# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module imports shape files (.shp).
from thanfont import ThanFont,ThanFontLine,thanFonts
from math import pi,sqrt,atan2,cos,sin,fabs
from p_gmath import dpt
from p_ggen import Struct
_xyr = \
{ 0: ( 1.0, 0.0),
1: ( 1.0, 0.5),
2: ( 1.0, 1.0),
3: ( 0.5, 1.0),
4: ( 0.0, 1.0),
5: (-0.5, 1.0),
6: (-1.0, 1.0),
7: (-1.0, 0.5),
8: (-1.0, 0.0),
9: (-1.0, -0.5),
10: (-1.0, -1.0),
11: (-0.5, -1.0),
12: ( 0.0, -1.0),
13: ( 0.5, -1.0),
14: ( 1.0, -1.0),
15: ( 1.0, -0.5),
class ShpIter:
"Iterator for a file which contains a shape."
def __init__(self, fr):
"Initialises shape file reader."
self.__fr = fr
self.__savedLine = ""
self.__bufferEmpty = True
self.__ilin = 0
def next(self):
"Send the next entry."
if self.__bufferEmpty:
while True:
dline = self.__fr.next()
self.__ilin += 1
i = dline.find(";")
if i >= 0: dline = dline[:i]
dline = dline.strip()
if len(dline) != 0: break
self.__savedLine = dline.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
self.__bufferEmpty = True
dl = [dl1.strip() for dl1 in self.__savedLine.split(",")]
dl = [dl1 for dl1 in dl if dl1 != ""]
return dl
def unread(self):
"Unreads the current line."
self.__bufferEmpty = False
def setnext(self, dl):
"Sets a line that will be 'read' when next() is called."
self.__bufferEmpty = False
self.__savedLine = ",".join(dl)
def __iter__(self): return self
def prer(self, t):
"Prints error message to suitable output."
t1 = "Error at line %d:\n %s\n %s\n" % (self.__ilin, self.__savedLine, t)
print t1
def prwa(self, t):
"Prints warning message to suitable output."
t1 = "Warning at line %d:\n %s\n %s\n" % (self.__ilin, self.__savedLine, t)
print t1
class Inslist(list):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
list.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
self.thani = -1
def next(self):
self.thani += 1
if self.thani >= len(self): raise StopIteration
return self[self.thani]
def replaceSubshape(self, other):
i1 = self.thani - 1
self[i1:i1+2] = other[:-1]
self.thani = i1-1
def __iter__(self): return self
class ThanCadShapefile:
"An object to read and convert a .shp file."
def __init__(self):
self.__shape = {}
self.fontname = None
def thanRead(self, fr):
"Reads the shape from an opened file."
it = ShpIter(fr)
imax = 258
for dl in it:
if dl[0][:1] != "*": it.prer("Asterisk not found!"); continue
ishape, nbytes = dl[0][1:].lower(), int(dl[1])
if len(dl) < 3: tshape = ""
else: tshape = dl[2]
if ishape == "degree_sign": ishape = 256
elif ishape == "plus_or_minus_sign": ishape = 257
elif ishape == "diameter_symbol": ishape = 258
elif ishape == "unifont": ishape = 0; imax = 65535
elif ishape[:1] == "0": ishape = int(ishape, 16)
else: ishape = int(ishape)
except: it.prer("Syntax error"); print dl; sss();continue
# sameline = False # When more entries in the first line the number of bytes is 1 more than those defined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# if len(dl) > 3 and ishape != 0: it.setnext(dl[3:]); sameline = True
if ishape < 0 or ishape > imax: it.prer("Illegal shape number: %d" % ishape); continue
if nbytes < 0: it.prer("Illegal number of bytes: %d" % nbytes); continue
bytes = self.__getBytes(it, nbytes)
if bytes == None: continue
if ishape in self.__shape: it.prer("Shape code %d is multiply declared." % ishape); continue
if ishape == 0:
self.__shape[ishape] = None
if len(bytes) < 3: it.prer("Not all font attributes defined."); return None
self.above, self.below, self.modes = bytes[:3]
self.fontname = tshape
shp = Struct(); shp.ord = ishape; shp.name = tshape; shp.bytes = bytes
if not self.thanConvert1(it, shp): return False
self.__shape[ishape] = shp
if 0 not in self.__shape: it.prer("Font name/attrinutes not defined."); return False
del self.__shape[0]
return self.__resolveSubshapes(it)
def __getBytes(self, it, nbytes):
"Reads the byte that define the geometry of the shape."
