__all__ = ['PySource', 'PyCFunction', 'PyCModule', 'PyCTypeSpec', 'PyCArgument', 'PyCReturn']
import os
import sys
from base import Component
from utils import *
from c_support import *
class PySource(FileSource):
template_py_header = '''\
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file %(path)r is generated using ExtGen tool
# from NumPy version %(numpy_version)s.
# ExtGen is developed by Pearu Peterson <pearu.peterson@gmail.com>.
# For more information see http://www.scipy.org/ExtGen/ .'''
container_options = dict(
Content = dict(default='',
prefix = template_py_header + '\n',
suffix = '\n',
class PyCModule(CSource):
>>> m = PyCModule('PyCModule_test', title='This is first line.\\nSecond line.', description='This is a module.\\nYes, it is.')
>>> mod = m.build()
>>> print mod.__doc__ #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
This module 'PyCModule_test' is generated with ExtGen from NumPy version ...
This is first line.
Second line.
This is a module.
Yes, it is.
template = CSource.template_c_header + '''
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern \"C\" {
#include "Python.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
container_options = CSource.container_options.copy()
component_container_map = dict(
PyCModuleInitFunction = 'CMainProgram',
PyCModuleCDeclaration = 'PyCModuleCDeclaration',
PyCFunction = 'CAPIDefinition',
def initialize(self, pyname, *components, **options):
self.pyname = pyname
self.title = options.pop('title', None)
self.description = options.pop('description', None)
self = CSource.initialize(self, '%smodule.c' % (pyname), **options)
self.need_numpy_support = False
self.cdecl = PyCModuleCDeclaration(pyname)
self += self.cdecl
self.main = PyCModuleInitFunction(pyname)
self += self.main
map(self.add, components)
return self
def update_parent(self, parent):
if isinstance(parent, Component.SetupPy):
def update_SetupPy(self, parent):
parent.setup_py += self.evaluate(' config.add_extension(%(pyname)r, sources = ["%(extmodulesrc)s"])',
extmodulesrc = self.path)
parent.init_py += 'import %s' % (self.pyname)
def finalize(self):
if self.need_numpy_support:
#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
#include "numpy/arrayscalars.h"
'''), 'CHeader')
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "failed to load NumPy array module.");
goto capi_error;
def build(self, build_dir=None, clean_at_exit=None):
""" build(build_dir=None, clean_at_exit=None)
A convenience function to build, import, an return
an extension module object.
if build_dir is None:
import tempfile
import time
packagename = 'extgen_' + str(hex(int(time.time()*10000000)))[2:]
build_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), packagename)
clean_at_exit = True
setup = Component.SetupPy(build_dir)
setup += self
s,o = setup.execute('build_ext','--inplace')
if s:
self.info('return status=%s' % (s))
raise RuntimeError('failed to build extension module %r,'\
' the build is located in %r directory'\
% (self.pyname, build_dir))
if clean_at_exit:
import atexit
import shutil
atexit.register(lambda d=build_dir: shutil.rmtree(d))
self.info('directory %r will be removed at exit from python.' % (build_dir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(build_dir))
packagename = os.path.basename(build_dir)
p = __import__(packagename)
m = getattr(p, self.pyname)
del sys.path[0]
del sys.path[0]
return m
class PyCModuleCDeclaration(Component):
template = '''\
static PyObject* extgen_module;
PyMethodDef extgen_module_methods[] = {
char extgen_module_doc[] =
"This module %(pyname)r is generated with ExtGen from NumPy version %(numpy_version)s."
