# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines base class for ThanCad fonts made by straight lines.
from types import *
from math import pi,cos,sin
import copy
class ThanFont:
"Base class for all ThanCad fonts - well perhaps not all."
thanImiss = 63
def __init__(self, name):
"Initialisation: just sets the name."
self.thanName = name
class ThanFontLine(ThanFont):
"Font class made by straight lines with no width, no fill."
thanHnorm = 1000.0
def __init__(self, name, A, B, C, proportional, dilines):
o--------o B All capital characters and most small ones fit into
| | the AB rectangle. Some small characters as p,q,j
h | | use the AC rectangle.
| | The insertion point of the character is point A.
| b | The local coordinates of points A, B, C must be defined.
A o--------o It is assumed that xA == xC.
| | If proportional is True, then the last line of each character,
| | h1 (which is not really a line), defines one and only one point,
C o--------o which will be the origin of the next character.
Note that proportional fonts (which define the above last point)
can be also used as fixed-size, since lines with one point are
ThanFont.__init__(self, name)
self.thanABC = tuple(A), tuple(B), tuple(C) # Dimensions of a rectangle
self.thanProp = proportional
self.thanDilines = dilines
self.thanVert = False
# self.thanObliqueMake(30)
# self.thanVerticalMake()
def thanCopy(self):
"Make a distinct copy of self."
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def thanCopypartial(self, keep):
"Make a distinct copy of self, copying only certain characters."
sty = copy.copy(self)
dil = self.thanDilines; dilnew = {}; cop = copy.deepcopy
for c in keep+chr(self.thanImiss):
i = ord(c)
try: dilnew[i] = cop(dil[i])
except KeyError: pass
sty.thanDilines = dilnew
return sty
def thanExportTxt(self, fw):
"Export the font coordinates to a text file."
fw.write("%s\n" % self.thanName)
fw.write("%s\n" % (("fixed", "proportional")[self.thanProp],))
tfont = self.thanDilines
linesdef = tfont[self.thanImiss]
for i in xrange(256): # Loop of all the characters
fw.write("%d\n" % i)
lines = tfont.get(i, linesdef)
for pl in lines: # Loop of all polylines of a char
for (xx, yy) in pl: fw.write("%15.3f%15.3f\n" % (xx, yy))
def thanTkPaint(self, tk, xz, yz, h, a, theta, tags):
"Draws text using ThanCad's line fonts."
assert h >= 1, "Text height must be > 1 pixel"
c = cos(theta); s = sin(theta)
scale = h / self.thanHnorm; bx = scale * c; by = scale * s
if self.thanVert:
hx2 = 1.2*(0*bx - (-self.thanHnorm*by)); hy2 = 1.2*(-0*by - (-self.thanHnorm*bx))
hx2 = self.thanBnorm*bx - 0*by; hy2 = -self.thanBnorm*by - 0*bx
#-------Transform the coordinates
tfont = self.thanDilines
linesdef = tfont[self.thanImiss]
dc = tk.dc; col = tk.outline
for c in a: # Loop over all the characters in text
try: lines = tfont[ord(c)]
except KeyError: lines = linesdef
for pl in lines: # Loop over all polylines of a char
plr = [ (xz+xx*bx-yy*by, yz-(xx*by+yy*bx)) for (xx, yy) in pl ]
if len(plr) > 1: dc.create_line(plr, fill=col, tags=tags)
if self.thanProp: xz, yz = plr[0] # Next character position is defined within current char
else: xz += hx2; yz += hy2 # Advance to next fixed character position
def than2lines(self, xz, yz, h, a, theta, mirrory=False):
"Returns the text as a list of lines (again lists)."
c = cos(theta); s = sin(theta)
scale = h / self.thanHnorm; bx = scale * c; by = scale * s
if self.thanVert:
hx2 = 1.2*(0*bx - (-self.thanHnorm*by)); hy2 = 1.2*(-0*by - (-self.thanHnorm*bx))
hx2 = self.thanBnorm*bx - 0*by; hy2 = -self.thanBnorm*by - 0*bx
#-------Transform the coordinates
tfont = self.thanDilines
linesdef = tfont[self.thanImiss]
rlines = []
print "than2lines: a=", a
for c in a: # Loop of all the characters in text
print "than2lines: c=", c
try: lines = tfont[ord(c)]
except KeyError: lines = linesdef
for pl in lines: # Loop over all polylines of a char
print "than2lines: pl=", pl
if mirrory:
plr = [ (xz+xx*bx-yy*by, yz+(xx*by+yy*bx)) for (xx, yy) in pl ]
plr = [ (xz+xx*bx-yy*by, yz-(xx*by+yy*bx)) for (xx, yy) in pl ]
if self.thanProp: xz, yz = plr[0] # Next character position is defined within current char
else: xz += hx2; yz += hy2 # Advance to next fixed character position
return rlines
def thanCalcSizexy(self, tk, h):
"Returns the dimensions of the rectangle that the text occupies."
