Hydrogen optimization for PDB2PQR
This is an module for hydrogen optimization routines.
PDB2PQR -- An automated pipeline for the setup, execution, and analysis of
Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations
Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Jens Erik Nielsen, University College Dublin;
Nathan A. Baker, Washington University in St. Louis; Paul Czodrowski &
Gerhard Klebe, University of Marburg
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the names of University College Dublin, Washington University in
St. Louis, or University of Marburg nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission.
import os
import string
import math
from definitions import *
from utilities import *
from quatfit import *
from routines import *
import topology
__date__ = "22 April 2009"
__author__ = "Todd Dolinsky, Jens Erik Nielsen, Yong Huang"
ANGLE_CUTOFF = 20.0 # A - D - H(D) angle
DIST_CUTOFF = 3.3 # H(D) to A distance
class HydrogenHandler(sax.ContentHandler):
Extends the SAX XML Parser to parse the Hydrogens.xml
def __init__(self):
Initalize the class.
self.curelement = ""
self.curatom = None
self.curobj = None
self.curholder = None
self.map = {}
def startElement(self, name, attributes):
Create optimization holder objects or atoms
if name == "class":
obj = OptimizationHolder()
self.curholder = obj
self.curobj = obj
elif name == "atom":
obj = DefinitionAtom()
self.curatom = obj
self.curobj = obj
self.curelement = name
def endElement(self, name):
Complete whatever object is currently passed in
by the name parameter
if name == "class": # Complete Residue object
obj = self.curholder
if not isinstance(obj, OptimizationHolder):
raise ValueError, "Internal error parsing XML!"
self.map[obj.name] = obj
self.curholder = None
self.curobj = None
elif name == "atom": # Complete atom object
atom = self.curatom
if not isinstance(atom, DefinitionAtom):
raise ValueError, "Internal error parsing XML!"
atomname = atom.name
if atomname == "":
raise ValueError, "Atom name not set in XML!"
self.curholder.map[atomname] = atom
self.curatom = None
self.curobj = self.curholder
else: # Just free the current element namespace
self.curelement = ""
return self.map
def characters(self, text):
Set a given attribute of the object to the text
if text.isspace(): return
# If this is a float, make it so
value = float(str(text))
except ValueError:
value = str(text)
setattr(self.curobj, self.curelement, value)
class PotentialBond:
A small class containing the hbond structure
def __init__(self, atom1, atom2, dist):
Initialize the class
atom1: The first atom in the potential bond (Atom)
atom2: The second atom in the potential bond (Atom)
dist: The distance between the two atoms (float)
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.dist = dist
def __str__(self):
String for debugging
txt = "%s %s" % (self.atom1.name, self.atom1.residue)
txt += " to "
txt += "%s %s" % (self.atom2.name, self.atom2.residue)
txt += " (%.2f A)" % self.dist
return txt
class hydrogenAmbiguity:
A class containing information about the ambiguity
def __init__(self, residue, hdef, routines):
Initialize the class - if the residue has a rotateable hydrogen,
remove it. If it can be flipped, pre-flip the residue by creating
all additional atoms.
residue: The residue in question (residue)
hdef: The hydrogen definition matching the residue
routines: Pointer to the general routines object
self.residue = residue
self.hdef = hdef
self.routines = routines
def __str__(self):
Print the ambiguity for debugging purposes
text = "%s %i %s (%s)" % (self.residue.name, self.residue.resSeq, \
self.residue.chainID, self.hdef.opttype)
return text
class Optimize:
The holder class for the hydrogen optimization
routines. Individual optimization types inherit off of this
class. Any functions used by multiple types appear here.
def __init__(self):
Initialize the class
def __str__(self):
String output for debugging
txt = "%s (%s)" % (self.residue, self.optinstance.opttype)
return txt
def debug(self, txt):
Easy way to turn on/off debugging
if HDEBUG: print txt
def getHbondangle(self, atom1, atom2, atom3):
Get the angle between three atoms
atom1: The first atom (atom)
atom2: The second (vertex) atom (atom)
atom3: The third atom (atom)
angle: The angle between the atoms (float)
angle = 0.0
atom2Coords = atom2.getCoords()
coords1 = subtract(atom3.getCoords(), atom2Coords)
coords2 = subtract(atom1.getCoords(), atom2Coords)
norm1 = normalize(coords1)
norm2 = normalize(coords2)
dotted = dot(norm1, norm2)
if dotted > 1.0: # If normalized, this is due to rounding error
dotted = 1.0
rad = abs(math.acos(dotted))
angle = rad*180.0/math.pi
if angle > 180.0:
angle = 360.0 - angle
return angle
def isHbond(self, donor, acc):
Determine whether this donor acceptor pair is a
hydrogen bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if not donorhatom.isHydrogen(): continue
# Check the H(D)-A distance
dist = distance(donorhatom.getCoords(), acc.getCoords())
if dist > DIST_CUTOFF: continue
# Ensure no conflicts if H(A)s if present
flag = 1
for acchatom in acc.bonds:
if not acchatom.isHydrogen(): continue
flag = 0
# Check the H(D)-H(A) distance
hdist = distance(donorhatom.getCoords(), acchatom.getCoords())
if hdist < 1.5: continue
# Check the H(D)-H(A)-A angle
angle = self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acchatom, acc)
if angle < 110.0: flag = 1
if flag == 0: continue
# Check the A-D-H(D) angle
angle = self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom)
if angle <= ANGLE_CUTOFF:
self.debug("Found HBOND! %.4f %.4f" % (dist, angle))
return 1
# If we get here, no bond is formed
return 0
def getPairEnergy(self, donor, acceptor):
Get the energy between two atoms
donor: The first atom in the pair (Atom)
acceptor: The second atom in the pair (Atom)
energy: The energy of the pair (float)
# Initialize some variables
max_hbond_energy = -10.0
max_ele_energy = -1.0
maxangle = ANGLE_CUTOFF
max_dha_dist = DIST_CUTOFF
max_ele_dist = 5.0
energy = 0.0
donorhs = []
acceptorhs = []
if not (donor.hdonor and acceptor.hacceptor): return energy
# See if hydrogens are presently bonded to the acceptor and donor
for bond in donor.bonds:
if bond.isHydrogen(): donorhs.append(bond)
for bond in acceptor.bonds:
if bond.isHydrogen(): acceptorhs.append(bond)
if donorhs == []: return energy
for donorhatom in donorhs:
dist = distance(donorhatom.getCoords(), acceptor.getCoords())
if dist > max_dha_dist and dist < max_ele_dist:
energy += max_ele_energy/(dist*dist)
if acceptorhs != []:
# Case 1: Both donor and acceptor hydrogens are present
for acceptorhatom in acceptorhs:
# Penalize if H(D) is too close to H(A)
hdist = distance(donorhatom.getCoords(), acceptorhatom.getCoords())
if hdist < 1.5:
energy += -1 * max_hbond_energy
# Assign energies based on angles
angle1 = self.getHbondangle(acceptor, donor, donorhatom)
if angle1 <= maxangle:
angleterm = (maxangle - angle1)/maxangle
angle2 = self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acceptorhatom, acceptor)
if angle2 < 110.0: angle2 = 1.0
else: angle2 = (110.0 - angle2)/110.0
energy += max_hbond_energy/pow(dist,3)*angleterm*angle2
# Assign energies based on A-D-H(D) angle alone
angle1 = self.getHbondangle(acceptor, donor, donorhatom)
if angle1 <= maxangle:
angleterm = (maxangle - angle1)/maxangle
energy += max_hbond_energy/pow(dist,2)*angleterm
return energy
def makeAtomWithNoBonds(self, atom, closeatom, addname):
Called for water oxygen atoms with no current bonds.
Uses the closeatom to place the new atom directly
colinear with the atom and the closeatom.
atom: The oxygen atom of the water
closeatom: The nearby atom (donor/acceptor)
addname: The name of the atom to add
newcoords = []
residue = atom.residue
# Place along line, 1 A away
vec = subtract(closeatom.getCoords(), atom.getCoords())
dist = distance(atom.getCoords(), closeatom.getCoords())
for i in range(3):
newcoords.append(vec[i]/dist + atom.getCoords()[i])
residue.createAtom(addname, newcoords)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
# Set the bonds (since not in reference structure)
if newatom not in atom.bonds: atom.bonds.append(newatom)
if atom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(atom)
def makeWaterWithOneBond(self, atom, addname):
Add an atom to a water residue that already has
one bond. Uses the water reference structure to
align the new atom.
residue = atom.residue
nextatom = atom.bonds[0]
coords = [atom.getCoords(), nextatom.getCoords()]
refcoords = [residue.reference.map[atom.name].getCoords(), \
refatomcoords = residue.reference.map["H2"].getCoords()
# Make the atom
newcoords = findCoordinates(2, coords, refcoords, refatomcoords)
residue.createAtom(addname, newcoords)
# Set the bonds (since not in reference structure)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
if newatom not in atom.bonds: atom.bonds.append(newatom)
if atom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(atom)
def makeAtomWithOneBondH(self, atom, addname):
Add a hydrogen to an alcoholic donor with one
existing bond.
residue = atom.residue
nextatom = atom.bonds[0]
coords = [atom.getCoords(), nextatom.getCoords()]
refcoords = [residue.reference.map[atom.name].getCoords(), \
refatomcoords = residue.reference.map[addname].getCoords()
# Make the atom
newcoords = findCoordinates(2, coords, refcoords, refatomcoords)
residue.createAtom(addname, newcoords)
def makeAtomWithOneBondLP(self, atom, addname):
Add a lone pair to an alcoholic donor with one
existing bond.
