# Joshua R. Boverhof, LBNL
# See Copyright for copyright notice!
# $Id: WSresource.py 1423 2007-11-01 20:33:33Z boverhof $
import sys, warnings
# twisted & related imports
from zope.interface import classProvides,implements,Interface
from twisted.python import log,failure
from twisted.web.error import NoResource
from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
import twisted.web.http
import twisted.web.resource
# ZSI imports
from ZSI import _get_element_nsuri_name,EvaluateException,ParseException
from ZSI.parse import ParsedSoap
from ZSI.writer import SoapWriter
from ZSI import fault
# WS-Address related imports
from ZSI.address import Address
from ZSI.ServiceContainer import WSActionException
from interfaces import CheckInputArgs,HandlerChainInterface,CallbackChainInterface,\
class LoggingHandlerChain:
@CheckInputArgs(CallbackChainInterface, HandlerChainInterface)
def __init__(self, cb, *handlers):
self.handlercb = cb
self.handlers = handlers
self.debug = len(log.theLogPublisher.observers) > 0
def processRequest(self, arg, **kw):
debug = self.debug
if debug: log.msg('--->PROCESS REQUEST: %s' %arg, debug=1)
for h in self.handlers:
if debug: log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
arg = h.processRequest(arg, **kw)
return self.handlercb.processRequest(arg, **kw)
def processResponse(self, arg, **kw):
debug = self.debug
if debug: log.msg('===>PROCESS RESPONSE: %s' %str(arg), debug=1)
if arg is None:
for h in self.handlers:
if debug: log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
arg = h.processResponse(arg, **kw)
s = str(arg)
if debug: log.msg(s, debug=1)
return s
# Stability: Unstable
class DefaultCallbackHandler:
def processRequest(cls, ps, **kw):
"""invokes callback that should return a (request,response) tuple.
representing the SOAP request and response respectively.
ps -- ParsedSoap instance representing HTTP Body.
request -- twisted.web.server.Request
resource = kw['resource']
request = kw['request']
method = getattr(resource, 'soap_%s' %
req_pyobj,rsp_pyobj = method(ps, request=request)
except TypeError, ex:
'ERROR: service %s is broken, method MUST return request, response'\
% cls.__name__
except Exception, ex:
log.err('failure when calling bound method')
return rsp_pyobj
class WSAddressHandler:
"""General WS-Address handler. This implementation depends on a
'wsAction' dictionary in the service stub which contains keys to
WS-Action values.
Implementation saves state on request response flow, so using this
handle is not reliable if execution is deferred between proceesRequest
and processResponse.
TODO: sink this up with wsdl2dispatch
TODO: reduce coupling with WSAddressCallbackHandler.
def processRequest(self, ps, **kw):
# TODO: Clean this up
resource = kw['resource']
d = getattr(resource, 'root', None)
key = _get_element_nsuri_name(ps.body_root)
if d is None or d.has_key(key) is False:
raise RuntimeError,\
'Error looking for key(%s) in root dictionary(%s)' %(key, str(d))
self.op_name = d[key]
self.address = address = Address()
action = address.getAction()
if not action:
raise WSActionException('No WS-Action specified in Request')
request = kw['request']
http_headers = request.getAllHeaders()
soap_action = http_headers.get('soapaction')
if soap_action and soap_action.strip('\'"') != action:
raise WSActionException(\
'SOAP Action("%s") must match WS-Action("%s") if specified.'\
# Save WS-Address in ParsedSoap instance.
ps.address = address
return ps
def processResponse(self, sw, **kw):
if sw is None:
self.address = None
request, resource = kw['request'], kw['resource']
if isinstance(request, twisted.web.http.Request) is False:
raise TypeError, '%s instance expected' %http.Request
d = getattr(resource, 'wsAction', None)
key = self.op_name
if d is None or d.has_key(key) is False:
raise WSActionNotSpecified,\
'Error looking for key(%s) in wsAction dictionary(%s)' %(key, str(d))
addressRsp = Address(action=d[key])
if request.transport.TLS == 0:
self.address, 'http://%s:%d%s' %(
request.host.host, request.host.port, request.path)
self.address, 'https://%s:%d%s' %(
request.host.host, request.host.port, request.path)
addressRsp.serialize(sw, typed=False)
self.address = None
return sw
class WSAddressCallbackHandler:
def processRequest(cls, ps, **kw):
"""invokes callback that should return a (request,response) tuple.
