# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines the generic ThanCad element. It can be also used as a null
element - this is NOT an asbtract class.
The class defines functionality to speed up the rotate operation.
from math import pi,cos,sin
import copy
from thantrans import T
class ThanElement:
"""Base class for thancad's objects.
This class of elements may ne used whenever a dummy, or Null element
(see python recipies), is needed. The element accepts usual commands through
the routine but does nothing.
thanTkCompound = 1 # The number of Tkinter objects that make the element. 1=No compound object
thanElementName = T["generic element"] # Name of the element's class
def __init__ (self):
"Needed only because derived classes may call it."
self.thanTags = () # This is set by the appropriate (Tk) GUI
#---Dummy operations
def thanSet(self, *args, **kw):
"Sets the (geometric) properties of the element."
def thanIsNormal():
"Checks if element shape is OK (i.e. it is not degenerate."
return False
def thanRotate(self):
"Rotates the element within XY-plane with predefined angle and rotation angle."
def thanMirror(self):
"Mirror element; mirror line is defined by point c1 and unit vector t."
def thanScale(self, cs, scale):
"Scales the element in n-space with defined scale and center of scale."
def thanMove(self, dc):
"Moves the element with defined n-dimensional distance."
def thanOsnap(self, proj, otypes, ccu, eother, cori):
"Return a point of type otype nearest to xcu, ycu."
return None
def thanPntNearest(self, ccu):
"Finds the nearest point of this line to a point."
return None
def thanBreak(self, c1=None, c2=None):
"Breaks an element to 2 pieces."
return False # Break is NOT implemented
def thanOffset(self, dis):
"Offset element by distance dis; to the right if dis>0 and to the left otherwise."
return False # Offset is NOT implemented
def thanLength(self):
"Returns the length of the element."
return 0.0
def thanArea(self):
"Returns the area of the element."
return 0.0
def thanTkGet(self, proj):
"Gets the attributes of the element interactively from a window."
def thanTkDraw(self, than):
"Draws the element to a Tk Canvas."
def thanTkHiwin(self, than):
"Highlights with a (small) window very small elements so that they become visible."
def thanExpDxf(self, fDxf):
"Exports the element to dxf file."
def thanExpSyk(self, than):
"Exports the element to syk file."
def thanExpBrk(self, than):
"Exports the element to brk file."
def thanExpPil(self, than):
"Exports the element to a PIL raster image."
def thanPlotPdf(self, than):
"Plots the line to a pdf file."
def thanList(self, than):
"Shows information about the element."
#---Reasonable default bahavior of elements
def thanTkHiwinDo(self, than, length, ca):
"Common part of thanTkHiwin."
length, _ = than.ct.global2LocalRel(length, length)
if length > 0.6: return
xa, ya = than.ct.global2Local(ca[0], ca[1])
temp = than.dc.create_rectangle(xa, ya, xa+1, ya+1, outline="green", tags=self.thanTags)
def thanClone(self):
"Makes a copy of itself; the cloned copy must have different thanTags."
el = copy.deepcopy(self)
el.thanTags = ()
return el
def thanInbox(self, xymm):
"Checks if element may (partialy) be in box xymm."
if self.thanXymm[0] > xymm[2]: return False
if self.thanXymm[1] > xymm[3]: return False
if self.thanXymm[2] < xymm[0]: return False
if self.thanXymm[3] < xymm[1]: return False
return True
def getBoundBox(self):
return tuple(self.thanXymm)
def setBoundBox (self, xymm):
"Sets the boundary box of the element."
self.thanXymm = list(xymm)
def setBoundBoxT (self, xymm):
"Sets the boundary box of the element with test."
a = list(xymm)
if a[0] > a[2]: a[0], a[2] = a[2], a[0]
if a[1] > a[3]: a[1], a[3] = a[3], a[1]
self.thanXymm = a
def setBoundBoxRect(self, xa, ya, w, h, theta):
"Finds the boundary box of a rectangle."
