#! /usr/bin/env python
# $Header$
'''Typecodes for dates and times.
from ZSI import _copyright,_floattypes,_inttypes,_get_idstr,EvaluateException
from ZSI.TC import TypeCode,SimpleType
from ZSI.wstools.Namespaces import SCHEMA
import operator, re, time as _time
from time import mktime
from datetime import tzinfo
datetime as _datetime
from math import modf
_niltime = [
0, 0, 0, # year month day
0, 0, 0, # hour minute second
0, 0, 0 # weekday, julian day, dst flag
#### Code added to check current timezone offset
_zero = _timedelta(0)
_dstoffset = _stdoffset = _timedelta(seconds=-_time.timezone)
if _time.daylight: _dstoffset = _timedelta(seconds=-_time.altzone)
_dstdiff = _dstoffset - _stdoffset
class _localtimezone(_tzinfo):
""" """
def dst(self, dt):
"""datetime -> DST offset in minutes east of UTC."""
tt = _localtime(_mktime((dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1)))
if tt.tm_isdst > 0: return _dstdiff
return _zero
#def fromutc(...)
#datetime in UTC -> datetime in local time.
def tzname(self, dt):
"""datetime -> string name of time zone."""
tt = _localtime(_mktime((dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1)))
return _time.tzname[tt.tm_isdst > 0]
def utcoffset(self, dt):
"""datetime -> minutes east of UTC (negative for west of UTC)."""
tt = _localtime(_mktime((dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1)))
if tt.tm_isdst > 0: return _dstoffset
return _stdoffset
class _fixedoffset(_tzinfo):
"""Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.
A class building tzinfo objects for fixed-offset time zones.
Note that _fixedoffset(0, "UTC") is a different way to build a
UTC tzinfo object.
#def __init__(self, offset, name):
def __init__(self, offset):
self.__offset = _timedelta(minutes=offset)
#self.__name = name
def dst(self, dt):
"""datetime -> DST offset in minutes east of UTC."""
return _zero
def tzname(self, dt):
"""datetime -> string name of time zone."""
#return self.__name
return "server"
def utcoffset(self, dt):
"""datetime -> minutes east of UTC (negative for west of UTC)."""
return self.__offset
def _dict_to_tuple(d):
'''Convert a dictionary to a time tuple. Depends on key values in the
regexp pattern!
# TODO: Adding a ms field to struct_time tuples is problematic
# since they don't have this field. Should use datetime
# which has a microseconds field, else no ms.. When mapping struct_time
# to gDateTime the last 3 fields are irrelevant, here using dummy values to make
# everything happy.
retval = _niltime[:]
for k,i in ( ('Y', 0), ('M', 1), ('D', 2), ('h', 3), ('m', 4), ):
v = d.get(k)
if v: retval[i] = int(v)
v = d.get('s')
if v:
msec,sec = _modf(float(v))
retval[6],retval[5] = int(round(msec*1000)), int(sec)
v = d.get('tz')
if v and v != 'Z':
h,m = map(int, v.split(':'))
# check for time zone offset, if within the same timezone,
# ignore offset specific calculations
local_offset_hour = offset.seconds/3600
local_offset_min = (offset.seconds%3600)%60
if local_offset_hour > 12:
local_offset_hour -= 24
if local_offset_hour != h or local_offset_min != m:
if h<0:
#TODO: why is this set to server
#foff = _fixedoffset(-((abs(h)*60+m)),"server")
foff = _fixedoffset(-((abs(h)*60+m)))
#TODO: why is this set to server
#foff = _fixedoffset((abs(h)*60+m),"server")
foff = _fixedoffset((abs(h)*60+m))
dt = _datetime(retval[0],retval[1],retval[2],retval[3],retval[4],
# update dict with calculated timezone
retval[0] = localdt.year
retval[1] = localdt.month
retval[2] = localdt.day
retval[3] = localdt.hour
retval[4] = localdt.minute
retval[5] = localdt.second
if d.get('neg', 0):
retval[0:5] = map(operator.__neg__, retval[0:5])
return tuple(retval)
class Duration(SimpleType):
'''Time duration.
parselist = [ (None,'duration') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)P' \
r'((?P<Y>\d+)Y)?' r'((?P<M>\d+)M)?' r'((?P<D>\d+)D)?' \
r'(?P<T>T?)' r'((?P<h>\d+)H)?' r'((?P<m>\d+)M)?' \
r'((?P<s>\d*(\.\d+)?)S)?' '$')
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'duration')
def text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps):
'''convert text into typecode specific data.