container_options = dict(
PyMethodDef = dict(suffix=',', skip_suffix_when_empty=True,separator=',\n',
default='<KILLLINE>', use_indent=True, ignore_empty_content=True),
FunctionSignature = dict(prefix='"\\n\\n:Functions:\\n"\n" ', skip_prefix_when_empty=True, use_indent=True,
ignore_empty_content=True, default='<KILLLINE>',
separator = '"\n" ', suffix='"', skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
Title = dict(default='<KILLLINE>',prefix='"\\n\\n',suffix='"',separator='\\n"\n"',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
use_firstline_indent=True, replace_map={'\n':'\\n'}),
Description = dict(default='<KILLLINE>',prefix='"\\n\\n"\n"',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
use_firstline_indent=True, replace_map={'\n':'\\n'}),
default_component_class_name = 'Line'
def initialize(self, pyname):
self.pyname = pyname
return self
def update_parent(self, parent):
if isinstance(parent, PyCModule):
def update_PyCModule(self, parent):
if parent.title:
self.add(parent.title, 'Title')
if parent.description:
self.add(parent.description, 'Description')
class PyCModuleInitFunction(CFunction):
>>> f = PyCModuleInitFunction('test_PyCModuleInitFunction')
>>> print f.generate()
inittest_PyCModuleInitFunction(void) {
PyObject* extgen_module_dict = NULL;
PyObject* extgen_str_obj = NULL;
extgen_module = Py_InitModule(\"test_PyCModuleInitFunction\", extgen_module_methods);
if ((extgen_module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(extgen_module))==NULL) goto capi_error;
if ((extgen_str_obj = PyString_FromString(extgen_module_doc))==NULL) goto capi_error;
PyDict_SetItemString(extgen_module_dict, \"__doc__\", extgen_str_obj);
if ((extgen_str_obj = PyString_FromString(\"restructuredtext\"))==NULL) goto capi_error;
PyDict_SetItemString(extgen_module_dict, \"__docformat__\", extgen_str_obj);
if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, \"failed to initialize 'test_PyCModuleInitFunction' module.\");
template = '''\
%(name)s(void) {
PyObject* extgen_module_dict = NULL;
PyObject* extgen_str_obj = NULL;
extgen_module = Py_InitModule("%(pyname)s", extgen_module_methods);
if ((extgen_module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(extgen_module))==NULL) goto capi_error;
if ((extgen_str_obj = PyString_FromString(extgen_module_doc))==NULL) goto capi_error;
PyDict_SetItemString(extgen_module_dict, "__doc__", extgen_str_obj);
if ((extgen_str_obj = PyString_FromString("restructuredtext"))==NULL) goto capi_error;
PyDict_SetItemString(extgen_module_dict, "__docformat__", extgen_str_obj);
if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "failed to initialize %(pyname)r module.");
def initialize(self, pyname, *components, **options):
self.pyname = pyname
self.title = options.pop('title', None)
self.description = options.pop('description', None)
self = CFunction.initialize(self, 'init'+pyname, 'PyMODINIT_FUNC', *components, **options)
return self
#helper classes for PyCFunction
class KWListBase(Word): parent_container_options = dict(separator=', ', suffix=', ', skip_suffix_when_empty=True)
class ReqKWList(KWListBase): pass
class OptKWList(KWListBase): pass
class ExtKWList(KWListBase): pass
class ArgBase(Word): parent_container_options = dict(separator=', ')
class ReqArg(ArgBase): pass
class OptArg(ArgBase): pass
class ExtArg(ArgBase): pass
class RetArg(ArgBase):
parent_container_options = dict(separator=', ', prefix='(', suffix=')', default = 'None',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
class OptExtArg(ArgBase):
parent_container_options = dict(separator=', ', prefix=' [, ', skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
suffix=']', skip_suffix_when_empty=True)
class ArgDocBase(Word):
parent_container_options = dict(default='<KILLLINE>', prefix='"\\n\\nArguments:\\n"\n" ',
separator='\\n"\n" ', suffix='"',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
use_firstline_indent=True, replace_map={'\n':'\\n'})
class ReqArgDoc(ArgDocBase):
parent_container_options = ArgDocBase.parent_container_options.copy()
parent_container_options.update(prefix='"\\n\\n:Parameters:\\n"\n" ')
class OptArgDoc(ArgDocBase):
parent_container_options = ArgDocBase.parent_container_options.copy()
parent_container_options.update(prefix='"\\n\\n:Optional parameters:\\n"\n" ')
class ExtArgDoc(ArgDocBase):
parent_container_options = ArgDocBase.parent_container_options.copy()
parent_container_options.update(prefix='"\\n\\n:Extra parameters:\\n"\n" ')
class RetArgDoc(ArgDocBase):
parent_container_options = ArgDocBase.parent_container_options.copy()
parent_container_options.update(prefix='"\\n\\n:Returns:\\n"\n" ',
default='"\\n\\n:Returns:\\n None"')