t = theta
cost = cos(t)
sint = sin(t)
xb = xa + w*cost
yb = ya + w*sint
xc = xb - h*sint
yc = yb + h*cost
xd = xa - h*sint
yd = ya + h*cost
self.thanXymm = [ min(xa, xb, xc, xd),
min(ya, yb, yc, yd),
max(xa, xb, xc, xd),
max(ya, yb, yc, yd)
#---Rotate operations (for all elements)
def thanRotateSet (clas, cc, phi):
clas.rotPhi = phi
clas.cosf = cos(clas.rotPhi)
clas.sinf = sin(clas.rotPhi)
clas.cc = cc
thanRotateSet = classmethod(thanRotateSet)
def thanRotateXy(clas, ca):
xa = ca[0] - clas.cc[0]
ya = ca[1] - clas.cc[1]
ct = list(ca)
ct[0] = clas.cc[0] + xa*clas.cosf - ya*clas.sinf
ct[1] = clas.cc[1] + xa*clas.sinf + ya*clas.cosf
return ct
thanRotateXy = classmethod(thanRotateXy)
def thanRotateXyn(clas, cc):
xc = clas.cc[0]
yc = clas.cc[1]
cosf = clas.cosf
sinf = clas.sinf
for ct in cc:
xa = ct[0] - xc
ya = ct[1] - yc
xt = xa*cosf - ya*sinf
yt = xa*sinf + ya*cosf
ct[0] = xt + xc
ct[1] = yt + yc
thanRotateXyn = classmethod(thanRotateXyn)
def thanRotateSetp(clas, xc, yc, phi):
clas.rotPhip = phi
clas.cosfp = cos(clas.rotPhip)
clas.sinfp = sin(clas.rotPhip)
clas.xcp = xc
clas.ycp = yc
thanRotateSetp = classmethod(thanRotateSetp)
def thanRotateXypn2(clas, cc):
xc = clas.xcp
yc = clas.ycp
cosf = clas.cosfp
sinf = clas.sinfp
for i in xrange(0, len(cc), 2):
xa = cc[i] - xc
ya = cc[i+1] - yc
xt = xa*cosf - ya*sinf
yt = xa*sinf + ya*cosf
cc[i] = xt + xc
cc[i+1] = yt + yc
thanRotateXypn2 = classmethod(thanRotateXypn2)
def thanMirrorSet(clas, cc, t):
"Set mirror parameters for world coordinates."
clas.cosf = t[0]
clas.sinf = t[1]
clas.cc = cc
def thanMirrorXy(clas, ca):
"Compute mirror for 1 point of world coordinates."
xc = clas.cc[0]
yc = clas.cc[1]
cosf = clas.cosf
sinf = clas.sinf
dis = (ca[0] - xc)*cosf + (ca[1] - yc)*sinf
xa = xc + dis*cosf
ya = yc + dis*sinf
dx = ca[0] - xa
dy = ca[1] - ya
ct = list(ca)
ct[0] = xa - dx
ct[1] = ya - dy
return ct
def thanMirrorXyn(clas, cc):
"Compute mirror for many points of world coordinates in-place."
xc = clas.cc[0]
yc = clas.cc[1]
cosf = clas.cosf
sinf = clas.sinf
for ct in cc:
dis = (ct[0] - xc)*cosf + (ct[1] - yc)*sinf
xa = xc + dis*cosf
ya = yc + dis*sinf
dx = ct[0] - xa
dy = ct[1] - ya
ct[0] = xa - dx
ct[1] = ya - dy
def thanMirrorSetp(clas, xc, yc, t):
"Set mirror parameters for pixel coordinates."
clas.cosfp = t[0]
clas.sinfp = t[1]
clas.xcp = xc
clas.ycp = yc
def thanMirrorXypn2(clas, cn):
"Compute mirror for many points of pixel coordinates in-place."
xc = clas.xcp
yc = clas.ycp
cosf = clas.cosfp
sinf = clas.sinfp
print "xc,yc=", xc, yc, " cosf, sinf=", cosf, sinf
for i in xrange(0, len(cn), 2):
ca = cn[i], cn[i+1]
dis = (ca[0] - xc)*cosf + (ca[1] - yc)*sinf
xa = xc + dis*cosf
ya = yc + dis*sinf
dx = ca[0] - xa
dy = ca[1] - ya
cn[i] = xa - dx
cn[i+1] = ya - dy
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__