# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
import re
from p_ggen import prg,tog
class Datlin:
"Class to assist reading text data."
def __init__(self, fr, prt=None, comment="#"):
self.fr = fr
if prt == None: self.prt = prg
else: self.prt = prt
self.lin = 0
self.itok = 0
self.dlPrev = []
self.dlUnread = False
self._comment = comment
if comment == "*": comment = r"\*"
# self._splitter = re.compile(r"""'.+'|".+"|%s.*|\S+""" % comment)
self._splitter = re.compile(r"""'[^']+'|"[^"]+"|%s.*|\S+""" % comment)
def __getstate__(self):
odict = self.__dict__.copy()
del odict["_splitter"] # Do not save the regulat expression in the file
return odict
def __setstate__(self, odict):
comment = self._comment
if comment == "*": comment = r"\*"
self._splitter = re.compile(r"""'[^']+'|"[^"]+"|%s.*|\S+""" % comment) # Restore regular expression
def datLin(self, failoneof=False):
"Reads a new line, unless the previous line was unread."
if not self.dlUnread:
while 1:
dl = self.fr.readline()
if dl == "":
if not failoneof: return False
raise IOError, "Unexpected end of file after line %d." % self.lin
self.dlPrev = dl.strip("\n")
self.lin += 1
dl = dl.strip()
if dl != "" and dl[0] != self._comment: break
# self.dl = self.dlPrev.strip().split()
self.dl = self._splitter.findall(self.dlPrev)
if len(self.dl) > 0:
if self.dl[-1][0] == self._comment: del self.dl[-1] # Delete trailing comment
for i,dl1 in enumerate(self.dl):
if dl1[0] == "'" == dl1[-1] or dl1[0] == '"' == dl1[-1]:
self.dl[i] = self.dl[i][1:-1] # Delete apostrophis in strings
self.dlUnread = False
self.itok = 0
return True
def datCurline(self):
"Returns current whole raw dataline."
return self.dlPrev
def datRawline(self, failoneof=True):
"Reads and returns a raw dataline."
if not self.datLin(failoneof): return None
return self.dlPrev
def datLinSet(self, dl):
"Sets the current line as if it were read from file."
self.dlPrev = dl.strip("\n")
self.dlUnread = True
def datLinbac(self):
"Unread current line."
self.dlUnread = True
def datBac(self, n=1):
"Unreads n tokens of current line."
self.itok -= n
if self.itok < 0: self.itok = 0
def eol(self):
"Return true if end of line."
return self.itok >= len(self.dl)
def datCom(self, coms, fail=True):
"Reads a line and checks if the commands found in coms are present."
return self.datComC(coms, fail)
def datComC(self, coms, fail=True):
"Checks if the commands found in coms are present on current line."
coms = coms.strip().split()
i = self.itok
for com in coms:
if i >= len(self.dl):
if not fail: return False
raise IOError, "Error at line %d: End of line encountered where '%s' was expected." % (self.lin, tog(com))
if not self.dl[i].startswith(com[:4]):
if not fail: return False
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%s' was found where '%s' was expected." % (self.lin, tog(self.dl[i]), tog(com))
i += 1
for j in xrange(i, len(self.dl)):
if self.dl[j][-1] == ":": i = j + 1; break # Skip to colon
self.itok = i
return True
def datFloat(self):
"Tries to read a real number."
i = self.itok
if i >= len(self.dl):
raise IOError, "Error at line %d: End of line encountered where a real number was expected." % self.lin
self.itok += 1
try: return float(self.dl[i])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%s' was found where a real number was expected." % (self.lin, self.dl[i])
def datInt(self):
"Tries to read an integer number."
i = self.itok
if self.itok >= len(self.dl):
raise IOError, "Error at line %d: End of line encountered where an integer number was expected." % self.lin
self.itok += 1
try: return int(self.dl[i])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%s' was found where an integer number was expected." % (self.lin, self.dl[i])
def datStr(self, failoneol=True):
"Tries to read a string."
i = self.itok
if self.itok >= len(self.dl):
if not failoneol: return None
raise IOError, "Error at line %d: End of line encountered where a string was expected." % self.lin
self.itok += 1
return self.dl[i]
def datYesno(self):
"Tries to read an yes/no string."
t = self.datStr()[:2].strip()
if t[:2] in ("", "", "NA", "na", "YE", "ye", "1"): return True
if t[:2] in ("", "", "OX", "ox", "NO", "no", "0"): return False
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%s' was found where NAI/YES/OXI/NO was expected." % (self.lin, t)
def datMchoice(self, coms):
"Gets a string that has to be one of the given commands."
t = self.datStr()
n = min(len(t), 4)
for com1 in coms.split():
if t[:n] == com1[:n]: return com1
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%s' was found where one of the following was expected:\n%s" % (self.lin, t, coms)
def datFloatR(self, amin, amax):
"Reads a float number and checks if it is in range."
a = self.datFloat()
if amin <= a <= amax: return a
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%f'\nThe real number was expected in range %f and %f" % (self.lin, a, amin, amax)
def datIntR(self, amin, amax):
"Reads an integer number and checks if it is in range."
a = self.datInt()
if amin <= a <= amax: return a
raise ValueError, "Error at line %d: '%d'\nThe integer number was expected in range %d and %d" % (self.lin, a, amin, amax)
def er(self, mes):
"Prints error message and exits."
t = "Error at line %d of file %s:\n%s" % (self.lin, str(self.fr.name), tog(mes))
raise ValueError, t
def syntaxEr(self):
"Prints error message and exits."
self.er("Syntax error.")
def wa(self, mes):
"Prints a warning message."
self.prt("Warning: At line %d of file %s:\n%s" % (self.lin, str(self.fr.name), mes))
def test():
"Tests Datlin."
class flike:
def __init__(self, dlines):
self.dlines = dlines
self.i = 0
def readline(self):
if self.i < len(self.dlines):
self.i += 1
return self.dlines[self.i-1]
return ""
fr = flike(['Thanasis Stamos "andreas stella" 189.99 #comments 1+1+1',
" 'Thanasis Stamos' '' 'andreas' # stella 189.99 #comments 1+1+1 "])
d = Datlin(fr)
for i in xrange(4):
print d.datStr()
for i in xrange(6):
print d.datStr()
if __name__ == "__main__": test()