={}, **kw):
'''Send ParsedSoap instance to ServiceContainer, which dispatches to
appropriate service via post, and method via action. Response is a
self-describing pyobj, which is passed to a SoapWriter.
Call SendResponse or SendFault to send the reply back, appropriately.
server -- ServiceContainer instance
localURL = 'http://%s:%d%s' %(server.server_name,server.server_port,post)
address = action
service = server.getNode(post)
isWSResource = False
if isinstance(service, WSAResource):
isWSResource = True
address = Address()
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
if action and action != address.getAction():
e = WSActionException('SOAP Action("%s") must match WS-Action("%s") if specified.' \
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, None), **kw)
action = address.getAction()
if isinstance(service, ServiceInterface) is False:
e = NoSuchService('no service at POST(%s) in container: %s' %(post,server))
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
if not service.authorize(None, post, action):
return SendFault(Fault(Fault.Server, "Not authorized"), code=401)
# raise NotAuthorized()
#except Exception, e:
#return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, None), code=401, **kw)
##return SendFault(FaultFromException(NotAuthorized(), 0, None), code=401, **kw)
method = service.getOperation(ps, address)
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
if isWSResource is True:
request,result = method(ps, address)
request,result = method(ps)
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
# Verify if Signed
# If No response just return.
if result is None:
return SendResponse('', **kw)
sw = SoapWriter(nsdict=nsdict)
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
if isWSResource is True:
action = service.getResponseAction(ps, action)
addressRsp = Address(action=action)
addressRsp.setResponseFromWSAddress(address, localURL)
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
# Create Signatures
soapdata = str(sw)
return SendResponse(soapdata, **kw)
except Exception, e:
return SendFault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]), **kw)
def AsServer(port=80, services=()):
'''port --
services -- list of service instances
address = ('', port)
sc = ServiceContainer(address, services)
class ServiceInterface:
'''Defines the interface for use with ServiceContainer Handlers.
class variables:
soapAction -- dictionary of soapAction keys, and operation name values.
These are specified in the WSDL soap bindings. There must be a
class method matching the operation name value. If WS-Action is
used the keys are WS-Action request values, according to the spec
if soapAction and WS-Action is specified they must be equal.
wsAction -- dictionary of operation name keys and WS-Action
response values. These values are specified by the portType.
root -- dictionary of root element keys, and operation name values.
soapAction = {}
wsAction = {}
root = {}
def __init__(self, post):
self.post = post
def authorize(self, auth_info, post, action):
return 1
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s) POST(%s)' %(self.__class__.__name__, _get_idstr(self), self.post)
def sign(self, sw):
def verify(self, ps):
def getPost(self):
return self.post
def getOperation(self, ps, action):
'''Returns a method of class.
action -- soapAction value
opName = self.getOperationName(ps, action)
return getattr(self, opName)
def getOperationName(self, ps, action):
'''Returns operation name.
action -- soapAction value
method = self.root.get(_get_element_nsuri_name(ps.body_root)) or \
if method is None:
raise UnknownRequestException, \
'failed to map request to a method: action(%s), root%s' %(action,_get_element_nsuri_name(ps.body_root))
return method
class ServiceSOAPBinding(ServiceInterface):
'''Binding defines the set of wsdl:binding operations, it takes as input a
ParsedSoap instance and parses it into a pyobj. It returns a response pyobj.
def __init__(self, post):
ServiceInterface.__init__(self, post)
def __call___(self, action, ps):
return self.getOperation(ps, action)(ps)
class WSAResource(ServiceSOAPBinding):
'''Simple WSRF service, performs method resolutions based
on WS-Action values rather than SOAP Action.
class variables:
wsAction -- Must override to set output Action values.
soapAction -- Must override to set input Action values.
encoding = "UTF-8"
def __init__(self, post):
post -- POST value
assert isinstance(self.soapAction, dict), "soapAction must be a dict"
assert isinstance(self.wsAction, dict), "wsAction must be a dict"
ServiceSOAPBinding.__init__(self, post)
def __call___(self, action, ps, address):
return self.getOperation(ps, action)(ps, address)
def getServiceURL(self):
return self._url
def setServiceURL(self, url):
self._url = url
def getOperation(self, ps, address):
'''Returns a method of class.
address -- ws-address
action = address.getAction()
opName = self.getOperationName(ps, action)
return getattr(self, opName)
def getResponseAction(self, ps, action):
'''Returns response WS-Action if available
action -- request WS-Action value.
opName = self.getOperationName(ps, action)
if self.wsAction.has_key(opName) is False:
raise WSActionNotSpecified, 'wsAction dictionary missing key(%s)' %opName
return self.wsAction[opName]
def do_POST(self):
'''The POST command. This is called by HTTPServer, not twisted.
action -- SOAPAction(HTTP header) or wsa:Action(SOAP:Header)
global _contexts
soapAction = self.headers.getheader('SOAPAction')
post = self.path
if not post:
raise PostNotSpecified, 'HTTP POST not specified in request'
if soapAction:
soapAction = soapAction.strip('\'"')
post = post.strip('\'"')
ct = self.headers['content-type']
if ct.startswith('multipart/'):
cid = resolvers.MIMEResolver(ct, self.rfile)
xml = cid.GetSOAPPart()
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, resolver=cid.Resolve, readerclass=DomletteReader)
length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
ps = ParsedSoap(self.rfile.read(length), readerclass=DomletteReader)
except ParseException, e:
except Exception, e:
# Faulted while processing; assume it's in the header.
self.send_fault(FaultFromException(e, 1, sys.exc_info()[2]))
# Keep track of calls
thread_id = thread.get_ident()
_contexts[thread_id] = SOAPContext(self.server, xml, ps,
self.headers, soapAction)
_Dispatch(ps, self.server, self.send_xml, self.send_fault,
post=post, action=soapAction)
except Exception, e:
self.send_fault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]))
# Clean up after the call
if _contexts.has_key(thread_id):
del _contexts[thread_id]
class SOAPRequestHandler(BaseSOAPRequestHandler):
'''SOAP handler.