class ArgFmtBase(Word): parent_container_options = dict(separator='')
class ReqArgFmt(ArgFmtBase): pass
class OptArgFmt(ArgFmtBase): pass
class ExtArgFmt(ArgFmtBase): pass
class RetArgFmt(ArgFmtBase): pass
class OptExtArgFmt(ArgFmtBase):
parent_container_options = dict(separator='', prefix='|', skip_prefix_when_empty=True)
class ArgObjBase(Word): parent_container_options = dict(separator=', ', prefix=', ', skip_prefix_when_empty=True)
class ReqArgObj(ArgObjBase): pass
class OptArgObj(ArgObjBase): pass
class ExtArgObj(ArgObjBase): pass
class RetArgObj(ArgObjBase): pass
class FunctionSignature(Component):
template = '%(name)s(%(ReqArg)s%(OptExtArg)s) -> %(RetArg)s'
parent_container_options = dict()
container_options = dict(
ReqArg = ReqArg.parent_container_options,
OptArg = OptArg.parent_container_options,
ExtArg = ExtArg.parent_container_options,
RetArg = RetArg.parent_container_options,
OptExtArg = OptExtArg.parent_container_options,
def initialize(self, name, *components, **options):
self.name = name
map(self.add, components)
return self
def update_containers(self):
self.container_OptExtArg += self.container_OptArg + self.container_ExtArg
class PyCFunction(CFunction):
>>> from __init__ import *
>>> f = PyCFunction('foo')
>>> print f.generate()
char pyc_function_foo_doc[] =
\" foo() -> None\"
\"\\n\\n:Returns:\\n None\"
pyc_function_foo(PyObject *pyc_self, PyObject *pyc_args, PyObject *pyc_keywds) {
PyObject * volatile pyc_buildvalue = NULL;
volatile int capi_success = 1;
static char *capi_kwlist[] = {NULL};
if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(pyc_args, pyc_keywds,"",
capi_kwlist)) {
capi_success = !PyErr_Occurred();
if (capi_success) {
pyc_buildvalue = Py_BuildValue("");
return pyc_buildvalue;
>>> f = PyCFunction('foo', title=' Function title.\\nSecond line.', description=' This is a function.\\n2nd line.')
>>> e = PyCModule('PyCFunction_test', f)
>>> mod = e.build()
>>> print mod.foo.__doc__
foo() -> None
Function title.
Second line.
This is a function.
2nd line.
template = '''\
char %(name)s_doc[] =
" %(FunctionSignature)s"
%(name)s(PyObject *pyc_self, PyObject *pyc_args, PyObject *pyc_keywds) {
PyObject * volatile pyc_buildvalue = NULL;
volatile int capi_success = 1;
static char *capi_kwlist[] = {%(ReqKWList)s%(OptKWList)s%(ExtKWList)sNULL};
if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(pyc_args, pyc_keywds,"%(ReqArgFmt)s%(OptExtArgFmt)s",
capi_kwlist%(ReqArgObj)s%(OptArgObj)s%(ExtArgObj)s)) {
capi_success = !PyErr_Occurred();
if (capi_success) {
pyc_buildvalue = Py_BuildValue("%(RetArgFmt)s"%(RetArgObj)s);
return pyc_buildvalue;
container_options = CFunction.container_options.copy()
TMP = dict(),
ReqArg = ReqArg.parent_container_options,
OptArg = OptArg.parent_container_options,
ExtArg = ExtArg.parent_container_options,
RetArg = RetArg.parent_container_options,
FunctionSignature = FunctionSignature.parent_container_options,
OptExtArg = OptExtArg.parent_container_options,
Title = dict(default='<KILLLINE>',prefix='"\\n\\n',suffix='"',separator='\\n"\n"',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
use_firstline_indent=True, replace_map={'\n':'\\n'}),
Description = dict(default='<KILLLINE>',prefix='"\\n\\n"\n"',
skip_prefix_when_empty=True, skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
use_firstline_indent=True, replace_map={'\n':'\\n'}),
ReqArgDoc = ReqArgDoc.parent_container_options,
OptArgDoc = OptArgDoc.parent_container_options,
ExtArgDoc = ExtArgDoc.parent_container_options,
RetArgDoc = RetArgDoc.parent_container_options,
ReqKWList = ReqKWList.parent_container_options,
OptKWList = OptKWList.parent_container_options,
ExtKWList = ExtKWList.parent_container_options,
ReqArgFmt = ReqArgFmt.parent_container_options,
OptArgFmt = OptArgFmt.parent_container_options,
ExtArgFmt = ExtArgFmt.parent_container_options,
OptExtArgFmt = OptExtArgFmt.ExtArgFmt.parent_container_options,
RetArgFmt = ExtArgFmt.parent_container_options,
ReqArgObj = ReqArgObj.parent_container_options,
OptArgObj = OptArgObj.parent_container_options,
ExtArgObj = ExtArgObj.parent_container_options,
RetArgObj = RetArgObj.parent_container_options,
FromPyObj = CCode.parent_container_options,
PyObjFrom = CCode.parent_container_options,
CleanPyObjFrom = dict(default='<KILLLINE>', reverse=True, use_indent=True, ignore_empty_content=True),
CleanCBody = dict(default='<KILLLINE>', reverse=True, use_indent=True, ignore_empty_content=True),
CleanFromPyObj = dict(default='<KILLLINE>', reverse=True, use_indent=True, ignore_empty_content=True),
default_component_class_name = 'CCode'
component_container_map = CFunction.component_container_map.copy()
PyCArgument = 'TMP',
