import math, types
from p_gmath import linEq2
class Vector2:
"Implements 2d vectors."
def __init__ (self, xx=0.0, yy=0.0):
"Initialise a new 2d vector to zero by default."
self.x = float(xx)
self.y = float(yy)
def __add__ (self, other):
"Addition of vectors."
if isinstance(other, Vector2):
return Vector2(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y)
raise TypeError, "Don't know how to add Vector2 by " + `type(other)`
def __sub__ (self, other):
"Substraction of vectors."
if isinstance(other, Vector2):
return Vector2(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y)
raise TypeError, "Don't know how to subtract Vector2 by " + `type(other)`
def __neg__ (self):
"Returns the 2d vector with inverse direction."
return Vector2(-self.x, -self.y)
def __pos__ (self):
"Returns the 3d vector with the same direction."
return Vector2(self.x, self.y)
def __mul__ (self, other):
"Returns the scalar product of 2d vectors, or the vector multiplied by a number."
if isinstance(other, Vector2):
return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
elif isinstance(other, types.FloatType) or \
isinstance(other, types.IntType):
return Vector2(self.x * other, self.y * other)
raise TypeError, "Don't know how to multiply Vector2 by " + `type(other)`
def __div__ (self, other):
"Returns the vector divided by a number."
if isinstance(other, types.FloatType) or \
isinstance(other, types.IntType):
return Vector2(self.x / other, self.y / other)
raise TypeError, "Don't know how to devide Vector2 by " + `type(other)`
def __rmul__ (self, other):
"Just an alias of multiplication."
return self.__mul__ (other)
def __abs__ (self):
"Computes the length of the vector."
return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
def unit (self):
"Computes the unit vector with the same direction."
a = abs(self)
if a == 0.0: return None
return Vector2(self.x / a, self.y / a)
def normal (self):
"Compute the unit vector normal to the vector's direction; positive is the left side."
a = abs(self)
if a == 0.0: return None
return Vector2(-self.y / a, self.x / a)
def dircos(self):
"Compute direction cosines."
t = self.unit()
if t == None: return 0.0, 0.0
return t.x, t.y
def cross(a, b):
"""Return the cross product of 2d vectors: self x b; the result is a scalar value.
The result is a vector whose direction is normal to the xy plane.
Thus: a. The x,y components of the result are zero; the z component is nonzero.
b. The result can not be represented as a 2d vector.
So the z component of the result is returned as a scalar value.
return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x
def rot (self, f):
"Rotates the vector to f counterclockwise radians."
cosf = math.cos(f); sinf = math.sin(f)
return Vector2(self.x*cosf - self.y*sinf, self.x*sinf + self.y*cosf)
def mirX(self):
"Returns the vector with the same x and opposite y: mirror with repsect to X axis."
return Vector2(self.x, -self.y)
def atan2 (self):
"Computes the direction angle; positive=counterclockwise, zero at 3o'clock."
return math.atan2(self.y, self.x)
def anal (self, da, db):
"""Analyses the vector into two non-colinear vectors da and db.
It solves the vector system:
-> -> ->
a DA + b DB = SELF
return linEq2 (da.x, db.x, self.x, da.y, db.y, self.y)
def vector3(self, z=0.0):
"Transform self to a 3d vector with given or zero z."
import vec3
return vec3.Vector3(self.x, self.y, z)
def __str__ (self):
"Just a string representation of the object."
return "<%.3f, %.3f>" % (self.x, self.y)
def __iter__(self):
"Return an iterator to the vector."
yield self.x
yield self.y
def testV():
a = Vector2(10.0, 20.0); print "a = ", a
b = Vector2(5.0, 6.0); print "b = ", b
z = Vector2(0.0, 0.0); print "z = ", b
c = a + b; print "a+b = ", c
c = a - b; print "a-b = ", c
c = a * b; print "a*b = ", c
c = -a; print "-a = ", c
c = +a; print "+a = ", c
c = a * 10.0; print "a*10.0 = ", c
c = 10.0 * a; print "10.0*a = ", c
c = a / 10.0; print "a/10.0 = ", c
#c = a / b; print "a/b = ", c # Error!
#c = 10.0 / a; print "10.0/a = ", c # Error!
c = 10.0 * a * b; print "10.0*a*b = ", c
c = a * 10.0 * b; print "a*10.0*b = ", c
c = a * b * 10.0; print "a*b*10.0 = ", c
c = 10.0 * a + 20.0 * b; print "10.0*a+20.0*b = ", c
c = abs(a); print "abs(a) = ", c
c = abs(b); print "abs(b) = ", c
c = a.unit(); print "a.unit = ", c
c = z.unit(); print "z.unit = ", c # Error
c = a.normal(); print "a.normal = ", c
i = Vector2(1, 0)
j = Vector2(0, 1)
a = 10*i + 25*j; print "a =", a
t=Vector2(1, 1).unit(); print "t =", t
at = (a * t) * t; print "at =", at
an = a - at; print "an =", an
print "testing iterator:"
v = Vector2(999.0, 1999.0)
for i,c in enumerate(v): print "v[", i, "] =", c
# k = 1
# while (k < 3000):
# a = 10*i + 25*j
# t = a.normal()
# k = k + 1
# print "-----"
# for k in range(3000):
# a = 10*i + 25*j
# t = a.normal()
def testAnal():
i = Vector2(2, 9); print "i =", i
j = Vector2(4, -18); print "j =", j
a = Vector2(10, 25); print "a =", a
s = a.anal(i, j); print "a.anal =", s
print "a = ", s[0], "* i +", s[1], "* j =", s[0]*i + s[1]*j
if __name__ == "__main__":