# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module computes the intersection of any pair of elements.
from math import fabs,atan2
from p_gmath import PI2
from p_ggen import iterby2
from p_gmath import thanintersect
class __Inv:
"Calls a function with inverted arguments."
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self, e1, e2, ccu):
return self.func(e2, e1, ccu)
def thanDummy(e1, e2, ccu):
"Returns no intersections."
return []
def thanArcArc(arc1, arc2, ccu):
"Finds intersection of arc with arc."
ps = []
for cp in thanintersect.thanCirCir(arc1.cc, arc1.r, arc2.cc, arc2.r):
th = atan2(cp[1]-arc1.cc[1], cp[0]-arc1.cc[0]) % PI2
if not arc1.thanThetain(th)[0]: continue
th = atan2(cp[1]-arc2.cc[1], cp[0]-arc2.cc[0]) % PI2
if not arc2.thanThetain(th)[0]: continue
return ps
def thanArcCircle(arc, circle, ccu):
"Finds intersection of arc with circle."
ps = []
for cp in thanintersect.thanCirCir(arc.cc, arc.r, circle.cc, circle.r):
th = atan2(cp[1]-arc.cc[1], cp[0]-arc.cc[0]) % PI2
if not arc.thanThetain(th)[0]: continue
return ps
def thanArcLine(arc, line, ccu):
"Finds intersection of self with line segment c1-c2."
if ccu == None: coors = iterby2(line.cp)
else: coors = (line.thanSegNearest(ccu), )
ps = []
for c1, c2 in coors:
for cp in thanintersect.thanSegCir(c1, c2, arc.cc, arc.r):
th = atan2(cp[1]-arc.cc[1], cp[0]-arc.cc[0]) % PI2
if arc.thanThetain(th)[0]: ps.append(cp)
return ps
def thanCircleCircle(circle1, circle2, ccu):
"Finds intersection of circle with circle."
return thanintersect.thanCirCir(circle1.cc, circle1.r, circle2.cc, circle2.r)
def thanCircleLine(circle, line, ccu):
"Finds intersection of self with line segment c1-c2."
if ccu == None: coors = iterby2(line.cp)
else: coors = (line.thanSegNearest(ccu), )
ps = []
for c1, c2 in coors:
ps.extend(thanintersect.thanSegCir(c1, c2, circle.cc, circle.r))
return ps
def thanLineLine(line1, line2, ccu):
"Finds intersection of self with line segment c1-c2."
if ccu == None:
ps = []
for c1, c2 in iterby2(line1.cp):
for c3, c4 in iterby2(line2.cp):
cp = thanintersect.thanSegSeg(c1, c2, c3, c4)
if cp != None: ps.append(cp)
return ps
c1, c2 = line1.thanSegNearest(ccu)
c3, c4 = line2.thanSegNearest(ccu)
cp = thanintersect.thanSegSeg(c1, c2, c3, c4)
if cp == None: return []
return [cp]
def thanInit():
"Initialises this module; no circular imports this way."
from thanline import ThanLine,ThanCurve
from thancirc import ThanCircle
from thanpoint import ThanPoint
from thanarc import ThanArc
from thantext import ThanText
from thanimpil import ThanImage
global thanIntPair
thanIntPair = \
{ (ThanArc, ThanArc) : thanArcArc,
(ThanArc, ThanCircle) : thanArcCircle,
(ThanArc, ThanImage) : thanArcLine,
(ThanArc, ThanLine) : thanArcLine,
(ThanArc, ThanCurve) : thanArcLine,
# (ThanArc, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanArc, ThanText) : thanDummy,
(ThanCircle, ThanArc) : __Inv(thanArcCircle),
(ThanCircle, ThanCircle) : thanCircleCircle,
(ThanCircle, ThanImage) : thanCircleLine,
(ThanCircle, ThanLine) : thanCircleLine,
(ThanCircle, ThanCurve) : thanCircleLine,
# (ThanCircle, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanCircle, ThanText) : thanDummy,
(ThanLine, ThanArc) : __Inv(thanArcLine),
(ThanLine, ThanCircle) : __Inv(thanCircleLine),
(ThanLine, ThanImage) : thanLineLine,
(ThanLine, ThanLine) : thanLineLine,
(ThanLine, ThanCurve) : thanLineLine,
# (ThanLine, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanLine, ThanText) : thanDummy,
(ThanImage, ThanArc) : __Inv(thanArcLine),
(ThanImage, ThanCircle) : __Inv(thanCircleLine),
(ThanImage, ThanImage) : thanLineLine,
(ThanImage, ThanLine) : thanLineLine,
(ThanImage, ThanCurve) : thanLineLine,
# (ThanImage, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanImage, ThanText) : thanDummy,
(ThanCurve, ThanArc) : __Inv(thanArcLine),
(ThanCurve, ThanCircle) : __Inv(thanCircleLine),
(ThanCurve, ThanImage) : thanLineLine,
(ThanCurve, ThanLine) : thanLineLine,
(ThanCurve, ThanCurve) : thanLineLine,
# (ThanLine, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanLine, ThanText) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanArc) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanCircle) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanImage) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanLine) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanPoint, ThanText) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanArc) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanCircle) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanImage) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanLine) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanPoint) : thanDummy,
# (ThanText, ThanText) : thanDummy,
def thanIntsnap(e1, e2, ccu, proj):
"Call the appropriate intersection function; find distance from mouse point."
func = thanIntPair.get((e1.__class__, e2.__class__), thanDummy)
ps = []
for cp in func(e1, e2, ccu):
cc = list(proj[1].thanVar["elevation"])
cc[0] = cp[0]
cc[1] = cp[1]
ps.append((fabs(cc[0]-ccu[0])+fabs(cc[1]-ccu[1]), "int", cc))
return ps
def thanInt(e1, e2, proj):
"Call the appropriate intersection function."
if e1 is e2: return []
func = thanIntPair.get((e1.__class__, e2.__class__), thanDummy)
return func(e1, e2, None)