Psi extension
Print the phi backbone angle for each residue in the structure.
Psi angle is determined by the coordinates of the C(i-1), N(i), CA(i), and
C(i). atoms.
Author: Mike Bradley and Todd Dolinsky
__date__ = "17 February 2006"
__author__ = "Mike Bradley, Todd Dolinsky"
from src.utilities import *
from src.routines import *
def usage():
str = " --phi : Print the per-residue backbone phi\n"
str += " angle to {output-path}.phi\n"
return str
def phi(routines, outroot):
Print the list of phi angles
routines: A link to the routines object
outroot: The root of the output name
outname = outroot + ".phi"
file = open(outname, "w")
routines.write("\nPrinting phi angles for each residue...\n")
routines.write("Residue Phi\n")
# Initialize some variables
protein = routines.protein
for residue in protein.getResidues():
if residue.peptideC != None:
pepcoords = residue.peptideC.getCoords()
else: continue
except AttributeError: # Non amino acids
if residue.hasAtom("N"): ncoords = residue.getAtom("N").getCoords()
else: continue
if residue.hasAtom("CA"): cacoords = residue.getAtom("CA").getCoords()
else: continue
if residue.hasAtom("C"): ccoords = residue.getAtom("C").getCoords()
else: continue
phi = getDihedral(pepcoords, ncoords, cacoords, ccoords)
routines.write("%s\t%.4f\n" % (residue, phi))
file.write("%s\t%.4f\n" % (residue, phi))