# Initialize some variables
residue = atom.residue
for refname in atom.reference.bonds:
if refname.startswith("H"): break
nextatom = atom.bonds[0]
coords = [atom.getCoords(), nextatom.getCoords()]
refcoords = [residue.reference.map[atom.name].getCoords(), \
refatomcoords = residue.reference.map[refname].getCoords()
# Make the atom
newcoords = findCoordinates(2, coords, refcoords, refatomcoords)
residue.createAtom(addname, newcoords)
# Set the bonds (since not in reference structure)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
if newatom not in atom.bonds: atom.bonds.append(newatom)
if atom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(atom)
def trySingleAlcoholicH(self, donor, acc, newatom):
After a new bond has been added using
makeAtomWithOneBond*, try to find the best orientation
by rotating to form a hydrogen bond. If a bond
cannot be formed, remove the newatom (thereby
returning to a single bond).
# Initialize some variables
besten = 999.99
bestcoords = []
residue = donor.residue
pivot = donor.bonds[0]
for i in range(72):
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, donor, 5.0)
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
energy = self.getPairEnergy(donor, acc)
if energy < besten:
bestcoords = newatom.getCoords()
besten = energy
# If a hydrogen bond was made, set at best coordinates
if bestcoords != []:
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
return 1
return 0
def trySingleAlcoholicLP(self, acc, donor, newatom):
After a new bond has been added using
makeAtomWithOneBond*, ensure that a
hydrogen bond has been made. If so, try to
minimze the H(D)-A-LP angle. If that cannot
be minimized, ignore the bond and remove the
# Initialize some variables
residue = acc.residue
pivot = acc.bonds[0]
bestangle = 180.00
bestcoords = []
# If a hydrogen bond was made, set at best distance
if not self.isHbond(donor, acc):
return 0
# Grab the H(D) that caused the bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if donorhatom.isHydrogen() and \
self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom) < ANGLE_CUTOFF: break
for i in range(72):
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, acc, 5.0)
angle = abs(self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acc, newatom))
if angle < bestangle:
bestangle = angle
bestcoords = newatom.getCoords()
# Remove if geometry does not work
if bestangle > (ANGLE_CUTOFF * 2.0):
self.debug("Removing due to geometry %.2f > %.2f" % (bestangle, ANGLE_CUTOFF*2.0))
return 0
# Otherwise set to best coordinates
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
return 1
def getPositionsWithTwoBonds(self, atom):
Given a tetrahedral geometry with two
existing bonds, return the two potential
sets of coordinates that are possible for
a new bond.
# Initialize some variables
residue = atom.residue
fixed = atom.bonds[0]
rotate = atom.bonds[1]
# Rotate by 120 degrees twice
residue.rotateTetrahedral(fixed, atom, 120)
loc1 = rotate.getCoords()
residue.rotateTetrahedral(fixed, atom, 120)
loc2 = rotate.getCoords()
# Set rotate back to original by one more rotation
residue.rotateTetrahedral(fixed, atom, 120)
return loc1, loc2
def tryPositionsWithTwoBondsH(self, donor, acc, newname, loc1, loc2):
Try adding a new hydrogen two the two potential
locations. If both form hydrogen bonds, place at
whatever returns the best bond as determined by
# Initialize some variables
besten = 999.99
bestcoords = []
residue = donor.residue
# Try the first position
residue.createAtom(newname, loc1)
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
besten = self.getPairEnergy(donor, acc)
bestcoords = loc1
# Try the second
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
newatom.x = loc2[0]
newatom.y = loc2[1]
newatom.z = loc2[2]
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
energy = self.getPairEnergy(donor, acc)
if energy < besten:
bestcoords = loc2
# Set at best coords
if bestcoords != []:
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
return 1
return 0
def tryPositionsWithTwoBondsLP(self, acc, donor, newname, loc1, loc2):
Try placing an LP on a tetrahedral geometry with
two existing bonds. If this isn't a hydrogen bond
it can return - otherwise ensure that the H(D)-A-LP
angle is minimized.
# Initialize some variables
bestangle = 180.00
bestcoords = []
residue = acc.residue
# If the donor/acceptor pair is not an hbond return
if not self.isHbond(donor, acc): return 0
# Grab the H(D) that caused the bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if donorhatom.isHydrogen() and \
self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom) < ANGLE_CUTOFF: break
# Try the first position
residue.createAtom(newname, loc1)
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
angle = abs(self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acc, newatom))
if angle < bestangle:
bestangle = angle
bestcoords = loc1
# Try the second
newatom.x = loc2[0]
newatom.y = loc2[1]
newatom.z = loc2[2]
angle = self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acc, newatom)
if angle < bestangle:
bestcoords = loc2
# Remove if geometry does not work
if bestangle > (ANGLE_CUTOFF * 2.0):
return 0
# Otherwise set at best coords
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
# Set the bonds (since not in reference structure)
if newatom not in acc.bonds: acc.bonds.append(newatom)
if acc not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(acc)
return 1
def getPositionWithThreeBonds(self, atom):
If there's three bonds in a tetrahedral geometry,
there's only one available position. Find that
# Initialize some variables
residue = atom.residue
pivot = atom.bonds[0]
rot1 = atom.bonds[1]
rot2 = atom.bonds[2]
# Find the two new positions
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, atom, 120)
newcoords1 = rot1.getCoords()
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, atom, 120)
newcoords2 = rot1.getCoords()
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, atom, 120)
# Determine which is unoccupied
if distance(rot2.getCoords(), newcoords1) > 0.1: return newcoords1
else: return newcoords2
def tryPositionsWithThreeBondsH(self, donor, acc, newname, loc):
Try making a hydrogen bond with the lone available
residue = donor.residue
residue.createAtom(newname, loc)
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
return 1
return 0
def tryPositionsWithThreeBondsLP(self, acc, donor, newname, loc):
Try making a hydrogen bond using the lone
available hydrogen position.
residue = acc.residue
if not self.isHbond(donor, acc): return 0
# Grab the H(D) that caused the bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if donorhatom.isHydrogen() and \
self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom) < ANGLE_CUTOFF: break
residue.createAtom(newname, loc)
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
# Remove if geometry does not work
angle = abs(self.getHbondangle(donorhatom, acc, newatom))
if angle > (ANGLE_CUTOFF * 2.0):
return 0
# Otherwise keep it
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
# Set the bonds (since not in reference structure)
if newatom not in acc.bonds: acc.bonds.append(newatom)
if acc not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(acc)
return 1
class Flip(Optimize):
The holder for optimization of flippable residues.
def __init__(self, residue, optinstance, routines):
Initialize a potential flip. Rather than flipping
the given residue back and forth, take each atom
that would be flipped and pre-flip it, making a
new *FLIP atom in its place.
residue: The residue to flip (residue)
optinstance: The optimization instance containing
information about what to optimize
# Initialize some variables
self.optinstance = optinstance
self.residue = residue
self.routines = routines
self.atomlist = []
self.hbonds = []
map = {}
# Get all moveable names for this angle/residue pair
dihedral = optinstance.optangle
pivot = dihedral.split()[2]
moveablenames = self.routines.getMoveableNames(residue, pivot)
# HO in CTERM shouldn't be in the list of flip atoms
if residue.isCterm:
newmoveablenames = []
for i in range(len(moveablenames)):
if moveablenames[i] == "HO": pass
moveablenames = newmoveablenames
# Cache current coordinates
for name in moveablenames:
atom = residue.getAtom(name)
map[name] = atom.getCoords()
# Flip the residue about the angle
anglenum = residue.reference.dihedrals.index(dihedral)
if anglenum == -1:
raise ValueError, "Unable to find dihedral angle!"