CCode = 'CBody',
def initialize(self, pyname, *components, **options):
self.pyname = pyname
self.title = options.pop('title', None)
self.description = options.pop('description', None)
self = CFunction.initialize(self, 'pyc_function_'+pyname, 'PyObject*', **options)
self.signature = FunctionSignature(pyname)
self += self.signature
if self.title:
self.add(self.title, 'Title')
if self.description:
self.add(self.description, 'Description')
map(self.add, components)
return self
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr,[self.pyname]+[c for (c,l) in self.components])))
def update_parent(self, parent):
if isinstance(parent, PyCModule):
def update_PyCModule(self, parent):
t = ' {"%(pyname)s", (PyCFunction)%(name)s, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, %(name)s_doc}'
def update_containers(self):
self.container_OptExtArg += self.container_OptArg + self.container_ExtArg
self.container_OptExtArgFmt += self.container_OptArgFmt + self.container_ExtArgFmt
# resolve dependencies
sorted_arguments = []
sorted_names = []
comp_map = {}
dep_map = {}
for (c,l) in self.components:
if not isinstance(c, Component.PyCArgument):
d = [n for n in c.depends if n not in sorted_names]
if not d:
comp_map[c.name] = (c,l)
dep_map[c.name] = d
while dep_map:
dep_map_copy = dep_map.copy()
for name, deps in dep_map.items():
d = [n for n in deps if n in dep_map]
if not d:
del dep_map[name]
dep_map[name] = d
if dep_map_copy==dep_map:
self.warnign('%s: detected cyclic dependencies in %r, incorrect behavior is expected.\n'\
% (self.provides, dep_map))
sorted_arguments += dep_map.values()
for c, l in sorted_arguments:
old_parent = c.parent
c.parent = self
c.parent = old_parent
class PyCArgument(Component):
>>> from __init__ import *
>>> a = PyCArgument('a')
>>> print a
PyCArgument('a', PyCTypeSpec('object'))
>>> print a.generate()
>>> f = PyCFunction('foo')
>>> f += a
>>> f += PyCArgument('b')
>>> m = PyCModule('PyCArgument_test')
>>> m += f
>>> #print m.generate()
>>> mod = m.build()
>>> print mod.__doc__ #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
This module 'PyCArgument_test' is generated with ExtGen from NumPy version ...
foo(a, b) -> None
container_options = dict(
TMP = dict()
component_container_map = dict(
PyCTypeSpec = 'TMP'
template = '%(name)s'
def initialize(self, name, ctype = object, *components, **options):
self.input_intent = options.pop('input_intent','required') # 'optional', 'extra', 'hide'
self.output_intent = options.pop('output_intent','hide') # 'return'
self.input_title = options.pop('input_title', None)
self.output_title = options.pop('output_title', None)
self.input_description = options.pop('input_description', None)
self.output_description = options.pop('output_description', None)
self.depends = options.pop('depends', [])
title = options.pop('title', None)
description = options.pop('description', None)
if title is not None:
if self.input_intent!='hide':
if self.input_title is None:
self.input_title = title
elif self.output_intent!='hide':
if self.output_title is None:
self.output_title = title
if description is not None:
if self.input_intent!='hide':
if self.input_description is None:
self.input_description = description
elif self.output_intent!='hide':
if self.output_description is None:
self.output_description = description
if options: self.warning('%s unused options: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, options))
self.name = name
self.ctype = ctype = PyCTypeSpec(ctype)
self += ctype
self.cvar = name
self.pycvar = None
self.retpycvar = None
retfmt = ctype.get_pyret_fmt(self)
if isinstance(ctype, PyCTypeSpec):
if retfmt and retfmt in 'SON':
if self.output_intent == 'return':
if self.input_intent=='hide':
self.retpycvar = name
self.pycvar = name
self.retpycvar = name + '_return'
elif self.input_intent!='hide':
self.pycvar = name
self.pycvar = name
self.retpycvar = name
self.pycvar = name + '_pyc'
self.retpycvar = name + '_pyc_r'
map(self.add, components)
return self
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr,[self.name]+[c for (c,l) in self.components])))
def update_parent(self, parent):
if isinstance(parent, PyCFunction):
def update_PyCFunction(self, parent):
ctype = self.ctype
input_doc_title = '%s : %s' % (self.name, self.input_title)
output_doc_title = '%s : %s' % (self.name, self.output_title)
if self.input_description is not None:
input_doc_descr = ' %s' % (self.input_description)
input_doc_descr = None
if self.output_description is not None:
output_doc_descr = ' %s' % (self.output_description)
output_doc_descr = None
# add components to parent:
parent += ctype.get_decl(self, parent)
if self.input_intent=='required':
