Hbond extension
Find all hydrogen bonds as determined by the DISTANCE and ANGLE cutoffs below.
Uses PDB2PQR to determine donors and acceptors, and displays all available bonds to stdout in a WHATIF-like format.
Authors: Todd Dolinsky and Julie Mitchell
__date__ = "17 February 2006"
__author__ = "Todd Dolinsky and Julie Mitchell"
from src.utilities import *
from src.routines import *
import Numeric
import numpy as Numeric
from math import *
ANGLE_CUTOFF = 90.0 # A - D - H(D) angle
DIST_CUTOFF = 3.30 # H(D) to A distance
def usage():
str = " --hbondwhatif : Print a list of hydrogen bonds to\n"
str += " {output-path}.hbo\n"
return str
def hbondwhatif(routines, outroot):
Print a list of hydrogen bonds.
routines: A link to the routines object
outroot: The root of the output name
outname = outroot + ".hbo"
file = open(outname, "w")
routines.write("Printing hydrogen bond list...\n")
# Initialize - set nearby cells, donors/acceptors
# The cell size adds one for the D-H(D) bond, and rounds up
cellsize = int(DIST_CUTOFF + 1.0 + 1.0)
protein = routines.protein
routines.cells = Cells(cellsize)
for donor in protein.getAtoms():
# Grab the list of donors
if not donor.hdonor: continue
donorhs = []
for bond in donor.bonds:
if bond.isHydrogen(): donorhs.append(bond)
if donorhs == []: continue
# For each donor, grab all acceptors
closeatoms = routines.cells.getNearCells(donor)
for acc in closeatoms:
if not acc.hacceptor: continue
if donor.residue == acc.residue: continue
for donorh in donorhs:
# Do distance and angle checks
if (donor.residue.chainID == acc.residue.chainID): continue
dist = distance(donorh.getCoords(), acc.getCoords())
if dist > DIST_CUTOFF: continue
angle = getAngle(acc.getCoords(), donor.getCoords(), donorh.getCoords())
if angle > ANGLE_CUTOFF: continue
# the following prints the hydrogen bonds in the output format used by WHAT-IF
# and also assigns backbone/sidechain and a psuedo h-bond score. (JC Mitchell 4/07)
if (donor.isBackbone()): thisBstring='B'
if (acc.isBackbone()): thatBstring='B'
if (donor.tempFactor > 60.0): continue
if (acc.tempFactor > 60.0): continue
score= (1.7/dist) * cos(angle * 3.142 / 180.0)
file.write("%4d %-4s (%4d ) %s %-4s-> %4d %-4s (%4d ) %s %-4sSym= 1 Val= %6.3lf DA=%6.2f DHA=%6.2f (%s-%s)\n" % \
(donor.residue.resSeq,donor.residue.name,donor.residue.resSeq, donor.residue.chainID,donor.name,acc.residue.resSeq,acc.residue.name,acc.residue.resSeq, acc.residue.chainID,acc.name, score, dist, angle, thisBstring, thatBstring))