if text is None:
return None
m = Duration.lex_pattern.match(text)
if m is None:
raise EvaluateException('Illegal duration', ps.Backtrace(elt))
d = m.groupdict()
if d['T'] and (d['h'] is None and d['m'] is None and d['s'] is None):
raise EvaluateException('Duration has T without time')
retval = _dict_to_tuple(d)
except ValueError, e:
raise EvaluateException(str(e))
if self.pyclass is not None:
return self.pyclass(retval)
return retval
def get_formatted_content(self, pyobj):
if type(pyobj) in _floattypes or type(pyobj) in _inttypes:
pyobj = _gmtime(pyobj)
d = {}
pyobj = tuple(pyobj)
if 1 in map(lambda x: x < 0, pyobj[0:6]):
pyobj = map(abs, pyobj)
neg = '-'
neg = ''
val = '%sP%dY%dM%dDT%dH%dM%dS' % \
( neg, pyobj[0], pyobj[1], pyobj[2], pyobj[3], pyobj[4], pyobj[5])
return val
class Gregorian(SimpleType):
'''Gregorian times.
lex_pattern = tag = format = None
def text_to_data(self, text, elt, ps):
'''convert text into typecode specific data.
if text is None:
return None
m = self.lex_pattern.match(text)
if not m:
raise EvaluateException('Bad Gregorian: %s' %text, ps.Backtrace(elt))
retval = _dict_to_tuple(m.groupdict())
except ValueError, e:
#raise EvaluateException(str(e))
if self.pyclass is not None:
return self.pyclass(retval)
return retval
def get_formatted_content(self, pyobj):
if type(pyobj) in _floattypes or type(pyobj) in _inttypes:
pyobj = _gmtime(pyobj)
d = {}
pyobj = tuple(pyobj)
if 1 in map(lambda x: x < 0, pyobj[0:6]):
pyobj = map(abs, pyobj)
d['neg'] = '-'
d['neg'] = ''
ms = pyobj[6]
if not ms or not hasattr(self, 'format_ms'):
d = { 'Y': pyobj[0], 'M': pyobj[1], 'D': pyobj[2],
'h': pyobj[3], 'm': pyobj[4], 's': pyobj[5], }
return self.format % d
if ms > 999:
raise ValueError, 'milliseconds must be a integer between 0 and 999'
d = { 'Y': pyobj[0], 'M': pyobj[1], 'D': pyobj[2],
'h': pyobj[3], 'm': pyobj[4], 's': pyobj[5], 'ms':ms, }
return self.format_ms % d
class gDateTime(Gregorian):
'''A date and time.
parselist = [ (None,'dateTime') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
'(?P<Y>\d{4,})-' r'(?P<M>\d\d)-' r'(?P<D>\d\d)' 'T' \
r'(?P<h>\d\d):' r'(?P<m>\d\d):' r'(?P<s>\d*(\.\d+)?)' \
r'(?P<tz>(Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?)' '$')
tag, format = 'dateTime', '%(Y)04d-%(M)02d-%(D)02dT%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02dZ'
format_ms = format[:-1] + '.%(ms)03dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'dateTime')
class gDate(Gregorian):
'''A date.
parselist = [ (None,'date') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
'(?P<Y>\d{4,})-' r'(?P<M>\d\d)-' r'(?P<D>\d\d)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'date', '%(Y)04d-%(M)02d-%(D)02dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'date')
class gYearMonth(Gregorian):
'''A date.
parselist = [ (None,'gYearMonth') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
'(?P<Y>\d{4,})-' r'(?P<M>\d\d)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'gYearMonth', '%(Y)04d-%(M)02dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'gYearMonth')
class gYear(Gregorian):
'''A date.
parselist = [ (None,'gYear') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
'(?P<Y>\d{4,})' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'gYear', '%(Y)04dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'gYear')
class gMonthDay(Gregorian):
'''A gMonthDay.
parselist = [ (None,'gMonthDay') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
r'--(?P<M>\d\d)-' r'(?P<D>\d\d)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'gMonthDay', '---%(M)02d-%(D)02dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'gMonthDay')
class gDay(Gregorian):
'''A gDay.
parselist = [ (None,'gDay') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
r'---(?P<D>\d\d)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'gDay', '---%(D)02dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'gDay')
class gMonth(Gregorian):
'''A gMonth.
parselist = [ (None,'gMonth') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
r'---(?P<M>\d\d)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'gMonth', '---%(M)02dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'gMonth')
class gTime(Gregorian):
'''A time.
parselist = [ (None,'time') ]
lex_pattern = re.compile('^' r'(?P<neg>-?)' \
r'(?P<h>\d\d):' r'(?P<m>\d\d):' r'(?P<s>\d*(\.\d+)?)' \
r'(?P<tz>Z|([-+]\d\d:\d\d))?' '$')
tag, format = 'time', '%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02dZ'
format_ms = format[:-1] + '.%(ms)03dZ'
type = (SCHEMA.XSD3, 'time')
if __name__ == '__main__': print _copyright