parent += ReqArg(self.name)
parent.signature += ReqArg(self.name)
parent += ReqKWList('"' + self.name + '"')
parent += ReqArgFmt(ctype.get_pyarg_fmt(self))
parent += ReqArgObj(ctype.get_pyarg_obj(self))
parent += ReqArgDoc(input_doc_title)
parent += ReqArgDoc(input_doc_descr)
elif self.input_intent=='optional':
parent += OptArg(self.name)
parent.signature += OptArg(self.name)
parent += OptKWList('"' + self.name + '"')
parent += OptArgFmt(ctype.get_pyarg_fmt(self))
parent += OptArgObj(ctype.get_pyarg_obj(self))
parent += OptArgDoc(input_doc_title)
parent += OptArgDoc(input_doc_descr)
elif self.input_intent=='extra':
parent += ExtArg(self.name)
parent.signature += ExtArg(self.name)
parent += ExtKWList('"' + self.name + '"')
parent += ExtArgFmt(ctype.get_pyarg_fmt(self))
parent += ExtArgObj(ctype.get_pyarg_obj(self))
parent += ExtArgDoc(input_doc_title)
parent += ExtArgDoc(input_doc_descr)
elif self.input_intent=='hide':
raise NotImplementedError('input_intent=%r' % (self.input_intent))
if self.output_intent=='return':
parent += RetArg(self.name)
parent.signature += RetArg(self.name)
parent += RetArgFmt(ctype.get_pyret_fmt(self))
parent += RetArgObj(ctype.get_pyret_obj(self))
parent += RetArgDoc(output_doc_title)
parent += RetArgDoc(output_doc_descr)
elif self.output_intent=='hide':
raise NotImplementedError('output_intent=%r' % (self.output_intent))
class PyCReturn(PyCArgument):
def initialize(self, name, ctype = object, *components, **options):
return PyCArgument(name, ctype, input_intent='hide', output_intent='return', *components, **options)
class PyCTypeSpec(CTypeSpec):
>>> s = PyCTypeSpec(object)
>>> print s
>>> print s.generate()
>>> from __init__ import *
>>> m = PyCModule('test_PyCTypeSpec')
>>> f = PyCFunction('func')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i', int, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('l', long, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f', float, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('c', complex, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('s', str, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('u', unicode, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('t', tuple, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('lst', list, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('d', dict, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('set', set, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('o1', object, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('o2', object, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> b = m.build() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> b.func(23, 23l, 1.2, 1+2j, 'hello', u'hei', (2,'a'), [-2], {3:4}, set([1,2]), 2, '15')
(23, 23L, 1.2, (1+2j), 'hello', u'hei', (2, 'a'), [-2], {3: 4}, set([1, 2]), 2, '15')
>>> print b.func.__doc__
func(i, l, f, c, s, u, t, lst, d, set, o1, o2) -> (i, l, f, c, s, u, t, lst, d, set, o1, o2)
i : a python int object
l : a python long object
f : a python float object
c : a python complex object
s : a python str object
u : a python unicode object
t : a python tuple object
lst : a python list object
d : a python dict object
set : a python set object
o1 : a python object
o2 : a python object
i : a python int object
l : a python long object
f : a python float object
c : a python complex object
s : a python str object
u : a python unicode object
t : a python tuple object
lst : a python list object
d : a python dict object
set : a python set object
o1 : a python object
o2 : a python object
>>> m = PyCModule('test_PyCTypeSpec_c')
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_c_int')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i1', 'c_char', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i2', 'c_short', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i3', 'c_int', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i4', 'c_long', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i5', 'c_long_long', output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_c_unsigned_int')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i1', 'c_unsigned_char', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i2', 'c_unsigned_short', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i3', 'c_unsigned_int', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i4', 'c_unsigned_long', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i5', 'c_unsigned_long_long', output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_c_float')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f1', 'c_float', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f2', 'c_double', output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_c_complex')