newangle = 180.0 + residue.dihedrals[anglenum]
self.routines.setDihedralAngle(residue, anglenum, newangle)
# Create new atoms at cached positions
for name in map:
newname = "%sFLIP" % name
residue.createAtom(newname, map[name])
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
# Set the bonds
newatom.reference = residue.reference.map[name]
for bond in newatom.reference.bonds:
newbond = "%sFLIP" % bond
if residue.hasAtom(newbond):
bondatom = residue.map[newbond]
if bondatom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(bondatom)
if newatom not in bondatom.bonds: bondatom.bonds.append(newatom)
# And connect back to the existing structure
newbond = bond
if residue.hasAtom(newbond):
bondatom = residue.map[newbond]
if bondatom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(bondatom)
if newatom not in bondatom.bonds: bondatom.bonds.append(newatom)
# Add to the optimization list
for name in moveablenames:
# Get the atom
atom = residue.getAtom(name)
if not atom.isHydrogen() and \
(atom.hdonor or atom.hacceptor): self.atomlist.append(atom)
# And the FLIP
atom = residue.getAtom("%sFLIP" % name)
if not atom.isHydrogen() and \
(atom.hdonor or atom.hacceptor): self.atomlist.append(atom)
# Special case: Neutral unassigned HIS can be acceptors
if isinstance(residue, HIS):
if "HIS" == residue.name and \
len(residue.patches) == 1:
for atom in self.atomlist:
if atom.name.startswith("N"):
atom.hacceptor = 1
def tryBoth(self, donor, acc, accobj):
Called when both the donor and acceptor are optimizeable;
If one is fixed, we only need to try one side. Otherwise
first try to satisfy the donor - if that's succesful,
try to satisfy the acceptor. An undo may be necessary
if the donor is satisfied and the acceptor isn't.
# If one residue if fixed, use other functions
if donor.residue.fixed:
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor): return 1
else: return 0
if acc.residue.fixed:
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc): return 1
else: return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (donor) to %s %s (acceptor)" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name))
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor):
donor.hacceptor = 0
self.debug("NET BOND SUCCESSFUL!")
return 1
return 0
def tryDonor(self, donor, acc):
The main driver for adding a hydrogen to an
optimizeable residue.
residue = self.residue
# Do some error checking
if not acc.hacceptor: return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (donor) to %s %s (acceptor)" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name))
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
residue.fixed = donor.name
donor.hacceptor = 0
return 1
return 0
def tryAcceptor(self, acc, donor):
The main driver for adding an LP to an optimizeable
residue = acc.residue
# Do some error checking
if not donor.hdonor: return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (acceptor) to %s %s (donor)" % \
(acc.residue, acc.name, donor.residue, donor.name))
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
residue.fixed = acc.name
acc.hdonor = 0
return 1
else: return 0
def fixFlip(self, bondatom):
Called if a hydrogen bond has been found using
the bondatom. If bondatom is *FLIP, remove all *
atoms, otherwise remove all *FLIP atoms.
# Initialize some variables
atomlist = []
residue = bondatom.residue
for atom in residue.getAtoms(): atomlist.append(atom)
# Set a flag to see whether to delete the FLIPs or not
flag = 0
if bondatom.name.endswith("FLIP"): flag = 1
# Delete the appropriate atoms
for atom in atomlist:
atomname = atom.name
if atomname.endswith("FLIP") and flag: # Delete the other list
if residue.hasAtom(atomname[:-4]):
elif atomname.endswith("FLIP"): # Delete the flip
else: continue
residue.fixed = 1
def finalize(self):
Finalizes a flippable back to its original state -
since the original atoms are now *FLIP, it deletes
the * atoms and renames the *FLIP atoms back to *.
residue = self.residue
if residue.fixed: return
atomlist = []
for atom in residue.getAtoms(): atomlist.append(atom)
for atom in atomlist:
if atom.name.endswith("FLIP"):
residue.renameAtom(atom.name, atom.name[:-4])
residue.fixed = 1
def complete(self):
Complete the flippable residue optimization. Call the finalize
function, and then rename all FLIP atoms back to their standard
residue = self.residue
# Rename all *FLIP atoms
for atom in residue.getAtoms():
atomname = atom.name
if atomname.endswith("FLIP"):
residue.renameAtom(atomname, atomname[:-4])
class Alcoholic(Optimize):
The class for alcoholic residues
def __init__(self, residue, optinstance, routines):
Initialize the alcoholic class by removing
the alcoholic hydrogen if it exists.
# Initialize some variables
self.optinstance = optinstance
self.residue = residue
self.routines = routines
self.atomlist = []
self.hbonds = []
name = optinstance.map.keys()[0]
self.hname = name
bondname = residue.reference.getAtom(name).bonds[0]
if residue.hasAtom(name):
atom = residue.getAtom(name)
def tryBoth(self, donor, acc, accobj):
Called when both the donor and acceptor are optimizeable;
If one is fixed, we only need to try one side. Otherwise
first try to satisfy the donor - if that's succesful,
try to satisfy the acceptor. An undo may be necessary
if the donor is satisfied and the acceptor isn't.
# If one residue if fixed, use other functions
residue = donor.residue
if donor.residue.fixed:
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor): return 1
else: return 0
if acc.residue.fixed:
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc): return 1
else: return 0
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc):
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor):
self.debug("NET BOND SUCCESSFUL!")
return 1
else: # We need to remove the added H
self.debug("REMOVED NET HBOND")
return 0
return 0
def tryDonor(self, donor, acc):
The main driver for adding a hydrogen to an
optimizeable residue.
residue = self.residue
# Do some error checking
if not acc.hacceptor: return 0
# Get the name of the atom to add
newname = self.hname
if residue.hasAtom(newname): return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (donor) to %s %s (acceptor)" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name))
# Act depending on the number of bonds
if len(donor.bonds) == 1: # No H or LP attached
self.makeAtomWithOneBondH(donor, newname)
newatom = donor.residue.getAtom(newname)
return self.trySingleAlcoholicH(donor, acc, newatom)
elif len(donor.bonds) == 2:
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(donor)
return self.tryPositionsWithTwoBondsH(donor, acc, newname, loc1, loc2)
elif len(donor.bonds) == 3:
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(donor)
return self.tryPositionsWithThreeBondsH(donor, acc, newname, loc)
def tryAcceptor(self, acc, donor):
The main driver for adding an LP to an optimizeable
residue = acc.residue
# Do some error checking
if not donor.hdonor: return 0
# Get the name of the LP to add
if residue.hasAtom("LP2"): return 0
elif residue.hasAtom("LP1"): newname = "LP2"
else: newname = "LP1"
self.debug("Working on %s %s (acceptor) to %s %s (donor)" % \
(acc.residue, acc.name, donor.residue, donor.name))
# Act depending on the number of bonds
if len(acc.bonds) == 1: # No H or LP attached
self.makeAtomWithOneBondLP(acc, newname)
newatom = acc.residue.getAtom(newname)
return self.trySingleAlcoholicLP(acc, donor, newatom)
elif len(acc.bonds) == 2:
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(acc)
return self.tryPositionsWithTwoBondsLP(acc, donor, newname, loc1, loc2)
elif len(acc.bonds) == 3:
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(acc)
return self.tryPositionsWithThreeBondsLP(acc, donor, newname, loc)
def finalize(self):
Finalize an alcoholic residue. Try to minimize
conflict with nearby atoms by building away
from them. Called when LPs are still present
so as to account for their bonds.
# Initialize some variables
residue = self.residue
atom = self.atomlist[0]
# Conditions for return
addname = self.hname
if residue.fixed: return
if residue.hasAtom(addname): return
if len(atom.bonds) == 1:
# Initialize variables
pivot = atom.bonds[0]
bestdist = 0.0
bestcoords = []
bestenergy = 999.99
# Add atom and debump
self.makeAtomWithOneBondH(atom, addname)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
for i in range(18):
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, atom, 20.0)
closeatoms = self.routines.cells.getNearCells(atom)
energy = 0.0
for catom in closeatoms:
energy += self.getPairEnergy(atom, catom) + self.getPairEnergy(catom, atom)
if energy < bestenergy:
bestenergy = energy
bestcoords = newatom.getCoords()
#nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
# If there is no closest conflict, return
#if nearatom == None: return
#dist = distance(nearatom.getCoords(), newatom.getCoords())
#if dist > bestdist:
# bestdist = dist
# bestcoords = newatom.getCoords()
if bestcoords != []:
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
elif len(atom.bonds) == 2:
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(atom)
residue.createAtom(addname, loc1)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
# Debump residue if necessary by trying the other location
#nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
#if nearatom == None: return
#dist1 = distance(newatom.getCoords(), nearatom.getCoords())
closeatoms = self.routines.cells.getNearCells(atom)
energy1 = 0.0
for catom in closeatoms:
energy1 += self.getPairEnergy(atom, catom) + self.getPairEnergy(catom, atom)
# Place at other location
newatom.x = loc2[0]
newatom.y = loc2[1]
newatom.z = loc2[2]
#nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
#if nearatom == None: return
energy2 = 0.0
for catom in closeatoms:
energy2 += self.getPairEnergy(atom, catom) + self.getPairEnergy(catom, atom)
# If this is worse, switch back
if energy2 > energy1:
#if distance(newatom.getCoords(), nearatom.getCoords()) < dist1:
newatom.x = loc1[0]
newatom.y = loc1[1]
newatom.z = loc1[2]
elif len(atom.bonds) == 3:
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(atom)
residue.createAtom(addname, loc)
def complete(self):
Complete an alcoholic optimization. Call finalize(), and then
remove all extra LP atoms.