def do_POST(self):
'''The POST command.
action -- SOAPAction(HTTP header) or wsa:Action(SOAP:Header)
soapAction = self.headers.getheader('SOAPAction')
post = self.path
if not post:
raise PostNotSpecified, 'HTTP POST not specified in request'
if soapAction:
soapAction = soapAction.strip('\'"')
post = post.strip('\'"')
ct = self.headers['content-type']
if ct.startswith('multipart/'):
cid = resolvers.MIMEResolver(ct, self.rfile)
xml = cid.GetSOAPPart()
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, resolver=cid.Resolve)
length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
xml = self.rfile.read(length)
ps = ParsedSoap(xml)
except ParseException, e:
except Exception, e:
# Faulted while processing; assume it's in the header.
self.send_fault(FaultFromException(e, 1, sys.exc_info()[2]))
# Keep track of calls
thread_id = thread.get_ident()
_contexts[thread_id] = SOAPContext(self.server, xml, ps,
self.headers, soapAction)
_Dispatch(ps, self.server, self.send_xml, self.send_fault,
post=post, action=soapAction)
except Exception, e:
self.send_fault(FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]))
# Clean up after the call
if _contexts.has_key(thread_id):
del _contexts[thread_id]
def do_GET(self):
'''The GET command.
if self.path.lower().endswith("?wsdl"):
service_path = self.path[:-5]
service = self.server.getNode(service_path)
if hasattr(service, "_wsdl"):
wsdl = service._wsdl
# update the soap:location tag in the wsdl to the actual server
# location
# - default to 'http' as protocol, or use server-specified protocol
proto = 'http'
if hasattr(self.server,'proto'):
proto = self.server.proto
serviceUrl = '%s://%s:%d%s' % (proto,
soapAddress = '<soap:address location="%s"/>' % serviceUrl
wsdlre = re.compile('\<soap:address[^\>]*>',re.IGNORECASE)
wsdl = re.sub(wsdlre,soapAddress,wsdl)
self.send_error(404, "WSDL not available for that service [%s]." % self.path)
self.send_error(404, "Service not found [%s]." % self.path)
class ServiceContainer(HTTPServer):
'''HTTPServer that stores service instances according
to POST values. An action value is instance specific,
and specifies an operation (function) of an instance.
class NodeTree:
'''Simple dictionary implementation of a node tree
def __init__(self):
self.__dict = {}
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict)
def listNodes(self):
print self.__dict.keys()
def getNode(self, url):
path = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2]
if path.startswith("/"):
path = path[1:]
if self.__dict.has_key(path):
return self.__dict[path]
raise NoSuchService, 'No service(%s) in ServiceContainer' %path
def setNode(self, service, url):
path = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2]
if path.startswith("/"):
path = path[1:]
if not isinstance(service, ServiceSOAPBinding):
raise TypeError, 'A Service must implement class ServiceSOAPBinding'
if self.__dict.has_key(path):
raise ServiceAlreadyPresent, 'Service(%s) already in ServiceContainer' % path
self.__dict[path] = service
def removeNode(self, url):
path = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[2]
if path.startswith("/"):
path = path[1:]
if self.__dict.has_key(path):
node = self.__dict[path]
del self.__dict[path]
return node
raise NoSuchService, 'No service(%s) in ServiceContainer' %path
def __init__(self, server_address, services=[], RequestHandlerClass=SOAPRequestHandler):
'''server_address --
RequestHandlerClass --
HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
self._nodes = self.NodeTree()
map(lambda s: self.setNode(s), services)
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s) nodes( %s )' %(self.__class__, _get_idstr(self), str(self._nodes))
def __call__(self, ps, post, action, address=None):
'''ps -- ParsedSoap representing the request
post -- HTTP POST --> instance
action -- Soap Action header --> method
address -- Address instance representing WS-Address
method = self.getCallBack(ps, post, action)
if (isinstance(method.im_self, WSAResource) or
isinstance(method.im_self, SimpleWSResource)):
return method(ps, address)
return method(ps)
def setNode(self, service, url=None):
if url is None:
url = service.getPost()
self._nodes.setNode(service, url)
def getNode(self, url):
return self._nodes.getNode(url)
def removeNode(self, url):
class SimpleWSResource(ServiceSOAPBinding):
def getNode(self, post):
'''post -- POST HTTP value
return self._nodes.getNode(post)
def setNode(self, service, post):
'''service -- service instance
post -- POST HTTP value
self._nodes.setNode(service, post)
def getCallBack(self, ps, post, action):
'''post -- POST HTTP value
action -- SOAP Action value
node = self.getNode(post)
if node is None:
raise NoSuchFunction
if node.authorize(None, post, action):
return node.getOperation(ps, action)
raise NotAuthorized, "Authorization failed for method %s" % action
if __name__ == '__main__': print _copyright