>>> f += PyCArgument('c1', 'c_Py_complex', output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_c_string')
>>> f += PyCArgument('s1', 'c_const_char_ptr', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('s2', 'c_const_char_ptr', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('s3', 'c_Py_UNICODE', output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('s4', 'c_char1', output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> b = m.build()
>>> b.func_c_int(2,3,4,5,6)
(2, 3, 4, 5, 6L)
>>> b.func_c_unsigned_int(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)
(255, 65535, 4294967295, 18446744073709551615L, 18446744073709551615L)
>>> b.func_c_float(1.2,1.2)
(1.2000000476837158, 1.2)
>>> b.func_c_complex(1+2j)
>>> b.func_c_string('hei', None, u'tere', 'b')
('hei', None, u'tere', 'b')
>>> import numpy
>>> m = PyCModule('test_PyCTypeSpec_numpy')
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_int')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i1', numpy.int8, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i2', numpy.int16, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i3', numpy.int32, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i4', numpy.int64, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_uint')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i1', numpy.uint8, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i2', numpy.uint16, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i3', numpy.uint32, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('i4', numpy.uint64, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_float')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f1', numpy.float32, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f2', numpy.float64, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('f3', numpy.float128, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_complex')
>>> f += PyCArgument('c1', numpy.complex64, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('c2', numpy.complex128, output_intent='return')
>>> f += PyCArgument('c3', numpy.complex256, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> f = PyCFunction('func_array')
>>> f += PyCArgument('a1', numpy.ndarray, output_intent='return')
>>> m += f
>>> b = m.build()
>>> b.func_int(numpy.int8(-2), numpy.int16(-3), numpy.int32(-4), numpy.int64(-5))
(-2, -3, -4, -5)
>>> b.func_uint(numpy.uint8(-1), numpy.uint16(-1), numpy.uint32(-1), numpy.uint64(-1))
(255, 65535, 4294967295, 18446744073709551615)
>>> b.func_float(numpy.float32(1.2),numpy.float64(1.2),numpy.float128(1.2))
(1.20000004768, 1.2, 1.19999999999999995559)
>>> b.func_complex(numpy.complex64(1+2j),numpy.complex128(1+2j),numpy.complex256(1+2j))
((1+2j), (1+2j), (1.0+2.0j))
>>> b.func_array(numpy.array([1,2]))
array([1, 2])
>>> b.func_array(numpy.array(2))
>>> b.func_array(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, not int
>>> b.func_array(numpy.int8(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: argument 1 must be numpy.ndarray, not numpy.int8
typeinfo_map = dict(
int = ('PyInt_Type', 'PyIntObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
long = ('PyLong_Type', 'PyLongObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
float = ('PyFloat_Type', 'PyFloatObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
complex = ('PyComplex_Type', 'PyComplexObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
str = ('PyString_Type', 'PyStringObject*', 'S', 'N', 'NULL'),
unicode = ('PyUnicode_Type', 'PyUnicodeObject*', 'U', 'N', 'NULL'),
buffer = ('PyBuffer_Type', 'PyBufferObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
tuple = ('PyTuple_Type', 'PyTupleObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
list = ('PyList_Type', 'PyListObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
dict = ('PyDict_Type', 'PyDictObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
file = ('PyFile_Type', 'PyFileObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
instance = ('PyInstance_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
function = ('PyFunction_Type', 'PyFunctionObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
method = ('PyMethod_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
module = ('PyModule_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
iter = ('PySeqIter_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
property = ('PyProperty_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
slice = ('PySlice_Type', 'PyObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
