import os
import os.path
from os.path import join
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError,DistutilsSetupError
from numpy.distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from numpy.distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler
from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import FCompiler
from numpy.distutils.exec_command import find_executable
from numpy.distutils import log
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_numpy_include_dirs
def get_scons_build_dir():
"""Return the top path where everything produced by scons will be put.
The path is relative to the top"""
from numscons import get_scons_build_dir
return get_scons_build_dir()
def get_scons_configres_dir():
"""Return the top path where everything produced by scons will be put.
The path is relative to the top"""
from numscons import get_scons_configres_dir
return get_scons_configres_dir()
def get_scons_configres_filename():
"""Return the top path where everything produced by scons will be put.
The path is relative to the top"""
from numscons import get_scons_configres_filename
return get_scons_configres_filename()
def get_scons_local_path():
"""This returns the full path where for scons-local is located."""
from numscons import get_scons_path
return get_scons_path()
def get_python_exec_invoc():
"""This returns the python executable from which this file is invocated."""
# Do we need to take into account the PYTHONPATH, in a cross platform way,
# that is the string returned can be executed directly on supported
# platforms, and the sys.path of the executed python should be the same
# than the caller ? This may not be necessary, since os.system is said to
# take into accound os.environ. This actually also works for my way of
# using "local python", using the alias facility of bash.
import sys
return sys.executable
def dirl_to_str(dirlist):
"""Given a list of directories, returns a string where the paths are
concatenated by the path separator.
example: ['foo/bar', 'bar/foo'] will return 'foo/bar:bar/foo'."""
return os.pathsep.join(dirlist)
def dist2sconscc(compiler):
"""This converts the name passed to distutils to scons name convention (C
compiler). compiler should be a CCompiler instance.
--compiler=intel -> intelc"""
compiler_type = compiler.compiler_type
if compiler_type == 'msvc':
return 'msvc'
elif compiler_type == 'intel':
return 'intelc'
elif compiler_type == 'mingw32':
return 'mingw'
return compiler.compiler[0]
def dist2sconsfc(compiler):
"""This converts the name passed to distutils to scons name convention
(Fortran compiler). The argument should be a FCompiler instance.
--fcompiler=intel -> ifort on linux, ifl on windows"""
if compiler.compiler_type == 'intel':
#raise NotImplementedError('FIXME: intel fortran compiler name ?')
return 'ifort'
elif compiler.compiler_type == 'gnu':
return 'g77'
elif compiler.compiler_type == 'gnu95':
return 'gfortran'
# XXX: Just give up for now, and use generic fortran compiler
return 'fortran'
def dist2sconscxx(compiler):
"""This converts the name passed to distutils to scons name convention
(C++ compiler). The argument should be a Compiler instance."""
return compiler.compiler_cxx[0]
def get_compiler_executable(compiler):
"""For any give CCompiler instance, this gives us the name of C compiler
(the actual executable).
NOTE: does NOT work with FCompiler instances."""
# Geez, why does distutils has no common way to get the compiler name...
if compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc':
# this is harcoded in distutils... A bit cleaner way would be to
# initialize the compiler instance and then get, but this
# may be costly: we really just want a string.
# XXX: we need to initialize the compiler anyway, so do not use
# hardcoded string
return 'cl.exe'
return compiler.compiler[0]
def get_f77_compiler_executable(compiler):
"""For any give FCompiler instance, this gives us the name of F77 compiler
(the actual executable)."""
return compiler.compiler_f77[0]
def get_cxxcompiler_executable(compiler):
"""For any give CCompiler instance, this gives us the name of CXX compiler
(the actual executable).
NOTE: does NOT work with FCompiler instances."""