bytes = []
for dl in it:
if dl[0][:1] == "*": it.unread(); break
for n in dl:
if n[:1] == "-": pr = -1; n = n[1:]
elif n[:1] == "+": pr = 1; n = n[1:]
else: pr = 1
if n[:1] == "0": n = pr*int(n, 16)
else: n = pr*int(n)
except: it.prer("Not an integer: %s" % n); return None
if len(bytes) != nbytes:
# if not sameline or len(bytes) != nbytes-1: # very very very unprofessional!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it.prwa("Less or more than %d bytes are defined!" % nbytes)
if len(bytes) < 1:
it.prwa("No bytes defined for shape.")
elif bytes[-1] != 0:
it.prwa("Last byte is not zero!")
return bytes
def thanConvert1(self, it, shp, xnow=0.0, ynow=0.0, fact=1.0, xystack=None):
"Convert 1 character to coordinates; subshapes are not resolved."
itb = Inslist(shp.bytes)
lis = []; li = []; decipher = []
if xystack == None: xystack = []
pendown = True; shp.resolved = True
for byte in itb:
if byte > 255: it.prer("%d: byte is longer than 8 bits."%byte); return None
byte9 = byte
# d = int(byte/16)
d = (byte >> 4) & 15
# byte %= 16
byte &= 15
if d > 0:
if pendown and len(li) == 0: li.append((xnow, ynow))
x, y = _xyr[byte]
decipher.append("%3d: pen_relative %3d %3d\n" % (byte9, x, y))
xnow += x*d*fact; ynow += y*d*fact
if pendown: li.append((xnow,ynow))
elif byte == 0: # End of shape
decipher.append("%3d: end\n" % (byte9,))
elif byte == 1: # Move pen down
if not pendown: assert len(li) == 0
pendown = True
decipher.append("%3d: pendown\n" % (byte9,))
elif byte == 2: # Nove pen up
if pendown:
if len(li) > 0: assert len(li) > 1; lis.append(li)
li = []
pendown = False
decipher.append("%3d: penup\n" % (byte9,))
elif byte == 3: # Divide lengths by next byte
byte8 = itb.next()
fact /= byte8
decipher.append("%3d: factor / %3d\n" % (byte9, byte8))
elif byte == 4: # Multiply lengths by next byte
byte8 = itb.next()
fact *= byte8
decipher.append("%3d: factor * %3d\n" % (byte9, byte8))
elif byte == 5: # Push current position to stack
xystack.append((xnow, ynow))
decipher.append("%3d: push to stack\n" % (byte9,))
elif byte == 6: # Pop position from stack
if len(xystack) < 1: it.prer("6: Pop from empty stack."); return None
if pendown:
if len(li) > 0: assert len(li) > 1; lis.append(li)
li = []
xnow, ynow = xystack.pop(-1)
decipher.append("%3d: pop from stack\n" % (byte9,))
elif byte == 7: # Draw subshape at this position
i1 = itb.next()
if i1 in self.__shape and self.__shape[i1].resolved:
shp.resolved = False
decipher.append("%3d: draw subshape %d (not resolved)\n" % (byte9, i1))
elif byte == 8: # Explicit x,y of 1 point follow
if pendown and len(li) == 0: li.append((xnow, ynow))
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next()
decipher.append("%3d: pen_relative %d %d\n" % (byte9, x, y))
xnow += x*fact; ynow += y*fact
if pendown: li.append((xnow,ynow))
elif byte == 9: # Explicit x,y of many points follow
decipher.append("%3d: multiple pen_absolute:\n" % (byte9,))
while True:
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next()
decipher.append(" %d %d\n" % (x, y))