cell = ('PyCell_Type', 'PyCellObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
generator = ('PyGen_Type', 'PyGenObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
set = ('PySet_Type', 'PySetObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
frozenset = ('PyFrozenSet_Type', 'PySetObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
cobject = (None, 'PyCObject*', 'O', 'N', 'NULL'),
type = ('PyType_Type', 'PyTypeObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
object = (None, 'PyObject*', 'O', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_ndarray = ('PyArray_Type', 'PyArrayObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_descr = ('PyArrayDescr_Type','PyArray_Descr', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_ufunc = ('PyUFunc_Type', 'PyUFuncObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_iter = ('PyArrayIter_Type', 'PyArrayIterObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_multiiter = ('PyArrayMultiIter_Type', 'PyArrayMultiIterObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_int8 = ('PyInt8ArrType_Type', 'PyInt8ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_int16 = ('PyInt16ArrType_Type', 'PyInt16ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_int32 = ('PyInt32ArrType_Type', 'PyInt32ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_int64 = ('PyInt64ArrType_Type', 'PyInt64ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_int128 = ('PyInt128ArrType_Type', 'PyInt128ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_uint8 = ('PyUInt8ArrType_Type', 'PyUInt8ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_uint16 = ('PyUInt16ArrType_Type', 'PyUInt16ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_uint32 = ('PyUInt32ArrType_Type', 'PyUInt32ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_uint64 = ('PyUInt64ArrType_Type', 'PyUInt64ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_uint128 = ('PyUInt128ArrType_Type', 'PyUInt128ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float16 = ('PyFloat16ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat16ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float32 = ('PyFloat32ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat32ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float64 = ('PyFloat64ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat64ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float80 = ('PyFloat80ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat80ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float96 = ('PyFloat96ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat96ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_float128 = ('PyFloat128ArrType_Type', 'PyFloat128ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex32 = ('PyComplex32ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex32ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex64 = ('PyComplex64ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex64ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex128 = ('PyComplex128ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex128ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex160 = ('PyComplex160ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex160ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex192 = ('PyComplex192ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex192ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numpy_complex256 = ('PyComplex256ArrType_Type', 'PyComplex256ScalarObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
numeric_array = ('PyArray_Type', 'PyArrayObject*', 'O!', 'N', 'NULL'),
c_char = (None, 'char', 'b', 'b', '0'),
c_unsigned_char = (None, 'unsigned char', 'B', 'B', '0'),
c_short = (None, 'short int', 'h', 'h', '0'),
c_unsigned_short = (None, 'unsigned short int', 'H', 'H', '0'),
c_int = (None,'int', 'i', 'i', '0'),
c_unsigned_int = (None,'unsigned int', 'I', 'I', '0'),
c_long = (None,'long', 'l', 'l', '0'),
c_unsigned_long = (None,'unsigned long', 'k', 'k', '0'),
c_long_long = (None,'PY_LONG_LONG', 'L', 'L', '0'),
c_unsigned_long_long = (None,'unsigned PY_LONG_LONG', 'K', 'K', '0'),
c_Py_ssize_t = (None,'Py_ssize_t', 'n', 'n', '0'),
c_char1 = (None,'char', 'c', 'c', '"\\0"'),
c_float = (None,'float', 'f', 'f', '0.0'),
c_double = (None,'double', 'd', 'd', '0.0'),
c_Py_complex = (None,'Py_complex', 'D', 'D', '{0.0, 0.0}'),
c_const_char_ptr = (None,'const char *', 'z', 'z', 'NULL'),
c_Py_UNICODE = (None,'Py_UNICODE*','u','u', 'NULL'),
def initialize(self, typeobj):
if isinstance(typeobj, self.__class__):
return typeobj
m = self.typeinfo_map
key = None
if isinstance(typeobj, type):
if typeobj.__module__=='__builtin__':