# Geez, why does distutils has no common way to get the compiler name...
if compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc':
# this is harcoded in distutils... A bit cleaner way would be to
# initialize the compiler instance and then get, but this
# may be costly: we really just want a string.
# XXX: we need to initialize the compiler anyway, so do not use
# hardcoded string
return 'cl.exe'
return compiler.compiler_cxx[0]
def get_tool_path(compiler):
"""Given a distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler class, returns the path of the
toolset related to C compilation."""
fullpath_exec = find_executable(get_compiler_executable(compiler))
if fullpath_exec:
fullpath = pdirname(fullpath_exec)
raise DistutilsSetupError("Could not find compiler executable info for scons")
return fullpath
def get_f77_tool_path(compiler):
"""Given a distutils.ccompiler.FCompiler class, returns the path of the
toolset related to F77 compilation."""
fullpath_exec = find_executable(get_f77_compiler_executable(compiler))
if fullpath_exec:
fullpath = pdirname(fullpath_exec)
raise DistutilsSetupError("Could not find F77 compiler executable "\
"info for scons")
return fullpath
def get_cxx_tool_path(compiler):
"""Given a distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler class, returns the path of the
toolset related to C compilation."""
fullpath_exec = find_executable(get_cxxcompiler_executable(compiler))
if fullpath_exec:
fullpath = pdirname(fullpath_exec)
raise DistutilsSetupError("Could not find compiler executable info for scons")
return fullpath
def protect_path(path):
"""Convert path (given as a string) to something the shell will have no
problem to understand (space, etc... problems)."""
# XXX: to this correctly, this is totally bogus for now (does not check for
# already quoted path, for example).
return '"' + path + '"'
def parse_package_list(pkglist):
return pkglist.split(",")
def find_common(seq1, seq2):
"""Given two list, return the index of the common items.
The index are relative to seq1.
Note: do not handle duplicate items."""
dict2 = dict([(i, None) for i in seq2])
return [i for i in range(len(seq1)) if dict2.has_key(seq1[i])]
def select_packages(sconspkg, pkglist):
"""Given a list of packages in pkglist, return the list of packages which
match this list."""
common = find_common(sconspkg, pkglist)
if not len(common) == len(pkglist):
msg = "the package list contains a package not found in "\
"the current list. The current list is %s" % sconspkg
raise ValueError(msg)
return common
class scons(old_build_ext):
# XXX: add an option to the scons command for configuration (auto/force/cache).
description = "Scons builder"
user_options = old_build_ext.user_options + \
[('jobs=', None,
"specify number of worker threads when executing scons"),
('scons-tool-path=', None, 'specify additional path '\
'(absolute) to look for scons tools'),
('silent=', None, 'specify whether scons output should less verbose'\
'(1), silent (2), super silent (3) or not (0, default)'),
('package-list=', None, 'If specified, only run scons on the given '\
'packages (example: --package-list=scipy.cluster). If empty, '\
'no package is built')]
def initialize_options(self):
old_build_ext.initialize_options(self) = None
self.silent = 0
self.scons_tool_path = ''
# If true, we bypass distutils to find the c compiler altogether. This
# is to be used in desperate cases (like incompatible visual studio
# version).
self._bypass_distutils_cc = False
self.scons_compiler = None
self.scons_compiler_path = None
self.scons_fcompiler = None
self.package_list = None
def finalize_options(self):
if self.distribution.has_scons_scripts():
self.sconscripts = self.distribution.get_scons_scripts()
self.pre_hooks = self.distribution.get_scons_pre_hooks()
self.post_hooks = self.distribution.get_scons_post_hooks()
self.pkg_names = self.distribution.get_scons_parent_names()
self.sconscripts = []
self.pre_hooks = []
self.post_hooks = []
self.pkg_names = []