# Initialize some variables
residue = self.residue
residue.fixed = 1
# Remove all LP atoms
atomlist = []
for atom in residue.getAtoms(): atomlist.append(atom)
for atom in atomlist:
if atom.name.startswith("LP"): residue.removeAtom(atom.name)
class Water(Optimize):
The class for water residues
def __init__(self, residue, optinstance, routines):
Initialize the water optimization class
self.optinstance = optinstance
self.residue = residue
self.routines = routines
self.hbonds = []
oxatom = residue.getAtom("O")
if oxatom == None:
raise ValueError, "Unable to find oxygen atom in %s!" % residue
oxatom.hdonor = 1
oxatom.hacceptor = 1
self.atomlist = [oxatom]
def tryBoth(self, donor, acc, accobj):
Called when both the donor and acceptor are optimizeable;
If one is fixed, we only need to try one side. Otherwise
first try to satisfy the donor - if that's succesful,
try to satisfy the acceptor. An undo may be necessary
if the donor is satisfied and the acceptor isn't.
# If one residue if fixed, use other functions
residue = donor.residue
if donor.residue.fixed:
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor): return 1
else: return 0
if acc.residue.fixed:
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc): return 1
else: return 0
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc):
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor):
self.debug("NET BOND SUCCESSFUL!")
return 1
# We need to undo what we did to the donor
self.debug("REMOVED NET HBOND")
if residue.hasAtom("H2"): residue.removeAtom("H2")
elif residue.hasAtom("H1"): residue.removeAtom("H1")
return 0
return 0
def tryAcceptor(self, acc, donor):
The main driver for adding an LP to an optimizeable
residue = acc.residue
# Do some error checking
if not donor.hdonor: return 0
# Get the name of the LP to add
if residue.hasAtom("LP2"): return 0
elif residue.hasAtom("LP1"): newname = "LP2"
else: newname = "LP1"
self.debug("Working on %s %s (acceptor) to %s %s (donor)" % \
(acc.residue, acc.name, donor.residue, donor.name))
# Act depending on the number of bonds
if len(acc.bonds) == 0:
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
# Find the best donor hydrogen and use that
besth = donor
bestdist = distance(acc.getCoords(), donor.getCoords())
for donorh in donor.bonds:
dist = distance(acc.getCoords(), donorh.getCoords())
if dist < bestdist:
besth = donorh
bestdist = dist
# Point the LP to the best H
self.makeAtomWithNoBonds(acc, donorh, newname)
self.debug("Added %s to %s" % (newname, acc.residue))
return 1
else: return 0
elif len(acc.bonds) == 1: # No H or LP attached
self.debug("Trying to add %s to %s with one bond" % (newname, acc.residue))
self.makeWaterWithOneBond(acc, newname)
newatom = acc.residue.getAtom(newname)
return self.trySingleAlcoholicLP(acc, donor, newatom)
elif len(acc.bonds) == 2:
self.debug("Trying to add %s to %s with two bonds" % (newname, acc.residue))
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(acc)
return self.tryPositionsWithTwoBondsLP(acc, donor, newname, loc1, loc2)
elif len(acc.bonds) == 3:
self.debug("Trying to add %s to %s with three bonds" % (newname, acc.residue))
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(acc)
return self.tryPositionsWithThreeBondsLP(acc, donor, newname, loc)
def tryDonor(self, donor, acc):
The main driver for adding a hydrogen to an
optimizeable residue.
residue = self.residue
# Do some error checking
if not acc.hacceptor: return 0
# Get the name of the atom to add
if residue.hasAtom("H2"): return 0
elif residue.hasAtom("H1"): newname = "H2"
else: newname = "H1"
self.debug("Working on %s %s (donor) to %s %s (acceptor)" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name))
# Act depending on the number of bonds
if len(donor.bonds) == 0:
self.makeAtomWithNoBonds(donor, acc, newname)
if self.isHbond(donor, acc): return 1
return 0
if len(donor.bonds) == 1:
self.makeWaterWithOneBond(donor, newname)
newatom = donor.residue.getAtom(newname)
return self.trySingleAlcoholicH(donor, acc, newatom)
elif len(donor.bonds) == 2:
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(donor)
return self.tryPositionsWithTwoBondsH(donor, acc, newname, loc1, loc2)
elif len(donor.bonds) == 3:
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(donor)
return self.tryPositionsWithThreeBondsH(donor, acc, newname, loc)
def finalize(self):
Finalize a water residue. Try to minimize
conflict with nearby atoms by building away
from them. Called when LPs are still present
so as to account for their bonds.
residue = self.residue
# Conditions for return
if residue.fixed:
self.debug("Residue %s already fixed" % residue)
if residue.hasAtom("H2"):
self.debug("Residue %s already has H2" % residue)
atom = residue.getAtom("O")
if not residue.hasAtom("H1"): addname = "H1"
else: addname = "H2"
self.debug("Finalizing %s by adding %s (%i current O bonds)" % (residue, addname, len(atom.bonds)))
if len(atom.bonds) == 0:
newcoords = []
# Build hydrogen away from closest atom
closeatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(atom)
if closeatom != None:
vec = subtract(atom.getCoords(), closeatom.getCoords())
dist = distance(atom.getCoords(), closeatom.getCoords())
for i in range(3):
newcoords.append(vec[i]/dist + atom.getCoords()[i])
newcoords = add(atom.getCoords(), [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
residue.createAtom(addname, newcoords)
elif len(atom.bonds) == 1:
# Initialize variables
pivot = atom.bonds[0]
bestdist = 0.0
bestcoords = []
# Add atom and debump
self.makeWaterWithOneBond(atom, addname)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
for i in range(18):
residue.rotateTetrahedral(pivot, atom, 20.0)
nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
# If there is no closest conflict, continue
if nearatom == None: continue
dist = distance(nearatom.getCoords(), newatom.getCoords())
if dist > bestdist:
bestdist = dist
bestcoords = newatom.getCoords()
if bestcoords != []:
newatom.x = bestcoords[0]
newatom.y = bestcoords[1]
newatom.z = bestcoords[2]
if addname == "H1":
residue.fixed = 1
elif len(atom.bonds) == 2:
loc1, loc2 = self.getPositionsWithTwoBonds(atom)
residue.createAtom(addname, loc1)
newatom = residue.getAtom(addname)
# Debump residue if necessary by trying the other location
nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
if nearatom != None:
dist1 = distance(newatom.getCoords(), nearatom.getCoords())
# Place at other location
newatom.x = loc2[0]
newatom.y = loc2[1]
newatom.z = loc2[2]
nearatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(newatom)
if nearatom != None:
# If this is worse, switch back
if distance(newatom.getCoords(), nearatom.getCoords()) < dist1:
newatom.x = loc1[0]
newatom.y = loc1[1]
newatom.z = loc1[2]
if addname == "H1":
elif len(atom.bonds) == 3:
loc = self.getPositionWithThreeBonds(atom)
residue.createAtom(addname, loc)
def complete(self):
Complete the water optimization class
residue = self.residue
# Remove all LP atoms
atomlist = []
for atom in residue.getAtoms(): atomlist.append(atom)
for atom in atomlist:
if atom.name.startswith("LP"): residue.removeAtom(atom.name)
class Carboxylic(Optimize):
The class for carboxylic residues
def __init__(self, residue, optinstance, routines):
Initialize a case where the lone hydrogen atom
can have four different orientations. Works similar
to initializeFlip by preadding the necessary atoms.
This also takes into account that the carboxyl group
has different bond lengths for the two C-O bonds -
this is probably due to one bond being assigned
as a C=O. As a result hydrogens are only added to
the C-O (longer) bond.
residue: The residue to flip (residue)
dihedral: The angle to flip about
hname: The name of one of the hydrogens to add
optlist: A list of optimizeable donors and
acceptors in the residue (list)
# Initialize some variables
self.optinstance = optinstance
self.residue = residue
self.routines = routines
self.atomlist = []
self.hbonds = []
self.hlist = []
hname2 = ""
hname1 = ""
for name in optinstance.map.keys():
if name.endswith("2"): hname2 = name
else: hname1 = name
bondatom1 = residue.getAtom(optinstance.map[hname1].bond)
bondatom2 = residue.getAtom(optinstance.map[hname2].bond)
longflag = 0
# If one bond in the group is significantly (0.05 A)
# longer than the other, use that group only
for pivotatom in bondatom1.bonds:
if not pivotatom.isHydrogen(): break
d1 = distance(pivotatom.getCoords(), bondatom1.getCoords())
d2 = distance(pivotatom.getCoords(), bondatom2.getCoords())
order = [hname1, hname2]
if d2 > d1 and abs(d1 - d2) > 0.05:
longflag = 1
order = [hname2, hname1]
elif d1 > d2 and abs(d1 - d2) > 0.05:
longflag = 1
order = [hname1, hname2]
for hname in order:
bondatom = residue.getAtom(optinstance.map[hname].bond)
# First mirror the hydrogen about the same donor
for di in residue.reference.dihedrals:
if di.endswith(hname): break
anglenum = residue.reference.dihedrals.index(di)
if anglenum == -1:
raise ValueError, "Unable to find dihedral angle!"
if residue.dihedrals[anglenum] == None:
newangle = 180.0 + residue.dihedrals[anglenum]
self.routines.setDihedralAngle(residue, anglenum, newangle)
hatom = residue.getAtom(hname)
newcoords = hatom.getCoords()
# Flip back to return original atom
newangle = 180.0 + residue.dihedrals[anglenum]
self.routines.setDihedralAngle(residue, anglenum, newangle)
# Rename the original atom and rebuild the new atom
residue.renameAtom(hname, "%s1" % hname)
newname = "%s2" % hname
residue.createAtom(newname, newcoords)
newatom = residue.getAtom(newname)
newatom.refdistance = hatom.refdistance
# Set the bonds for the new atom
if bondatom not in newatom.bonds: newatom.bonds.append(bondatom)
if newatom not in bondatom.bonds: bondatom.bonds.append(newatom)
# Break if this is the only atom to add
self.hlist.append(residue.getAtom("%s1" % hname))
self.hlist.append(residue.getAtom("%s2" % hname))
if longflag: break
def tryBoth(self, donor, acc, accobj):
Called when both the donor and acceptor are optimizeable;
If one is fixed, we only need to try one side. Otherwise
first try to satisfy the donor - if that's succesful,
try to satisfy the acceptor. An undo may be necessary
if the donor is satisfied and the acceptor isn't.
# If one residue if fixed, use other functions
if donor.residue.fixed:
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor): return 1
else: return 0
if acc.residue.fixed:
if self.tryDonor(donor, acc): return 1
else: return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (donor) to %s %s (acceptor)" % \
(donor.residue, donor.name, acc.residue, acc.name))
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
if accobj.tryAcceptor(acc, donor):
self.fix(donor, acc)
self.debug("NET BOND SUCCESSFUL!")
return 1
return 0
def isCarboxylicHbond(self, donor, acc):
Determine whether this donor acceptor pair is a
hydrogen bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if not donorhatom.isHydrogen(): continue
# Check the H(D)-A distance
dist = distance(donorhatom.getCoords(), acc.getCoords())
if dist > DIST_CUTOFF: continue
# Check the A-D-H(D) angle
angle = self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom)
if angle <= ANGLE_CUTOFF:
self.debug("Found HBOND! %.4f %.4f" % (dist, angle))
return 1
# If we get here, no bond is formed
return 0
def tryAcceptor(self, acc, donor):
The main driver for adding an LP to an optimizeable
residue = acc.residue
# Do some error checking
if not donor.hdonor:
return 0
self.debug("Working on %s %s (acceptor) to %s %s (donor)" % \
(acc.residue, acc.name, donor.residue, donor.name))
# We want to ignore the Hs on the acceptor
if self.isCarboxylicHbond(donor, acc):
# Eliminate the closer hydrogen
hyds = []
dist = None
donorhatom = None
for hatom in self.hlist:
if hatom.isHydrogen(): hyds.append(hatom)
if len(hyds) < 2:
return 1
dist = distance(hyds[0].getCoords(), donor.getCoords())
dist2 = distance(hyds[1].getCoords(), donor.getCoords())
if dist < dist2: # Eliminate hyds[0]
donorhatom = residue.getAtom(hyds[1].name)
if hyds[1] in self.hlist:
if residue.hasAtom(hyds[0].name):
donorhatom = residue.getAtom(hyds[0].name)
elif len(self.hlist) != 0 and residue.hasAtom(self.hlist[0].name):
donorhatom = residue.getAtom(self.hlist[0].name)
# If only one H is left, we're done
if len(self.hlist) == 1:
if donorhatom != None:
residue.fixed = 1
return 1
return 0
def tryDonor(self, donor, acc):
The main driver for adding a hydrogen to an
optimizeable residue.
residue = self.residue
# Do some error checking
if not acc.hacceptor:
return 0
if self.isHbond(donor, acc):
self.fix(donor, acc)
return 1
return 0
def fix(self, donor, acc):
Fix the carboxylic residue.
self.debug("Fixing residue %s due to %s" % (donor.residue, donor.name))
residue = donor.residue
# Grab the H(D) that caused the bond
for donorhatom in donor.bonds:
if donorhatom.isHydrogen() and \
self.getHbondangle(acc, donor, donorhatom) <= ANGLE_CUTOFF: break
# Remove all the other available bonded hydrogens
hydrogens = self.hlist[:]
for atom in hydrogens:
if atom != donorhatom:
# Rename the atoms
residue.fixed = 1
def finalize(self):
Finalize a protontated residue. Try to minimize
conflict with nearby atoms.
# Initialize some variables
hydrogens = []
bestdist = 0.0
bestatom = None
residue = self.residue
if residue.fixed: return
# For each atom, get the closest atom
#for hydatom in self.hlist:
# closeatom = self.routines.getClosestAtom(hydatom)
# dist = distance(hydatom.getCoords(), closeatom.getCoords())
# if dist > bestdist:
# bestdist = dist
# bestatom = hydatom
bestenergy = 999.99
for hydatom in self.hlist:
energy = 0
bondedatom = hydatom.bonds[0]
closeatoms = self.routines.cells.getNearCells(bondedatom)
for catom in closeatoms:
energy += self.getPairEnergy(bondedatom, catom) + self.getPairEnergy(catom, bondedatom)
if energy < bestenergy:
bestenergy = energy
bestatom = hydatom
# Keep the bestatom
for hydatom in self.hlist:
for hydatom in hydrogens:
if bestatom != hydatom:
# Rename the atoms
if bestatom != None and len(bestatom.name) == 4:
residue.fixed = 1
def rename(self, hydatom):
Rename the optimized atoms appropriately. This is done
since the forcefields tend to require that the hydrogen is
linked to a specific oxygen, and this atom may have different
parameter values.
hydatom: The hydrogen atom that was added. (atom)
residue = self.residue
optinstance = self.optinstance
# No need to rename if hydatom is not in residue.map
if hydatom.name not in residue.map.keys():
# Take off the extension
if len(hydatom.name) == 4:
hname = hydatom.name[:-1]
residue.renameAtom(hydatom.name, hname)
# PATCHES.xml expects *2 - if it's *1 that left, flip names
if len(self.atomlist) == 2:
if hydatom.name.endswith("1"):
residue.renameAtom(hydatom.name,"%s2" % hydatom.name[:-1])
bondname0 = self.atomlist[0].name
bondname1 = self.atomlist[1].name
tempname = "FLIP"
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[0].name, tempname)
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[1].name, bondname0)
residue.renameAtom(tempname, bondname1)
elif hydatom.name.endswith("OXT"):
bondname0 = self.atomlist[0].name
bondname1 = self.atomlist[1].name
tempname = "FLIP"
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[0].name, tempname)
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[1].name, bondname0)
residue.renameAtom(tempname, bondname1)
elif len(self.atomlist) == 1:
# Appending the other bondatom to self.atomlist
hnames = [hname[:-1] + "1", hname[:-1] + "2"]
for hn in hnames:
bondatom = residue.getAtom(optinstance.map[hn].bond)
if bondatom.name != self.atomlist[0].name:
if hydatom.name.endswith("1"):
if (hydatom.name[:-1] + "2") in residue.map.keys():
residue.removeAtom("%s2" % hydatom.name[:-1])
residue.renameAtom(hydatom.name, "%s2" % hydatom.name[:-1])
bondname0 = self.atomlist[0].name
bondname1 = self.atomlist[1].name
tempname = "FLIP"
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[0].name, tempname)
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[1].name, bondname0)
residue.renameAtom(tempname, bondname1)
elif hydatom.name.endswith("OXT"):
bondname0 = self.atomlist[0].name
bondname1 = self.atomlist[1].name
tempname = "FLIP"
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[0].name, tempname)
residue.renameAtom(self.atomlist[1].name, bondname0)
residue.renameAtom(tempname, bondname1)
def complete(self):
If not already fixed, finalize
if len(self.hlist) == 2 and self.residue.fixed ==1:
self.residue.fixed = 0
if not self.residue.fixed:
class Generic(Optimize):
Generic optimization class
def __init__(self, residue, optinstance, routines):
Initialize the generic optimization class
self.optinstance = optinstance
self.residue = residue
self.routines = routines
self.hbonds = []
self.atomlist = []
def finalize(self):
# Initialize some variables
hydrogens = []
bestdist = 0.0
bestatom = None
residue = self.residue
def complete(self):
If not already fixed, finalize
if not self.residue.fixed: self.finalize()
class hydrogenRoutines:
The main routines for hydrogen optimization. This could
potentially be extended from the routines object...
