# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module implements symbols for point elements.
from types import *
from math import pi,cos,sin
from Tkinter import ARC,PIESLICE
from p_ggen import frangec
from thanfont import thanFonts
class ThanSymbol:
"Symbol as a union of lines, arcs, and (filled) polygons and circles."
def __init__(self, lines=(), arcs=(), polygons=(), circles=()):
"Initialise symbol."
self.lines = lines
self.arcs = arcs
self.polygons = polygons
self.circles = circles
def thanTkDraw(self, dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
"Plots the symbol to canvas dc."
for xc, yc, rc in self.circles:
xc, yc = (x+xc*r, y-yc*r)
rc *= r
dc.create_arc(xc-rc, yc+rc, xc+rc, yc-rc, start=0.0, extent=359.99999,
style=PIESLICE, outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
for pol in self.polygons:
pol1 = [ (x+x1*r,y-y1*r) for (x1,y1) in pol ]
dc.create_polygon(pol1, outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
for lin in self.lines:
lin1 = [ (x+x1*r,y-y1*r) for (x1,y1) in lin ]
dc.create_line(lin1, fill=color, tags=tags)
for xc, yc, rc, th1, dth in self.arcs:
xc, yc = (x+xc*r, y-yc*r)
rc *= r
dc.create_arc(xc-rc, yc+rc, x+rc, yc-rc, start=th1, extent=dth,
style=ARC, outline=color, tags=tags)
def __pcircle(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
dc.create_arc(x-r, y+r, x+r, y-r, start=90.0, extent=359.99999,
style=PIESLICE, outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
def __pelips(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
dc.create_arc(x-r*0.5, y+r, x+r*0.5, y-r, start=0.0, extent=359.99999,
style=ARC, outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
def __pcross(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
dc.create_line(x-r, y, x+r, y, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x, y-r, x, y+r, fill=color, tags=tags)
def __pchi(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
dc.create_line(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x-r, y+r, x+r, y-r, fill=color, tags=tags)
def __pstar(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
r1 = r * 0.5
r2 = r * 0.866025
dc.create_line(x-r, y, x+r, y, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x-r1, y-r2, x+r1, y+r2, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x+r1, y-r2, x-r1, y+r2, fill=color, tags=tags)
def __psquare(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
dc.create_rectangle(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
def __ptriangle(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
r1 = r * 0.5
r2 = r * 0.866025
dc.create_polygon((x-r2, y-r1), (x+r2, y-r1), (x, y+r),
outline=color, fill=fill, tags=tags)
def __ptristar(dc, x, y, r, color, fill, tags):
r *= 0.5
r1 = r * 0.5
r2 = r * 0.866025
dc.create_line(x, y, x-r2, y-r1, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x, y, x+r2, y-r1, fill=color, tags=tags)
dc.create_line(x, y, x, y+r, fill=color, tags=tags)
def __makeGkiPolygons():
"Makes closed polygons that define a gki symbol."
arcs = \
( (0.222848317821, 1.01686467438, 0.223485547626, 184.327770235, 77.6276069692),
(0.349976329745, 0.677276574707, 0.197704310589, 143.246225278, 88.7097788553),
(0.329754401419, 0.302354397263, 0.24162877519, 114.869214539, 111.80752797),
(0.130835855511, 0.0, 0.130835855511, 75.3302899249, 104.669710075)
thetas = (-30, 30)
circles = \
( ( 0.0290118827145, -0.57549661631, 0.0421495479065),
( 0.0342838155587, -0.475388711295, 0.0424872084551),
(-0.0659000920923, -0.517540243737, 0.0542542738795)
#---Vertices of a side of a gki
ps = [ ]
for xc, yc, r, th1, dth in arcs:
# if len(ps) > 0: del ps[-1]
for d in frangec(0, dth, 15):
th = (th1 + d)*pi/180
ps.append( (xc+r*cos(th), yc+r*sin(th)) )
#---Mirror and combine it in one closed polyline
ps1 = [ (-x, y) for (x,y) in ps ]
# ps.extend(ps1[1:-1])
#---Make 2 gkis one in 60 degs, and one in 120 degs (center is at half height)
pols = [ ]
dy = cos(thetas[0]*pi/180) * 0.5
for th in thetas:
th *= pi/180
cost = cos(th)
sint = sin(th)
ps1 = [(x*cost+y*sint, -x*sint+y*cost-dy) for (x,y) in ps]
#---Add 3 circles as polygons
for xc, yc, r in circles:
th1 = 0.0
ps = [ ]
for d in frangec(0, 360, 30):
th = (th1 + d)*pi/180
ps.append( (xc+r*cos(th), yc+r*sin(th)) )
# lines, arcs, polygons, circles
return (), (), pols, ()
def __makeChristarPolygons():
"Makes closed polygons that define a christmas star symbol."