key = typeobj.__name__
if key=='array':
key = 'numeric_array'
elif typeobj.__module__=='numpy':
key = 'numpy_' + typeobj.__name__
elif isinstance(typeobj, str):
key = typeobj
if key.startswith('numpy_'):
k = key[6:]
named_scalars = ['byte','short','int','long','longlong',
if k in named_scalars:
import numpy
key = 'numpy_' + getattr(numpy, k).__name__
try: item = m[key]
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError('%s: need %s support' % (self.__class__.__name__, typeobj))
self.typeobj_name = key
self.ctypeobj = item[0]
self.line = item[1]
self.arg_fmt = item[2]
self.ret_fmt = item[3]
self.cinit_value = item[4]
self.need_numpy_support = False
if key.startswith('numpy_'):
self.need_numpy_support = True
#self.add(Component.get('arrayobject.h'), 'CHeader')
#self.add(Component.get('import_array'), 'ModuleInit')
if key.startswith('numeric_'):
raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__ + ': Numeric support')
return self
def finalize(self):
if self.need_numpy_support:
self.component_PyCModule.need_numpy_support = True
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([repr(self.typeobj_name)]+[repr(c) for (c,l) in self.components]))
def get_pyarg_fmt(self, arg):
if arg.input_intent=='hide': return None
return self.arg_fmt
def get_pyarg_obj(self, arg):
if arg.input_intent=='hide': return None
if self.arg_fmt=='O!':
return '&%s, &%s' % (self.ctypeobj, arg.pycvar)
return '&' + arg.pycvar
def get_pyret_fmt(self, arg):
if arg.output_intent=='hide': return None
return self.ret_fmt
def get_pyret_obj(self, arg):
if arg.output_intent=='return':
if self.get_pyret_fmt(arg)=='D':
return '&' + arg.retpycvar
return arg.retpycvar
def get_init_value(self, arg):
return self.cinit_value
def set_titles(self, arg):
if self.typeobj_name == 'object':
tn = 'a python ' + self.typeobj_name
if self.typeobj_name.startswith('numpy_'):
tn = 'a numpy.' + self.typeobj_name[6:] + ' object'
elif self.typeobj_name.startswith('c_'):
n = self.typeobj_name[2:]
if not n.startswith('Py_'):
n = ' '.join(n.split('_'))
tn = 'a to C ' + n + ' convertable object'
tn = 'a python ' + self.typeobj_name + ' object'
if arg.input_intent!='hide':
r = ''
if arg.input_title: r = ', ' + arg.input_title
arg.input_title = tn + r
if arg.output_intent!='hide':
r = ''
if arg.output_title: r = ', ' + arg.output_title
arg.output_title = tn + r
def get_decl(self, arg, func):
init_value = self.get_init_value(arg)
if init_value:
init = ' = %s' % (init_value)
init = ''
if arg.pycvar and arg.pycvar==arg.retpycvar:
func += CDeclaration(self, '%s%s' % (arg.pycvar, init))
if self.get_pyret_obj(arg) is None:
if self.get_pyret_obj(arg) is not None:
func += CDeclaration(self, '%s%s' % (arg.pycvar, init))
elif self.get_pyarg_obj(arg) is not None:
func += CDeclaration(self, '%s%s' % (arg.pycvar, init))
func += CDeclaration(self,'%s%s' % (arg.retpycvar, init))
func += CDeclaration(self, '%s%s' % (arg.retpycvar, init))
def set_converters(self, arg):
Notes for user:
if arg is intent(optional, in, out) and not specified
as function argument then function may created but
it must then have *new reference* (ie use Py_INCREF
unless it is a new reference already).
# this method is called from PyCFunction.update_containers(),
# note that self.parent is None put arg.parent is PyCFunction
# instance.
eval_a = arg.evaluate
FromPyObj = arg.container_FromPyObj
PyObjFrom = arg.container_PyObjFrom
argfmt = self.get_pyarg_fmt(arg)
retfmt = self.get_pyret_fmt(arg)
if arg.output_intent=='return':
if arg.input_intent in ['optional', 'extra']:
if retfmt in 'SON':
FromPyObj += eval_a('''\
if (!(%(pycvar)s==NULL)) {
/* make %(pycvar)r a new reference */
%(retpycvar)s = %(pycvar)s;
PyObjFrom += eval_a('''\
if (%(retpycvar)s==NULL) {
/* %(pycvar)r was not specified */
if (%(pycvar)s==NULL) {
%(retpycvar)s = Py_None;
} else {
%(retpycvar)s = %(pycvar)s;
/* %(pycvar)r must be a new reference or expect a core dump. */
} elif (!(%(retpycvar)s == %(pycvar)s)) {
/* a new %(retpycvar)r was created, undoing %(pycvar)s new reference */
elif arg.input_intent=='hide':
if retfmt in 'SON':
PyObjFrom += eval_a('''\
if (%(retpycvar)s==NULL) {
%(retpycvar)s = Py_None;
} /* else %(retpycvar)r must be a new reference or expect a core dump. */
elif arg.input_intent=='required':
if retfmt in 'SON':
FromPyObj += eval_a('''\
/* make %(pycvar)r a new reference */
%(retpycvar)s = %(pycvar)s;
PyObjFrom += eval_a('''\
if (!(%(retpycvar)s==%(pycvar)s)) {
/* a new %(retpycvar)r was created, undoing %(pycvar)r new reference */
/* %(retpycvar)r must be a new reference or expect a core dump. */
def _test():
import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":