# Try to get the same compiler than the ones used by distutils: this is
# non trivial because distutils and scons have totally different
# conventions on this one (distutils uses PATH from user's environment,
# whereas scons uses standard locations). The way we do it is once we
# got the c compiler used, we use numpy.distutils function to get the
# full path, and add the path to the env['PATH'] variable in env
# instance (this is done in numpy.distutils.scons module).
# XXX: The logic to bypass distutils is ... not so logic.
compiler_type = self.compiler
if compiler_type == 'msvc':
self._bypass_distutils_cc = True
from numpy.distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
distutils_compiler = new_compiler(compiler=compiler_type,
# This initialization seems necessary, sometimes, for find_executable to work...
if hasattr(distutils_compiler, 'initialize'):
self.scons_compiler = dist2sconscc(distutils_compiler)
self.scons_compiler_path = protect_path(get_tool_path(distutils_compiler))
except DistutilsPlatformError, e:
if not self._bypass_distutils_cc:
raise e
self.scons_compiler = compiler_type
# We do the same for the fortran compiler ...
fcompiler_type = self.fcompiler
from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import new_fcompiler
self.fcompiler = new_fcompiler(compiler = fcompiler_type,
verbose = self.verbose,
dry_run = self.dry_run,
force = self.force)
if self.fcompiler is not None:
# And the C++ compiler
cxxcompiler = new_compiler(compiler = compiler_type,
verbose = self.verbose,
dry_run = self.dry_run,
force = self.force)
if cxxcompiler is not None:
cxxcompiler.customize(self.distribution, need_cxx = 1)
self.cxxcompiler = cxxcompiler.cxx_compiler()
#print self.cxxcompiler.compiler_cxx[0]
if self.package_list:
self.package_list = parse_package_list(self.package_list)
def run(self):
if len(self.sconscripts) > 0:
import numscons
except ImportError, e:
raise RuntimeError("importing numscons failed (error was %s), using " \
"scons within distutils is not possible without "
"this package " % str(e))
# nothing to do, just leave it here.
# XXX: when a scons script is missing, scons only prints warnings, and
# does not return a failure (status is 0). We have to detect this from
# distutils (this cannot work for recursive scons builds...)
# XXX: passing everything at command line may cause some trouble where
# there is a size limitation ? What is the standard solution in thise
# case ?
scons_exec = get_python_exec_invoc()
scons_exec += ' ' + protect_path(pjoin(get_scons_local_path(), ''))
if self.package_list is not None:
id = select_packages(self.pkg_names, self.package_list)
sconscripts = [self.sconscripts[i] for i in id]
pre_hooks = [self.pre_hooks[i] for i in id]
post_hooks = [self.post_hooks[i] for i in id]
pkg_names = [self.pkg_names[i] for i in id]
sconscripts = self.sconscripts
pre_hooks = self.pre_hooks
post_hooks = self.post_hooks
pkg_names = self.pkg_names
for sconscript, pre_hook, post_hook, pkg_name in zip(sconscripts,
pre_hooks, post_hooks,
if pre_hook:
cmd = [scons_exec, "-f", sconscript, '-I.']
cmd.append(" --jobs=%d" % int(
cmd.append('scons_tool_path="%s"' % self.scons_tool_path)
cmd.append('src_dir="%s"' % pdirname(sconscript))
cmd.append('pkg_name="%s"' % pkg_name)
#cmd.append('distutils_libdir=%s' % protect_path(pjoin(self.build_lib,
# pdirname(sconscript))))
cmd.append('distutils_libdir=%s' % protect_path(pjoin(self.build_lib)))
if not self._bypass_distutils_cc:
cmd.append('cc_opt=%s' % self.scons_compiler)
cmd.append('cc_opt_path=%s' % self.scons_compiler_path)
cmd.append('cc_opt=%s' % self.scons_compiler)
if self.fcompiler:
cmd.append('f77_opt=%s' % dist2sconsfc(self.fcompiler))
cmd.append('f77_opt_path=%s' % protect_path(get_f77_tool_path(self.fcompiler)))
if self.cxxcompiler:
cmd.append('cxx_opt=%s' % dist2sconscxx(self.cxxcompiler))
cmd.append('cxx_opt_path=%s' % protect_path(get_cxx_tool_path(self.cxxcompiler)))
cmd.append('include_bootstrap=%s' % dirl_to_str(get_numpy_include_dirs()))
if self.silent:
if int(self.silent) == 2:
elif int(self.silent) == 3:
cmd.append('silent=%d' % int(self.silent))
cmdstr = ' '.join(cmd)
if int(self.silent) < 1:"Executing scons command (pkg is %s): %s ", pkg_name, cmdstr)
else:"======== Executing scons command for pkg %s =========", pkg_name)
st = os.system(cmdstr)
if st:
print "status is %d" % st
raise DistutilsExecError("Error while executing scons command "\
"%s (see above)" % cmdstr)
if post_hook: