# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
from math import pi,cos,sin
PI=pi #3.1415926535897932384626433832795,
class ThanDxfDra:
"Mixin to draw various objects."
def __init__(self):
"No initialisation needed."
def thanDxfPlotBlock (self, bloc, xa, ya, xsc, ysc, thet):
"Plots a predefined block."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'INSERT')
self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, bloc)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xa, ya)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(41, xsc)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(42, ysc)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(50, thet)
def thanDxfPlotBlock3 (self, bloc, xa, ya, za, xsc, ysc, zsc, thet):
"Plots a 3d predefined block."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'INSERT')
self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, bloc)
(px, py, pz) = self.thanDxfTop3(xa, ya, za)
self.thanDxfWrXyz(px, py, pz)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(41, xsc)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(42, ysc)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(43, zsc)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(50, thet)
def thanDxfPlotCircle (self, xc, yc, r):
"Plots a circle."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'CIRCLE')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xc, yc)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(40, r)
def thanDxfPlotCircle3 (self, xc, yc, zc, r):
"Plots a 3d circle."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'CIRCLE')
(px, py, pz) = self.thanDxfTop3(xc, yc, zc)
self.thanDxfWrXyz(px, py, pz)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(40, r)
def thanDxfPlotArc(self, xc, yc, r, ang1, ang2):
"""Plots an arc of circle.
xc,yc: center of the circle
r : radius of circle
ang1 : angle of the beginning of the arc
ang2 : angle of the end of the arc"""
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ARC')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xc, yc)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(40, r)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(50, ang1)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(51, ang2)
def thanDxfPlotArc3(self, xc, yc, zc, r, ang1, ang2):
"""Plots an arc of circle.
xc,yc: center of the circle
r : radius of circle
ang1 : angle of the beginning of the arc
ang2 : angle of the end of the arc"""
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ARC')
(px, py, pz) = self.thanDxfTop3(xc, yc, zc)
self.thanDxfWrXyz(px, py, pz)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(40, r)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(50, ang1)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(51, ang2)
def thanDxfPlotPoint(self, xp, yp):
"Plots a point."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'POINT')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xp, yp)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
def thanDxfPlotPoint3(self, xp, yp, zp):
"Plots a 3d point."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'POINT')
(px, py, pz) = self.thanDxfTop3(xp, yp, zp)
self.thanDxfWrXyz(px, py, pz)
def thanDxfPlotSolid4 (self, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3, xx4, yy4):
"Plots a solid 4node polygon."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'SOLID')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx1, yy1)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx2, yy2)
self.thanDxfWrXy1(px, py)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx4, yy4)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(12, px)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(22, py)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx3, yy3)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(13, px)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(23, py)
def thanDxfPlotSolid3 (self, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3):
"Plots a solid triangle."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'SOLID')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx1, yy1)
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx2, yy2)
self.thanDxfWrXy1(px, py)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx3, yy3)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(12, px)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(22, py)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(13, px)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(23, py)
def thanDxfPlot3dface3(self, xx1, yy1, zz1, xx2, yy2, zz2, xx3, yy3, zz3):
"Plots 3dface triangle."
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, '3DFACE')
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx1, yy1)
self.thanDxfWrXyz(px, py, zz1)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx2, yy2)
self.thanDxfWrXyz1(px, py, zz2)
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(xx3, yy3)
self.thanDxfWrXyzc(2, px, py, zz3)
self.thanDxfWrXyzc(3, px, py, zz3)
def thanDxfPlotSolidCircle8(self, x, y, r, i1, i2):
"""Plots integer number of eighths of a solid circle using solid polygons.
It splits the circle in eightths, and approximates one eightth
with a 4node polygon. It begins with the i1-th eightth and stops
at i2-th eightth: 1 <= i1 <= i2 <= 8."""
for ri in xrange(i1-1, i2):
self.thanDxfPlotSolid4 (x, y,
x+r*cos(PI4*ri), y+r*sin(PI4*ri),
x+r*cos(PI4*(ri+0.5)), y+r*sin(PI4*(ri+0.5)),
x+r*cos(PI4*(ri+1)), y+r*sin(PI4*(ri+1)))
def thaDxfPlotSolidRing(self, xc, yc, ri, re, n):
"""Plots a full solid ring using n solid polygons.
xc, yc: coordinates of the center of the ring
ri, re: internal and external radius of the ring
n : number of 4point solids (bigger means finer)"""
dth = 2.0 * PI / n
cosd = cos(dth)
sind = sin(dth)
cost = 1.0
sint = 0.0
x1 = xc + ri
y1 = yc
x3 = xc + re
y3 = yc
for i in xrange(n):
x2 = cost*cosd - sint*sind
sint = sint*cosd + cost*sind
cost = x2
x2 = xc + ri*cost
y2 = yc + ri*sint
x4 = xc + re*cost
y4 = yc + re*sint
self.thanDxfPlotSolid4(x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4, x3, y3)
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
x3 = x4
y3 = y4
def thanDxfPlotSolidCircle(self, xc, yc, ri, n1):
"""Plots a full solid circle using n1 solid polygons.
xc, yc: coordinates of the center of the circle
ri : radius of the circle
n1 : number of 4point solids (bigger means finer)"""
n = int((n1 + 1) / 2)
dth = 2.0 * PI / (2*n)
cosd = cos(dth)
sind = sin(dth)
cost = 1.0
sint = 0.0
x2 = xc + ri
y2 = yc
for i in xrange(n):
x3 = cost*cosd - sint*sind
sint = sint*cosd + cost*sind
cost = x3
x3 = xc + ri*cost
y3 = yc + ri*sint
x4 = cost*cosd - sint*sind
sint = sint*cosd + cost*sind
cost = x4
x4 = xc + ri*cost
y4 = yc + ri*sint
self.thanDxfPlotSolid4 (xc, yc, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
x2 = x4
y2 = y4
def thanDxfPlotImage(self, filnam, x1, y1, size, scale, theta):
"Plots a string to a .dxf file."
(px, py) = self.thanDxfTop(x1, y1)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'THANCAD_IMAGE')
self.thanDxfWrXy(px, py)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(1, filnam)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(40, size[0])
self.thanDxfWrEntry(41, size[1])
self.thanDxfWrEntry(42, scale)
self.thanDxfWrEntry(50, theta)
if __name__ == "__main__":
dxf = ThanDxfDra()