# $Id: pKa_base.py 809 2009-04-22 19:43:06Z yhuang01 $
# Helper classes for all the pKa stuff. I need to reorganise these into something
# more logic at some point
class pKa:
The main pKa object
def __init__(self, residue, group, amb):
Initialize the pKa object
residue: The residue object (residue)
group: The pKaGroup object associated with the residue
amb: The associated hydrogenAmbiguity object
self.residue = residue
self.pKaGroup = group
self.amb = amb
self.desolvation = {}
self.background = {}
self.interactionEnergies = {}
self.intrinsic_pKa = {}
self.simulated_intrinsic_pKa = None
self.pKa = None
# Unique identifier
self.uniqueid='%s_%s_%d_TITTYPE:%s' %(residue.name,residue.chainID,residue.resSeq,group.name)
# -------------------------------------------
class pKaGroup:
# pKaGroup holds the defintion on a single titratable entity. In most cases we will
# only have a single titration taking place in one group, but in some cases
# we might have to have several transitions in one group (e.g. His - -> His 0 -> His +)
# The name, resname and type should probably be in pKaTitrations, but for now I'll leave
# them here to get something working before we do complicated things...
def __init__(self, name, resname, type, DefTitrations):
# Initialize the pKaGroup object
# Parameters
# name: The name of the group (string)
# resname: The residue name (string)
# type: The type of group, acid or base (string)
# DefTitrations: A list of DefTitration objects (list)
self.name = name
self.resname = resname
self.type = type
self.DefTitrations = DefTitrations
# ------------------------
def __str__(self):
Print the pKa group object for debugging purposes
text: The pKaGroup information (string)
text = "Group name: %s\n" % self.name
text += "Residue name: %s\n" % self.resname
text += "Group type: %s\n" % self.type
text += "Transitions:\n"
for tran in self.DefTitrations:
text += str(tran)
return text
# -----------------------------------------------
class DefTitration:
# pKa_Titration holds all the info on a specific titration
# We define a titration as a single group that has a number of
# startstates and a number of endstates which is modelled by a
# single model pKa value
# A single group can have several transitions depending on the
# number of startstates and endstates
def __init__(self, startstates, endstates, modelpKa,name):
# Initialize the pKaTransition object
# Parameters
# startstates: A list of state numbers (list)
# endstates: A list of state numbers (list)
# modelpKa: The model pKa associated with this titration
# (float)
# transitions: A dictionary of the possible transitions for this group
# (dictionary)
# interactions: A dictionary of the interaction energies with all other states
# of all other titrations in the molecule. Only part of them
# will be calculated
self.residue = None
self.startstates = startstates
self.endstates = endstates
self.modelpKa = modelpKa
self.name = name
# Set transitions
for start_s in self.startstates:
for end_s in self.endstates:
# Interactions has to be set at a higher level
# ---------------------
def __str__(self):
Print the pKa Transition object for debugging purposes
text: The pKaTransition information (string)
text = "\tStartstates: %s\n" % self.startstates
text += "\tEndstates: %s\n" % self.endstates
text += "\tmodelpKa: %.1f\n" % self.modelpKa
text += "\tName: %s\n" % self.name
return text