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Python Open Source » Business Application » ThanCad 
ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » p_gmhk »
# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-

import p_ggen

class ThanMemoryFile:
    """A class that simulates a Fortran direct file in memory.
    The total number of "lines" of the fortran direct file is: n=len(self.record)
    The first "line" (line=1)                of the fortran direct file is self.record[0]
    The last  "line" (line=len(self.record)) of the fortran direct file is self.record[n-1]
    def __init__(self):
        "Set empty storage."
        self.record = []
  self.irec = 0                    # Next record to read
    def writerec(self, rec=None, data=()):
        "Store the data in the rec position in the list."
  if rec == None or rec == len(self.record):
      self.irec = len(self.record) # Next record to read
  elif rec < len(self.record):
      self.record[rec] = data
      self.irec = rec + 1          # Next record to read
      for i in xrange(len(self.record), rec-1):
      self.irec = len(self.record) # Next record to read

    def readrec(self, rec=None):
        "Retrieves the data in the rec position."
  if rec == None: rec = self.irec
  self.irec = rec + 1              # Next record to read
  return self.record[rec]

    def rewind(self):
        "Set the first record the next record to read."
  self.irec = 0

    def eof(self):
        "Returns true if we reached the end of file."
  return self.irec >= len(self.record)

    def clear(self):
        "Clears all the data."
        del self.record[:]
  self.irec = 0                    # Next record to read

if True:


      MYEE  = 8             # Maximum number of ground/grade lines
      MLEPT = 1             # Number of kinds of drawing details
      HS   = 0.16           # Drawn character/number height, in cm
      DYGR = 1.2            # Width documentation zones
      UM1  = 1.0            # Up paper margin, in cm
      DM1  = 0.5            # Down paper margin, in cm
      ANOIGM = 11           # Maximum span of a bridge
      MAXP=5000; MAXK=100; MAXC=5
      GAP=0.125             #                           
      HG=0.25               #   
      TextFEnd=2.0; PI=3.14159265358979323; TAS=3.0
      ROADWIDTH=0.2         #                                    
#-----end of CONSTANTS
      YEDMAX=XKLI=XSHM1=XSHM2=XSHM2P=XSTK=XKMHD= 0.0 # dagog, xagog,

      uTed = ThanMemoryFile() # Temporary file ground lines 
      uTer = ThanMemoryFile() # Temporary file grade lines 
      uTef = ThanMemoryFile() # Temporary file drawing details 
      uTeo = ThanMemoryFile() # Temporary file horizontal curves

      iseira = []           # Sequence of all the grade lines
      icod1  = []           # Original type of ground/grade lines
      icod   = []           # Working type of ground/grade lines
      ititl  = []           # short titles of ground/grade lines
      diak1  = []           # Definition of dashed line for ground/grade lines - for old pen plotters - not used any more
      ied    = []           # indexes of ground lines in list yee
      yee    = []           # Heights of all ground/grade lines of current station
      yeep   = []           # Heights of all ground/grade lines of previous station
      laygram= []           # Name of layer of ground/grade lines
      ned    = 0            # Number of ground lines == len(ied)
      nyee   = 0            # Number of ground/grade lines == len(yee)
      ner    = 0            # Number of grade lines == nyee - ned
      ipenl  = 1            # Pen to use for thin lines - for old pen plotter - not used any more
      ipenx  = 2            # Pen to use for thick lines - for old pen plotter - not used any more
      xther1 = []           # Station       of previous grade line node
      yer1   = []           # Height        of previous grade line node
      r2     = []           # Radius/height of previous grade line node
      xther2 = []           # Station       of current  grade line node
      yer2   = []           # Height        of current  grade line node
      r2     = []           # Radius/height of current  grade line node
      xther2 = []           # Station       of next     grade line node
      yer2   = []           # Height        of next     grade line node
      r2     = []           # Radius/height of next     grade line node
      ai1    = []           # Slope between previous and current grade line node
      ai2    = []           # Slope between current  and next    grade line node
      t      = []           # Length of tangential to the vertical curve of each grade line node
      oxienl = []           # If false, the correspodent grade line must proceed to the next node
      xthed  = 0.0          # Station of current ground point
      xthedp = 0.0          # Station of previous ground point
      onp    = ""           # Name of current ground point
      xthar  = 0.0          # Station of previous ground point
      yor    = 0.0          # Height of current horizon
      akat   = 0.0          # Code of current ground point to control (water)fall
      xthmod = 0.0          # Assist in keeping only certain digits when drawing stations
      ndxth  = 0.0          # How many decimal digits to keep when drawing stations
      mhk    = ""           # Name of current profile
      kedaf  = 0            # Primary ground line (this is used for excavation computation)
      keryth = 0            # Primary grade line (this is used for excavation computation)
      aklx = 1.0            # Scale in the x (station) axis
      akly = 1.0            # scale in the y (height) axis
      pklx = 100/aklx       # x scale factor
      pkly = 100/akly       # y scale factor
      oxiery = True         # If true the grade lines are not drawn/computed
      oxikam = True         # If true the horizontal curves are not drawn/computed
      odopoi = True         # If true, the section is highway(road). Else it is sewage,irrigation,
      oxikak = True         # if True, the vertical slopes are not drawn
      sxetit = False        # If False, the title is drawn only on the first section (multiple sections are possible)
      drawguidlines = True  # If True, guide lines are drawn, where the paper should be cut
      drawtitle = False     # If True, a general drawing title is made
      drawlep = False       # If True, drawing details will be made
      sxedFreat = False     # If true, freatia will be drawn instaed of vertical lines 

