# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
Package which processes commands entered by the user.
This module provides for the commands of the tool menu.
from math import atan2,hypot
import p_ggen
from p_ggeom import area
from p_gtri import hull
import thandr, thantkdia, thanlayer
from thanvar import Canc,lineSimplify
from thanopt import thancadconf
from thantrans import T
def thanToolSimplif(proj):
"Simplifies a line."
from selutil import thanSel1line
from thancommod import thanModEnd,thanModCanc
lin1 = thanSel1line(proj, T["Select the line to simplify:\n"], strict=False)
if lin1 == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # Simplification cancelled
# cp = lineSimplify(lin1.cp)
cp = lineSimplify(lin1.cp, ermeanmax=0.15*10, erabsmax=0.20*10, zerabsmax=0.10*10)
elem = thandr.ThanLine()
def thanToolHull(proj):
"Finds the convex hull of a line."
from selutil import thanSelMultlines
from thancommod import thanModEnd,thanModCanc
lins = thanSelMultlines(proj, 2, T["Select lines to find their convex hull:\n"])
if lins == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # Hull cancelled
cp = []
for lin1 in lins: cp.extend(lin1.cp)
u = hull(cp)
if u == None: return thanModCanc(proj, T["Degenerate convex hull."])
elem = thandr.ThanLine()
def thanToolCen(proj):
"Finds the centroid lines."
from selutil import thanSelMultlines
from thancommod import thanModEnd,thanModCanc
lins = thanSelMultlines(proj, 2, T["Select lines to find their centroid:\n"])
if lins == Canc: return thanModCanc(proj) # centroid cancelled
n = proj[1].thanVar["dimensionality"]
xr = xrange(n)
xr3 = xrange(2, n)
iterby2 = p_ggen.iterby2
sum = [0.0]*n
s = 0.0
for lin1 in lins:
for a,b in iterby2(lin1.cp):
cc = [(a[i]+b[i])*0.5 for i in xr]
dd = hypot(b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1])
for i in xr3: dd += hypot(dd, b[i]-a[i])
for i in xr: sum[i] += cc[i]*dd
s += dd
if s == 0.0: return thanModEnd(proj, T["No centroid for zero length lines."])
for i in xr: sum[i] /= s
elem = thandr.ThanPoint()
def thanToolDist(proj):
"Computes the distance between 2 points shown by the user."
c1 = proj[2].thanGudGetPoint(T["First point: "])
if c1 == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Distance cancelled
c2 = proj[2].thanGudGetLine(c1, T["Next point: "])
if c2 == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Distance cancelled
dx = c2[0]-c1[0]
dy = c2[1]-c1[1]
strdis = proj[1].thanUnits.strdis
strang = proj[1].thanUnits.strang
mes = "Dx=%s Dy=%s theta=%s\nD=%s" % (strdis(dx), strdis(dy),
strang(atan2(dy, dx)), strdis(hypot(dx,dy)))
proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(mes, "info")
def thanToolArea(proj):
"Computes the area of a polygon defined by the user."
from thancomdraw import getpol
cs = getpol(proj)
if cs == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Area cancelled
a = area(cs)
strdis = proj[1].thanUnits.strdis
mes = "Area=%s" % strdis(a)
proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(mes, "info")
def thanToolAngle(proj):
"Computes the angle among 3 points; the second points is the top of the angle."
than = proj[2].than
g2l = than.ct.global2Local
cc = proj[2].thanGudGetPoint(T["First point (corner): "])
if cc == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Angle cancelled
c1 = proj[2].thanGudGetLine(cc, T["First side: "])
if c1 == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Angle cancelled
theta1 = atan2(c1[1]-cc[1], c1[0]-cc[0])
r = hypot(c1[1]-cc[1], c1[0]-cc[0]) * 0.5
than.dc.create_line(g2l(cc[0], cc[1]), g2l(c1[0], c1[1]), fill="blue", tags=("e0",))
theta2 = proj[2].thanGudGetArc(cc, r, theta1, T["Second side: "])
if theta2 == Canc:
return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Angle cancelled
strang = proj[1].thanUnits.strang
mes = "theta=%s" % strang(theta2-theta1)
proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(mes, "info")
def thanToolOsnap(proj):
"Displays a dialog for the drafting settings."
d = thantkdia.ThanTkOsnap(proj[2], thancadconf.thanOsnapModes, proj[2].BOSN, title="Drafting Settings")
if d.result == None:
def thanToolId(proj):
"Shows the coordinates of a point chosen by the user."
c1 = proj[2].thanGudGetPoint(T["Specify point: "])
if c1 == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # Id command was cancelled
strcoo = proj[1].thanUnits.strcoo
proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd("%s: %s" % (T["World xyz"], strcoo(c1)), "info")
def thanToolTextfind(proj):
"Searches for text."
st = proj[2].thanGudGetText(T["Enter text to search for: "])
if st == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # find was cancelled
elems = []
i = 0
it = __gettext(proj, st)
while True:
i, stat = __getnext(proj, elems, i, st, it) # Next ThanText to show
if i == -1: return # No elements found
res = __getTextfindOpts(proj, elems[i], i, stat)
if res == Canc: return proj[2].thanGudCommandCan() # find was cancelled
if res == "n": i+=1; continue
if res == "p": i-=1; continue
x, y, s = elems[i].c1[0], elems[i].c1[1], elems[i].size*10
proj[2].thanGudZoomWin((x-s, y-s, x+s, y+s))
if res == "": return proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd()
def __getnext(proj, elems, i, st, it):
"Decide what ThanText to show to the user."
strcoo = proj[1].thanUnits.strcoo
if i < len(elems): # Just return saved ThanText element
stat = "'%s' at %s\n" % (st, strcoo(elems[i].c1))
return i, stat
for elem in it: # Try to locate another ThanText Element:
elems.append(elem) # ..Element found
i = len(elems) - 1
stat = "'%s' at %s\n" % (st, strcoo(elems[i].c1))
return i, stat
if elems: # ..No more elements found
stat = "'%s': %s.\n" % (st, T["No more occurrences were found"])
i -= 1
return i, stat
else: # ..No more elements; in fact no elements have been found
stat = "'%s': %s." % (st, T["not found"])
proj[2].thanGudCommandEnd(stat, "can")
return -1, None
def __gettext(proj, st):
"Text element in active layers; gnerator."
dilay = proj[1].thanLayerTree.dilay
TT = thandr.ThanText
for lay in dilay.itervalues():
for elem in lay.thanQuad:
if isinstance(elem, TT) and st in elem.text: yield elem
def __getTextfindOpts(proj, elem, i, statonce):
"Gets text find options."
if i > 0:
stat1 = T["Press enter for zoom and finish (zoomto/next/previous) <enter>: "]
stat1 = T["Press enter for zoom and finish (zoomto/next) <enter>: "]
stat = statonce+stat1
while True:
res = proj[2].thanGudGetText(stat)
if res == Canc: return Canc # find text was cancelled
res = res.strip().lower()
if res == "": return res
n = len(res)
if res == "zoomto"[:n]: return "z"
if res == "next"[:n]: return "n"
if i > 0 and res == "previous"[:n]: return "p"
stat = "Invalid option. Try again.\n" + stat1