Machine arithmetics - determine the parameters of the
floating-point arithmetic system
# Author: Pearu Peterson, September 2003
__all__ = ['MachAr']
from numpy.core.fromnumeric import any
from numpy.core.numeric import seterr
# Need to speed this up...especially for longfloat
class MachAr(object):
"""Diagnosing machine parameters.
The following attributes are available:
ibeta - radix in which numbers are represented
it - number of base-ibeta digits in the floating point mantissa M
machep - exponent of the smallest (most negative) power of ibeta that,
added to 1.0,
gives something different from 1.0
eps - floating-point number beta**machep (floating point precision)
negep - exponent of the smallest power of ibeta that, substracted
from 1.0, gives something different from 1.0
epsneg - floating-point number beta**negep
iexp - number of bits in the exponent (including its sign and bias)
minexp - smallest (most negative) power of ibeta consistent with there
being no leading zeros in the mantissa
xmin - floating point number beta**minexp (the smallest (in
magnitude) usable floating value)
maxexp - smallest (positive) power of ibeta that causes overflow
xmax - (1-epsneg)* beta**maxexp (the largest (in magnitude)
usable floating value)
irnd - in range(6), information on what kind of rounding is done
in addition, and on how underflow is handled
ngrd - number of 'guard digits' used when truncating the product
of two mantissas to fit the representation
epsilon - same as eps
tiny - same as xmin
huge - same as xmax
precision - int(-log10(eps))
resolution - 10**(-precision)
Numerical Recipies.
def __init__(self, float_conv=float,int_conv=int,
float_to_str = lambda v:'%24.16e' % v,
title = 'Python floating point number'):
float_conv - convert integer to float (array)
int_conv - convert float (array) to integer
float_to_float - convert float array to float
float_to_str - convert array float to str
title - description of used floating point numbers
# We ignore all errors here because we are purposely triggering
# underflow to detect the properties of the runninng arch.
saverrstate = seterr(under='ignore')
self._do_init(float_conv, int_conv, float_to_float, float_to_str, title)
def _do_init(self, float_conv, int_conv, float_to_float, float_to_str, title):
max_iterN = 10000
msg = "Did not converge after %d tries with %s"
one = float_conv(1)
two = one + one
zero = one - one
# Do we really need to do this? Aren't they 2 and 2.0?
# Determine ibeta and beta
a = one
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
a = a + a
temp = a + one
temp1 = temp - a
if any(temp1 - one != zero):
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
b = one
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
b = b + b
temp = a + b
itemp = int_conv(temp-a)
if any(itemp != 0):
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
ibeta = itemp
beta = float_conv(ibeta)
# Determine it and irnd
it = -1
b = one
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
it = it + 1
b = b * beta
temp = b + one
temp1 = temp - b
if any(temp1 - one != zero):
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
betah = beta / two
a = one
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
a = a + a
temp = a + one
temp1 = temp - a
if any(temp1 - one != zero):
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
temp = a + betah
irnd = 0
if any(temp-a != zero):
irnd = 1
tempa = a + beta
temp = tempa + betah
if irnd==0 and any(temp-tempa != zero):
irnd = 2
# Determine negep and epsneg
negep = it + 3
betain = one / beta
a = one
for i in range(negep):
a = a * betain
b = a
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
temp = one - a
if any(temp-one != zero):
a = a * beta
negep = negep - 1
# Prevent infinite loop on PPC with gcc 4.0:
if negep < 0:
raise RuntimeError, "could not determine machine tolerance " \
"for 'negep', locals() -> %s" % (locals())
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
negep = -negep
epsneg = a
# Determine machep and eps
machep = - it - 3
a = b
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
temp = one + a
if any(temp-one != zero):
a = a * beta
machep = machep + 1
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
eps = a
# Determine ngrd
ngrd = 0
temp = one + eps
if irnd==0 and any(temp*one - one != zero):
ngrd = 1
# Determine iexp
i = 0
k = 1
z = betain
t = one + eps
nxres = 0
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
y = z
z = y*y
a = z*one # Check here for underflow
temp = z*t
if any(a+a == zero) or any(abs(z)>=y):
temp1 = temp * betain
if any(temp1*beta == z):
i = i + 1
k = k + k
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
if ibeta != 10:
iexp = i + 1
mx = k + k
iexp = 2
iz = ibeta
while k >= iz:
iz = iz * ibeta
iexp = iexp + 1
mx = iz + iz - 1
# Determine minexp and xmin
for _ in xrange(max_iterN):
xmin = y
y = y * betain
a = y * one
temp = y * t
if any(a+a != zero) and any(abs(y) < xmin):
k = k + 1
temp1 = temp * betain
if any(temp1*beta == y) and any(temp != y):
nxres = 3
xmin = y
raise RuntimeError, msg % (_, one.dtype)
minexp = -k
# Determine maxexp, xmax
if mx <= k + k - 3 and ibeta != 10:
mx = mx + mx
iexp = iexp + 1
maxexp = mx + minexp
irnd = irnd + nxres
if irnd >= 2:
maxexp = maxexp - 2
i = maxexp + minexp
if ibeta == 2 and not i:
maxexp = maxexp - 1
if i > 20:
maxexp = maxexp - 1
if any(a != y):
maxexp = maxexp - 2
xmax = one - epsneg
if any(xmax*one != xmax):
xmax = one - beta*epsneg
xmax = xmax / (xmin*beta*beta*beta)
i = maxexp + minexp + 3
for j in range(i):
if ibeta==2:
xmax = xmax + xmax
xmax = xmax * beta
self.ibeta = ibeta
self.it = it
self.negep = negep
self.epsneg = float_to_float(epsneg)
self._str_epsneg = float_to_str(epsneg)
self.machep = machep
self.eps = float_to_float(eps)
self._str_eps = float_to_str(eps)
self.ngrd = ngrd
self.iexp = iexp
self.minexp = minexp
self.xmin = float_to_float(xmin)
self._str_xmin = float_to_str(xmin)
self.maxexp = maxexp
self.xmax = float_to_float(xmax)
self._str_xmax = float_to_str(xmax)
self.irnd = irnd
self.title = title
# Commonly used parameters
self.epsilon = self.eps
self.tiny = self.xmin
self.huge = self.xmax
import math
self.precision = int(-math.log10(float_to_float(self.eps)))
ten = two + two + two + two + two
resolution = ten ** (-self.precision)
self.resolution = float_to_float(resolution)
self._str_resolution = float_to_str(resolution)
def __str__(self):
return '''\
Machine parameters for %(title)s
ibeta=%(ibeta)s it=%(it)s iexp=%(iexp)s ngrd=%(ngrd)s irnd=%(irnd)s
machep=%(machep)s eps=%(_str_eps)s (beta**machep == epsilon)
negep =%(negep)s epsneg=%(_str_epsneg)s (beta**epsneg)
minexp=%(minexp)s xmin=%(_str_xmin)s (beta**minexp == tiny)
maxexp=%(maxexp)s xmax=%(_str_xmax)s ((1-epsneg)*beta**maxexp == huge)
''' % self.__dict__
if __name__ == '__main__':
print MachAr()