      plaxar = 29.0         # The paper width that the plotter can plot, in cm
      plxm = plaxar-8*HS-2.5# Paper width taken by the documentation (heights,stations etc.)
      platit = 5.5          # Paper width taken by documentation zones == 5.5+nyee*DYGR (nyee minus the dependent grade lines)
      um     = UM1          # Up paper margin, in cm. If drawguidlines==False then we set um=0.0
      dm     = DM1          # Down paper margin, in cm. If drawguidlines==False then we set um=0.0
      perype = 1.5          # Margin between documenation and actual drawing
      titper = platit+perype# Paper width take by doumentation zoned and margin
      sxedfreat = False     # If False, freatia are not drawn (along every vertical line)
      pfr       = 0.0       # Freatio's width
      hfr       = 0.0       # Freation's height
      linlep = [0] * MLEPT  # Last line of each draing detail
      lasted = 0            # Last line in the temporary ground file
      laster = []           # Last line of each grade line in the temporary grade file
      linery = []           # Currebt line of each grade line in the temporary grade file
      telmhk = False        # If True, the current section is the last sectiuon in the data file
      dxom   = 0.0          # Excavation depth or overfill height
      prt    = p_ggen.prg   # Print function
      frw    = {}           # Opened file objects

# edafos(i, 1..2)   x  y          c
#                                             c
# xthb       ..                       c
# pl1, pl2                                    c
# ianoig                                        c
# sitem           character*4                     c
# sitemBig        character*20                    c
# mikos                                c
# gxf          x                                    c
# kil                                                c
# ery                                              c
# edaf                                                   c
# katar      ..                                 c
# katarcount                                           c
# MAXP                                            c
# MAXK                                         c
# MAXC                                     c
# TextW, TextFBeg, TextFEnd    : ,   , c
#                                                     c
# kl1, kl2                                                 c
# tas                                            c
# bridgealt                   c
# paxos                                         c
# pkol                                                     c
# pthem                                                   c
# ythem                                                     c
# freeminheight    ()                          c
# infos1       .false.  comments   layer 'SXOLIA'         c
#              .true.   comments   layer 'SXOLIA1'        c
# infosOr      .false.  comments               c
#              .true.   comments            c
      edafos = [[0.0,0.0]]*ANOIGM
      xthb= pl1= pl2= paxos = 0.0
      mikos= gxf= paxosd=0.0
      kil=[]; ery=[]; edaf=[]
      katar = []
      ythb= pkol= pthem= ythem= bridgealt= freeminheight=0.0
      lepcount= ianoig= katarcount=0
      infos1= infosOr=True
      sitemBig= sitem="" | Contact Us
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