def __init__(self, routines):
Parse the XML file and store the data in a map
self.routines = routines
self.protein = routines.protein
self.optlist = []
self.atomlist = []
self.resmap = {}
self.hydrodefs = []
handler = HydrogenHandler()
defpath = getDatFile(HYDPATH)
if defpath == "":
raise ValueError, "Could not find %s!" % HYDPATH
file = open(defpath)
sax.parseString(file.read(), handler)
self.map = handler.map
def debug(self, text):
Print text to stdout for debugging purposes.
text: The text to output (string)
if HDEBUG: print text
def switchstate(self, states, amb, id):
Switch a residue to a new state by first removing all
states: The list of states (list)
amb : The amibiguity to switch (tuple)
id : The state id to switch to (int)
# This routine does not remove all hydrogens, merely the titratable
# ones as defined in HYDROGENS.DAT
# If we do pKa calculations, then we use another routine
if states=='pKa':
return self.pKa_switchstate(amb,id)
# JENS: From here on only for Hbond optimisation - is it's used at all?
if id > len(states):
raise ValueError, "Invalid State ID!"
# First Remove all Hs
residue = getattr(amb,"residue")
hdef = getattr(amb,"hdef")
type = hdef.type
for conf in hdef.conformations:
hname = conf.hname
boundname = conf.boundatom
if residue.getAtom(hname) != None:
print 'Removing',residue.name,residue.resSeq,hname
residue.getAtom(boundname).hacceptor = 1
residue.getAtom(boundname).hdonor = 0
# Update the IntraBonds
name = residue.get("name")
# Special treatment of ligands
# Not sure if it's working - PC
#if residue.type != 2:
defresidue = self.routines.aadef.getResidue(name)
## import ligandclean.defligand ### that's not clever
#x defresidue = ligandclean.defligand.LigandDefinitionResidue(residue)
# Now build appropriate atoms
state = states[id]
for conf in state:
print conf
refcoords = []
defcoords = []
defatomcoords = []
if conf == ():
continue # Nothing to add
hname = conf.hname
for atom in conf.atoms:
#print confatoms
atomname = atom.get("name")
resatom = residue.getAtom(atomname)
if atomname == hname:
defatomcoords = atom.getCoords()
elif resatom != None:
raise ValueError, "Could not find necessary atom!"
newcoords = findCoordinates(3, refcoords, defcoords, defatomcoords)
boundname = conf.boundatom
residue.createAtom(hname, newcoords, "ATOM")
residue.getAtom(boundname).hacceptor = 0
residue.getAtom(boundname).hdonor = 1
residue.getAtom(hname).sybylType='H' # Setting the SybylType for the newly built H
residue.getAtom(hname).formalcharge=0.0 # formal charge for PEOE_PB
residue.getAtom(hname).titratableH=True # flag the added hydrogen
def pKa_switchstate(self,amb,id):
Switch a residue to a new state by first removing all
hydrogens. this routine is used in pKa calculations only!
amb : The amibiguity to switch (tuple)
id : The state id to switch to (list)
# This routine does not remove all hydrogens, merely the titratable
# ones as defined in HYDROGENS.DAT
titrationdict = {'ASH1c': '1', 'ASH1t': '2', 'ASH2c': '3', 'ASH2t': '4', 'ASP': '0',
'GLH1c': '1', 'GLH1t': '2', 'GLH2c': '3', 'GLH2t': '4', 'GLU': '0',
'ARG0': '1+2+3+4', 'ARG': '1+2+3+4+5',
'LYS': '1', 'LYS0': '0',
'TYR': '1', 'TYR-': '0',
'HSD': '1', 'HSE': '2', 'HSP': '1+2',
'H3': '1', 'H2': '2', 'H3+H2': '1+2',
'CTR01c': '1', 'CTR01t': '2', 'CTR02c': '3', 'CTR02t': '4', 'CTR-': '0'}
for i in id:
# First Remove all Hs
residue = getattr(amb,"residue")
hdef = getattr(amb,"hdef")
type = hdef.opttype
for conf in hdef.conformations:
hname = conf.hname
boundname = conf.boundatom
if residue.getAtom(hname) != None:
residue.getAtom(boundname).hacceptor = 1
residue.getAtom(boundname).hdonor = 0
# Update the IntraBonds
name = residue.get("name")
defresidue = self.routines.protein.referencemap[name] #self.routines.aadef.getResidue(name)
# Now build appropriate atoms
for id in new_id:
if id==0:
# For state 0 we never build any hydrogens
refcoords = []
defcoords = []
defatomcoords = []
if conf == ():
continue # Nothing to add
hname = conf.hname
for atom in conf.atoms: # specail case for N-term PRO
if residue.isNterm and residue.name == "PRO":
if atom.name == "H":
atom.name = "CD"
atom.x = 1.874
atom.y = 0.862
atom.z = 1.306
for atom in conf.atoms:
atomname = atom.get("name")
resatom = residue.getAtom(atomname)
if atomname == hname:
defatomcoords = atom.getCoords()
elif resatom != None:
raise ValueError, "Could not find necessary atom!"
newcoords = findCoordinates(3, refcoords, defcoords, defatomcoords)
boundname = conf.boundatom
residue.createAtom(hname, newcoords)
residue.getAtom(boundname).hacceptor = 0
residue.getAtom(boundname).hdonor = 1
residue.getAtom(hname).sybylType='H' # Setting the SybylType for the newly built H
residue.getAtom(hname).formalcharge=0.0 # formal charge for PEOE_PB
residue.getAtom(hname).titratableH=True # flag the added hydrogen
# Update intrabonds again
if residue.isNterm and residue.name == "PRO":
for atom in residue.getAtoms():
if atom.name == "H":
def cleanup(self):
If there are any extra carboxlyic *1 atoms, delete them.
This may occur when no optimization is chosen
for residue in self.routines.protein.getResidues():
if not isinstance(residue, Amino): continue
if residue.name == "GLH" or "GLH" in residue.patches:
if residue.hasAtom("HE1") and residue.hasAtom("HE2"):
elif residue.name == "ASH" or "ASH" in residue.patches:
if residue.hasAtom("HD1") and residue.hasAtom("HD2"):
def isOptimizeable(self, residue):
Check to see if the given residue is optimizeable
There are three ways to identify a residue:
1. By name (i.e. HIS)
2. By reference name - a PDB file HSP has
a HIS reference name
3. By patch - applied by PropKa, terminal selection
residue: The residue in question (Residue)
optinstance: None if not optimizeable, otherwise
the OptimizationHolder instance that
corresponds to the residue.
optinstance = None
if not (isinstance(residue, Amino) or isinstance(residue, WAT)):
return optinstance
if residue.name in self.map:
optinstance = self.map[residue.name]
elif residue.reference.name in self.map:
optinstance = self.map[residue.reference.name]
for patch in residue.patches:
if patch in self.map:
optinstance = self.map[patch]
# If alcoholic, make sure the hydrogen is present
if optinstance != None:
if optinstance.opttype == "Alcoholic":
atomname = optinstance.map.keys()[0]
if not residue.reference.hasAtom(atomname):
optinstance = None
return optinstance
def setOptimizeableHydrogens(self):
Set any hydrogen listed in HYDROGENS.xml that
is optimizeable. Used BEFORE hydrogen optimization
to label atoms so that they won't be debumped - i.e.
if SER HG is too close to another atom, don't debump
but wait for optimization. This function should not
be used if full optimization is not taking place.