if x == 0 and y == 0:
decipher.append(" %d %d: stop\n" % (x, y))
break # No more x,y points
decipher.append(" %d %d\n" % (x, y))
if pendown and len(li) == 0: li.append((xnow, ynow))
xnow += x*fact; ynow += y*fact
if pendown: li.append((xnow,ynow))
elif byte == 10: # Draw octant arc
r = itb.next()*fact
if r == 0: it.prer("Error: arc radius is zero"); return None
byte = itb.next()
if byte < 0: idd = -1; byte = -byte
else: idd = 1
# dth = byte%16
dth = byte & 7
if dth == 0: dth = 8
byte = (byte >> 4) & 7
decipher.append("%3d: arc radius %d begin_octant %d octants %d\n" % (byte9, r, byte, idd*dth))
th = byte*2*pi/8
xc = xnow-r*cos(th); yc = ynow-r*sin(th)
xnow, ynow = self.__arc(li, xnow, ynow, pendown, xc, yc, r, th, idd*dth*2*pi/8)
elif byte == 11: # Draw (more) general arc
dth1 = (pi/180) * itb.next()*45/256
dth2 = (pi/180) * itb.next()*45/256
r = itb.next() * 256; r = (r+itb.next()) * fact
if r == 0: it.prer("Error: arc radius is zero"); return None
byte = itb.next()
if byte < 0: idd = -1; byte = -byte
else: idd = 1
dth = byte & 7
if dth == 0: dth = 8
byte = (byte >> 4) & 7
decipher.append("%3d: arc radius %d begin_octant %d octants %d dth1=%10.2f dth2=%10.2f\n" % (byte9, r, byte, dth*idd, dth1, dth2))
th = byte*2*pi/8 + dth1
dth = idd * (dth * 2*pi/8 + dth2-dth1)
xc = xnow-r*cos(th); yc = ynow-r*sin(th)
xnow, ynow = self.__arc(li, xnow, ynow, pendown, xc, yc, r, th, dth)
elif byte == 12: # Draw 1 buldge
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next(); byte8 = itb.next()
decipher.append("%3d: buldge_relative %d %d curvature %d\n" % (byte9, x, y, byte8))
xnow, ynow = self.__buldge(li, xnow, ynow, fact, pendown, x, y, byte8)
elif byte == 13: # Draw many buldges
decipher.append("%3d: multiple_buldge_relative:\n" % (byte9,))
while True:
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next()
if x == 0 and y == 0:
decipher.append(" %d %d: stop\n" % (x, y))
byte8 = itb.next()
decipher.append(" %d %d curvature %d\n" % (x, y, byte8))
xnow, ynow = self.__buldge(li, xnow, ynow, fact, pendown, x, y, byte8)
elif byte == 14:
decipher.append("%3d: skip next:\n" % (byte9,))
self.__skipNext(it, itb)
it.prer("%d: illegal special command."%byte); return None
except StopIteration: it.prer("Incomplete definition bytes."); return None
shp.bytes = itb[:]
if len(xystack) > 0: it.prwa("Stack is not empty after shape definition.")
if fact != 1.0: it.prwa("Factor is not reset to 1 after shape definition.")
if len(li) > 0: assert len(li) > 1; lis.append(li)
lis.append([xnow, ynow])
shp.lines = lis
shp.decipher = decipher
return True
def __arc(self, li, xnow, ynow, pendown, xc, yc, r, th, dth):
"Creates an arc."
nseg = 3
# n = int(dth*nseg/(0.25*pi))+1
n = fabs(dth)/(0.25*pi)
n = int(n*nseg)+1
dth /= n
for i in xrange(n):
th += dth
if pendown and len(li) == 0: li.append((xnow, ynow))
xnow = xc+r*cos(th); ynow = yc+r*sin(th)
if pendown: li.append((xnow, ynow))
return xnow, ynow
def __buldge(self, li, xnow, ynow, fact, pendown, dx, dy, b):
"Process a buldge entry."
