"""Backward compatible with arrayfns from Numeric
__all__ = ['array_set', 'construct3', 'digitize', 'error', 'find_mask', 'histogram', 'index_sort',
'interp', 'nz', 'reverse', 'span', 'to_corners', 'zmin_zmax']
import numpy as nx
from numpy import asarray
class error(Exception):
def array_set(vals1, indices, vals2):
indices = asarray(indices)
if indices.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError, "index array must be 1-d"
if not isinstance(vals1, ndarray):
raise TypeError, "vals1 must be an ndarray"
vals1 = asarray(vals1)
vals2 = asarray(vals2)
if vals1.ndim != vals2.ndim or vals1.ndim < 1:
raise error, "vals1 and vals2 must have same number of dimensions (>=1)"
vals1[indices] = vals2
from numpy import digitize
from numpy import bincount
def index_sort(arr):
return asarray(arr).argsort(kind='heap')
def interp(y, x, z, typ=None):
"""y(z) interpolated by treating y(x) as piecewise function
res = numpy.interp(z, x, y)
if typ is None or typ == 'd':
return res
if typ == 'f':
return res.astype('f')
raise error, "incompatible typecode"
def nz(x):
x = asarray(x,dtype=nx.ubyte)
if x.ndim != 1:
raise TypeError, "intput must have 1 dimension."
indxs = nx.flatnonzero(x != 0)
return indxs[-1].item()+1
def reverse(x, n):
x = asarray(x,dtype='d')
if x.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError, "input must be 2-d"
y = nx.empty_like(x)
if n == 0:
y[...] = x[::-1,:]
elif n == 1:
y[...] = x[:,::-1]
return y
def span(lo, hi, num, d2=0):
x = linspace(lo, hi, num)
if d2 <= 0:
return x
ret = empty((d2,num),x.dtype)
ret[...] = x
return ret
def zmin_zmax(z, ireg):
z = asarray(z, dtype=float)
ireg = asarray(ireg, dtype=int)
if z.shape != ireg.shape or z.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError, "z and ireg must be the same shape and 2-d"
ix, iy = nx.nonzero(ireg)
# Now, add more indices
x1m = ix - 1
y1m = iy-1
i1 = x1m>=0
i2 = y1m>=0
i3 = i1 & i2
nix = nx.r_[ix, x1m[i1], x1m[i1], ix[i2] ]
niy = nx.r_[iy, iy[i1], y1m[i3], y1m[i2]]
# remove any negative indices
zres = z[nix,niy]
return zres.min().item(), zres.max().item()
def find_mask(fs, node_edges):
raise NotImplementedError
def to_corners(arr, nv, nvsum):
raise NotImplementedError
def construct3(mask, itype):
raise NotImplementedError