scale = h / self.thanHnorm
if self.thanVert: return self.thanBnorm*scale, len(tk)*1.2*h # In case of vertical plotting, it is fixed sized
if not self.thanProp: return len(tk)*self.thanBnorm*scale, h # Fixed size
tfont = self.thanDilines
linesdef = tfont[self.thanImiss]
xz = 0.0
for c in a: # Loop of all the characters in text
try: lines = tfont[ord(c)]
except KeyError: lines = linesdef
pl = lines[-1]
xz += pl[0][0]*scale # Next character position is defined within current char
return xz, h
def thanPilPaint(self, tk, xz, yz, h, a, theta):
"Draws text using ThanCad's line fonts."
assert h >= 1, "Text height must be > 1 pixel"
c = cos(theta); s = sin(theta)
scale = h / self.thanHnorm; bx = scale * c; by = scale * s
if self.thanVert:
hx2 = 1.2*(0*bx - (-self.thanHnorm*by)); hy2 = 1.2*(-0*by - (-self.thanHnorm*bx))
hx2 = self.thanBnorm*bx - 0*by; hy2 = -self.thanBnorm*by - 0*bx
#-------Transform the coordinates
tfont = self.thanDilines
linesdef = tfont[self.thanImiss]
dc = tk.dc; col = tk.outline; wid = tk.widthline
print "thanPilPaint: a=", a
for c in a: # Loop of all the characters in text
try: lines = tfont[ord(c)]
except KeyError: lines = linesdef
for pl in lines: # Loop of all polylines of a char
plr = [ (xz+xx*bx-yy*by, yz-(xx*by+yy*bx)) for (xx, yy) in pl ]
if len(plr) > 1: dc.line(plr, fill=col, width=wid)
if self.thanProp: xz, yz = plr[0] # Next character position is defined within current char
else: xz += hx2; yz += hy2 # Advance to next fixed character position
def thanMakepairs(self):
"Makes the list of coordinates as list of tuples and normalises coordinates."
xor, yor = self.thanABC[0]
scale = self.thanHnorm / (self.thanABC[1][1] - yor)
self.thanBnorm = (self.thanABC[1][0] - xor) * scale
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
if type(lines) == IntType: continue
for li in lines:
if len(li) < 1: continue
c = li[0]
try: c[0]; c[1]
except: li[:] = [((li[i]-xor)*scale, (li[i+1]-yor)*scale) for i in xrange(0, len(li), 2)]
else: li[:] = [((x-xor)*scale, (y-yor)*scale) for x,y in li]
self.thanDilines.setdefault(self.thanImiss, [(self.thanBnorm*0.5, 0.0)] )
for i in xrange(10): # De-index font
again = False
for key,lines in self.thanDilines.iteritems():
if type(lines) != IntType: continue
self.thanDilines[key] = self.thanDilines[lines] # Note that this does NOT waste memory
again = True
if not again: return
raise ValueError, "font %s: key indexing too nested or circular!!" % self.thanName
def thanWidthScale(self, scale):
"Scale only x coordinates by f."
assert scale > 0.0
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
lines[:] = [ [(x*scale, y) for x,y in li] for li in lines]
self.thanBnorm *= scale
def thanObliqueMake(self, phi):
"Make the font oblique; rotate only y coordinate; affects only x coordinate."
assert -90 < phi < 90
phi = phi * pi / 180; c = cos(phi); s = sin(phi)
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
lines[:] = [ [(x + y*s, y) for x,y in li] for li in lines]
def thanUpsidedownMake(self):
"Makes the font upside down; essentialy the letters are mirrored."
h = self.thanHnorm
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
lines[:-1] = [ [(x, h-y) for x,y in li] for li in lines[:-1]]
def thanBackwardsMake(self):
"Makes the font look backwards; essentialy the letters are mirrored."
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
if self.thanProp: b = lines[-1][0][0]
else: b = self.thanBnorm
lines[:-1] = [ [(b-x, y) for x,y in li] for li in lines[:-1]]
def thanVerticalMake(self):
"Makes the font look backwards; essentialy the letters are mirrored."
for lines in self.thanDilines.itervalues():
if self.thanProp: b = lines[-1][0][0]*0.5
else: b = self.thanBnorm*0.5
h = self.thanHnorm
lines[:-1] = [ [(x-b, y-h) for x,y in li] for li in lines[:-1]]
self.thanProp = False # Next character position defined within current char, is invalid
self.thanVert = True
thanFonts = {}