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ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » p_gtri » dtmlines.py
from bisect import bisect_left,bisect_right
from math import hypot,fabs
from p_ggen import iterby2
from p_gmath import thanSegSeguw

class ThanDTMlines:
    "A set of lines which behaves as a Digital Terrain Model."

    def __init__(self, dxmax=20.0, dext=50.0):
        "Initialize DEM."
        self.thanLines = []
        self.thanDxmax = dxmax
        self.thanDext = dext

    def thanAddLine1(self, cp):
        "Add a (3d) line to the DEM."
        for ca, cb in iterby2(cp):
            if ca[0] > cb[0]: ca, cb = cb, ca
            dx = cb[0]-ca[0]
            if dx <= self.thanDxmax:
                self.thanLines.append((tuple(ca), tuple(cb)))
            n = int(dx/self.thanDxmax) + 1
            ddx = self.thanDxmax/n
            x = 0.0
            cc = ca
            for i in xrange(n-1):
                x += ddx
                cd = [ca1+(cb1-ca1)/dx*x for (ca1,cb1) in zip(ca, cb)]
                self.thanLines.append((tuple(cc), tuple(cd)))
                cc = cd
            self.thanLines.append((tuple(cc), tuple(cb)))

    def thanRecreate(self):
        "Recreate DEM after lines additions."
        if len(self.thanLines) < 1: return False, "DTM is empty!"
        return True, None

    def __intersegZ(self, ca, cb):
        "Compute intersections of segment with DEM lines; sort intersection from ca to cb."
        ca = tuple(ca)
        cb = tuple(cb)
#        print "ca=", ca, "cb=", cb
        rev = False
        if ca[0] > cb[0]: ca, cb = cb, ca; rev=True
#        print "ca=", ca, "cb=", cb, "rev=", rev
        i = bisect_left(self.thanLines, ((ca[0]-self.thanDxmax,), (-1.0e30,)))
        j = bisect_right(self.thanLines, ((cb[0],),(+1.0e30,)))
#        print "i=", i, "j=", j, "len=", len(self.thanLines)
#        for ii in xrange(i, j):
#            print "thanlines", ii,":", self.thanLines[ii]
        cint = []
        for k in xrange(i, j):
            c1, c2 = self.thanLines[k]
            uw = thanSegSeguw(ca, cb, c1, c2)
            if uw == None: continue
            cd = [ca1+(cb1-ca1)*uw[1] for (ca1,cb1) in zip(c1, c2)]
            if rev: cint.append((1-uw[0], cd))
            else:   cint.append((uw[0], cd))
        i = 0
        j = 1
        while j < len(cint):
            if cint[j][0]-cint[i][0] < 0.001: # Delete double entries (with 0.1 percent anoxh)
                del cint[j]
                i = j
                j += 1
        return cint

    def thanPointZold(self, cp):
        "Calculate the z coordinate of a point."
        cp = list(cp)     # bisect (called in __z1) needs cp as a list
        ca = list(cp)
        cb = list(cp)
        ca[0] -= self.thanDext             # |cb-ca| (1)
        cb[0] += self.thanDext
        d1, z1 = self.__z1(cp, ca, cb)     # Try to find intersections along x direction
        ca = list(cp)
        cb = list(cp)
        ca[1] -= self.thanDext             # |cb-ca| must be the same as in (1), or the d1, d2..
        cb[1] += self.thanDext             # ..returned by __z1 will not be comparable
        d2, z2 = self.__z1(cp, ca, cb)     # Try to find intersections along y direction

        if z1 == None: return z2           # Note that z2 may be None
        if z2 == None: return z1
        if d1 < d2: return z1
        else:       return z2

    def thanPointZ(self, cp):
        "Calculate the z coordinate of a point."
        for p in (1, 2, 4):
            cp = list(cp)     # bisect (called in __z1) needs cp as a list
            ca = list(cp)
            cb = list(cp)
            ca[0] -= self.thanDext*p           # |cb-ca| (1)
            cb[0] += self.thanDext*p
            d1, z1 = self.__z1(cp, ca, cb)     # Try to find intersections along x direction
#            if z1 != None and fabs(z1) < 1.0: stop()
            ca = list(cp)
            cb = list(cp)
            ca[1] -= self.thanDext*p           # |cb-ca| must be the same as in (1), or the d1, d2..
            cb[1] += self.thanDext*p           # ..returned by __z1 will not be comparable
            d2, z2 = self.__z1(cp, ca, cb)     # Try to find intersections along y direction
#            if z2 != None and fabs(z2) < 1.0: stop()