dx *= fact; dy *= fact
if b == 0:
if pendown and len(li) == 0: li.append((xnow, ynow))
xnow += dx; ynow += dy
if pendown: li.append((xnow,ynow))
d = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
if d == 0.0: return xnow, ynow
th = atan2(dy, dx)
idd = b/abs(b)
h = abs(b)*d/2/127
r = ((d/2)**2+h**2)/2/h
th += idd*pi*0.5
xc = xnow+dx*0.5+(r-h)*cos(th)
yc = ynow+dy*0.5+(r-h)*sin(th)
th = atan2(ynow-yc, xnow-xc)
dth = dpt(atan2(ynow+dy-yc, xnow+dx-xc) - th)
if idd > 0:
assert dth >= 0.0 and dth <= pi
dth -= 2*pi
assert dth <= 0.0 and dth >= -pi
xnow, ynow = self.__arc(li, xnow, ynow, pendown, xc, yc, r, th, dth)
return xnow, ynow
def __skipNext(self, it, itb):
"Skips next (compound) command."
byte = itb.next()
d = (byte >> 4) & 15
byte &= 15
if d > 0: return
if byte in (0,1,2,5,6,14): return
if byte in (3,4,7,10): itb.next(); return
if byte == 8: itb.next(); itb.next(); return
if byte == 99:
while True:
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next()
if x == 0 and y == 0: return
elif byte == 11:
for i in xrange(5): itb.next()
elif byte == 12:
for i in xrange(3): itb.next()
elif byte == 13:
while True:
x = itb.next(); y = itb.next()
if x == 0 and y == 0: break
it.prer("%d: illegal special command." % byte); return None
def __resolveSubshapes(self, it):
"A all subshape definitions."
for tries in xrange(10):
allresolved = True
for shp in self.__shape.itervalues():
if shp.resolved: continue
if not self.thanConvert1(it, shp): return False
if not shp.resolved: allresolved = False
if allresolved: return True
it.prer("Subshapes nested too deeply.")
return False
def toThanCad(self):
"Transforms the shape collection to a ThanCad line font."
lines = {}
# imiss = 63
# if imiss not in self.__shape:
# self.__shape[imiss] = shp = Struct()
# shp.ord = imiss; shp.name = "?"; shp.bytes = []
# shp.lines = [[2,0]]; shp.resolved = True
# for i1 in xrange(256):
# if i1 not in self.__shape: lines[i1] = imiss; continue
# lines[i1] = self.__shape[i1].lines
for i1,shp in self.__shape.iteritems():
lines[i1] = self.__shape[i1].lines
thanFonts[self.fontname] = ThanFontLine(self.fontname, (0,0), (6,self.above), (0,-self.below),
True, lines)
def info(self):
"Prints info of the shape file."
print "Font:", self.fontname
for a in "above below modes".split():
print " ", a, ":", getattr(self, a)
import codecs, unicodedata
# unu = codecs.getencoder("iso-8859-1")
iss = self.__shape.keys()
for i in iss:
shp = self.__shape[i]
# t = unu(unichr(i))
t = unicodedata.name(unichr(i), "<none>")
print "ord=%d shape_name=%s unicode_name=%s" % (i, shp.name, t)
print " Bytes (with subshapes resolved):"
for i in xrange(0, len(shp.bytes), 18):
b1 = shp.bytes[i:i+18]
print " ", (len(b1)*"%3d,") % tuple(b1)
print " Deciphered bytes (with subshapes resolved):"
for b1 in shp.decipher: print " ", b1,
print " Generated lines:"
for li in shp.lines:
print " ", li
def test():
"Tests the module with txt.shp."
fs = "Xgothicen"
fs = "txt gdt greeks arfor arford leroy mleroy complex dim grekcomp "\
"monotxt simplex times timesout italic italian russell"
fs = fs.split()[-1]
for fn in fs.split():
shp = ThanCadShapefile()
if shp.thanRead(file("/home/a12/work/tcadtree.25/thanfonts/"+fn+".shp")):
# shp.info()
else: sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": test()