for residue in self.protein.getResidues():
optinstance = self.isOptimizeable(residue)
if optinstance == None: continue
for atom in residue.getAtoms():
if atom.name in optinstance.map:
atom.optimizeable = 1
def initializeFullOptimization(self):
Initialize the full optimization. Detects all
optimizeable donors and acceptors and sets the internal
self.routines.write("Initializing full optimization...\n")
# Do some setup
self.routines.cells = Cells(5)
self.optlist = []
self.atomlist = []
# First initialize the various types
for residue in self.protein.getResidues():
optinstance = self.isOptimizeable(residue)
if isinstance(residue, Amino):
if False in residue.stateboolean.values():
residue.fixed = 1
residue.fixed = 0
if optinstance == None: continue
type = optinstance.opttype
command = "%s(residue, optinstance, self.routines)" % type
if residue.fixed == 1: pass
myobj = eval(command)
self.atomlist += myobj.atomlist
self.resmap[residue] = myobj
def initializeWaterOptimization(self):
Initialize optimization for waters only. Detects all
optimizeable donors and acceptors and sets the internal
self.routines.write("Initializing water bonding optimization...\n")
# Do some setup
self.routines.cells = Cells(5)
self.optlist = []
# First initialize the various types
for residue in self.protein.getResidues():
optinstance = self.isOptimizeable(residue)
if optinstance == None: continue
type = optinstance.opttype
if type == "Water":
command = "%s(residue, optinstance, self.routines)" % type
myobj = eval(command)
self.atomlist += myobj.atomlist
self.resmap[residue] = myobj
def optimizeHydrogens(self):
The main driver for the optimization. Should be
called only after the optlist has been initialized.
self.routines.write("Optimization progress:\n")
optlist = self.optlist
resmap = {}
connectivity = {}
# Initialize the detection progress
if len(optlist) == 0: return
self.routines.write(" Detecting potential hydrogen bonds:\n")
self.routines.write("0% | | 100%\n", 1)
self.routines.write(" ", 1)
progress = 0.0
increment = 1.0/len(optlist)
for obj in optlist:
connectivity[obj] = []
for atom in obj.atomlist:
closeatoms = self.routines.cells.getNearCells(atom)
for closeatom in closeatoms:
# Conditions for continuing
if atom.residue == closeatom.residue: continue
if not (closeatom.hacceptor or closeatom.hdonor): continue
if atom.hdonor and not atom.hacceptor \
and not closeatom.hacceptor: continue
if atom.hacceptor and not atom.hdonor \
and not closeatom.hdonor: continue
dist = distance(atom.getCoords(), closeatom.getCoords())
if dist < 4.3:
residue = atom.residue
hbond = PotentialBond(atom, closeatom, dist)
# Store the potential bond
# Keep track of connectivity
if closeatom in self.atomlist:
closeobj = self.resmap[closeatom.residue]
if closeobj not in connectivity[obj]:
progress += increment
while progress >= 0.0499:
progress -= 0.05
if len(optlist) > 0: self.routines.write("\n")
# Some residues might have no nearby hbonds - if so, place at
# default state
for obj in optlist:
if len(obj.hbonds) == 0:
if obj.residue.fixed: continue
self.debug("%s has no nearby partners - fixing." % obj.residue)
# Determine the distinct networks
networks = []
seen = []
for obj in optlist:
if obj.residue.fixed: continue
if obj in seen: continue
network = analyzeConnectivity(connectivity, obj)
for obj in network:
if obj not in seen: seen.append(obj)
# Initialize the output progress
if len(networks) > 0:
self.routines.write(" Optimizing hydrogen bonds:\n")
self.routines.write("0% | | 100%\n", 1)
self.routines.write(" ", 1)
progress = 0.0
increment = 1.0/len(networks)
# Work on the networks
for network in networks:
txt = ""
for obj in network:
txt += "%s, " % obj
self.debug("\nStarting network %s" % txt[:-2])
### FIRST: Only optimizeable to backbone atoms
self.debug("* Optimizeable to backbone *")
hbondmap = {}
for obj in network:
for hbond in obj.hbonds:
if hbond.atom2 not in self.atomlist:
hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist
hbondlist = sortDictByValue(hbondmap)
for hbond in hbondlist:
atom = hbond.atom1
atom2 = hbond.atom2
obj = self.resmap[atom.residue]
if atom.residue.fixed: continue
if atom.hdonor: obj.tryDonor(atom, atom2)
if atom.hacceptor: obj.tryAcceptor(atom, atom2)
### SECOND: Non-dual water Optimizeable to Optimizeable
self.debug("\n* Optimizeable to optimizeable *")
hbondmap = {}
seenlist = []
for obj in network:
for hbond in obj.hbonds:
if hbond.atom2 in self.atomlist \
and not (isinstance(hbond.atom1.residue, WAT) \
and isinstance(hbond.atom2.residue, WAT)):
# Only get one hbond pair
if not (hbond.atom2, hbond.atom1) in seenlist:
hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist
seenlist.append((hbond.atom1, hbond.atom2))
hbondlist = sortDictByValue(hbondmap)
for hbond in hbondlist:
atom = hbond.atom1
atom2 = hbond.atom2
obj1 = self.resmap[atom.residue]
obj2 = self.resmap[atom2.residue]
# Atoms may no longer exist if already optimized
if not atom.residue.hasAtom(atom.name): continue
if not atom2.residue.hasAtom(atom2.name): continue
res = 0
if atom.hdonor and atom2.hacceptor:
res = obj1.tryBoth(atom, atom2, obj2)
if atom.hacceptor and atom2.hdonor and res == 0:
obj2.tryBoth(atom2, atom, obj1)
### THIRD: All water-water residues
self.debug("\n* Water to Water *")
hbondmap = {}
seenlist = []
for obj in network:
for hbond in obj.hbonds:
residue = hbond.atom1.residue
if isinstance(residue, WAT) and \
isinstance(hbond.atom2.residue, WAT):
if not (hbond.atom2, hbond.atom1) in seenlist:
hbondmap[hbond] = hbond.dist
seenlist.append((hbond.atom1, hbond.atom2))
hbondlist = sortDictByValue(hbondmap)
for hbond in hbondlist:
atom = hbond.atom1
atom2 = hbond.atom2
obj1 = self.resmap[atom.residue]
obj2 = self.resmap[atom2.residue]
res = 0
if atom.hdonor and atom2.hacceptor:
res = obj1.tryBoth(atom, atom2, obj2)
if atom.hacceptor and atom2.hdonor and res == 0:
obj2.tryBoth(atom2, atom, obj1)
### FOURTH: Complete all residues
for obj in network: obj.complete()
# STEP 5: Update progress meter
progress += 100.0 * increment
while progress >= 5.0:
progress -= 5.0
if len(networks) > 0: self.routines.write("\n")
def parseHydrogen(self, res):
Parse a list of lines in order to make a hydrogen
lines: The lines to parse (list)
mydef: The hydrogen definition object (HydrogenDefinition)
This is the current definition: Name Ttyp A R # Stdconf HT Chi OPTm
# ------------------
toppath = getDatFile(TOPOLOGYPATH)
if toppath == "":
raise ValueError, "Could not find %s!" % TOPOLOGYPATH
topfile = open(toppath)
top = topology.Topology(topfile)
name = self.map[res].name
opttype = self.map[res].opttype
optangle = self.map[res].optangle
map = self.map[res].map
mydef = HydrogenDefinition(name,
conf = []
patchmap = []
refmap = {}
titrationstatemap = {}
tautomermap = {}
conformermap = {}
atommap = {}
# reference map from TOPOLOGY.xml
for res in top.residues:
refmap[res.name] = res.reference
for atom in refmap[res.name].atoms:
atommap[res.name, atom.name] = atom
for titrationstate in res.titrationStates:
titrationstatemap[titrationstate.name] = titrationstate
for tautomer in titrationstate.tautomers:
tautomermap[tautomer.name] = tautomer
for conformer in tautomer.conformers:
conformermap[conformer.name] = conformer
if name == 'CYS':
reference = refmap['CYS']
atoms = ['HG']
refatoms = ['SG', 'CB']
elif name == 'HIS':
reference = refmap['HIS']
atoms = ['HD1', 'HE2']
for atom in atoms:
refatoms = ['ND1', 'CG', 'CE1']
elif name == 'LYS':
reference = self.routines.protein.referencemap[name]
patchmap = self.routines.protein.patchmap['LYN']
atoms = patchmap.remove
refatoms = ['HZ1', 'HZ2', 'NZ']
elif name == 'TYR':
reference = self.routines.protein.referencemap[name]
