# Joshua R. Boverhof, LBNL
# See LBNLCopyright for copyright notice!
import pydoc, sys, warnings
from ZSI import TC
# If function.__name__ is read-only, fail
def _x(): return
_x.func_name = '_y'
raise RuntimeError,\
'use python-2.4 or later, cannot set function names in python "%s"'\
del _x
#def GetNil(typecode=None):
# """returns the nilled element, use to set an element
# as nilled for immutable instance.
# """
# nil = TC.Nilled()
# if typecode is not None: nil.typecode = typecode
# return nil
#def GetNilAsSelf(cls, typecode=None):
# """returns the nilled element with typecode specified,
# use returned instance to set this element as nilled.
# Key Word Parameters:
# typecode -- use to specify a derived type or wildcard as nilled.
# """
# if typecode is not None and not isinstance(typecode, TC.TypeCode):
# raise TypeError, "Expecting a TypeCode instance"
# nil = TC.Nilled()
# nil.typecode = typecode or cls.typecode
# return nil
class pyclass_type(type):
"""Stability: Unstable
type for pyclasses used with typecodes. expects the typecode to
be available in the classdict. creates python properties for accessing
and setting the elements specified in the ofwhat list, and factory methods
for constructing the elements.
Known Limitations:
1)Uses XML Schema element names directly to create method names,
using characters in this set will cause Syntax Errors:
(NCNAME)-(letter U digit U "_")
def __new__(cls, classname, bases, classdict):
#import new
typecode = classdict.get('typecode')
assert typecode is not None, 'MUST HAVE A TYPECODE.'
# Assume this means immutable type. ie. str
if len(bases) > 0:
#classdict['new_Nill'] = classmethod(GetNilAsSelf)
# Assume this means mutable type. ie. ofwhat.
assert hasattr(typecode, 'ofwhat'), 'typecode has no ofwhat list??'
assert hasattr(typecode, 'attribute_typecode_dict'),\
'typecode has no attribute_typecode_dict??'
#classdict['new_Nill'] = staticmethod(GetNil)
if typecode.mixed:
get,set = cls.__create_text_functions_from_what(typecode)
if classdict.has_key(get.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %get.__name__
if classdict.has_key(set.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %set.__name__
classdict[get.__name__] = get
classdict[set.__name__] = set
for what in typecode.ofwhat:
get,set,new_func = cls.__create_functions_from_what(what)
if classdict.has_key(get.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %get.__name__
classdict[get.__name__] = get
if classdict.has_key(set.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %set.__name__
classdict[set.__name__] = set
if new_func is not None:
if classdict.has_key(new_func.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %new_func.__name__
classdict[new_func.__name__] = new_func
assert not classdict.has_key(what.pname),\
'collision with pname="%s", bail..' %what.pname
pname = what.pname
if pname is None and isinstance(what, TC.AnyElement): pname = 'any'
assert pname is not None, 'Element with no name: %s' %what
# TODO: for pname if keyword just uppercase first letter.
#if pydoc.Helper.keywords.has_key(pname):
pname = pname[0].upper() + pname[1:]
assert not pydoc.Helper.keywords.has_key(pname), 'unexpected keyword: %s' %pname
classdict[pname] =\
property(get, set, None,
'property for element (%s,%s), minOccurs="%s" maxOccurs="%s" nillable="%s"'\
# mutable type <complexType> complexContent | modelGroup
# or immutable type <complexType> simpleContent (float, str, etc)
if hasattr(typecode, 'attribute_typecode_dict'):
attribute_typecode_dict = typecode.attribute_typecode_dict or {}
for key,what in attribute_typecode_dict.items():
get,set = cls.__create_attr_functions_from_what(key, what)
if classdict.has_key(get.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %get.__name__
if classdict.has_key(set.__name__):
raise AttributeError,\
'attribute %s previously defined.' %set.__name__
classdict[get.__name__] = get
classdict[set.__name__] = set
return type.__new__(cls,classname,bases,classdict)
def __create_functions_from_what(what):
if not callable(what):
def get(self):
return getattr(self, what.aname)
if what.maxOccurs > 1:
def set(self, value):
if not (value is None or hasattr(value, '__iter__')):
raise TypeError, 'expecting an iterable instance'
setattr(self, what.aname, value)
def set(self, value):
setattr(self, what.aname, value)
def get(self):
return getattr(self, what().aname)
if what.maxOccurs > 1:
def set(self, value):
if not (value is None or hasattr(value, '__iter__')):
raise TypeError, 'expecting an iterable instance'
setattr(self, what().aname, value)
def set(self, value):
setattr(self, what().aname, value)
# new factory function
# if pyclass is None, skip
if not callable(what) and getattr(what, 'pyclass', None) is None:
new_func = None
elif (isinstance(what, TC.ComplexType) or
isinstance(what, TC.Array)):
def new_func(self):
'''returns a mutable type
return what.pyclass()
elif not callable(what):
def new_func(self, value):
'''value -- initialize value
returns an immutable type
return what.pyclass(value)
elif (issubclass(what.klass, TC.ComplexType) or
issubclass(what.klass, TC.Array)):
def new_func(self):
'''returns a mutable type or None (if no pyclass).
p = what().pyclass
if p is None: return
return p()
def new_func(self, value=None):
'''if simpleType provide initialization value, else
if complexType value should be left as None.
value -- initialize value or None
returns a mutable instance (value is None)
or an immutable instance or None (if no pyclass)
p = what().pyclass
if p is None: return
if value is None: return p()
return p(value)
#TODO: sub all illegal characters in set
# (NCNAME)-(letter U digit U "_")
if new_func is not None:
new_func.__name__ = 'new_%s' %what.pname
get.func_name = 'get_element_%s' %what.pname
set.func_name = 'set_element_%s' %what.pname
return get,set,new_func
__create_functions_from_what = staticmethod(__create_functions_from_what)
def __create_attr_functions_from_what(key, what):
def get(self):
'''returns attribute value for attribute %s, else None.
''' %str(key)
return getattr(self, what.attrs_aname, {}).get(key, None)
def set(self, value):
'''set value for attribute %s.
value -- initialize value, immutable type
''' %str(key)
if not hasattr(self, what.attrs_aname):
setattr(self, what.attrs_aname, {})
getattr(self, what.attrs_aname)[key] = value
#TODO: sub all illegal characters in set
# (NCNAME)-(letter U digit U "_")
if type(key) in (tuple, list):
get.__name__ = 'get_attribute_%s' %key[1]
set.__name__ = 'set_attribute_%s' %key[1]
get.__name__ = 'get_attribute_%s' %key
set.__name__ = 'set_attribute_%s' %key
return get,set
__create_attr_functions_from_what = \
def __create_text_functions_from_what(what):
def get(self):
'''returns text content, else None.
return getattr(self, what.mixed_aname, None)
get.im_func = 'get_text'
def set(self, value):
'''set text content.
value -- initialize value, immutable type
setattr(self, what.mixed_aname, value)
get.im_func = 'set_text'
return get,set
__create_text_functions_from_what = \