x = y = th = 0.0
ps = [ ]
for i in xrange(10):
r1 = 0.5
if i%2 == 1: r1 *= 0.5
ps.append((x + r1*cos(th), y + r1*sin(th)))
th += pi*0.2
# lines, arcs, polygons, circles
return (), (), [ps], ()
def __makeSnowmanElements():
"Makes lines, arcs, circles that define a snowman symbol."
lines = \
( ( (-0.0189626789414, 0.199965180047),
( 0.0, 0.265563500509),
( 0.0189626789414, 0.199965180047),
(-0.0189626789414, 0.199965180047)
( (0.0590550194723, -0.322883456424),
(0.0715457094757, -0.32749602802),
(0.336270290023, 0.310781822038),
(0.323980572993, 0.315878959884),
(0.0590550194723, -0.322883456424)
( (0.0617202678855, 0.354056652178),
(0.100675240199, 0.394207551991)
( (-0.0424067464585, 0.362672467148),
(-0.0677976767568, 0.458311768776)
( (0.0418739093037, 0.416581553291),
(0.0217379054198, 0.368031602843)
( (-0.0166819610713, 0.368797824059),
(-0.015565585404, 0.438437373723)
( (0.0891402938775, 0.333836586804),
(0.15661957792, 0.372920641204)
( (0.330125431508, 0.313330390961),
(0.504984450697, 0.414608872429)
( (0.330125431508, 0.313330390961),
(0.332799287373, 0.480125604948)
( (0.330125431508, 0.313330390961),
(0.28056719602, 0.5)
( (0.330125431508, 0.313330390961),
(0.449040112977, 0.435895783215)
( (0.390238782081, 0.458269784515),
(0.330125431508, 0.313330390961)
arcs = \
( (0, 0.255373500718, 0.0986960714185, 232.136353606, 75.727292788),
circles = \
( ( 0, 0.241657125163, 0.128230437654),
( 0, -0.193286656246, 0.306713343754),
( 0, -0.00455206381752, 0.0225269688075),
( 0, -0.236557067951, 0.0225269688075),
( 0, -0.118814386282, 0.0225269688075),
(-0.0571838436366, 0.288090469316, 0.0225269688075),
( 0.0554510004007, 0.288090469316, 0.0225269688075),
# lines, arcs, polygons, circles
return lines, arcs, (), circles
def __addFontAsSymbols(tfont, points):
"Import ThanCad's font as symbols."
for key in tfont.thanDilines:
lines = tfont.thanDilines[key]
if type(lines) == IntType: lines = tfont.thanDilines[lines]
lines1 = [ ]
for lin in lines:
lin1 = [ ((x-2.5)/7.0, (y-3.5)/7.0) for (x, y) in lin ]
points[chr(key)] = ThanSymbol(lines=lines1).thanTkDraw
#print "gki:", gki
#print "Christar:", christar
#print "snowman:", snowman
__gki = ThanSymbol(*__makeGkiPolygons())
__christar = ThanSymbol(*__makeChristarPolygons())
__snowman = ThanSymbol(*__makeSnowmanElements())
thanPoints = { "circle" : __pcircle,
"elips" : __pelips,
"cross" : __pcross,
"chi" : __pchi,
"star" : __pstar,
"square" : __psquare,
"triangle" : __ptriangle,
"tristar" : __ptristar,
"gki" : __gki.thanTkDraw,
"christar" : __christar.thanTkDraw,
"snowman" : __snowman.thanTkDraw
__addFontAsSymbols(thanFonts["thanprime1"], thanPoints)
if __name__== "__main__":
print __doc__