            if   z1 == None: z = z2            # Note that z2 may be None
            elif z2 == None: z = z1
            elif d1 < d2:    z = z1
            else:            z = z2
            if z != None: break
#        if z != None and fabs(z) < 1.0: stop()
        return z

    def __z1(self, cp, ca, cb):
        "Calclulate z with cp between ca and cb."
        cint = self.__intersegZ(ca, cb)
#        print "cint=", cint, "len=", len(cint)
        if len(cint) < 1: return None, None
        if len(cint) < 2:
            d1 = fabs(cint[0][0]-0.5)
            if d1 < 0.001: return d1, cint[0][1][2]  # 1 intersection, but exactly on the isoline, with 0.1% tolerance
            return None, None
        if cint[0][0] > 0.5:
             if cint[0][0] < 0.501: return cint[0][0]-0.5, cint[0][1][2]     # Allow for 0.1% error
             return None, None
        if cint[-1][0] < 0.5:
             if cint[-1][0] > 0.499: return 0.5-cint[-1][0], cint[-1][1][2]  # Allow for 0.1% error
             return None, None
        j = bisect_left(cint, (0.5, cp))
#        print "cint[j], j=", j
        i = j-1
        di = cint[i][0]
        zi = cint[i][1][2]
        dj = cint[j][0]
        zj = cint[j][1][2]
        z1 = zi+(zj-zi)/(dj-di)*(0.5-di)
        d1 = min((0.5-di, dj-0.5))
#        print "z1=", z1, "d1=", d1
        return d1, z1

    def thanLineZendpointstoo(self, cp):
        "Calculate the z coordinates along the line cp."
        cn = []
        for ca, cb in iterby2(cp):
            c = list(ca)
            c[2] = self.thanPointZ(ca)     # May be None
            for d, c in self.__intersegZ(ca, cb):
                if d < 0.001: continue     # Avoid points near ca
                if d > 0.999: break        # Avoid points near cb
        c = list(cb)
        c[2] = self.thanPointZ(cb)         # May be None
        ni = interpolatez(cn)
        return ni, cn

    def thanLineZ(self, cp):
        "Calculate the z coordinates along the line cp."
        cn = []
        for ca, cb in iterby2(cp):
            c = list(ca)
            c[2] = None                    # May be None
            for d, c in self.__intersegZ(ca, cb):
                if d < 0.001: continue     # Avoid points near ca
                if d > 0.999: break        # Avoid points near cb
        c = list(cb)
        c[2] = self.thanPointZ(cb)         # May be None
        cn[0][2] = self.thanPointZ(cn[0])
        ni = interpolatez(cn)
        return ni, cn

def __interp2(cp):
        "Interpolate the z coordinate to the points which have none."
        d = [0.0]
        j = len(cp) - 1
        for k in xrange(1, j+1):
            d.append(d[-1] + hypot(cp[k][1]-cp[k-1][1], cp[k][0]-cp[k-1][0]))
        dij = d[-1]
        zj = cp[j][2]        # We access list in order, so we are fast
        zi = cp[0][2]
        fact = (zj - zi)/d[j]
        for k in xrange(1, j):
            cp[k][2] = zi + fact*d[k]

def interpolatez(cp):
    "Interpolate the z coordinate to the points which have none; return number of interpolations."
    n = len(cp)
    for j in xrange(n):
        if cp[j][2] != None: break
        return -1            # No z at all!
    zj = cp[j][2]
    for i in xrange(j):      # Points from 0 to j-1 do not have valid z
        cp[i][2] = zj
    ni = j                   # Number of interpolated points

    while True:
        for i in xrange(j+1, n):
            if cp[i][2] == None: break
            return ni        # All points, from j to end, have valid z
        for j in xrange(i+1, n):
            if cp[j][2] != None: break
            break            # No point, from j to end, has valid z
        ni += j-i-1

    zj = cp[i-1][2]
    for j in xrange(i, n):
        cp[j][2] = zj
        ni += 1
    return ni
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