patchmap = self.routines.protein.patchmap['TYM']
atoms = patchmap.remove
refatoms = ['OH', 'CZ', 'CE2']
elif name == 'WAT':
reference = self.routines.protein.referencemap[name]
patchmap = self.routines.protein.patchmap['HOH']
atoms = ['H1','H2']
refatoms = None
elif name == 'NTR':
ntrmap = {} # map for N-TERM
for tautomer in titrationstatemap["NTER"].tautomers:
for conformer in tautomermap[tautomer.name].conformers:
for conformeradds in conformermap[conformer.name].conformerAdds:
for atom in conformeradds.atoms:
ntrmap[atom.name] = atom
atoms = ['H3', 'H2']
refatoms = ['CA', 'H', 'N']
elif name == 'CTR':
hmap = {} # map for h atoms
nonhmap ={} # map for refatoms
conformernames = []
for tautomer in titrationstatemap["CTER"].tautomers:
for conformer in tautomermap[tautomer.name].conformers:
for conformeradds in conformermap[conformer.name].conformerAdds:
for atom in conformeradds.atoms:
nonhmap[atom.name] = atom
for tautomer in titrationstatemap["CTER0"].tautomers:
for conformer in tautomermap[tautomer.name].conformers:
for conformeradds in conformermap[conformer.name].conformerAdds:
for atom in conformeradds.atoms:
hmap[conformer.name, atom.name] = atom
atoms = ['HO']
refatoms = ['O', 'C', 'OXT']
elif name in ['SER', 'GLN', 'THR', 'ARG', 'ASN']:
reference = refmap[name]
if name == 'SER':
atoms = ['HG']
refatoms = ['OG', 'CB']
elif name == 'GLN':
atoms = ['HE21']
refatoms = ['NE2']
elif name == 'THR':
atoms = ['HG1']
refatoms = ['OG1', 'CB']
elif name == 'ARG':
atoms = ['HH11', 'HH12', 'HH21', 'HH22', 'HE']
for atom in atoms:
refatoms = ['NH1', 'NH2', 'CZ']
elif name == 'ASN':
atoms = ['HD21']
refatoms = ['ND2']
elif name == 'ASH':
hmap = {} # map for h atoms
nonhmap = {} # map for refatoms
conformernames = []
reference = refmap['ASP']
for tautomer in titrationstatemap["ASH"].tautomers:
for conformer in tautomermap[tautomer.name].conformers:
for conformeradds in conformermap[conformer.name].conformerAdds:
for atom in conformeradds.atoms:
hmap[conformer.name, atom.name] = atom
atoms = ['HD1', 'HD2']
refatoms = ['OD1', 'CG', 'OD2']
elif name == 'GLH':
hmap = {} # map for h atoms
nonhmap ={} # map for refatoms
conformernames = []
reference = refmap['GLU']
for tautomer in titrationstatemap["GLH"].tautomers:
for conformer in tautomermap[tautomer.name].conformers:
for conformeradds in conformermap[conformer.name].conformerAdds:
for atom in conformeradds.atoms:
hmap[conformer.name, atom.name] = atom
atoms = ['HE1', 'HE2']
refatoms = ['OE1', 'CD', 'OE2']
patchmap = self.routines.protein.patchmap[name]
atoms = patchmap.map.keys()
if name in ['NTR']:
for atom in atoms:
hname = atom
x = ntrmap[hname].x
y = ntrmap[hname].y
z = ntrmap[hname].z
bondatom = ntrmap[hname].bonds[0]
bondlength = 1.0
myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength)
atom = DefinitionAtom(hname, x,y,z)
for atom in refatoms:
if atom == 'N':
natom = DefinitionAtom(atom, 1.201, 0.847, 0.0)
elif atom == 'CA':
caatom = DefinitionAtom(atom, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
elif atom == 'H':
caatom = DefinitionAtom(atom, 1.201, 1.847, 0.000)
else: pass
conf = []
elif name in ['CTR']:
for conformer in conformernames:
for atom in atoms:
hname = atom
x = hmap[conformer, hname].x
y = hmap[conformer, hname].y
z = hmap[conformer, hname].z
bondatom = hmap[conformer, hname].bonds[0]
bondlength = 1.0
myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength)
atom = DefinitionAtom(hname, x,y,z)
for atom in refatoms:
if atom == 'C':
catom = DefinitionAtom(atom, -1.250, 0.881, 0.000)
atomname = atom
x = nonhmap[atom].x
y = nonhmap[atom].y
z = nonhmap[atom].z
atom = DefinitionAtom(atomname, x,y,z)
conf = []
elif name in ['ASH', 'GLH']:
for conformer in conformernames:
for atom in atoms:
hname = atom
if ('1' in conformer and '1' in atom) or ('2' in conformer and '2' in atom):
x = hmap[conformer, hname].x
y = hmap[conformer, hname].y
z = hmap[conformer, hname].z
bondatom = hmap[conformer, hname].bonds[0]
bondlength = 1.0
myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength)
atom = DefinitionAtom(hname, x,y,z)
for atom in refatoms:
atomname = atom
if name == 'ASH':
refresname = 'ASP'
elif name == 'GLH':
refresname = 'GLU'
x = atommap[refresname, atom].x
y = atommap[refresname, atom].y
z = atommap[refresname, atom].z
atom = DefinitionAtom(atomname, x,y,z)
conf = []
elif name in ['WAT']:
for atom in atoms:
hname = atom
x = atommap[name, hname].x
y = atommap[name, hname].y
z = atommap[name, hname].z
bondatom = atommap[name, hname].bonds[0]
bondlength = 1.0
myconf = HydrogenConformation(hname, bondatom, bondlength)
atom = DefinitionAtom(hname, x,y,z)
if refatoms != None:
if name == 'HIS' and atom.name == 'HE2':
refatoms = ['NE2', 'CE1', 'CD2']
if name == 'ARG' and atom.name == 'HE':
refatoms = ['NE', 'CZ', 'NH1']
for atom in refatoms:
atomname = atom
x = atommap[name, atomname].x
y = atommap[name, atomname].y
z = atommap[name, atomname].z
atom = DefinitionAtom(atomname, x,y,z)
conf = []
return mydef
def readHydrogenDefinition(self):
Read the Hydrogen Definition file
hydrodef: The hydrogen definition ()
self.hydrodefs = []
for m in self.map:
res = m
mydef = self.parseHydrogen(res)
res = ''
class OptimizationHolder:
A holder class for the XML parser.
def __init__(self):
Initialize the class.
self.name = ""
self.map = {}
self.opttype = ""
self.optangle = ""
def __str__(self):
A basic string representation for debugging
text = "%s\n" % self.name
text += "Type: %s\n" % self.opttype
if self.optangle != "":
text += "Optimization Angle: %s\n" % self.optangle
text += "Atoms: \n"
for atomname in self.map:
text += "\t%s\n" % str(self.map[atomname])
return text
class HydrogenDefinition:
HydrogenDefinition class
The HydrogenDefinition class provides information on possible
ambiguities in amino acid hydrogens. It is essentially the hydrogen
definition file in object form.
def __init__(self, name, opttype, optangle, map):
Initialize the object with information from the definition file
name: The name of the grouping (string)
opttype: The optimization type of the grouping (string)
optangle: The optimization angle of the grouping (string)
map: The map of Hydrogens.
See HYDROGENS.XML for more information
self.name = name
self.opttype = opttype
self.optangle = optangle
self.map = map
self.conformations = []
def __str__(self):
Used for debugging purposes
output: The information about this definition (string)
output = "Name: %s\n" % self.name
output += "Opttype: %s\n" % self.opttype
output += "Optangle: %s\n" % self.optangle
output += "map: %s\n" % self.map
output += "Conformations:\n"
for conf in self.conformations:
output += "\n%s" % conf
output += "*****************************************\n"
return output
def addConf(self, conf):
Add a HydrogenConformation to the list of conformations
conf: The conformation to be added (HydrogenConformation)
class HydrogenConformation:
HydrogenConformation class
The HydrogenConformation class contains data about possible
hydrogen conformations as specified in the hydrogen data file.
def __init__(self, hname, boundatom, bondlength):
Initialize the object
hname : The hydrogen name (string)
boundatom : The atom the hydrogen is bound to (string)
bondlength : The bond length (float)
self.hname = hname
self.boundatom = boundatom
self.bondlength = bondlength
self.atoms = []
def __str__(self):
Used for debugging purposes
output: Information about this conformation (string)
output = "Hydrogen Name: %s\n" % self.hname
output += "Bound Atom: %s\n" % self.boundatom
output += "Bond Length: %.2f\n" % self.bondlength
for atom in self.atoms:
output += "\t%s\n" % atom
return output
def addAtom(self, atom):
Add an atom to the list of atoms
atom: The atom to be added (DefinitionAtom)