# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
Package which processes commands entered by the user.
This module provides various high level selection routines.
from thanvar import Canc
from thantrans import T
import thandr, thancomsel
def thanSel1line(proj, statonce, strict=True):
"""Selects 1 line and return immediatelly.
The argument strict is not used and it is there for compatibility
with thanSel1Order."""
return thancomsel.thanSelect1(proj, statonce, filter=lambda e: isinstance(e, thandr.ThanLine))
def thanSel2lines(proj, statonce, strict=True): # mes=T["Select the 2 edges of a road:\n"]):
"Selects 2 lines with no particular order."
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if isinstance(elem, thandr.ThanLine): elems.append(elem)
if len(elems) == 2: return elems
if not strict and len(elems) > 1: return elems[:2]
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["2 lines are required (%d found). Try again.\n"]%len(elems), "can")
def thanSel2linsegs(proj, statonce, strict=True):
"Selects 2 line segments; i.e. lines with only 2 nodes."
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if isinstance(elem, thandr.ThanLine) and len(elem.cp) == 2: elems.append(elem)
if len(elems) == 2: break
if not strict and len(elems) > 1: return elems[:2]
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["Two single segment line is required (%d found). Try again.\n"]%len(elems), "can")
return True
def thanSel2linesOrder(proj, statonce1, statonce2):
"Selects 2 lines with predefined order."
gps = thanSel1line(proj, statonce1, strict=True)
if gps == Canc: return Canc
rel = thanSel1line(proj, statonce2, strict=True)
if rel == Canc: return Canc
return [gps, rel]
def thanSel1lineOrder(proj, statonce1, strict=False):
"""Selects 1 line; if user selects 2 lines and strict==True, it is error.
It differs to thanSel1line because the user must press enter to conclude
the selection. thanSel1line returns immediatelly when the user selects
a line.
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce1, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if isinstance(elem, thandr.ThanLine): elems.append(elem)
if len(elems) == 1: break
if not strict and len(elems) > 0: break
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["1 line is required (%d found). Try again.\n"]%len(elems), "can")
return elems[0]
def thanSelMultlinesOrder(proj, statonce1, statonce2):
"Selects 2 lines with predefined order."
gps = thanSelMultlines(proj, 2, statonce1, strict=False)
if gps == Canc: return Canc
rel = thanSelMultlines(proj, len(gps), statonce2, strict=True)
if rel == Canc: return Canc
return gps, rel
def thanSelMultlines(proj, nsel, statonce1, strict=False):
"Selects nsel lines; if user selects n>0 lines and n<>nsel and strict==True, it is error."
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce1, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if isinstance(elem, thandr.ThanLine): elems.append(elem)
if len(elems) == nsel: break
if not strict and len(elems) > 0: break
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["%d lines are required (%d found). Try again.\n"]%(nsel, len(elems)), "can")
return elems
def thanSel1breakable(proj, statonce1, strict=True):
"Selects 1 breakable element."
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce1, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
proj[2].thanGudResetSelColor() # New select will invalidate current selection; so act now
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if elem.thanBreak(): elems.append(elem) # Break with no arguments returns True if element is breakable
if len(elems) == 1: break
if not strict and len(elems) > 0: break
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["1 breakable element is required (%d found). Try again.\n"]%len(elems), "can")
return elems[0]
def thanSelCutting(proj, statonce1, strict=True):
"Selects elements to be used as cutting edges."
while True:
elems = []
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(statonce1, "info1")
res = thancomsel.thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return Canc
for elem in proj[2].thanSelall:
if elem.thanBreak(): elems.append(elem) # Break with no arguments returns True if element is breakable..
if len(elems) > 0: break # ..and if an element is breakable, it can also be used us cuttingf edge
if not strict and len(elems) > 0: break
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["No cutting-able elements were found. Try again.\n"], "can")
proj[2].thanGudResetSelColor() # New select will invalidate current selection; so act now
return elems
if __name__ == "__main__": print __doc__