Hbond extension
Find all hydrogen bonds as determined by the cutoffs below.
Uses PDB2PQR to determine donors and acceptors, and displays
all available bonds to stdout. Please read the "NOTE" comments
within the code for additional important information.
Authors: Todd Dolinsky, Michael J Bradley
__date__ = "17 February 2006"
__author__ = "Todd Dolinsky"
# NOTE: This extension edited and updated on 05 August 2008 by Michael J Bradley
# NOTE: The definitions for hbonds used below were utilized in the following study:
# Bradley MJ, Chivers PT, Baker NA. Molecular dynamics simulation of the Escherichia coli NikR protein: Equilibrium conformational fluctuations reveal inter-domain allosteric communication pathways. Journal of Molecular Biology, 378, 1155-1173, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2008.03.010
import sys
from src.utilities import *
from src.routines import *
# NOTE: You should try different angle cutoffs and see how they affect your results
ANGLE_CUTOFF = 30.0 # A - D - H(D) angle
#ANGLE_CUTOFF = 20.0 # A - D - H(D) angle
# NOTE: This hbond extension uses a different distance definition (not the H(D) - A distance). You should still try different values for this distance cutoff and see how it affects your results.
DIST_CUTOFF = 3.4 # D to A distance
# NOTE: If you wish to use the previous hbond.py defintiion, comment out "DIST_CUTOFF" above, uncomment the next line below, and change "ANGLE_CUTOFF" to 20.0
#DIST_CUTOFF = 3.3 # H(D) to A distance
def usage():
str = " --hbond : Print a list of hydrogen bonds to\n"
str += " {output-path}.hbond\n"
return str
def hbond(routines, outroot):
Print a list of hydrogen bonds.
routines: A link to the routines object
outroot: The root of the output name
outname = outroot + ".hbond"
file = open(outname, "w")
routines.write("Printing hydrogen bond list...\n")
sys.stderr.write("Warning: New H-bonding definition is being used- see hbond.py in extensions directory for details!\n")
file.write("# Warning: New H-bonding definition is being used- see hbond.py in extensions directory for details!\n")
# Initialize - set nearby cells, donors/acceptors
# The cell size adds one for the D-H(D) bond, and rounds up
cellsize = int(DIST_CUTOFF + 1.0 + 1.0)
protein = routines.protein
routines.cells = Cells(cellsize)
for donor in protein.getAtoms():
# Grab the list of donors
if not donor.hdonor: continue
donorhs = []
for bond in donor.bonds:
if bond.isHydrogen(): donorhs.append(bond)
if donorhs == []: continue
# For each donor, grab all acceptors
closeatoms = routines.cells.getNearCells(donor)
for acc in closeatoms:
if not acc.hacceptor: continue
if donor.residue == acc.residue: continue
for donorh in donorhs:
# Do distance and angle checks
#NOTE: If you wish to use the previous hbond.py definition, toggle the "dist" variable comments below
#dist = distance(donorh.getCoords(), acc.getCoords())
dist = distance(donor.getCoords(), acc.getCoords())
if dist > DIST_CUTOFF: continue
angle = getAngle(acc.getCoords(), donor.getCoords(), donorh.getCoords())
if angle > ANGLE_CUTOFF: continue
routines.write("Donor: %s %s\tAcceptor: %s %s\tdist: %.2f\tAngle: %.2f\n" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name, dist, angle))
file.write("Donor: %s %s\tAcceptor: %s %s\tdist: %.2f\tAngle: %.2f\n" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name, dist, angle))