# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
Package which processes commands entered by the user.
This module provides for a clipboard memory, shared among all ThanCad's
import copy
from itertools import izip
import p_ggen
from thancomsel import thanSelectGen
from thancommod import thanModCanc,thanModEnd
from thanvar import Canc
from thantrans import T
thanClip = p_ggen.Struct("ThanCad global clipboard")
thanClip.elems = []
thanClip.ref = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
def thanModUndo(proj):
"Cancels previous command, restoring the drawing/display as it were before previous command."
com = proj[1].thanDoundo.thanUndotry()
if com == None: proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(T["Nothing left to undo!"], "can"); return
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend("Undo "+com)
def thanModRedo(proj):
"Cancels previous command, restoring the drawing/display as it were before previous command."
com = proj[1].thanDoundo.thanRedotry()
if com == None: return proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(T["Nothing left to redo!"], "can")
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend("Redo "+com)
def thanClipCopybase(proj):
"Copies selected elements to clipboard, with base point."
c1 = proj[2].thanGudGetPoint(T["Base point: "])
if c1 == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # clipboard copy with base was cancelled
thanClipCopy(proj, c1)
def thanClipCopy(proj, c1=None):
"Copies selected elements to clipboard."
import time
if c1 == None: c1 = [0.0]*proj[1].thanVar["dimensionality"]
res = thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # clipboard copy was cancelled
elems = proj[2].thanSelall
selold = proj[2].thanSelold
__clipCopyDo(proj, c1)
proj[1].thanDoundo.thanAdd("copyclip", thanClipCopyRedo, (elems,),
thanClipCopyUndo, (selold,))
thanModEnd(proj, "%d %s." % (len(elems), T["element(s) copied to clipboard"]), "info") # 'Reset color" is necessary here
def __clipCopyDo(proj, c1):
"Copies selected elements to clipboard; it actualy does the job."
import time
dcop = copy.deepcopy
t1 = time.time()
thanClip.elems = [dcop(e) for e in proj[2].thanSelall]
thanClip.ref = c1
t2 = time.time()
print "Copied to clipboard in", t2-t1, "secs"
def thanClipCopyRedo(proj, elems):
"WARNING: the elements are NOT copied to clipboard; only the selection is updated."
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["\nWARNING: Clipboard is unaffected."], "info")
def thanClipCopyUndo(proj, selold):
"WARNING: the elements are NOT removed from the clipboard; only the selection is undone."
global thanClip
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["\nWARNING: Clipboard is unaffected."], "info")
def thanClipCut(proj, c1=None):
"Copies selected elements to clipboard and deletes them from the drawing."
import time
if c1 == None: c1 = [0.0]*proj[1].thanVar["dimensionality"]
res = thanSelectGen(proj, standalone=False)
if res == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # clipboard cut was cancelled
elems = proj[2].thanSelall
selold = proj[2].thanSelold
__clipCutDo(proj, c1)
proj[1].thanDoundo.thanAdd("cutclip", thanClipCutRedo, (elems,),
thanClipCutUndo, (elems, selold))
thanModEnd(proj, "%d %s." % (len(elems), T["element(s) copied to clipboard"]), "info") # 'Reset color" is completely unnecessary here..
# ..so there is room for optimisation
def __clipCutDo(proj, c1):
"Copies selected elements to clipboard; it actualy does the job."
dcop = copy.deepcopy
thanClip.elems = [dcop(e) for e in proj[2].thanSelall] # Deepcopy, in case the elements are..
thanClip.ref = c1 # .. "un-cut" and then changed
def __modEraseDo(proj):
"Erases selected elements; it actualy does the job."
import time
t1 = time.time(); proj[2].thanGudSetSelDel()
t2 = time.time(); proj[1].thanDelSel(proj[2].thanSelall) # thanTouch is implicitely called
t3 = time.time()
print "Erase time: canvas=%.2f elements=%.2f sum=%.2f (secs)" % (t2-t1, t3-t2, t3-t1)
def thanClipCutRedo(proj, elems):
"Erases selected elements; it actualy does the job."
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["\nWARNING: Clipboard is unaffected."], "info")
def thanClipCutUndo(proj, elems, selold):
"""WARNING: the elements are NOT removed from the clipboard.
The elements are undeleted and the selection is undone.
The elements' structure is considered complete.
proj[1].thanElementRestore(elems, proj)
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["\nWARNING: Clipboard is unaffected."], "info")
def thanClipPaste(proj):
"Pastes clipboard elements with respect to base point."
import time
c2 = proj[2].thanGudGetMovend(thanClip.ref, T["Insertion point: "], thanClip.elems)
if c2 == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Paste command was cancelled
selall = proj[2].thanSelall # No selection is made; this is the selection than select will
# return, if select previous is executed
copelems = __clipPasteDo(proj, c2)
proj[1].thanDoundo.thanAdd("pasteclip", thanClipPasteRedo, (copelems, selall),
thanClipPasteUndo, (copelems, selall))
thanModEnd(proj, "%d %s." % (len(copelems), T["element(s) copied from clipboard"]), "info") # 'Reset color" is necessary here
def thanClipPasteorig(proj):
"Pastes clipboard elements to the original coordinates."
selall = proj[2].thanSelall # No selection is made; this is the selection than select will
# return, if select previous is executed
copelems = __clipPasteDo(proj, thanClip.ref)
proj[1].thanDoundo.thanAdd("pasteorig", thanClipPasteRedo, (copelems, selall),
thanClipPasteUndo, (copelems, selall))
thanModEnd(proj, "%d %s." % (len(copelems), T["element(s) copied from clipboard"]), "info") # 'Reset color" is necessary here
def __clipPasteDo(proj, c2):
"Pastes the clipboard elements to the drawin, current layer."
dc = [b-a for a,b in izip(thanClip.ref, c2)]
dcop = copy.deepcopy
copelems = []
dr = proj[1]
for e1 in thanClip.elems:
e = dcop(e1)
return copelems
def thanClipPasteRedo(proj, elems, selall):
"""Re-pastes the previously unpasted elements.
WARNING: the previousle unpasted elements are restored. The contents of the
clipboard may be completely different.
The elements' structure is considered complete.
proj[1].thanElementRestore(elems, proj)
proj[2].thanCom.thanAppend(T["\nWARNING: Clipboard is unaffected."], "info")
def thanClipPasteUndo(proj, elems, selall):
"Erases the previously pasted elements."