#! /usr/bin/env python
# $Header$
'''Utilities for HTTP Digest Authentication
import re
from md5 import md5
import random
import time
import httplib
def H(val):
return md5(val).hexdigest()
def KD(secret,data):
return H('%s:%s' % (secret,data))
def A1(username,realm,passwd,nonce=None,cnonce=None):
if nonce and cnonce:
return '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (username,realm,passwd,nonce,cnonce)
return '%s:%s:%s' % (username,realm,passwd)
def A2(method,uri):
return '%s:%s' % (method,uri)
def dict_fetch(d,k,defval=None):
if d.has_key(k):
return d[k]
return defval
def generate_response(chaldict,uri,username,passwd,method='GET',cnonce=None):
Generate an authorization response dictionary. chaldict should contain the digest
challenge in dict form. Use fetch_challenge to create a chaldict from a HTTPResponse
object like this: fetch_challenge(res.getheaders()).
returns dict (the authdict)
Note. Use build_authorization_arg() to turn an authdict into the final Authorization
header value.
authdict = {}
qop = dict_fetch(chaldict,'qop')
domain = dict_fetch(chaldict,'domain')
nonce = dict_fetch(chaldict,'nonce')
stale = dict_fetch(chaldict,'stale')
algorithm = dict_fetch(chaldict,'algorithm','MD5')
realm = dict_fetch(chaldict,'realm','MD5')
opaque = dict_fetch(chaldict,'opaque')
nc = "00000001"
if not cnonce:
cnonce = H(str(random.randint(0,10000000)))[:16]
if algorithm.lower()=='md5-sess':
a1 = A1(username,realm,passwd,nonce,cnonce)
a1 = A1(username,realm,passwd)
a2 = A2(method,uri)
secret = H(a1)
data = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (nonce,nc,cnonce,qop,H(a2))
authdict['username'] = '"%s"' % username
authdict['realm'] = '"%s"' % realm
authdict['nonce'] = '"%s"' % nonce
authdict['uri'] = '"%s"' % uri
authdict['response'] = '"%s"' % KD(secret,data)
authdict['qop'] = '"%s"' % qop
authdict['nc'] = nc
authdict['cnonce'] = '"%s"' % cnonce
return authdict
def fetch_challenge(http_header):
""" apparently keywords Basic and Digest are not being checked
anywhere and decisions are being made based on authorization
configuration of client, so I guess you better know what you are
doing. Here I am requiring one or the other be specified.
challenge Basic auth_param
challenge Digest auth_param
m = fetch_challenge.wwwauth_header_re.match(http_header)
if m is None:
raise RuntimeError, 'expecting "WWW-Authenticate header [Basic,Digest]"'
d = dict(challenge=m.groups()[0])
m = fetch_challenge.auth_param_re.search(http_header)
while m is not None:
k,v = http_header[m.start():m.end()].split('=')
d[k.lower()] = v[1:-1]
m = fetch_challenge.auth_param_re.search(http_header, m.end())
return d
fetch_challenge.wwwauth_header_re = re.compile(r'\s*([bB]asic|[dD]igest)\s+(?:[\w]+="[^"]+",?\s*)?')
fetch_challenge.auth_param_re = re.compile(r'[\w]+="[^"]+"')
def build_authorization_arg(authdict):
Create an "Authorization" header value from an authdict (created by generate_response()).
vallist = []
for k in authdict.keys():
vallist += ['%s=%s' % (k,authdict[k])]
return 'Digest '+', '.join(vallist)
if __name__ == '__main__': print _copyright