representing the SOAP request and response respectively.
ps -- ParsedSoap instance representing HTTP Body.
request -- twisted.web.server.Request
resource = kw['resource']
request = kw['request']
method = getattr(resource, 'wsa_%s' %
# TODO: grab ps.address, clean this up.
req_pyobj,rsp_pyobj = method(ps, ps.address, request=request)
except TypeError, ex:
'ERROR: service %s is broken, method MUST return request, response'\
except Exception, ex:
log.err('failure when calling bound method')
return rsp_pyobj
class DeferHandlerChain:
"""Each handler is
@CheckInputArgs(CallbackChainInterface, HandlerChainInterface)
def __init__(self, cb, *handlers):
self.handlercb = cb
self.handlers = handlers
self.debug = len(log.theLogPublisher.observers) > 0
def processRequest(self, arg, **kw):
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
debug = self.debug
if debug: log.msg('--->DEFER PROCESS REQUEST: %s' %arg, debug=1)
d = Deferred()
for h in self.handlers:
if debug:
log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
log.msg('\thandler callback: %s' %h.processRequest)
d.addCallback(h.processRequest, **kw)
d.addCallback(self.handlercb.processRequest, **kw)
reactor.callLater(.0001, d.callback, arg)
if debug: log.msg('===>DEFER PROCESS RESPONSE: %s' %str(arg), debug=1)
for h in self.handlers:
if debug: log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
d.addCallback(h.processResponse, **kw)
return d
def processResponse(self, arg, **kw):
return arg
class DefaultHandlerChainFactory:
protocol = LoggingHandlerChain
def newInstance(cls):
return cls.protocol(DefaultCallbackHandler, DataHandler)
class WSAddressHandlerChainFactory:
protocol = DefaultHandlerChain
def newInstance(cls):
return cls.protocol(WSAddressCallbackHandler, DataHandler,
class WSResource(twisted.web.resource.Resource, object):
class variables:
encoding --
factory -- hander chain, which has a factory method "newInstance"
that returns a
encoding = "UTF-8"
factory = DefaultHandlerChainFactory
def __init__(self):
def _writeResponse(self, response, request, status=200):
request -- request message
response --- response message
status -- HTTP Status
if self.encoding is not None:
mimeType = 'text/xml; charset="%s"' % self.encoding
mimeType = "text/xml"
request.setHeader("Content-Type", mimeType)
request.setHeader("Content-Length", str(len(response)))
def _writeFault(self, fail, request):
fail -- failure
request -- request message
ex -- Exception
response = fault.FaultFromException(fail.value, False, fail.tb).AsSOAP()
self._writeResponse(response, request, status=500)
def render_POST(self, request):
"""Dispatch Method called by twisted render, creates a
request/response handler chain.
request -- twisted.web.server.Request
from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred
chain = self.factory.newInstance()
data = request.content.read()
d = maybeDeferred(chain.processRequest, data, request=request, resource=self)
d.addCallback(chain.processResponse, request=request, resource=self)
d.addCallback(self._writeResponse, request)
d.addErrback(self._writeFault, request)
class DefaultHandlerChain:
@CheckInputArgs(CallbackChainInterface, HandlerChainInterface)
def __init__(self, cb, *handlers):
self.handlercb = cb
self.handlers = handlers
self.debug = len(log.theLogPublisher.observers) > 0
def processRequest(self, arg, **kw):
debug = self.debug
if debug: log.msg('--->PROCESS REQUEST: %s' %arg, debug=1)
for h in self.handlers:
if debug: log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
arg = h.processRequest(arg, **kw)
return self.handlercb.processRequest(arg, **kw)
def processResponse(self, arg, **kw):
debug = self.debug
if debug: log.msg('===>PROCESS RESPONSE: %s' %str(arg), debug=1)
if arg is None:
for h in self.handlers:
if debug: log.msg('\t%s handler: %s' %(arg, h), debug=1)
arg = h.processResponse(arg, **kw)
s = str(arg)
if debug: log.msg(s, debug=1)
return s