Contact extension
Find all hydrogen bonds as determined by the DISTANCE cutoff below.
Uses PDB2PQR to determine donors and acceptors, and displays
all available bonds to stdout in a WHATIF-like format.
Author: Julie C. Mitchell
__date__ = "April 2007"
__author__ = "Julie C. Mitchell"
from src.utilities import *
from src.routines import *
DIST_CUTOFF = 3.5 # max distance
def usage():
str = " --contact : Print a list of contacts to\n"
str += " {output-path}.con\n"
return str
def contact(routines, outroot):
Print a list of contacts.
routines: A link to the routines object
outroot: The root of the output name
outname = outroot + ".con"
file = open(outname, "w")
# Initialize - set nearby cells, donors/acceptors
cellsize = int(DIST_CUTOFF + 1.0 + 1.0)
protein = routines.protein
routines.cells = Cells(cellsize)
for thisatom in protein.getAtoms():
# Grab the list of thisatoms
if not thisatom.hdonor: continue
thisatomhs = []
for bond in thisatom.bonds:
if bond.isHydrogen(): thisatomhs.append(bond)
if thisatomhs == []: continue
# For each thisatom, grab all thatatomeptors
count = 0
closeatoms = routines.cells.getNearCells(thisatom)
for thatatom in closeatoms:
if (thisatom.residue == thatatom.residue): continue # comment this out to include interresidue contacts
if (thatatom.isHydrogen()): continue
thisdist = distance(thisatom.getCoords(), thatatom.getCoords())
if (thisdist <= DIST_CUTOFF):
count = count+1
hscore= 0.0
if (thisatom.hdonor & thatatom.hacceptor): hscore = 1.0
if (thisatom.hacceptor & thatatom.hdonor): hscore = 1.0
if (thisatom.isBackbone()): thisBstring='B'
if (thatatom.isBackbone()): thatBstring='B'
file.write("%4d %4d %-4s (%4d ) %s %-4s<>%4d %-4s (%4d ) %s %-4s D=%6.2f H-ene=%6.2f Sym= (%s-%s)\n" % \
(count, thisatom.residue.resSeq,thisatom.residue.name,thisatom.residue.resSeq, thisatom.residue.chainID,thisatom.name,thatatom.residue.resSeq,thatatom.residue.name,thatatom.residue.resSeq, thatatom.residue.chainID,thatatom.name, thisdist, hscore, thisBstring, thatBstring))